Baylen Out Loud S01 E05
00:00Beckner, do you have a favorite tick of Baileys?
00:03Thank you!
00:04Spit it out.
00:05Spit it out.
00:06Spit it out.
00:09She already...
00:12You're welcome.
00:15What if we live together?
00:20Well, yes.
00:21Are you sure you're ready to live with me?
00:23Are you sure?
00:24As ready as I'll ever be.
00:27Put on ya!
00:28Yep, that's not good.
00:29Both the hands on the handlebars.
00:30Oh, Lord.
00:31I want to be able to do things on my own, but after today's lesson, I'm not ready to
00:36take on a trail in D.C. where people are trying to go and there's just me going for Narnia.
00:42For Narnia!
00:44They ain't stopping.
00:46So there's something I have to tell you guys.
00:49Me and Colin are going to move in with each other.
00:52I was quite aware that this might present itself, just not today.
00:56Do you both approve of them moving in together?
01:00My concerns are many.
01:03Penis, me and Colin are on our way to Roanoke to tell his parents that we're moving in together.
01:12Y'all made it.
01:15My parents are very religious.
01:16We raised our children to be godly.
01:18Are you ready to do this tomorrow?
01:22We're in the process of trying to move into D.C.
01:26Oh, so who's, who's we?
01:30Oh, no.
01:31I have already fucked up.
01:32I can't believe I just said we.
01:47So what's going on with you?
01:49Anything new?
01:50We're in the process of trying to move into D.C.
01:54Oh, so who's, who's we?
01:57Me and Colin are visiting his parents to tell them our big news.
02:02He wants to tell them last minute.
02:04However, I'm sitting here with his mom and sister in words just...
02:11Like, um, me and like my family are trying to like navigate like me going into like the city
02:17and finding out which like, which area is the best and like financing and all that fun stuff.
02:24Yeah, it's a lot that goes into a move.
02:27Thanks, God.
02:29I caught myself before spilling that we're gonna live together.
02:33Take care, have a safe drive back.
02:35See you.
02:36I will.
02:37I know how important it is to Colin to be able to tell them directly
02:41because of their traditional Christian beliefs.
02:44Do you want to walk up to the star?
02:49All right.
02:50Let's go.
02:54If my parents don't accept this news, I don't know how Bailyn and I are going to move forward.
03:00I'm glad the rain held off, though.
03:02Yeah, it was a pretty good day today.
03:04It was.
03:05We came down here to kind of talk to you about something important.
03:12So my roommate is leaving and it's too expensive for me to live there by myself or find a place by myself.
03:21So Bailyn and I are moving in together.
03:26We kind of wanted to bring that to you guys out of respect.
03:37You guys are adults now.
03:39I'm not going to tell you what to do about your life.
03:42Obviously, we prefer marriage first, but it's not going to change how we feel.
03:48I would have been a little bit upset if you'd awaited and told us after three months you'd been moved in.
03:54Oh, by the way, we decided to move in.
03:57This braces me for it.
04:01You're bold.
04:06Are you relieved?
04:08I'm relieved that we can still have the same relationship that we have and move forward,
04:13even though we have different perspectives on this specific topic.
04:18Kyla, when you first told us you were going to bring Bailyn home,
04:21you mentioned on the phone before I'd even met her that you'd already told her she's going to stay in Colleen's old room and you'd stay downstairs.
04:28And I asked you, how did she feel about it?
04:31And you said she's okay with it because she wants to respect us.
04:35I would never disrespect you or your beliefs in any way.
04:40I get it.
04:41And I know you were nervous to meet me, but, girl, I was more nervous to meet you.
04:45So I just want you to know that you had me at that moment.
04:50So the more that you come here and the more that we get to see you, I hope you get more comfortable.
04:56We want you to be yourself.
04:58We don't want anything but Bailyn.
05:01You're not just Bailyn Debris, Colleen's girlfriend with Tourette's.
05:05You're Bailyn Debris, Colleen's girlfriend, period.
05:08And that's what matters to me.
05:11So I want you to be you around us, and it's okay.
05:14I love you.
05:15I love you.
05:17I think Bailyn's genuine, and I think she's really good for Colleen.
05:22Well, y'all be safe driving back, okay?
05:24It's the first time that I've really seen Colleen really care that much about somebody.
05:30Hi, bud.
05:31Take care of yourself, honey.
05:32Love you.
05:33Love you, too.
05:34And so I can tell that he's in love with her, and so she's important to him, so therefore she's important to us.
05:39All right, y'all be safe.
05:41Bye, puppies.
05:42We will.
05:44I would hope in the near future our relationship becomes more of a relationship with her family also.
