• yesterday
Extracted S01 E04


00:00I'm gonna go eat some ants.
00:01Starving survivalists track down their next meal.
00:02What the f*** is that?
00:03The heart.
00:06What is happening?
00:07I feel like I'm gonna throw up.
00:08But some went hungry.
00:09Rose is completely lost.
00:10She has no idea where she is on the map.
00:11Oh, f***.
00:12While families in HQ fought over who would go without supplies.
00:13In the supply room are wool socks and hot chocolate.
00:14We're gonna lose a box.
00:15We're gonna lose a box.
00:16We're gonna lose a box.
00:17We're gonna lose a box.
00:18We're gonna lose a box.
00:19We're gonna lose a box.
00:20We're gonna lose a box.
00:21We're gonna lose a box.
00:22We're gonna lose a box.
00:23We're gonna lose a box.
00:24We're gonna lose a box.
00:25In the supply room are wool socks and hot chocolate.
00:28We're gonna lose a box.
00:30A storm forced Davina's family to end their journey.
00:34And pushed Ashley to the brink.
00:37It's time.
00:38I wanna be extracted.
00:39It's gonna be the toughest thing I've ever had to do.
00:41Tonight, the hardships intensify.
00:44Alliances become essential.
00:46When it comes time to possibly do something negative to someone in the wild, we have their back.
00:51And trust will make or break families.
00:55No way.
00:56It's really gonna show who we can trust and who we can't.
00:59This is getting crazy.
01:00Oh, Lori.
01:08Heavy rain and frigid temperatures have been punishing the survivalists for hours.
01:14I know you're hearing me.
01:16Should you see everything I see?
01:18This right here makes you wanna quit.
01:20This is awful.
01:21This is awful.
01:22For some, a canteen of hot chocolate and a pair of dry socks from their families has provided relief.
01:29Man, this is so good.
01:31I feel so much better.
01:33It literally warms me from the inside out.
01:37Pretty full of nothing.
01:39While others must go without because their loved ones chose to sacrifice for the greater good.
01:45I will beg of you to please send me something to drink.
01:50And although Ashley was sent supplies, she's too weak to retrieve them.
01:55Since day one, Ashley's been unable to start a fire to stay warm or boil water.
02:02And even if she could open her deer meat canister, she has no way of cooking it.
02:08Having no fire or deer meat, Ashley is at the end of her rope.
02:13Come on, Ash. Get out of your funk.
02:15Go for a walk, girl.
02:17I'm feeling so weak right now.
02:19There is a supply drop, but I don't even know how.
02:23It's gonna take me forever to get it back here.
02:26I don't even think I can carry it back.
02:30Even though Rose is one of the lucky ones who received supplies, her condition is deteriorating.
02:37I feel like I'm about to pass out, so I'm gonna go just lay down, I think.
02:42She's not doing well.
02:44I don't feel good.
02:46Ashley continues to beg her fiance, Austin, to hit the extraction button.
02:52It's time.
02:55I want to be extracted.
03:01I know y'all probably don't want to extract me, and I know that was the plan from the beginning.
03:06But please.
03:08It's not happening today.
03:10Sorry about your luck, girl.
03:12Ashley, she's emotionally not there right now, and she's struggling.
03:16But going into this, she said if I ask for an extraction, at least give me a full day, if not two days,
03:24before you really, you know, think about it and decide on it.
03:27There's a lot of money on the table, so she can handle sitting in the woods to get through it.
03:34I feel so bad for her, just sitting there and rocking back and forth all day long.
03:39That would just about break me.
03:42Austin, you're not fooling her, are you?
03:45Make her think about it for a little bit.
03:47No, it's just mental.
03:49Come on.
03:55I don't like being like this.
04:01Tell her, tell C, tell her.
04:03How can you be watching this right now?
04:05I'm sorry, I don't feel good.
04:09She's struggling a lot.
04:11I had no idea she was that bad.
04:15I don't feel good, guys.
04:17Seems like she's laying down to sleep, huh?
04:19I'm just worried about her.
04:20I don't know if she's okay.
04:21She just keeps saying she feels kind of sick, and she just needs to lay down.
