• 7 hours ago
Unmasked 2025 S01 E12


00:00:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:00:30This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:01:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:01:30This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:02:00It's here! Toh! There it is! It's up! You see it?
00:02:30Soryong! Come on! Soryong! Soryong! Soryong!
00:02:50Miss Soryong! Miss Soryong!
00:03:04Where are you going? No! No! Don't do it! No!
00:03:07Do you need our help? Let's go!
00:03:09Come on, Kiho! Miss Soryong!
00:03:20No! No!
00:03:37Hey, Miss Soryong! Miss Soryong! You're alive!
00:03:42Hey! Come back!
00:03:45Miss Soryong! Over here! Over here!
00:03:48Oh, shit!
00:03:53Right here! Yeah!
00:03:56You don't see me?
00:04:00Over here!
00:04:04Get out of here!
00:04:11Got it! I'm on my way right now!
00:04:19You're telling me, Choji Man buys underage girls online, he murders them, and then dumps them in the reservoir?
00:04:26I think, given our findings, Virgin Slave is a website that sells underage girls to its VIP clients,
00:04:32and the assemblyman was looking at their products, which can only be viewed by members.
00:04:36So, open and shut case, might as well smuggle them in Hanju shipments, easy to hide.
00:04:42And these bastards own our nation's top newspaper? What a sick joke, Jesus.
00:04:47I mean, this is enough for an arrest warrant at the very least, don't you think?
00:04:52I don't know, should we wait and stand by while they run the tests to be safe?
00:04:56I just can't understand.
00:05:00How messed up does the Hanju family have to be for them to...
00:05:05I mean, this is worse than anything we'd imagined.
00:05:10Soryong, you okay there?
00:05:13Oh, seriously, man, we've been waiting over three hours, what's taking so long?
00:05:22Loony, hon, you were rude earlier.
00:05:27Well, Soryong, what was that?
00:05:31What was I supposed to say, Miss O or something?
00:05:34Could've tried, Miss O. Would've been shorter to say, at least.
00:05:39Wow, someone's in a good mood, huh? Why were you down there for so long?
00:05:47I thought I was a goner.
00:05:51I guess I passed out cold.
00:06:05But then I heard you.
00:06:10I heard you calling my name.
00:06:24My mom had this big scar on her ankle.
00:06:27Wait, why are you telling us this?
00:06:31When I was a little girl,
00:06:34she scolded me and I ran and hid in an alley.
00:06:40My mom tried so hard to find me,
00:06:44but I stayed put in that alleyway.
00:06:46I stayed put even when I saw her trip and cut her ankle.
00:06:53When I went to see my mom's body after she died,
00:06:57I saw the scar on her ankle where it always was.
00:07:08I'm sorry.
00:07:11I'm sorry.
00:07:14I'm sorry.
00:07:22I hate the burden of guilt.
00:07:27That's why I do this.
00:07:31I hear people ask,
00:07:34why are you so obsessed with the Cheosungwook case?
00:07:39It's because I knew if I ignored it,
00:07:42the guilt would eat away at me forever.
00:07:48I did suspect that
00:07:51digging deeper might reveal something.
00:07:54Something huge.
00:08:03I never would have imagined
00:08:06we'd find this down there.
00:08:11Miss Oh, look.
00:08:14What do we do? What are we going to do?
00:08:16Until the cops get here,
00:08:18we have to do what we can to protect the crime scene.
00:08:22Roll up the windows.
00:08:38Is there a problem, sir?
00:08:39I should be asking you that.
00:08:42Private property?
00:08:44Oh, it is.
00:08:45So this place belongs to...
00:08:48We didn't know. We had no idea.
00:08:51We didn't mean to stop here, actually.
00:08:54My wife's feeling a little carsick or something,
00:08:56so we were taking a break for her.
00:08:59We're taking a break.
00:09:02How are you, sweetie?
00:09:03Not good.
00:09:04Oh, my. She's not doing too well.
00:09:07Think you're pregnant?
00:09:09You think your sister's pregnant?
00:09:10Get going.
00:09:11Yep. We're leaving, sir.
00:09:12We're sorry. We're so sorry.
00:09:13What the hell?
00:09:14You suck at acting.
00:09:15My sister?
00:09:16You seriously thought that wouldn't work?
00:09:17What should I have said? She's your daughter?
00:09:18No. That would have been even weirder.
00:09:20What was I supposed to do?
00:09:21Lock the door.
00:09:22I need you to let me inspect your vehicle.
00:09:23Lock it. Lock it.
00:09:24Please open the door.
00:09:25Drive away. Drive away.
00:09:26Please open the door, sir.
00:09:27Let's drive.
00:09:29What the hell, man?
00:09:31Come on. We got to do it.
00:09:39Back up.
00:09:40Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:09:41What do we do? What do we do?
00:09:42There's water behind us.
00:09:43Back up, boy.
00:09:44We got to go around.
00:09:55Open up.