05:55That went really well.
05:57It did.
05:58They're a lot more open to the idea than what I thought they would be.
06:02That makes me so happy, you know?
06:05And I want you to have the same conversation with my dad, because my dad is very protective, and my dad just wants to talk.
06:14My dad has been supportive of mine and Colleen's relationship, knowing that I love him and I want to be with him.
06:20But dating is completely different than moving in with someone.
06:27I have no problem with talking to your father.
06:33Suck a penis.
06:34Just because Colleen's in the military and he's trying to act cool, he's scared.
06:38He's scared I would be, too.
06:41I'm just so excited to live together, but I think that I'm actually more excited to turn it into something that obviously we both love,
06:49but I know you don't like pink, and I still want you to love the apartment.
06:54Why are you laughing?
06:56I'm just envisioning an old pink apartment.
06:58You're going to be embarrassed?
07:00I'm not going to be embarrassed.
07:02I would just rather not walk through the apartment door and it's just like someone vomited pink everywhere.
07:10Well, I don't want everything to be pink, but I want it to be, like, coordinated.
07:14So, like, if I had a pink and red rug, oh, my God, Valentine's Day in our apartment?
07:22Every day.
07:34I'm cooking bacon.
07:35How do you want these?
07:37He likes them flabby, Al.
07:39Yeah, I want them fat.
07:42You rested from your trip, Baylen?
07:45I mean, we got home really late last night.
07:48Oh, and guess what?
07:49Olivia is flying in for work, and Eileen is coming from Ohio, so I'm so excited because we're going to do some shopping.
07:58But I'm also going to tell both of them because they don't know that I'm moving in with Colin.
08:04I'm so excited to go shopping and to have Eileen meet Olivia and Olivia meet Eileen.
08:10Olivia is a new friend I recently met at a Tourette convention, and Eileen has been one of my biggest supporters and cheerleaders
08:17and has encouraged me to meet new friends, especially in the Tourette's community.
08:23I definitely need a ride to the city, if that's possible.
08:26That's fine.
08:27How are you going to get home?
08:29I'm going to be at work.
08:30I was thinking about taking the lawnmower, but I just didn't know.
08:34I guess I have to take a ride share.
08:36I can't drive, so taking public transportation is the only option.
08:41No, you should ride your bike.
08:44We're in.
08:45I'm basically a taxi.
08:46But it's extremely uncomfortable when I tick.
08:50They're looking at me like I am the craziest bitch that they have ever met in their life.
08:57It's now a good time to find out how did it go with Colin's parents.
09:01Oh, my God.
09:02Is this going to be too long?
09:03Do I need to put on more bacon?
09:06It was good.
09:08And I mean, I was definitely not holding in my ticks, but I was trying to camouflage them periodically.
09:16I tick, and I say, I'm pregnant.
09:20Oh, you did not.
09:21Yes, I did.
09:22Yes, I did.
09:24I'm pregnant.
09:26I'm not.
09:27I'm not.
09:28I'm not.
09:31Yep, so that's where that came out yesterday.
09:32That's tough.
09:34And then we also had the conversation with Colin's parents about living with each other,
09:40which surprisingly went amazing.
09:42And it obviously goes against their beliefs, but they probably appreciated the full disclosure, honestly.
09:49Yes, no, they did.
09:50They said that they would be mad if me and Colin did it, and we told them six months into living with each other.
09:55People appreciate honesty, like your dad said.
09:57Don't lie.
09:58I love that.
09:59I'm excited to meet them sometime.
10:01I mean, I'm excited for all of us to meet, but we got to work on the language before we meet.
10:09Like, we can't have Vic is cussing out back there.
10:12Well, what's wrong with my mouth? I don't, like, cuss that much.
10:15You speak full truck driver.
10:17The thing that makes me mad mostly is when I say a bad word around a kid, and they're like, you don't say that.
10:25You're a kid.
10:26I'm sorry, you've never heard a bad word in your life.
10:29Like, an older kid.
10:32I feel like this couch is sinking the hell in.
10:36Great example.
10:37Great example.
10:40I know your concerns regarding living with Colin.
10:43I brought up to Colin that you guys have a conversation.
10:48We fully support you wanting to move in with your boyfriend, but as a dad, for me to let go,
10:56I need to know that your boyfriend in this moment will do everything he possibly can to defend you, even if he gets his ass beat.
11:06I like him.
11:07I don't know if he's forever.
11:08He's definitely good for her in this moment, but I'm not sure about his drive to always be a provider at all costs,
11:19because you never know how much she's going to have the ability to work.
11:24That's why I want you guys to have the talk and the conversation.