04:26Well, hopefully she rests for a little bit.
04:28I know.
04:29The hot chocolate kicks in, she starts getting some second wind.
04:34My body won't warm up, and I'm so tired.
04:39I do not like watching women cry.
04:45She might actually be sick.
04:48It's not fun.
04:50This is making me, like, depressed, and I don't like feeling like this.
04:53It's really terrible.
04:54I don't want to listen to Rose cry.
04:57F*** this.
05:01I was hoping that coming out here would...
05:03raise my spirits, just so...
05:05because it's so beautiful.
05:07But, guys, I know myself, and I just can't do this anymore.
05:14Break out of it, Ashley. Come on.
05:16I feel like I'm letting so many people down.
05:24Austin and Scott, I'm so sorry.
05:29I hope I at least made you proud.
05:31I hope I at least made you proud in the things that I was able to accomplish.
05:38But I want to be extracted.
05:44Please extract me.
05:46Please, please, please, please.
05:55Oh, no.
06:01Oh, my God.
06:22Attention, Ashley. Your family has extracted you.
06:26Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
06:29Good luck to you guys.
06:34She's struggling.
06:35We don't want her to struggle anymore.
06:37She accomplished so much, and I'm super proud to...
06:45call her my daughter-in-law.
06:51It feels like a million pounds is off my shoulder.
06:53Like, it was the easiest, toughest decision I've ever made in my life.
06:58I love that girl.
07:01Ashley, you've been extracted.
07:03You're coming with me. Let's go.
07:11Just breathe.
07:12She did so good.
07:16Feeling relieved, but sad at the same time.
07:20I didn't last as long as I thought I would.
07:22But now I can go get some physical relief.
07:26She's going to be so excited.
07:29I'm just excited to see her.
07:31Ashley, she definitely proved herself out there.
07:34You know, I had that tough love.
07:36Maybe not so sympathetic, but I got her back no matter what.
07:41The emotional rollercoaster she's put me through during this,
07:45I mean, it's just solidified that that girl is...
07:48She is mine forever, and I'm going to protect her forever.
07:57Come here, baby.
07:59I'm so proud of you.
08:03I'm so proud of you.
08:05Look at him in the pad.
08:07I don't care.
08:08I'm proud of you.
08:10Now she's looking forward to the wedding,
08:14which is going to be the happiest day of my life.
08:16Get in there, girl.
08:19She's part of the family.
08:20I mean, she always has been, but she's definitely in the clique now.
08:27I can't believe Ashley's gone.
08:29I know.
08:31What a day.
08:33I'm done.
08:34I feel ill.
08:41Hey, Laura, Kelsey, if you're...
08:43I happen to be watching this right now.
08:45Oh, she's talking.
08:47My whole left foot is numb,
08:50and it's like my whole body is numb.
08:53My whole left foot is numb,
08:55and it's white.
08:57There's no blood flow.
09:00I don't know what to do.
09:01What? She didn't even put on her socks, have she?
09:03The toes of my left foot are purple.
09:08It's not hypothermia because it didn't get below 30, right?
09:13I'm so cold. I'm so hungry.
09:19Knowing Rose and knowing how competitive she is,
09:21I came in here thinking there's no way I would extract Rose.
09:25No way.
09:27But, you know, I'm just really worried about her.
09:30Is she truly sick?
09:32I don't know what to do.
09:33I can't feel my toes anymore.
09:38I don't think I'm cut out for this.
09:42I don't even know what to do.
09:43I don't know what to do.
09:45Oh, my God.
09:52Oh, my God.
09:55My whole left foot is numb.
10:00I just feel like I'm about to pass out.
10:04If I don't lay down.
10:07She has no energy.
10:09Is she truly sick?
10:10She's shaking.
10:12Rose is declining, and she's not able to pull herself out of it.
10:15My feet are, like, burning. They're so cold.
10:18I don't know if she's okay.
10:20She's shivering.
10:21I do worry about my sister when she's watching the show if Rose is struggling.
10:26Why didn't you pull her?
10:27Because that's her daughter.
10:29And I just don't know, like, if that...
10:32I just don't know.
10:33I don't know.
10:34I don't know what to do.
10:35I don't know how much more I can take.