00:09:56Open the door now.
00:09:59Open the door.
00:10:00Get out of there.
00:10:01Open the door. Hurry up.
00:10:02What is wrong with you people?
00:10:04Do you have a warrant?
00:10:06What warrant?
00:10:07You did this all without a warrant.
00:10:08You scared the crap out of us, sir.
00:10:12You're lost.
00:10:15Because we have our own.
00:10:21God, we've been driving around in circles getting away from these thugs.
00:10:24What took you so long?
00:10:25Calm down. We're here.
00:10:26You see me? Over here.
00:10:27Tell them Major Primes is taking over.
00:10:29Keep clear. This is an active crime scene.
00:10:33More coming up.
00:10:34Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down.
00:10:37All right. Good.
00:10:38Good. Keep it steady.
00:10:39Slowly, slowly.
00:10:40Set it down there.
00:10:42How much more do we have?
00:10:44About five more.
00:10:45We'll keep at it.
00:10:46Call for backup if you need.
00:10:47Be thorough. Make sure you get everything.
00:10:49Understood, sir.
00:10:51Left. Left.
00:10:52They're securely underway.
00:10:54Securely underway.
00:10:55All right.
00:10:56All right. Good.
00:10:59Make sure the raft's still tight.
00:11:02Whoa, whoa. Careful.
00:11:08I can't even...
00:11:09How many are there?
00:11:10How long were all those bodies down there?
00:11:12I don't get how someone could do something so horrible.
00:11:15They're psychopaths.
00:11:16All right. Keep your eyes peeled.
00:11:18Will do, sir.
00:11:20So, time to find this Hunchoo guy.
00:11:22Take him into custody.
00:11:24Hey, Rookie.
00:11:25Yes, sir.
00:11:41We came with a warrant for search and seizure.
00:11:43You think you can block us? Huh?
00:11:45Get out of our way.
00:11:46Let me.
00:11:47All right.
00:11:49You folks need to stop this obstruction.
00:11:51Step aside.
00:11:56Come on.
00:12:10What's this about, huh?
00:12:11We recovered several dead bodies from a reservoir on your property.
00:12:15You're gonna have to come with us, Mr. Cho.
00:12:17You're wanted for questioning.
00:12:22Do you have any idea who I am?
00:12:23Mr. Cho Jin Man.
00:12:24Not what I meant.
00:12:27I cannot be arrested as a member of the National Assembly.
00:12:30That is my privilege, and I'll be using it.
00:12:33Article 44.
00:12:35No member of the Assembly shall be arrested or detained without the consent of the Assembly.
00:12:41Questioning, huh?
00:12:44Well, why don't you come back with an Assembly-approved warrant?
00:12:47Assemblyman, the privilege you're referring to technically applies only when Assembly's in session.
00:12:52The session doesn't start until September.
00:12:54It seems you aren't aware that a special session is set to convene on this very day.
00:13:01So if you'd like to arrest me, I suggest you follow the proper protocol
00:13:06and request a warrant for arrest that's approved by my peers.
00:13:10I doubt these findings will be reported to Parliament until tomorrow.
00:13:14The media's gonna catch wind of this, and once that happens,
00:13:18it's a matter of time before that warrant's out.
00:13:24I'm afraid getting that approval won't be as easy as you think.
00:13:27Why don't you, why don't you...
00:13:31Why don't you give it a try?
00:13:33Let's go.
00:13:49Our detectives will be staking out the area,
00:13:52and I'll dispatch the Forensics Service so they'll analyze the bodies right away.
00:13:56I'll be on guard at Forensics, like Cerberus, standing at the gates of the Underworld.
00:14:01And we'll prepare the episode.
00:14:27I told you to get rid of Wotso the only way you still could, didn't I?
00:14:30God fucking damn it. My father got you to where you are today,
00:14:33so you better do something about this.
00:14:36What the hell have you even been doing, huh?
00:14:39What were you doing while those nosy trigger pricks were digging around over there and starting all this shit?!
00:14:45How dare you put me through this kind of humiliation?!
00:14:48All of those things were the doings of your father,
00:14:51and you knew nothing about any of it, Assemblyman.
00:14:56You yourself were a victim of his abuse.
00:15:06My dad's not a man who lives alone!
00:15:12What the hell does he...
00:15:14Get a grip! Chairman Cho is dead!
00:15:18Listen carefully.
00:15:20This is the only way you and Hanju can get out of this intact.
00:15:24A single slip-up at this stage, and all that you've worked towards will crumble around you!
00:15:28For God's sake, just do exactly as I tell you and keep quiet!
00:15:51Hey, what are you doing here?
00:15:53So, uh, I've been told to bring over the results as soon as they're in.
00:15:56What? Says who?
00:15:58Apparently the chief of police called the captain in order to...
00:16:01That was quick.
00:16:03He also said to make sure the press doesn't catch wind of this.