11:27You guys are the two important men in my life.
11:30A hundred percent.
11:31A hundred percent.
11:40I have never been around two people with Tourette's at the same time before.
11:46I know she spoke with you about us moving in together.
11:49She said that you had some concerns and questions.
11:52Yes, I have some deep concerns.
12:01I was like, where is she?
12:03I'm hiding behind the curtain.
12:05How are you, girl?
12:07You look beautiful.
12:08I love it.
12:09I like the lipstick.
12:10It's the lip liner.
12:11I am so incredibly happy that Eileen and Olivia get to meet.
12:16Oh, my God.
12:17Oh, my God.
12:20How are you?
12:21I'm good.
12:22How are you?
12:23I'm good.
12:24How are you?
12:25I'm good.
12:26How are you?
12:27I'm good.
12:28How are you?
12:29I'm good.
12:32It's so good to see you.
12:34I am so excited to see Bailyn again, to hang out with her.
12:39She's just so fun and, like, real.
12:42Hi, I'm Olivia.
12:43I'm so excited to meet you.
12:45I was, like, looking at your arms.
12:46Oh, my gosh.
12:47Thank you so much.
12:48Just to have two good people in my life that I love very much,
12:53it means a lot that they like each other.
13:00Oh, my gosh.
13:01This is so cute.
13:02Hi, there.
13:03Welcome to Box Toy.
13:06Do you want to look at these lamps?
13:07Oh, yes.
13:08These are so cute.
13:09Oh, no.
13:11They put off three different types of light.
13:13Oh, that's beautiful.
13:14How much are they?
13:16I love them.
13:17So is it $169 each or is it like...
13:19Oh, she said $169.
13:22I thought she said $169.
13:25Are you shopping for anything specific today?
13:29Anything that says pink.
13:31Me and Colin don't actually have an apartment yet,
13:34but there's always time to shop.
13:36I'm a professional shopper.
13:38So there's specific things that, like, when I move,
13:41like, things I need to look for.
13:43But I've started looking.
13:46But I also am moving in with Colin.
13:52That's so exciting!
13:57I know, literally.
13:59Oh, my God.
14:01I think it's definitely high time.
14:03They need to experience that.
14:04But the real trial is going to be if he can see her at her worst
14:08and not decide to leave after that.
14:11That's literally the true test.
14:13You're done.
14:14You're done.
14:15Thank God it's...
14:18Oh, is it?
14:20That's good.
14:21And when I picked it up, I was like...
14:22That's nice.
14:23It's light.
14:24It is tick-proof.
14:25I love it.
14:26It's already stressful getting used to moving in with someone
14:29and then Tourette's and just seeing how that all combines.
14:32I'm hoping that everything is going to go great.
14:36Come on!
14:38So how do your parents feel about all this?
14:41Like, I have, like, their blessing,
14:44but my dad's concerns are where I was four years ago.
14:48And how Colin hasn't seen me at my worst.
14:51Like, my parents literally had to feed me four years ago.
14:53They were literally spoon-feeding me.
14:55Have you, like, thought about trying Botox?
14:58I want to do Botox.
15:01So you can use it to help with your tics?
15:04Yeah, it's even on the TAA website for, like, a treatment.
15:08I really want to try new treatments to help manage my tics.
15:13But deep brain stimulation surgery is a no for me right now.
15:18I have Tourette's syndrome, stupid!
15:21Botox is a less invasive procedure and a safer option.
15:27I had Botox in my jaw a couple of years ago for tic.
15:32I remember you telling me that, and I literally...
15:35Yeah, and it's from...
15:40We just set our tics off all day because we have the same...
15:44A lot of the same ones.
15:52I have never been around two people with Tourette's at the same time before.
15:58Setting each other's tics off, you guys were just talking about that.
16:01Has it been, like, kind of hard, or are you just kind of like...
16:04Honestly, I want to say, like, having a connection
16:08and having a relationship and having, like, a community.
16:11More important.
16:12I'm so happy. That makes me so happy.
16:14When Bailyn and I first talked about making friends,
16:16especially with Tourette's,
16:18she talked about being scared of, like, setting each other's tics off,
16:21but from what I've noticed, it honestly is very minimal.
16:25She's able to get past that and interact with someone
16:28who has the same conditions.
16:30And Olivia is really sweet.
16:32OK, well, we need to pick something out for your brother.
16:34I think we should literally get the frame and then take a picture outside.
16:37I love that idea.
16:39I never wanted to even make friends with someone who had Tourette's,
16:43and I know that sounds terrible on my end to say.
16:46That would match, like, the aesthetic.
16:49It all just came down to me being scared of what it would do to me.