10:36Oh, my God.
10:38I just can't do it anymore.
10:42She's done.
10:43She wants to be extracted.
10:45We have to do it.
10:47Oh, no.
10:50We can't keep her here.
10:52We're going to extract her.
10:55We have to.
10:57It's not going to be the same without you guys.
10:59I'm so sorry.
11:00We do have to take her health into consideration.
11:04Oh, Kelsey.
11:08Obviously, we have to do what Rose needs, and, like, she can't be out there and suffer.
11:13Let's go get her.
11:14Oh, man.
11:15Oh, my God.
11:21Rose has been extracted.
11:23Eight families remain.
11:28Another eight.
11:30Attention, Rose.
11:31Your family has extracted you.
11:34I love y'all, and y'all fought hard.
11:37And I'm sorry I couldn't hold up my end of everything.
11:41Oh, I love you guys.
11:42I'm going to miss you.
11:43I'll miss you guys.
11:44Rose, come with me.
11:45All right.
11:47This is a million times harder than I thought it was going to be.
11:50Just not having food and water and being cold.
11:54But I definitely disappointed myself.
11:56Bye, you guys.
11:57Bye, y'all.
11:59I just can't let Rose suffer.
12:01We're not going to do that to her.
12:04It's just not worth it.
12:15Oh, thank you.
12:16Oh, thank you.
12:17Oh, thank you.
12:27Oh, we love you.
12:28We love you.
12:30I'm sorry.
12:31You did wonderful.
12:33You did perfect.
12:34I'm disappointed.
12:36I don't like to not do well at things.
12:39And it hurts.
12:40I smell so bad.
12:42That's OK.
12:43I actually can't smell you.
12:45Probably because I've been crying.
12:46You know what?
12:56I love you both so very much.
12:59You're the better half.
13:03Love you.
13:05I'm going to bed, honey.
13:07I love you, Sarah Thomas.
13:09I love you, my little sunflower.
13:25Last night's storm has passed, but one family
13:28is feeling the emotional toll of the competition.
13:31I didn't sign up for something.
13:32It was just come on and cry all the time.
13:34Like, bleep, bleep, bleep.
13:36Like, leave my family to be miserable.
13:38Like, what the heck?
13:39Yeah, that's why it's hard for me.
13:40If he knew we were so miserable, he'd be like,
13:42get me the hell out of here.
13:43But I know he's having fun.
13:46So do I pull him and take away his fun?
13:49Because he wants to do this.
13:50Yeah, he wants to do this.
13:51He's having a great time.
13:52I think yesterday was probably the hardest emotional day.
13:56And I hate that we had to watch a bunch of people suffer.
13:59Watching somebody just cry and just like this is miserable.
14:03But I know Ryan can win.
14:06And I don't want to be the one to take that away from him.
14:09It's hard.
14:10Sarah and Sean struggle.
14:12Their survivalist proves his resilience.
14:18Here we go.
14:22I just thought about it.
14:23I should start smoking immediately.
14:26I'm going to cut up some meat.
14:27Enjoy this fire.
14:29All right.
14:30So I'm going to try and do thin pieces.
14:32I'm going to cook all that up.
14:34So my strategy going forward is eat your fresh food when you can.
14:38It's burning now.
14:41While some survivalists prepare to eat their deer meat,
14:45not all survivalists are able to preserve or prepare theirs.
14:50I'm tired.
14:52I'm hungry.
14:53I think it's been 36 hours since I've eaten.
14:57Do I have any fat left?
15:01Didn't think so.
15:02I need to be eating more.
15:05Oh, here we go.
15:07Here it comes.
15:08Attention, families.
15:10A survival trial is imminent.
15:12Rock roll.
15:13Time to get some action.
15:15Sustenance is a constant challenge for your survivalists,
15:18and they need carbohydrates to survive and perform well.
15:22For this trial, trust will be put to the test.
15:25You will be ranking survivalists from most to least trustworthy
15:29because a large loaf of freshly baked bread
15:31has been placed in the wild.
15:33Each survivalist will encounter it one by one
15:36with instructions only to take what they need.
15:39That's crazy.