00:16:09It's common knowledge, even among the higher-ups, that you and Oh So-Ryong are close.
00:16:14You think that's why I'm doing this?
00:16:16I'm only saying this because I'm worried about you.
00:16:19You know what happens when people go after Hanju.
00:16:21Something really bad's gonna happen to you if you hit your wagon to trigger.
00:16:24Think this through.
00:16:30Have the results come in?
00:16:34Nice work, Ms. Oh.
00:16:37Of the bones uncovered from the concrete, some of them belong to Korean women.
00:16:41They've been there a long time, and the rest were placed more recently.
00:16:45The bone analysis suggests they belong to teenagers 13 to 16 years old.
00:16:49Foreign teenagers.
00:16:53Sick perverts.
00:16:54Sick perverts.
00:16:56Ms. Oh.
00:16:58I'm giving you this document even though it could cost me my job.
00:17:08Yes, Ms. Oh.
00:17:12I'll check it out now.
00:17:18Huh? What the...
00:17:20Did you guys put this out?
00:17:22No way.
00:17:24HQ was actually requesting a press embargo.
00:17:26They didn't want this leaked.
00:17:28Who was the first to report on it?
00:17:47Won Jin-woo.
00:17:48Your Hanju reservoir article.
00:17:51Who was your source for that?
00:17:55What did he say?
00:17:58Koo Hyun-tae.
00:18:01The news department's preparing coverage on Cho Tae-soo's links to Virgin Slave for a follow-up piece.
00:18:07We'll be running a headline, a Cho Jin-man defensive strategy.
00:18:11The man who, despite being the victim of domestic abuse, held to his convictions, rising in the corporate ranks.
00:18:17And becoming a National Assembly member as well.
00:18:20The public loves this stuff, so why not?
00:18:23Corporations up to no good, plus the victims.
00:18:26You've already won, so it barely even matters.
00:18:29Right, sir.
00:18:34How long am I going to need to spoon-feed this spoiled brat?
00:18:37According to sources, Assemblyman Cho Jin-man was subjected to prolonged physical abuse from a young age by his father.
00:18:43Assemblyman Cho Jin-man.
00:18:44Assemblyman Cho Jin-man was subjected to prolonged physical abuse from a young age by his father.
00:18:49Assemblyman Cho has expressed his commitment to overcoming his tragic past,
00:18:53and dedicating himself to serving Korea as both a businessman and a politician.
00:19:45They didn't send you back?
00:19:47They didn't return you?
00:19:56That's wonderful.
00:20:15That's such a relief.
00:20:18I sent all those nosy meanies away.
00:20:22But then I started to get sad since I'm all alone.
00:20:30Are you hurt?
00:20:37Okay, let's play doctor.
00:20:42I can help.
00:20:46I'll give you a shot.
00:20:48Then you won't hurt.
00:20:56You, you do it first.
00:21:00You, you don't look well.
00:21:14Oh yeah?
00:21:24Let me see.
00:21:30Okay, here.
00:21:40Go ahead.
00:21:44Okay, here.
00:22:43He was trying to kill me.
00:23:14You smoke, don't you?
00:23:41That shit insane.
00:23:43What the hell?
00:23:45You really think you have the clout to bring me in?
00:23:48What the hell kind of evidence is that?
00:23:49Who the fuck cares what some stupid foreign kid said?
00:23:53A syringe?
00:24:02Listen, just tell him to fuck off and stop this however you can.
00:24:09Who cares about the public?
00:24:14The moment...
00:24:19The moment when the cops set one fucking foot in this house, that'll be it for you.
00:24:25Understand, chief?
00:24:28Excuse me?
00:24:31Oh well, I think that's something you need to find for yourself.
00:24:36I fed you this whole fucking time.
00:24:39I fed you till you had your fill!
00:24:41So you'd better do your miserable job, you fucking useless shitheads!
00:25:41Bring him out here!
00:25:42Bring him out here!
00:25:44This is a set up!
00:25:45Let him face justice!
00:25:51Stop it!
00:25:54Stop it, all of you, stop!
00:26:03I believe you!
00:26:04You're liars!
00:26:15I believe you!
00:26:16I believe you!
00:26:17We believe you!
00:26:18You're liars!
00:26:27Get him out of here!
00:26:28Thanks, Scott.
00:26:30Call him back!
00:26:31Call him back!
00:26:32Call him back!
00:26:33Get him out of here!
00:26:34Call him back!
00:26:35Call him back!
00:26:36Call him back!
00:26:37Call him back!
00:26:38Call him back!
00:26:45Fucking animals.
00:26:46How dare they in front of my own goddamn house.
00:26:56The guy imploded.
00:27:00Crazy how it ended up being that easy.
00:27:03I know what this means, though.
00:27:05President Gu must have cut him loose.
00:27:10That one guy threw Dookie, ugh.
00:27:23Miss O, President Gu wants to see you.
00:27:26President Gu?
00:27:27President Gu?