16:53But she's such a beautiful soul to be around.
16:56I love Olivia.
16:57It was so nice to meet you.
16:59You too. Oh, my goodness, we need to hang out again.
17:01Yes, please.
17:02When should we plan something else?
17:04Let me know about Botox and if you want to hang out again while I'm here.
17:07No, I will. Oh, my God, yes.
17:09Yes, oh, my God, I love you.
17:11All right, I'll see you later.
17:13How are you getting home?
17:14I'm going to stay on the side of the road.
17:16You're going to hitchhike?
17:17No, I'm just going to call a car.
17:20I love you. Get home safe.
17:21You too.
17:22You got this.
17:23I'm going to squat right here.
17:26Oh, my God.
17:45There we go.
17:47Oh, fuck.
17:48Oh, fuck.
17:55What's up? How are you?
17:57Looking for Bailey?
17:58No, I know she's not here.
18:00I came to actually talk to you.
18:02What's up?
18:03I know she spoke with you about us moving in together.
18:06And she said that you had some concerns and questions.
18:10And I'm here to hopefully relieve those concerns that you have.
18:15I'm extremely nervous.
18:17Extremely nervous to talk to Bailey's dad.
18:20Well, I...
18:21Well, shit, I got a lot.
18:23Come on, fucking, come over here.
18:25Yeah, you need some help?
18:31Yes, I have some deep concerns about those two moving in together.
18:38The biggest fear that I have is Allen saying that I don't think
18:42that you're fit to protect my daughter.
18:46That scares the hell out of me.
19:08Yes, I have some deep concerns about those two moving in together.
19:13Um, I'll start with...
19:17I knew this day was probably coming,
19:20but I definitely got questions, a lot of questions.
19:26That's what I'm here for.
19:27You know what's most important to me and what's not.
19:31And I'll take you back four or five years.
19:34Imagine yourself in the middle of the ocean and your kid's drowning.
19:39And you're trying to help her, you're trying to save her,
19:41you're trying to hang on to her, and you keep being pulled under.
19:45And I don't mean for a day, I don't mean for an hour every day.
19:49I can't solve this problem.
19:51Doctors don't know what they're doing.
19:53Trying to do everything I can to make sure that Bailey's OK,
19:57my wife's OK, I can hold a family together,
19:59I can do all of this, and I don't, I don't matter.
20:03So I drive down the road, you just drove down,
20:06So I drive down the road, you just drove down,
20:08every single day to work,
20:10and I cried in my fucking truck right there.
20:14Every day.
20:16So I know you guys want to move in together,
20:19but as a dad, I got to know...
20:24that you can do what I just did.
20:28So that's kind of where I am with this whole moving in thing.
20:33A lease, to me, is a commitment, right?
20:36Are you going to be on the lease?
20:38Yes, sir.
20:40What are you paying for? Because you've got to man up.
20:44I need to know that financially she's going to be OK.
20:49How many more years do you have left on your commitment to the Air Force?
20:53Two and a half.
20:55When your time's up, are you going to stay?
20:57I haven't decided yet.
20:59So I need to know where you're going to be work-wise.
21:03Right now I'm not in a position to make any sort of decision.
21:12I just don't have an answer as far as my relocation.
21:16That's something that I can't provide.
21:19If there was an expectation or a standard
21:21for me to have this all grand plan
21:24of what I want to do with my life in the next 4 years,
21:27I don't have that.
21:29She told me multiple times that I haven't seen that side of her,
21:35where she's been bedridden and she's had to take showers with clothes on
21:40and you or Julie had to give her showers.
21:43I haven't seen that side of her.
21:45But not leaving her side, no matter what,
21:48or leaving when things get tough, she's my number one priority.
21:52And I promise you that I will do everything I can to protect her.
22:01I can't say this enough, because I mean, I fucking mean this.
22:05And I mean this as I'm staring into your fucking brain, Collin.
22:12Nothing better happen to my kid. Nothing.
22:17I need Collin to make sure that he is in this with everything he's got.
22:22I just need him to try.
22:26If she's over there on your watch and something happens to her,
22:30I'm telling you, Collin, I will fucking find you.
22:36Mm-hmm. I understand.
22:39Are you ready to let Baylin go?
22:47Whether I'm ready or not, I gotta let her go.
22:51Whether I'm ready or not, I gotta let her go.
23:02That was a hard conversation to have.
23:05It was a hard conversation to have.
23:08I think right now I'm still kind of digesting everything,
23:11because it makes me feel like, am I doing something wrong?
23:14But I know that I love Baylin with everything in me,
23:18and I will do anything to prove to Alan
23:21how sincere my feelings are for her.