15:41Who will take their fair share, and who might take it all,
15:45leaving others with nothing?
15:48You have three minutes to rank your survivalists
15:51from most trustworthy to least.
15:54Your time starts now.
15:56Who's going to go up there and take a bunch?
15:58We need to worry about that.
16:00Whether people take a large amount of bread
16:03or a small amount of bread,
16:05it's really going to show who we can trust and who we can't.
16:08Robin won't take much, I know, even if she's first.
16:11I feel like Jake is pretty trustworthy, too.
16:14I feel like Jake could go first.
16:16He's not greedy at all.
16:17Do you think the first person is going to be smart enough
16:19to cut eight pieces?
16:20I don't think he's going to touch it.
16:22We just have to trust that he's not going to take half the loaf.
16:24We do believe Jake is a very trustworthy guy.
16:28Is everybody good with them being first?
16:31But the worry, of course, is that he gets there first one
16:34and takes the whole loaf of bread and walks off,
16:37and everyone's now looking at us like we're the bad guys.
16:40We think he's good.
16:42And I feel like Ryan wouldn't be like that.
16:44I mean, I feel like he wouldn't take nothing.
16:46We are a very trustworthy, good family that does right by everyone,
16:51and I just don't want to in any way jeopardize that.
16:55So good Lord willing, we'll see what happens.
16:58We got 60 seconds.
17:00Will you guys volunteer to be at the back?
17:04Megan is not the least trustworthy,
17:06but we're going to put Megan in the back
17:08because she needs the most bread, so she is able to take the most.
17:12Okay, one to eight, starting from this side.
17:14We're all set.
17:20Attention, survivalists.
17:23Oh, he scares me.
17:25A survival trial is imminent.
17:27Based on the order your families agreed upon, HQ,
17:30you will be tapped to make your way to the clearing at the north end of the lake.
17:35Do they know what number they are?
17:36I don't think so.
17:39Attention, shake.
17:41Head to the clearing and follow the instructions waiting for you there.
17:45All right.
17:48I'm curious.
17:50This one's going to be interesting.
17:53I've got a wife and four kids.
17:55I feel like it's harder and harder these days to raise family, good kids.
18:00So I really want my kids to know that life is going to kick them in the face
18:05over and over and over again,
18:06and the only thing you can do is have a positive mental attitude.
18:10So by being here, it's a good lesson to teach my kids
18:13that they'll be able to see me struggling and see me succeed.
18:19Let's see.
18:21There's something right here.
18:23Let's see what this says.
18:26All right.
18:27There are eight survivalists left and enough bread here for everyone to have a portion.
18:32Your family has decided the order you arrived.
18:35Take the portion you need to reach 250,000.
18:42Look at that.
18:45I got enough deer meat to make a good sandwich right there.
18:49Wait, what?
18:51No way.
18:57A survival trial is underway, and Jake is the first to be tested.
19:03The families in HQ voted Jake the most trustworthy,
19:06and they are about to find out if they were right.
19:10Yeah, I got enough deer meat to make a good sandwich right there.
19:14Oh, wait, what?
19:16Sounds like their other families need it better than me.
19:19Other survivalists out there, I'm doing okay,
19:22so I'm going to pass on it and leave it to the next person.
19:29That's a blessing, man.
19:30Yeah, he's a really good guy.
19:32I honestly never doubted.
19:35Yeah, he's the man.
19:36He's the man.
19:37Yeah, he's the man.
19:38The survivalists are unaware of their order,
19:40so they must decide for themselves how much bread they should take.
19:44Take the portion you need to reach 250,000.
19:51Come on, buddy.
19:52Just go on.
19:53You're good.
19:54Go on.
19:55What if I choose none?
20:00I don't need any.
20:05He hasn't walked.
20:06He hasn't walked.
20:07I mean.
20:14Are you thinking?
20:18I don't think bread's going to help me.
20:20Holy cow.
20:24I would have been okay if he would have took a little piece,
20:26but just the fact that he took nothing,
20:29that says something about his character.
20:32I feel like everybody in HQ is going to help us later on.
20:44Oh, man.
20:47Oh, my God.
20:49This is crazy.
20:50Now there's pressure.
20:51I know.