00:27:43It's been a while.
00:27:45May I ask what this is about?
00:27:46Some people start with hello.
00:27:50Obviously this is about the show.
00:27:52You're well aware I'm no longer with Trigger?
00:27:54Let's just be honest.
00:27:56We both know you're working the Cha Sung-wook story.
00:27:58The timing is ideal.
00:28:02I want you to return to your post and cover it.
00:28:07This is from 20 years ago, the Cho Hae-won interview.
00:28:10Feel free to use it on the show.
00:28:12I'm sure your ratings will skyrocket.
00:28:14It'll be historic.
00:28:21What are you trying to do?
00:28:22While Ku Hyung-tae, the producer who interviewed her,
00:28:25tried to get the episode to air with all his strength,
00:28:28he caved to external pressure.
00:28:31Make sure you emphasize that last part.
00:28:38embarrassingly shameless, even for you.
00:28:40You don't want it, then.
00:28:47What are they?
00:28:49Your terms?
00:28:50You learn pretty quick.
00:28:51I've always liked you, you know.
00:28:53I'll try to get to the point, then, so you can get to it.
00:28:57Yeah, please do.
00:29:04I'll make a confession.
00:29:07Without the president falling on his sword,
00:29:10it won't be a good ending.
00:29:12Added bonus as he ties into the story.
00:29:15So interview me.
00:29:16Are you really confessing?
00:29:20Or are you just...
00:29:22indulging yourself?
00:29:25When we were preparing the episode in secret,
00:29:28I had every intention of going up against them.
00:29:31But then,
00:29:32the detective who was investigating the case
00:29:34and had procured key evidence turned up dead.
00:29:38I thought I'd be next on the kill list.
00:29:42Tell me you wouldn't stay.
00:29:45tell me you wouldn't stand down.
00:29:48I would have aired the episode,
00:29:50no matter what.
00:29:55Fearless people such as yourself
00:29:58might not be able to understand.
00:30:00I didn't have the stomach to go all in.
00:30:03I am...
00:30:07I am but an ordinary man.
00:30:14We make decisions every second of our lives.
00:30:18We do what we think is right.
00:30:21Regardless of any consequences.
00:30:35You want to let him redeem himself?
00:30:44You want to put this blatant attempt at whitewashing his name on our show?
00:30:48It's the only option we have right now.
00:30:51That's not true.
00:30:54My dad died investigating Han Ju.
00:30:57Han Ju is not the only villain here.
00:30:58Everyone involved, from detectives who hid evidence,
00:31:01and to President Gu,
00:31:02they're all complicit in this.
00:31:04You're saying that giving the mic to them
00:31:06is the only choice we have right now?
00:31:08You're being irrational, Mr. Han.
00:31:10Have you forgotten the reason we're airing this?
00:31:13The truth behind the death of Cha Song Ok.
00:31:15The death of your father,
00:31:17covered up by the Han Ju group.
00:31:19Generations of murder and abuse.
00:31:21Our moral duty is to show the world this episode.
00:31:24President Gu's excuses may very well have an impact on...
00:31:26That bastard President Gu with Cho Jin Man's accomplice!
00:31:29And I'll destroy him by revealing who he is!
00:31:32I don't want to air his pathetic sob story on our show.
00:31:35I refuse to let him sugarcoat his crime
00:31:37so he can be brought down gently!
00:31:39And the tape?
00:31:40Cho Hye Won's interview.
00:31:41We throw it out?
00:31:43Are you suggesting we toss out all our findings?
00:31:45All the work we've done?
00:31:46That's what you want?
00:31:49We need this for the ratings.
00:31:52You know, the guy did say he'd resign.
00:31:56And his apology will help clear Trigger's name
00:31:58so we can cover this story.
00:31:59Okay, but that's not even the issue.
00:32:01President Gu could easily stop us from airing the episode.
00:32:04I think before anything,
00:32:06we should be getting the episode out.
00:32:08You all know I've tried that approach.
00:32:10Even the most noble goal,
00:32:11when achieved through unjust means,
00:32:14becomes unjust as a whole.
00:32:21I'll admit,
00:32:23if I were in his shoes,
00:32:25I might have done the same thing.
00:32:27Remember when...
00:32:29When I killed that interview in exchange for being made full-time?
00:32:33I did everything the higher-ups asked.
00:32:35I mean, it's not like they were death threats.
00:32:37I just had a chance to take an opportunity.
00:32:41So maybe what President Gu did back then wasn't so...
00:32:44This is exactly what President Gu wants us to do.
00:32:47He wants to guilt-trip all of us.
00:32:50To make us sympathize with his cowardly, self-serving decisions.
00:32:57Then set this out.
00:33:02All or nothing.
00:33:05It's not an attitude that works for this show.
00:33:08Personal qualms.
00:33:10Based on our individual convictions,
00:33:12have no place in a show like ours.
00:33:14You must be willing to accept decisions.
00:33:16Even if you disagree.