23:36Is that her, Baylin?
23:38Yes, ma'am.
23:40Shut up. Hi, how are you?
23:42Good, how are you doing?
23:44I'm good.
23:48How was your day?
23:50It's been good, it's been eventful. How's your day?
23:55Why is it still raining?
23:57I know, the weather is so penis.
24:00Penis, penis.
24:02You visiting here?
24:04Yeah, I'm trying to move into the area.
24:10My mom sucks penises.
24:12Joe Biden has a vagina.
24:14I was a little confused what's going on.
24:17She said Joe Biden does have a vagina.
24:20I was like, what's going on with her?
24:23Is she real?
24:25Have you...
24:29Have you heard of Tourette's?
24:33Oof! Oof! Oof!
24:35What is that?
24:37Tourette's is... I have Tourette's Syndrome.
24:39It's an involuntary motor and vocal disorder.
24:43A lot of people get it confused as a mental illness,
24:46but it's neurological.
24:48She got it.
24:50So I lack control over my body and what I say.
24:56I thought, you know, she was doing this purposely,
24:59and then, you know, after she explained it to me, I understand.
25:02Penis! My mom sucks penises!
25:06So have you always lived in the...
25:09Virginia, yes.
25:11I have my wife and I have three boys.
25:14Definitely fun.
25:16I'm one of six.
25:18Are you on your way home now?
25:20Yeah. Have you had dinner?
25:22Not yet.
25:24What's for dinner?
25:26I don't know. I'm from Afghanistan.
25:28So we make a very delicious food at home.
25:32I've never had Middle Eastern food.
25:34You like falafel?
25:36Have you tried falafel?
25:38It's vegetarian.
25:40My mom looks like a falafel.
25:42Amman was so sweet, and he didn't care about my texts.
25:46I mean, I learned more about him than he probably did about me.
25:49Love that.
25:51Your mom's built like a falafel.
25:54I thought he'd built like a falafel.
25:56I need to remember that there's good people out there,
25:59that they're just gonna treat you like a person
26:02the same way that they're treated.
26:05Oh, damn!
26:08I'm Googling a falafel.
26:10Like, now I have a tic about a falafel.
26:12I need to know, now I need to know what a falafel is.
26:15Let's go. You want to go?
26:17Ha ha ha! Pit stop.
26:32What are you doing?
26:34Looking at rugs.
26:40You're not shopped out?
26:44Okay, so I talked to Colin,
26:46and me and your mom are in this.
26:50But for me, as your dad, really, it's...
26:54You okay?
26:56Yeah, my jaw hurts really bad.
26:58I just keep having the same jaw tick.
27:01For me, it's more of a me issue,
27:05than a you issue, okay?
27:08I'm really trying to move forward,
27:14because I don't know how to navigate and let go, okay?
27:21And as your dad, I'm really...
27:26trying to...
27:30let it go.
27:324 years ago, when Bailyn first started this struggle,
27:36it got very dark and very depressing,
27:39and it took me 2 years to say Bailyn's name
27:43without, like, crying.
27:45And here I am, like, 4 years later,
27:48and I'm still emotionally struggling.
27:52I love you.
27:56You don't let go of anything, though.
27:59I do.
28:01Because if I don't, you won't grow.
28:06Like, I don't want you to think, like,
28:08I don't care for your boyfriend.
28:10Like, it's none of my business
28:12whoever you fall in love with.
28:14But as your dad, I have to make sure you're okay.
28:17Because if you're not okay, I can't be.
28:20Like, I can't be.
28:25Yeah, you have nothing to worry about.
28:28I can't also push you away
28:30because I'm not open to the wonderful things that you see.
28:36I don't want you to think that I'm being difficult for you.
28:41I don't think you are.
28:43I just have to keep...
28:45You just love me. You're just my dad.
28:47Yeah, but...
28:49You're asking all the right questions.
28:51Like, you're making sure that Colin is the person
28:54that he's gonna be there in need when I need help.
28:59I know where you're coming from.
29:01Like, I understand.
29:03And I want to prove to you guys
29:07that when I leave, there's no need to be worried.
29:14My dad is my hero.
29:16So it's so important to be able to show and tell him
29:21that I'm going to be okay
29:23and I'm gonna be safe and I'm gonna be protected.
29:27I love you.
29:29All right, honey, I love you. Okay?
29:31I mean, it's even important to prove to myself
29:35because I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving
29:38if they didn't feel comfortable letting me leave.
29:42I love you and I'm super happy for you.
29:45I know I can't do this alone.
29:50I love you.
30:00I mean, you're being a little quiet.