20:57I broke the bread first.
21:01I'm surprised Ryan is the first one.
21:03I hope it doesn't make him look bad or make me and Sean look bad.
21:06I don't want other families to punish Ryan in the future.
21:10I didn't take too much bread.
21:15What you got?
21:20That's what I got.
21:21Like a biscuit.
21:22That's all I need.
21:24This is metal.
21:28He's going to eat the entire piece of bread before he makes it back to the site.
21:36I'm not big, so I don't need a ton.
21:40I know not many of us have been here, though.
21:50That's a good amount.
21:51I know those guys were eating meat.
21:55I'm so sorry.
22:06Don't take much more.
22:08I don't want to make this tough for Ryan.
22:12There's still a lot there.
22:14Robin grabbed two pieces of bread.
22:17I felt that she was thinking about herself because she didn't know what place she was in on that bread.
22:22That's a little too big.
22:24It's a little tough.
22:25We need to do a little damage control just to make sure that nobody looked at her as being too greedy and untrustworthy.
22:32Bad decision made me.
22:35It's not okay to be friends with everyone right now.
22:38This is not a thing to say when you're on the big screen right now.
22:41Oh, geez.
22:45A piece of bread.
22:48Oh, that's dirty.
22:50That is, Hayley.
22:52I don't want to play with everyone else right now.
22:55I don't need a target on my back.
22:57Thanks, man.
22:59She's a smart girl.
23:02I hope Chakova don't go up there and take the whole damn thing.
23:04You better hope not.
23:15Oh, yeah.
23:16Your heart was beating.
23:17Yeah, your heart was beating.
23:20I hope Chakova don't grab half of that bread.
23:22I'm proud of Chakova when it came down to the bread because he did good.
23:25If he took the whole bread, it really would have been a target on us.
23:29The moment of truth.
23:32Although Megan is not aware of it, she is the last survivalist to reach the bread.
23:38Oh, my God.
23:40What do I do?
23:42She don't know she's the last one.
23:44She does not.
23:50Oh, my God.
23:51I'm just going to leave.
23:53We're going to leave that for them.
23:56I just feel so bad.
23:58I hope there's enough for the rest of y'all, okay?
24:02But I need this bread to survive.
24:04I need carbs.
24:06Megan is tired, hungry.
24:09She dehydrated.
24:11I'm very happy she took what she needed.
24:14Worked out great.
24:15This is exactly what we wanted.
24:18Some butter and garlic would be really good.
24:21A long way to go for a biscuit.
24:24I didn't take any bread.
24:26I don't need the food.
24:27I need water.
24:36Do we want to go in here or outside?
24:38It's best because our voices will carry.
24:41I feel like maybe in here so it's not too suspicious.
24:45I think this is good because they can't really see us.
24:48So, me and Carly adore you guys, and we think Haley and Robin are, like, so similar in so many ways.
24:56We just wanted to, like, check in, basically, because I know that, like, we have your back, and I feel like you guys, of course, have ours.
25:02We're asking for help when we need it, and I learned that very early on in my career,
25:06that a nurse that doesn't ask for help makes dangerous decisions.
25:09So, we need to ask people for help in order to keep Haley safe.
25:13Yeah, we're taking advantage of every single resource we have in the house and everyone in the house.
25:17I consider this, I guess, the word alliance.
25:19I will never, ever do anything detrimental.
25:22I just want you guys to know for sure that we 100% mean that.
25:28The alliance, it doesn't mean that we're always going to be picking them first in every scenario and that we expect them to pick us first,
25:33but when it comes time to possibly do something negative to someone in the wild, we have their back.
25:40With the new alliance secretly formed, the focus shifts to the wild.
25:48Oh, look at that mouse.
25:49Oh, what?
25:50It's crawling in right there.
25:51Oh, yeah, yeah.
25:52Mr. Colby.
25:53Ooh, it was a rat.
25:54Man, he's tough.
25:55It was.
25:56It was a rat, didn't it?
25:57A rat just went in his mouth.
25:59Man, that's the same thing.
26:02Is it going?
26:03It went inside.
26:04It went inside.
26:05Oh, there's another one right there.
26:07There's another one inside with him.
