• yesterday
Incredible Northern Vets S01 E07


00:00I'm so glad you're back. I missed you.
00:03We are in Isle La Crosse doing a spay neuter clinic.
00:06We have too many puppies in our village.
00:08Way too many dogs.
00:10We have a hawk in today.
00:11We don't know what happened with her wing.
00:14I'd like to take an x-ray.
00:16If it's quite badly broken, euthanasia is the kindest thing.
00:20Bijou seems to be in quite a bit of pain.
00:22This isn't good.
00:23She's not doing well.
00:24And the question now is, do we do surgery or not?
00:27She is my heart for sure.
00:29Love you.
00:31Across the country…
00:32Be nice.
00:33…Indigenous vets are using their knowledge and skills…
00:36Good little baby.
00:37…to help the animals we love stay happy and healthy.
00:52Come on. Let's go.
00:56Come on.
00:58I brought Slim in today.
01:00He's a Silver Lab.
01:02We've had him since he's been 8 to 10 weeks old.
01:05And he's almost 11.
01:07Good boy.
01:08Slim means unconditional love to me.
01:11He loves to snuggle and give kisses.
01:14He's always there for you.
01:18Oh boy.
01:19Careful he doesn't take your hands off.
01:22Alright buddy, come on over.
01:25Slim is a regular patient of mine.
01:29He has a back injury from overdoing it, let's say, as a lab.
01:34Do you need Lexi to hold you?
01:37So Slim has a history of some back issues.
01:41Yes, he was x-rayed with some spine degeneration.
01:47So he has age-related chronic pain that I just can't help by writing prescriptions.
01:53And so he comes routinely for acupuncture treatment.
01:58I sustained a pretty significant back injury quite a few years ago.
02:02And after weeks of rest and medication, my back pain was still really bad.
02:08You're okay big guy.
02:10But within a week of acupuncture, my pain had improved dramatically and my mobility as well.
02:16So these needles here are trying to treat a bit more of the focal area where his back lesions are.
02:24Western medicine works to treat many things, but there's also a benefit to Eastern medicine as well.
02:31Does he get needles in his feet?
02:35Well, I try.
02:37But he hates it.
02:39He has a limit, and let me tell you.
02:42He lets you know if you get near his feet.
02:46And so then I started to reflect on how maybe this would benefit some of my patients that have chronic pain.
02:52And I can almost tell when he needs it again.
02:54Like once in a while he'll yelp when he moves fast.
02:59With acupuncture, it's definitely given a lot of my patients a new lease on life, extended their life, and improved the quality of their life.
03:09This will be the last needle for him.
03:11Stay, buddy. You're okay.
03:14How long do they stay in?
03:16They usually stay in 10 minutes.
03:19We're just trying to help him feel good, and we'd like to keep him comfortable and keep him as long as possible.
03:25He's trying to eat the lick mat.
03:28You are definitely a character when it comes to food.
03:32I'm Dr. Steven.
03:33Oh, wonderful.
03:35Very compassionate.
03:37Be nice.
03:39Good boy.
03:40Very thankful to have her.
03:42All right, buddy. You're done. It's all over, Red Rover.
03:46Yeah, you're welcome.
03:54I hear we have a hawk in today.
03:55Yes, we have a sharp-shinned hawk. It's an adult female.
04:00Living Sky is a wildlife rescue slash rehabilitation center.
04:05We work fairly closely with them, offering them a space that they can bring in some of these wild animals
04:12so that we can examine them and just see how they're doing.
04:16So he does have a tail guard on.
04:19To prevent any feather breakage.
04:22A finder brought it into us and said, hey, I found this hawk. It's not flying.
04:27But we don't really know what happened with her wing.
04:32Once you feel comfortable holding, I can grab his feet.
04:37Raptors, they're one of my favorite things to work with. They're so interesting, so majestic.
04:43I know. You're doing great.
04:45She may have broken her radius and ulna, which is kind of this part of the arm.
04:51It potentially could be quite serious.
04:54Ideally, I'd like to take an x-ray.
04:58Depending on what we see on our x-ray, if it's quite badly broken and rehabilitation might not be an option,
05:06then euthanasia is the kindest thing we can do for it.
05:09I'm just, yeah, just like that.
05:12Once we put a little cloth over her face just to help take away some of that visual stimulation,
05:17she was as calm as a hawk can be on an x-ray table.
05:25Fingers crossed it's not broken or broken in a good place so it can heal.