30:03Did the talk with my dad go okay?
30:06It wasn't a fun conversation,
30:08but it wasn't even a conversation to begin with.
30:11Don't move!
30:14Bailey and I go out to bars on occasion.
30:20Alcohol makes my tics more active.
30:34Who's excited?
30:36I'm excited!
30:38Botox is not just for old people like me.
30:42So like a lot of women in their 40s, I get Botox,
30:45and Olivia had actually mentioned it to Baylen
30:47as a treatment option.
30:49Body built like Joe Biden.
30:51Oof, thank you.
30:53I know she's very hesitant to do any treatments
30:56that are super invasive like DBS, deep brain stimulation,
30:59and I have a Botox girl that I trust.
31:04I'm so excited to try Botox because it's a treatment
31:08that is used for Tourette's to help with facial tics.
31:12All right, come on back!
31:14I think I'm prepared because I took my meds
31:17to help with my anxiety.
31:20I was looking at your medical history.
31:22You have Tourette's.
31:24I have Tourette's syndrome, stupid!
31:26Fuck you, JB, fuck you.
31:28Take your camera and leave.
31:33Yeah, yeah, take your camera and get the fuck out.
31:41Bay's tics are a little bit, a little bit over the top today.
31:46I see Joe Biden.
31:49So JB, the camera director, sets my tics off
31:53because I watched 5 minutes of the debate,
31:57and JB, Joe Biden, kind of just clicked.
32:02I have nothing against any of the crew.
32:07I love JB. That's a shout-out.
32:11Do you have a lot of tics around your eyes?
32:15How I would describe it, it's like here down, kind of.
32:20So by injecting Botox a little bit here, a Botox here.
32:24Joe Biden's vagina.
32:26That can help relax the muscle
32:28and also potentially help reduce the tics.
32:32And what would you say about Botox in my jaw?
32:35It's like such a complex, like extensive tic
32:39because it's not only taking my jaw forward,
32:42it's taking my whole body.
32:45I don't want to set it off anymore.
32:47We're setting each other off right now.
32:50Bailyn has got a lot of very abrupt, rigid movements
32:56that it's almost like she's concrete in them sometimes.
33:01So you can tell when your tics are coming on?
33:04Okay, so because I'm going to have a needle
33:06very close to your eye, okay,
33:09when you feel it come on, raise your hand for me
33:12so I can safely just pull out.
33:15So I'm hoping this treatment plan will really do well for her.
33:18Now I am going to tell you that with the masseter injections,
33:22it is a little bit deeper.
33:25Okay, it's a deeper injection.
33:28So the needle's probably like this, maybe an inch.
33:33Am I going to cry? No.
33:35We'll just take it nice and easy, nice and slow.
33:38I do need to before we start putting headphones in.
33:41Of course.
33:42I definitely have some nerves about like hand motion
33:45or eyeball, the whole situation.
33:48I'm squeezy-toying.
33:50I probably need a cold bath.
33:52I need all the things.
33:54You ready?
33:561, 2, 3, little poke, boop.
33:58That was the first poke. Good job.
34:00Okay. Sorry. Nope, you're okay.
34:02You okay? Yeah.
34:03My mom has hemorrhoids.
34:05Julie, no, I don't.
34:06Body's just blocked.
34:09Bailyn doesn't seem to be uncomfortable.
34:11She seems like she's okay.
34:12She's doing great. Yeah.
34:13This is easy.
34:141, 2, 3, boop.
34:16Boop. Done.
34:18You're done.
34:20That went so well.
34:21It did. Yeah, you did amazing.
34:23I know that it takes 2 weeks for it to fully come into effect.
34:27I appreciate you.
34:28Thank you so much.
34:29No, thank you.
34:30I appreciate you.
34:32But the sooner, the better.
34:35Body built like Joe Biden.
34:51I'm so excited to go hang out with all of our friends,
34:54and you're going to be able, you know, to meet Olivia.
34:56They've talked a lot about her.
34:58I know, I keep blowing your ear off about her.
35:01But, I mean, you're being a little...
35:10Want to tell me why? Is everything okay?
35:13Did the talk with my dad go okay?
35:16Do you need to spill the tea?
35:18I don't know if it really went good or bad,
35:21whether I gave the answers that he was looking for.
35:25Basically, he just wants to make sure
35:27that I'm going to be committed to you
35:29and dedicated to you to provide for you.
35:32If that's all that happened, I don't know,
35:35you make it sound like it was the easiest conversation.
35:38It was a fun conversation.
35:40It wasn't a fun conversation,
35:42but it wasn't even a conversation to begin with.