00:33:17Provided that they're based on fact and reveal the greater truth.
00:33:21That's necessary to work here.
00:33:23It's our moral obligation as journalists and producers.
00:33:26If you put your convictions first, then...
00:33:31I'm afraid to say it.
00:33:34But your time spent on Trigger...
00:33:39Was a waste, Mr. Han.
00:33:50Miso, wait, why would you...
00:33:51Wait, wait, don't...
00:33:52Mr. Han.
00:33:53Mr. Han.
00:34:00Come on, Miso.
00:34:01What are you all doing?
00:34:02Let's make this happen.
00:34:06Let's go.
00:34:36Zack, slow it down.
00:34:39Okay, stop.
00:34:40Should I go get more?
00:34:41Oh, yes, please.
00:34:43Oh, they're here.
00:34:44Which story are you on again?
00:34:46A star producer abusing his workers.
00:34:48He's a big earner, so they want to flush the whole thing.
00:34:50Pissing away a great story.
00:34:54I'll bet Miso would have made it work.
00:35:02What's wrong?
00:35:04I can't write a single line.
00:35:07I think this case is just too big for me.
00:35:10I really, really want this to be a groundbreaking episode.
00:35:15But I just can't.
00:35:19From time to time, people ask me,
00:35:21no teleprompter,
00:35:23so how do you memorize all those lines?
00:35:27Trigger scripts aren't just words on a screen.
00:35:30Instead, I just...
00:35:31I close my eyes and I listen.
00:35:34I think about the stories and the heartbreak,
00:35:38the poor victims.
00:35:41Projector starts rolling in my head.
00:35:44And the words just flow out of me.
00:35:46And you want to know why?
00:35:49It's because Miss Hong, when she wrote,
00:35:52she poured her heart out.
00:35:57She would always say before she wrote,
00:35:59she would always say,
00:36:00before you deliver your lines, try to read,
00:36:02not the words, but the emotions.
00:36:13Yes, Miss Hong?
00:36:59I'm heading over for the final interview with President Koo.
00:37:02If any of you want to join,
00:37:04feel free to come.
00:37:25This is quite the audience you've brought.
00:37:39It's all set. We can begin now.
00:37:42The media has an obligation to serve the nation's citizens
00:37:46by putting checks on those in power
00:37:48through fair, balanced and truthful reporting.
00:37:51But regretfully,
00:37:53when faced with the imposing authority of Hanju,
00:37:56I failed to uphold these fundamentals.
00:37:59Back then, everyone reporting on the story
00:38:01was promoted or fired from their job.
00:38:07You know, controlling your facial expressions
00:38:09is part of your job description.
00:38:11God, you people.
00:38:12It wouldn't kill you to lighten up once in a while.
00:38:16It sounds like
00:38:19even after an interview,
00:38:21you feel no remorse.
00:38:23Remorse isn't an emotion I find useful.
00:38:26Although I felt sentimental towards the end of that.
00:38:29It was as though you finished writing a letter
00:38:31I'd left incomplete.
00:38:42All right, let's hurry.
00:38:43We're going to splice in this interview.
00:38:45It's going to be a long one.
00:38:47It's going to be a long one.
00:38:49It's going to be a long one.
00:38:50All right, let's hurry.
00:38:51We're going to splice in this interview.
00:38:52Right after the interview with Cho Hae-won.
00:38:54Let's go.
00:38:59The look on Seo Ryong's face was priceless.
00:39:01I'll keep an eye on the master control room
00:39:03to make sure the episode doesn't go off the rails.
00:39:12You do that.
00:39:13I'll watch from my office.
00:39:14Yes, sir.
00:39:21Yeah, sure.
00:39:27Yeah, looks good.
00:39:5120 years ago,
00:39:52a young television star just hitting his stride
00:39:55suddenly went missing,
00:39:56disappearing without a trace.
00:40:00I just want to know where my son is.
00:40:02The January Man statue,
00:40:03kept for years in the lobby of Han Chu's offices,
00:40:06was confirmed to contain
00:40:07the bronze-encased head of Mr. Cha.
00:40:09It was determined that Miss Cho Hae-won,
00:40:11the oldest daughter of the powerful Han Chu family,
00:40:14was the one who killed her son.
00:40:16It was determined that Miss Cho Hae-won,
00:40:18the oldest daughter of the powerful Han Chu family,
00:40:21and his lover,
00:40:23was the murderer.
00:40:25And now,
00:40:26the unspeakable crimes of the Han Chu family
00:40:29have finally come to the surface.
00:40:32However, as part of this broadcast,
00:40:35a past omission will be addressed by us.
00:40:41What you see here is a 20-year-old tape.
00:40:43Trigger episode 890,
00:40:46completely unaired,
00:40:47containing the full details
00:40:49of the Cha Song-ok murder investigation.
00:40:51However, this tape
00:40:53was hidden away
00:40:55by none other than a member of the Trigger production staff.