05:31There is a fracture at the level of the wrist here, but it looks like that it's still in line.
05:38It is a small fracture.
05:40I have high hopes for the hawk that she will be able to heal that up on her own,
05:45especially because the bone is beautiful in its placement.
05:49We're going to recommend rest, continue on with the pain medication, and then we'll just see how she does.
05:56Thank you so much.
05:57No worries.
05:58When she was hopeful that it could heal and we want to give it time,
06:02that made me really happy that the hawk will be able to be released one day.
06:07Thank you for calling New Jack Valley Animal Health. How can I help you?
06:11I'm heading out.
06:14One of the great things about this practice is that we are really a great team together.
06:19If you have any questions, give me a call.
06:21We can really rely on each other and lean on each other.
06:24Have a good day.
06:34We can really rely on each other. Have a good day.
06:37All right.
06:39Dr. Steven left. She had to get going to a meeting.
06:41So she left me in charge today.
06:46Can you sit?
06:48Good girl.
06:49Kaitlyn has been with me for 10 years.
06:51She is extremely knowledgeable.
06:53She is my ride and die.
06:55And she's good to go.
07:03Bijou came in.
07:05The owner had noted that the dog had some blood in its urine.
07:09This isn't good.
07:11Poor thing.
07:14I call her my rainbow puppy because my original Shih Tzu died in a house fire.
07:19And she's what has kept me together.
07:22And now I have to try and hold her together.
07:25She pees as soon as I touch her abdomen.
07:28And then when I palpate her bladder, I can feel that it's crunchy.
07:32Which usually is a red flag.
07:35So I think we should take an x-ray.
07:37Put her on her right side.
07:41That's better.
07:48Hold tight.
07:54The x-rays are pretty shocking.
07:58So we'll have Dr. Steven have a look at that.
08:07I'm just calling Dr. Steven to have her have a look at these radiographs.
08:13Dr. Steven left me in charge of the last appointment today.
08:17You're okay, Bijou.
08:18Bijou's owner had noted that the dog had some blood in its urine.
08:22And the x-rays are a little bit shocking.
08:25Some stones in her bladder.
08:27Quite a few.
08:30So here's her lateral.
08:33Yeah, okay.
08:34Well, those are pretty bad.
08:37There is a family of stones.
08:40These rocks of minerals that have formed in that poor little dog's bladder.
08:46They're so large.
08:48Those are giant.
08:50The stones have grown to such a size that the bladder just doesn't have anywhere more to go.
08:54The kidneys want to produce urine, but there's nowhere to store it, so then it backs up.
08:59Stones that are that size need to come out.
09:02She needs to be scheduled for surgery.
09:05She must be so painful.
09:08And she's not going to get better if we don't remove those stones.
09:12So, these are her bladder x-rays.
09:16One, two, three, four, five, maybe six.
09:20Those are all bladder stones.
09:22We're going to start her on antibiotics.
09:25Pain medication.
09:26And then we're going to have to take her to surgery to get rid of those.
09:31This sounds like something we can do something about.
09:33Well, thank you so much.
09:34Yeah, have a good night.
09:36She will have to have the surgery, but she's worth it.
09:40Come on.
09:41Bijou is everything.
09:52We are in Isle La Crosse.
09:54Come on.
09:55It is a Métis and Cree community located in northern Saskatchewan.
10:00Hi, Colleen. It's Jordan calling from the vet clinic at the school.
10:02How are you?
10:03This clinic is an opportunity for Isle La Crosse to have access to on-site veterinary care.
10:11The closest clinic is about two hours away,
10:13and so it's very difficult for people to get their pets fed, to have their vaccines.
10:17Right now, in some of our northern communities, we're having an outbreak of carbovirus,
10:20and when we don't have vaccination, a lot of animals can die.
10:24So, this is a great opportunity for us to get in here and make that care accessible.
10:30We'll open up a new tin of baby food just for you, Brutus.
10:34Good girl.
10:36Only here for two days, and so we want to make sure that we can see as many patients as we can.
10:41One, two, three.
10:43We know that it's going to be pretty fast-paced and crazy.
10:47Like that?
10:54Let's go, my dog.
10:57I'm Cree, and I'm from Isle La Crosse.
11:01And it's called Sac-Pas.
11:02And it's a place where you can have a lot of fun,
11:04and it's a place where you can have a lot of fun,
11:06and it's a place where you can have a lot of fun,
11:08and I'm from Isle La Crosse.