35:45In all honesty, like, going into it,
35:47I thought he was just going to ask me a lot of questions.
35:50And in reality, it wasn't a lot of questions that he asked.
35:53I didn't get to do a whole lot of talking, it was mainly him.
35:56What was he saying?
35:58He talked about four years ago,
36:00you were at the lowest point in your life,
36:02and he was, like, when you move in with somebody,
36:05it's a commitment, but not only is it a commitment,
36:08it's dedication that you have to show.
36:10And he said if you do anything to hurt my daughter,
36:13he'll find me, he'll track me down and find me.
36:16He's not kidding.
36:18I know he's not.
36:20I'm sorry.
36:22Okay, oh, shut up, I'm sorry.
36:24Were you surprised?
36:26Were you expecting more or less, or exactly what that was?
36:29Less, but he wants the same thing that I want,
36:33the betterment for Baylin's life and her condition.
36:36I know my dad's concerns, but it's not all on Collin.
36:40I want to be strong on my own for me.
36:43I'm glad that he was able to tell you that, like, face-to-face.
36:47So dad's actually moving in.
36:51He's going to get the spare bedroom.
37:07Military discount.
37:09Go first!
37:11Baylin and I go out to bars on occasion,
37:14so this is super exciting because it's what people our age do.
37:19Body, like a falafel.
37:22However, her tics today have been very active.
37:26I'm a little ticky.
37:28I have Tourette syndrome, stupid.
37:31And alcohol makes my tics more active.
37:34Fuck you, Mark, suck a penis!
37:37Hey, what's up?
37:39So sometimes it's just genuinely hard to do something
37:42that everyone else is doing.
37:46But when I get the chance that I'm able to,
37:49and it's with people that I just feel at ease, it's fun.
37:55Thanks for coming. Of course. No, couldn't miss it.
37:58I've invited Mark, he's a really close friend,
38:01and then I've also invited Austin, my roommate.
38:04We've all hung out together, they've met Baylin multiple times.
38:07Prior to Baylin, I didn't know anybody with Tourette's,
38:10but with my goofy nature,
38:12it almost makes me want to meet more people with Tourette's.
38:15Thanks, Mark! Right on cue.
38:21I'm super used to hanging out with Baylin and her tics going off,
38:25and it's perfectly timed to the point where it's like punchline.
38:29And I just laugh diabolically every single time.
38:32So what are you guys doing?
38:34We are moving in together.
38:36Okay. Yeah.
38:38Bangs are still up in the air with you and your work relocation.
38:41How is that going to look like for you guys?
38:44The picture is still being painted.
38:46Long distance is worth it for the right person.
38:50And I feel like y'all are together for a reason, you know?
38:54Olivia sucks penises for a living.
38:56Who's Olivia?
38:58I met her through TICCON, it's through the TAA,
39:01which is the Tourette's Association of America.
39:03Fuck you.
39:05Look who it is! This would be Olivia.
39:08Hello, how are you? You look beautiful.
39:10Oh my God, I literally just probably smudged your entire face makeup
39:13is probably...
39:14Don't even worry about it.
39:15So this is Mark.
39:16Hi, I'm Olivia, nice to meet you.
39:18Nice to meet you.
39:20Nice to meet you.
39:21And the famous Collin.
39:22So nice to meet you.
39:23Nice to meet you.
39:24We do hugs in this van.
39:25You two never met?
39:26No, I've never met her.
39:27Oh, okay.
39:28Y'all want to go get drinks?
39:29What do y'all want?
39:30Can we get drinks?
39:31Are you ready to drink?
39:37Alcohol is a trigger for my tics.
39:40Ah! Sorry.
39:42My case scenario today with drinking is hurting myself.
39:46My motor tics are way worse when drinking than my vocal tics are.
40:02Thank you so much.
40:03Yeah, you're welcome.
40:06Your current roommate, Austin...
40:08Fuck you, Austin.
40:09You suck Mark's penis.
40:12So how long have y'all been roommates?
40:15We've been together, bro, for about a year.
40:17We lived together for a year, so...
40:19Oh, that's cool.
40:20What the fuck am I getting into?
40:23Would you allow Collin to decorate the apartment?
40:26Knowing you, no.
40:29That's a good answer.
40:30How many times does he play video games?
40:32Every day.
40:34I don't think love is a big enough word to describe gaming to Collin.
40:38Is it more than love with you?
40:41I don't know why you're laughing.
40:43Are we talking like the whole fucking day?
40:48My gaming area is the most important part of the house for me.
40:52It's a stress reliever and a reset button.
40:55Shoot, I don't even need a bed.
40:56I'll sleep in my gaming chair if I have to.
40:58Oh, hell no.