00:40:59So today's episode
00:41:00will contain both a confession and an apology
00:41:03for Trigger's actions
00:41:05and our shameful past.
00:41:14I wanted to possess him.
00:41:20I wanted to keep him forever.
00:41:24Are you the one
00:41:26who killed Cha Song-ok?
00:41:35Why did you do it?
00:41:38That face.
00:41:43That face of his.
00:41:50My father wanted to punish me.
00:41:54So he stole it.
00:41:57The producer in the footage
00:41:59is the sitting president of KNS,
00:42:01Mr. Ku Hyung-tae.
00:42:03He wishes to make a confession
00:42:05and issue an apology to our viewers.
00:42:09Back then, everyone reporting on the story
00:42:11was either demoted or fired from their job.
00:42:13In certain cases, their lives were threatened.
00:42:18So I abandoned the story.
00:42:22Twenty years went by.
00:42:24I tried to relieve myself of guilt
00:42:26by justifying my actions.
00:42:28I told myself
00:42:30that I was fulfilling my duties as a journalist
00:42:32by staying alive
00:42:34to fight another day.
00:42:38However, I now believe
00:42:42the time has come for me to give in
00:42:44and stop deluding myself.
00:42:46On my honor as a journalist,
00:42:48this is a confession
00:42:50and my final interview.
00:42:53I assume responsibility for my actions.
00:42:56And therefore,
00:42:58I will resign as the KNS president.
00:43:08We, the staff of Trigger,
00:43:10take this opportunity to remind ourselves
00:43:12of the past lapse in our journalistic integrity.
00:43:14To our viewers, our fellow citizens,
00:43:16we humbly and sincerely apologize.
00:43:24Trigger vows to give this case
00:43:26our full attention until it's resolved.
00:43:28We strive for a world in which
00:43:30no subject is exempt from investigation.
00:43:32Lastly, we'd like to offer
00:43:35our deepest condolences
00:43:37to the late Mr. Cha Sung-ok
00:43:39and to the victims
00:43:41whose remains were left in the reservoir
00:43:43so heartlessly.
00:44:10Oh, hello.
00:44:12Yes, the public is reacting well.
00:44:16Confession icon?
00:44:19I appreciate that.
00:44:21I'll make a visit very soon.
00:44:23I'll bring the assemblyman as well.
00:44:25Yeah, yeah.
00:44:27I think it's time that I turn the page on this.
00:44:29Thanks. Have a good night.
00:44:40I tried to relieve myself.
00:44:50What the...
00:45:02Oh, shit.
00:45:15The ratings are soaring, just as we expected.
00:45:25You bastard.
00:45:29How could you? How dare you?
00:45:31You violated the Personnel Information Protection Act
00:45:33when you spied on your employees,
00:45:35so we'll be reporting you.
00:45:37You want to add an assault charge?
00:45:39You'll be booked as a flagrant offender.
00:45:42I just couldn't stomach that revolting confession.
00:45:51must think you're in some sort of superhero movie.
00:45:57But you're living in the real world, So-ryong,
00:45:59and there's no happy end.
00:46:02You're all...
00:46:04only screwing yourselves.
00:46:11With people like you lurking around every corner,
00:46:14the world can use heroes.
00:46:23You're a little...
00:46:29Do you want your stuff?
00:46:35Hang on.
00:46:37When did you arrange all this?
00:46:45I refuse to let him sugarcoat his crime
00:46:47so he can be brought down gently!
00:46:50Then set this up.
00:46:53Come on, at least give us a sign or something.
00:46:55You want us to work separately?
00:46:57If you take on President Koo while we're preparing the episode,
00:46:59we operate separately.
00:47:01It's the safest way to divert his attention.
00:47:03The story breaks right as the show airs.
00:47:06Finding dirt on this guy isn't gonna be easy, though.
00:47:08It's easier when you're close.
00:47:10There isn't anyone else
00:47:12who knows Koo's wrongdoings more than him.
00:47:19The taste was slightly off, but it's fine now.
00:47:24What's this about?
00:47:26Why the sudden meeting, Mr. Han?
00:47:28Why'd you have me transferred to Trigger?
00:47:30Was it because you wanted me
00:47:32to serve as Miso's human shield?
00:47:34You knew that she'd see me for the lunatic I am.
00:47:36And you were secretly rooting for her, weren't you?
00:47:38You were also the one who hired Kangiho as main producer
00:47:40even after giving him such a hard time
00:47:42about his academic credentials.
00:47:46Gonna keep answering your own questions?
00:47:49Dr. Trigger.
00:47:52You knew that was my handle.
00:47:54The president was able to use the IT team
00:47:56to gain access to my computer.
00:47:58I was able to use the IT team
00:48:00to gain access to my account credentials
00:48:02with the goal of tearing Trigger apart.
00:48:04The news department already investigated and told us.
00:48:06So then...
00:48:08what more do you need me to tell you?