11:10And it's called Sac-Tah-Sa-Gah-Hee-Gun.
11:13And it's a meeting of rivers.
11:16I have another location that I live,
11:19and it took me an hour and a half to get here by boat
11:22to come and bring my dog, Dora.
11:26Are you ready, Dora?
11:28Because I really don't want to have any more puppies.
11:31We have too many puppies in our village.
11:34Way too many dogs.
11:36Good girl.
11:39She's raised her own children,
11:41so she's very, very, very kind.
11:43She's looking good for surgery.
11:45And she knows she's pretty.
11:50We are about to spay Dora.
11:53Are you cutting, or am I going to be cutting?
11:55You're cutting.
11:56So we do have some fourth-year vet students here with us.
12:01Do your best to stay on linea.
12:02It should be a little bit crunchy.
12:04They're learning about the culture here in Isle La Crosse,
12:06and they also get to kind of take main surgeon role
12:10during the surgeries up here, which is awesome.
12:12Just always be mindful because there can be big, sneaky blood vessels.
12:16Yep, you got it.
12:17I haven't been to a clinic like this before,
12:20and I was definitely nervous at the beginning going into things.
12:23Yeah. There you go. See?
12:27You're doing great.
12:28But if you have a really good mentor,
12:30you just build on your confidence and your overall skill set.
12:36All right. One down.
12:38I love seeing them be maybe a little bit unsure or hesitant at the start,
12:41and just seeing them by the end feeling that much more confident in themselves.
12:46Okay, awesome. Good job.
12:50Coming to the end of the day here, and things went awesome today.
12:53We were at capacity.
12:55Pretty girl, come on.
12:57But there's more work for us to do,
12:58so tomorrow we have more surgery patients coming in.
13:01I'm exhausted, but I'm feeling awesome.
13:04We just have a whole bunch of animals
13:06who aren't going to make a bunch of puppies and kittens.
13:08All of them have been vaccinated,
13:10and so rabies, distemper, parvo, like real serious diseases,
13:13we've put at a lower risk in this community because of that,
13:16which is just awesome.
13:18Okay. See you guys tomorrow.
13:34Bijou has bladder stones,
13:36so she's here today for surgery to remove those.
13:39I think she's gone downhill a little bit.
13:41It seems to be in quite a bit of pain.
13:44If we don't go ahead with the surgery,
13:46the bladder stones are definitely going to shorten the dog's life.
13:50She cried most of the night, and it's getting quite wobbly.
13:54In the last week, she's really withdrawn,
13:57stopped paying attention to what's going on around her.
14:00She hasn't eaten anything solid for four weeks.
14:04Not drinking a lot.
14:06I feel fear, anxiety.
14:09I love you.
14:11She's going into this less prepared than I'd like her to be, but...
14:20Why are you so cold?
14:22This dog is real cold.
14:25Bijou presented today with a low body temperature
14:28and a history of not eating for the past few days,
14:31and that, to me, is quite concerning.
14:36Your bladder sore?
14:39You're pretty tacky.
14:41She's quite dehydrated, for sure.
14:43She's not doing well.
14:45And the question now is, do we do surgery or not?
14:48Because putting her under an anesthetic is the concern
14:51with her in the condition that she's currently in.
14:54Let's get a catheter in her, and let's get her on fluids.
14:59She's going to need to be rehydrated, and we need to warm her up.
15:03I'm going to give the owner a phone call and update her.
15:06Hey, Allison. It's Dr. Corey. How are you?
15:12Okay, good.
15:14We have her on IV fluids, and we're going to try and get her temperature up.
15:18I don't know whether she's giving up or whether maybe she's been in too much pain.
15:23We'll take her to surgery this afternoon if she starts to normalize.
15:29If it was to be a bad outcome, it would be a void I couldn't fill, I'm sure.
15:36We'll talk to you in a couple hours.
15:38Okay, bye-bye.
15:39She's a surgical risk right now, but at this point,
15:42she's not going to get better if we don't remove those stones.
15:45Bejew is not doing well, but she's not going to get better if we don't remove those stones.
15:53Her temp is up to 37 and a half.
15:56She's still not 100%, but her vital signs have improved.
16:00Are you going to be okay with that?
16:04Okay, at this point, the plan is to go ahead with surgery.
16:08We're going to take her to the OR.
16:11Okay, at this point, the plan is to go ahead with surgery.
16:15From the looks of those stones and that bladder, they need to go.