40:59Oh, hell no.
41:06Hell no.
41:08I have to do it one more time.
41:13Hell no.
41:18It's going to be an adjustment period for the both of us.
41:22Fuck you, Ryan.
41:23Do you have a boyfriend?
41:24I see you, Ryan.
41:25I do.
41:26His name is Drew.
41:27We've been friends for like 10 years.
41:29So he's really seen the worst of the worst.
41:33But just started dating a few months ago.
41:39Does he have Tourette's?
41:42No, he does not.
41:43No, he does not.
41:45We're running misinformation mailing, literally.
41:47When you say worst of the worst.
41:51Does that mean that your tics were like worse a few years ago?
41:57I had more vocal tics, you know, like loudly yelling in public.
42:03Have you ever had cuffs?
42:04Have you ever had?
42:05I don't have echolalia or corporealia.
42:10But I have corporeals.
42:12A vagina.
42:13Have good vagina.
42:14I have apopraxia, which is, you know, the flipping off, you know, obscene gestures,
42:20you know, as far as, you know.
42:22Socking penis.
42:23There were, like, a lot of really big terms to explain tics.
42:28No, I love this, though.
42:30And Baylen has about every single one of them.
42:38Rumple shots.
42:39Rumple shots.
42:40Oh, we'll get the shots.
42:41Now that Colin's over there, what the heck am I getting into?
42:44Baylen, you haven't seen the real Colin until it's 2.30 in the morning.
42:472.30 in the morning.
42:50Is there something he's doing at 2.30 in the morning
42:52that he's doing with you that he's not doing?
42:58I get a bit protective of Baylen.
43:00Yeah, definitely.
43:01You take on the role of, like, big brother, little sister type of deal.
43:04Okay, so they didn't have rumple, so we're doing vodka.
43:07Here we go.
43:10Do we do another round?
43:12Another round of shots?
43:13Let's go get beers, too.
43:14I need a Diet Coke.
43:17I need to pace myself.
43:18Good idea.
43:19This is, like, prep before I move to the big city.
43:25We got a big order.
43:27Cool, cool, cool, cool.
43:28You're freaking moving in with Baylen, dude.
43:30Yeah, I am.
43:31That's big.
43:32It is big.
43:33This is kind of a big step for her, bigger than your size.
43:36How's that been with her family and, like, how they feel about it?
43:40Yeah, so I actually just recently talked to her father,
43:44and he can be intense.
43:47Why do you say that?
43:48Just because, like, how he is?
43:51He's two.
43:52I walked up, and he had nine chainsaws in front of him.
43:55It was him, chainsaws, me.
43:58Like, he even at one point said,
44:02if you ever hurt my daughter, I'll find you.
44:04So, I mean, he's that kind of protective.
44:08Like, he loves his daughter a lot, and I'm taking care of his baby.
44:12Yeah, this is legit.
44:15I know it may seem a little fast.
44:25Colin, do you have something you want to tell us?
44:32I'm wanting to propose to Baylen.
44:36What are we doing for my birthday?
44:38We are going to just do a country western bar with a mechanical bull.
44:43Horse ride a cowgirl.
44:45Come on in.
44:47Oh, this is nice.
44:49Hey, motherfuckers!
44:51That balcony situation, hard no for me.
44:53My parents are still worried about my safety because of my tics.
44:58We were finding a place together, and I felt like this is what's needed for my Tourette's,
45:01and this is what's needed for me, me, me, me, me, when it's us.
45:05So for the next apartment, me and Colin are just going to look at it.
45:09Oh, my gosh.
45:11Colin, we get to pee and poop and look at our neighbors.
45:14It's moving day!
45:16Here we go.
45:18This is about as organized as my life.
45:22Thunderstorms are a huge sensory issue for me.
45:27My foot's stuck.
45:28Your what?
45:29My foot's stuck.
45:30This right here is why it's scary to think about Baylen no longer living with us.
45:33Suck a penis.
45:35Colin was supposed to be handling everything for a new couch to be delivered,
45:39and they're outside right now.
45:41I've called Colin four times.
45:43Baylen, look.
45:44That's what you were fucking doing?
45:46Colin, I'm really upset.
45:48It's my fucking birthday.
45:50All I wanted was help with the fucking couch.
45:54I don't even want to be here.
46:04I do have a serious question to ask you, too.
46:08Are you going to walk out on Baylen when times get tough in life?
46:11Oh, fuck.
46:13Things are happening really fast.
46:16They shave your head, then they drill a hole, and then they stick it down in your brain.
46:22I wasn't expecting you to shut it down.
46:26I'm entitled to my feelings, too.