00:48:12This is the ideal scenario
00:48:14for Dr. Trigger to herald his return.
00:48:20Who could Dr. Trigger be?
00:48:23It's about time we unveiled his identity.
00:48:28It's time to decide.
00:48:31Please hand it over.
00:48:35The proof of the spying.
00:48:37Why would I?
00:48:39Because you want to.
00:48:42It's time for you to take charge
00:48:44and put an end to this two-faced coward
00:48:47who hides behind a mask of integrity.
00:48:59You've changed, you know that?
00:49:05It's Trigger.
00:49:08Trigger allows a man to be reborn
00:49:12as his true self.
00:49:20A whistleblower reports that the KNS president,
00:49:22Koo Young-Tae, has been arrested.
00:49:25A whistleblower reports that the KNS president,
00:49:27Koo Young-Tae, has been engaging in mass surveillance
00:49:29of his employees over an extended period
00:49:31in order to protect the power behind Dr. Trigger.
00:49:34It's being reported that this whistleblower
00:49:36is none other than Mr. Sun Hee-Won,
00:49:38a right-hand man to President Koo and KNS Managing Director.
00:49:41He has already provided the authorities
00:49:43with extensive evidence to back up his explosive claims.
00:49:45In other words, the president of a public broadcasting company
00:49:47tried to muffle his own journalists.
00:49:50Do I have that correct?
00:49:51That's correct.
00:49:52It has also been revealed that President Koo
00:49:54has been attempting to illegally manipulate KNS's program,
00:49:56shaping the news coverage to his liking
00:49:58in order to help conceal the criminal activities
00:50:00of the Hunter Group and other high-profile individuals.
00:50:03It sounds like KNS has been functioning under a group of private broadcasters.
00:50:06How long has this been going on?
00:50:08According to our backgrounds,
00:50:09President Koo and KNS have been in contact for some time.
00:50:12Their relationship goes back a few decades.
00:50:14Their late chairman told his team of executives,
00:50:17Today, the case against Cho Jin-Man,
00:50:19charged with murder, attempted murders,
00:50:21unlawful imprisonment, human trafficking,
00:50:23and defacing and concealing a corpse
00:50:25has been officially referred to the prosecutor's office
00:50:27for further legal proceedings.
00:50:29In the meantime,
00:50:30a warrant for the arrest of police station chief Kim Tae-Nam
00:50:32and his accomplices,
00:50:33who played a part in concealing evidence,
00:50:35has been issued following revelations of Cho Hye-Won's murder.
00:50:39The trial of former KNS president Koo Hyeon-Tae,
00:50:42who has been indicted on charges of workplace misconduct
00:50:44and violating the Protections of Communication Secrets Act,
00:50:47opens today.
00:50:49a number of victims have come forward
00:50:51with stories about their sexual harassment
00:50:53by the former president in the past.
00:50:55Many are speculating as to how these allegations
00:50:58will impact the trial.
00:51:01Oh, you're here.
00:51:03Oh, you didn't have to bring anything.
00:51:05Hey, as our suffering father,
00:51:08we've got to look out for you.
00:51:10I know.
00:51:11I know.
00:51:12I know.
00:51:13I know.
00:51:14I know.
00:51:15I know.
00:51:16I know.
00:51:17I know.
00:51:18I know.
00:51:19I know.
00:51:20I know.
00:51:21I know.
00:51:22I know.
00:51:23I know.
00:51:24I know.
00:51:25I know.
00:51:26I know.
00:51:27I know.
00:51:28I know.
00:51:29We got to look out for you.
00:51:35All right.
00:51:36Appreciate it.
00:51:40Come on.
00:51:44That's cheap.
00:51:46Thirty thousand one.
00:51:47That's too little.
00:51:59This is a really nice job.
00:52:01Okay, please take a seat.
00:52:02A little more, a little more.
00:52:09Hey, Diang.
00:52:10At least he wasn't in pain.
00:52:12Very true.
00:52:15Oh, hello, Mr. Song.
00:52:17Please, I'm just the humble owner of a tea house now.
00:52:19I have to say, the name is Tian Mi, right?
00:52:21It sounds a little corny, doesn't it?
00:52:24Did you really open a cafe?
00:52:26Well, you know.
00:52:27How'd you find time to visit?
00:52:28Gotta keep busy.
00:52:29Hey, I'm the managing director now.
00:52:31You know, not even one of you congratulated me on my big promotion.
00:52:34Oh, come on.
00:52:35We've all been busy, you know?
00:52:36The Tumbulac story, right?
00:52:38Why don't we throw a party, since we're all here?
00:52:42How's business been?
00:52:44Well, if it isn't Mr. Song.
00:52:46You want tea, right?
00:52:47It's Tian Mi.
00:52:48All right, Tian Mi.
00:52:49By the way, that white shirt looks great on you, Mr. Han.
00:52:51Have you eaten yet?
00:52:52You want anything?