16:18Okay, come on.
16:22It's going to have to be a surgical risk we're going to take.
16:26We just need to get this done.
16:28Okay, here we go.
16:30All right, sweetheart.
16:32Let's get your bladder out of here.
16:36Look how angry that is.
16:39Yeah, I don't love that.
16:41The bladder wall, because it's so angry and it's been so chronic, it's been a long time,
16:46the worry is that the tissue is just going to fall apart.
16:50Hopefully, that doesn't happen.
16:53Oh, I'm just sweating under here.
16:55Me too.
17:03That's the stones.
17:04That's the stones.
17:06It's a struggle to get the first one when they're that large.
17:13They're giant. They're chestnuts.
17:15Oh, your bladder's going to feel so much better.
17:18It probably already does.
17:19Oh, I can't even imagine.
17:23Okey dokey.
17:25Good little puppy. I sure hope you feel better.
17:28Me too.
17:30She's done.
17:31She's done.
17:34So I guesstimated six on an x-ray and that's what we removed.
17:39We'll use the x-ray to confirm that there's nothing left.
17:44Oh, so good you are.
17:47Oh, she's ready to leave.
17:52Are you tired?
17:53I'm exhausted.
17:54Are you?
17:57Not going to cry anymore.
17:58Oh, I think it was extremely emotional.
18:01The owner feels worried.
18:03Is she going to make it?
18:05Who's here?
18:07Look it, it's your mom.
18:09Hi, sweetie pie.
18:11Oh my goodness.
18:13You recognize me today.
18:17You want to come home?
18:20Bijou's done well.
18:21She ate treats for us just now.
18:23She ate a can of food today.
18:25We can breathe now.
18:26She is my heart for sure.
18:29I know I love you too.
18:33Some days it's goodbyes and sadness,
18:36and other days you get cases like Bijou and you get great outcomes,
18:40so we have to rejoice in that.
18:42All right, you guys get some rest.
18:45Yeah, I think we'll curl up together and do that.
18:57We are in Isle La Crosse, Saskatchewan,
19:01and it's the last day of the clinic.
19:03He gets freaked out, that's why.
19:05Especially with all the other cats, eh?
19:10I brought in my cat midnight to get neutered.
19:13He has white fur on his hands and they look like mittens.
19:17He likes to hiss.
19:19My last cat recently passed away,
19:22then I was sad for long until my mom got me a new cat.
19:26When I hold him at night, he makes me happy.
19:30I'll be back, my boys.
19:33It's really important to spay and neuter pets,
19:37especially cats who are going to be outside.
19:40You're doing great.
19:42You're going to make an amazing vet.
19:44You're going to be the best testicle plucker they've ever had.
19:47A single breeding pair of cats,
19:49if left unaltered and having a certain number of litters
19:52that is very capable of them,
19:53it can lead to thousands of kittens within their lifetime.
19:57You go for it, Danielle.
20:00Danielle's done a number of these by herself,
20:03and so she was really confident with that.
20:09Good job, Danielle.
20:11Now midnight is going to wake up,
20:13we're going to give him some pain medication,
20:15and he's going to go home and not be able to make any more babies.
20:18I'm so glad you're back.
20:20I missed you.
20:24Thank you, guys.
20:26Having Indigenous veterinary professionals like Allison,
20:29who's doing so well and is so accomplished and so capable,
20:32Oh, thank you.
20:34is incredibly important,
20:36because that means that the youth who are here,
20:38who come and watch what we're up to,
20:40see themselves in these professions.
20:42It's really important for us to make sure
20:43that the youth who are here, who come and watch what we're up to,
20:46see themselves in these professions,
20:48and that's really what we want to be able to do
20:50for our Northern and Indigenous communities.
20:52Hi, Dora.
20:54Good girl.
20:56We've completed all of our surgeries,
20:58and so all of our patients are ready to head home.
21:00She's in really good shape.
21:02She's a really healthy gal.
21:04She's going to heal up nice.
21:06We've done about 65 spays and neuters.
21:08Thank you very much.
21:12Dora is very important for me.
21:14Come on, Dora.
21:17Nice dog.
21:19Nice dog.
21:21It's okay.
21:23You're alright.
21:25I have wolves,
21:27big black bears,
21:29coyotes in front of my doorstep,
21:31and that's my alarm.
21:33And she'll awake me.
21:36Dora is just my sweet puppy,
21:38and she's a good friend.
21:39And she's a good friend.