00:52:53Oh, sure, whatever's there.
00:52:54I have something to eat.
00:52:55Great, I'll bring something over.
00:52:56No, no, I'll go.
00:52:57No, no, no, just stay put.
00:52:58Yeah, you guys should go together.
00:52:59Go together.
00:53:03I guess they must still think we don't know about them.
00:53:06They're a good match.
00:53:07Oh, boy.
00:53:08However, Mr. Zhang's crimes went much deeper than that.
00:53:11He made his assistant producer book motel rooms for him,
00:53:14where he'd coerce female extras and co-stars into sleeping with him in exchange for roles.
00:53:18Oh, my God.
00:53:19I can't believe people like that exist.
00:53:21He's an absolute trash.
00:53:22Just unbelievable.
00:53:23How can he live with himself?
00:53:24I don't know.
00:53:27So, basically, you were so upset that you urinated on him in anger.
00:53:31Is that right?
00:53:35To be honest, peeing on him was just about all I could do at the time.
00:53:43The blur isn't really hiding much, is it?
00:53:45No, no, come on.
00:53:46It's basically impossible to tell it's you.
00:53:47You look great on camera.
00:53:50Are you doing all right?
00:53:51I heard your drama got canceled.
00:53:53I'm not ready to quit.
00:53:54I will be insisting on writing what I want.
00:53:56Not dealing with that piece of...
00:53:59Miss Hong, how noble of you.
00:54:01Where'd this superhuman strength come from?
00:54:03Try raising a kid.
00:54:04There's not a thing I won't do to provide for her.
00:54:12Wow, you look great.
00:54:13I mean, never mind.
00:54:14That was you.
00:54:21Feeling a little better?
00:54:24I'm still worried about that face blur.
00:54:28It look like me?
00:54:29Yeah, of course it did.
00:54:30I totally knew it, man.
00:54:32Wasn't that story originally your assignment?
00:54:36Luna Takahama passing that up?
00:54:38Someone once told me.
00:54:39To keep my personal vendettas out of our episodes is why.
00:54:44May I ask you something?
00:54:48Why'd you make that post about the cheating couple on the trigger stuff?
00:54:51You know it was none of your business.
00:54:56I felt betrayed.
00:55:05I guess after working for the network for some time,
00:55:09I came to hold Trigger to a higher standard,
00:55:11and I expected better from them.
00:55:13Please, just give me more time.
00:55:14I'll tell my wife I'm divorcing you.
00:55:16I'll do it today, please.
00:55:18Please, just give me a little...
00:55:36And I couldn't accept that you guys, of all people, had let me down.
00:55:47Okay, so?
00:55:50Who was the other woman then?
00:55:54You wanna know?
00:55:59I guess not.
00:56:06Mind if I also ask you a question?
00:56:10Why do you exclusively date total scumbags?
00:56:20I guess...
00:56:25with men who claim to like me, I don't turn them down.
00:56:30I don't know.
00:56:32I suppose I just say, why not?
00:56:35Someone opens their heart,
00:56:37you don't turn them down?
00:56:44What are you doing?
00:56:45What are you doing?
00:56:48Let's try the other way around.
00:56:50Tell someone you like him first.
00:56:55Wouldn't be the first time you came at someone without warning.
00:56:59And if you did, well...
00:57:03I might start trusting again.
00:57:16Oh, Detective Yu.
00:57:20You two dating?
00:57:21No, no way.
00:57:24Is something wrong?
00:57:33So this was discovered at Cho Jin Man's house?
00:57:38And you found it?
00:57:42So this was discovered at Cho Jin Man's house?
00:57:45An anonymous trust or something?
00:57:49Something smelled fishy.
00:57:51So I did some digging.
00:57:53And it turns out,
00:57:54an enormous sum of money from Han Ju
00:57:57went into this account.
00:57:59When did this happen?
00:58:01The date's what matters here.
00:58:03It was deposited
00:58:04the day before Cho Hye Won's death.
00:58:12The autopsy
00:58:13never happened.
00:58:19What does that mean?
00:58:26Cho Hye Won
00:58:29is still alive.
00:58:41To be continued...
00:59:41I want it, I want it, I want it to ever be over
00:59:44We all act according to our own beliefs
00:59:47We all have our own new morals
00:59:50Even the smell of garbage is fragrant to the flies
00:59:53I still want to reveal the truth
00:59:56When I fall asleep or when I wake up, I put my hands together
00:59:59One piece, two pieces, put them together in one shape
01:00:02Everything I say before it's done is all old-fashioned
01:00:05If you look closely, it's not that
01:00:08You're covering it up, pouring it in and how
01:00:11If my words are an excuse, I'll lock you up
01:00:14Once, twice, three times, five times
01:00:17I don't know where to look, my eyes
01:00:20I don't know where to go, my breath
01:00:23Back and forth, I believe again in my head
01:00:27I think the door in front of me will open
01:00:30I need something different from yesterday