26:10Oh, he just ran out.
26:12That'll make you tap out.
26:17It's a new day, and families in HQ are settling into their routines.
26:23Breakfast, to me, is the best part of the day.
26:27While survivalists wake to another day in the wild.
26:30Good morning.
26:34All I'm missing is my TV, my sleeping bag, some snacks.
26:41I didn't sleep because I was cold, but I'm starting to feel a lot better right now.
26:47I got some really good berries.
26:49Those blue and red.
26:52And for Lance, it's an opportunity to advance his strategy.
26:56How's Robin feeling?
26:57I feel like Robin's doing a lot better than a fair amount of them,
27:00but at the same time, I'm downplaying her in the room
27:04because I don't want her to be perceived as a threat.
27:06She has a lot of hip and back pain.
27:08When she got up, her respiration rate was really high,
27:12and I don't know what that was about.
27:13She's still trying to make that fire.
27:15Bless her heart.
27:16Robin is.
27:17She's not.
27:18She's been at it for half an hour.
27:19The rat kept her up again last night.
27:21So she can't really sleep.
27:23Robin's got a lot more in that tank than I'm giving her credit for.
27:27You know what? Let's go to the lake for a minute.
27:29I think people don't see me as a threat.
27:32They see someone who's 5'2", I'm 55, and I'm a mom.
27:38I'm blonde.
27:39It's bottled, just to let everyone know.
27:42But I'm also very down and dirty.
27:45We hike a lot, so I know how to do filtering of water.
27:49I can fish, don't have a problem with that.
27:51We've had bear encounters, so I got this.
27:53As Lance's strategy continues to unfold in HQ,
27:56out in the wilderness,
27:58some of the other survivalists size up their own situations.
28:02I'm losing weight every day,
28:04and my body has been eating itself.
28:08This is anything but a joyride.
28:10I'll tell you that.
28:12This experience is awesome,
28:14but living through it sucks.
28:17Ryan continues to ration his deer meat.
28:20Still doesn't smell bad or anything.
28:23No signs of going bad.
28:25Still looks good to me.
28:27I'm going to keep eating.
28:29Oh yeah, that's looking good.
28:32Smelling good.
28:34Well, Sarah and Sean, how's my team doing?
28:37I want a letter from my wife.
28:40He says, I want a letter from my wife.
28:43This is a tough competition,
28:45but I do think it's important to help her out.
28:48I do think it's important to help Ryan succeed,
28:50because I love Ryan.
28:54He's a special kind of human being,
28:58and you don't come across people like that all the time.
29:02Ryan defies expectations.
29:05I got diagnosed with cancer at the age of 35.
29:08We had not even been married for five years.
29:10There was nothing that that man didn't do for me when I was sick.
29:14Unfailingly, unflinchingly, with joy,
29:17and so he is the person I love the most in the world.
29:21And now it's my turn to give it back and take care of him.
29:26Once we're done with this, I don't need to go camping for a while.
29:33Attention families, a supply drop is imminent.
29:36The order you enter the supply room does not affect what is available.
29:40There are enough supplies for all.
29:42There's a bot coming.
29:43I don't trust him.
29:45There's going to be a catch.
29:46There's going to be a catch.
29:48This supply drop will be done in secret.
29:52Each family will choose one item to give, but not to their own.
29:56It must go to another survivalist.
29:59Robyn's family, you may enter the supply room now.
30:04I'm scared.
30:07Who doesn't have a sleeping bag that needs one right now?
30:09Woody, but we have an alliance.
30:11I think we should stick that alliance.
30:14We can't break that trust with them.
30:16Okay, let's do this then.
30:18Let's go for Hayley.
30:19Faith had the point that we're in a strong alliance with Carly and Natalie.
30:23I trust them to give back to us.
30:25If they send something to Robyn today, our alliance is rock solid.
30:30Hayley's family, enter the supply room now.
30:34I think our best alliance right now and our closest friend is Lance and Faith,
30:38so definitely want to continue being loyal.
30:41But truthfully, I think it's important to keep your options open.
30:45Okay, who do you want to do?
30:46I hope one of the girls or one of the guys.
30:48Who do we have left for girls?
30:49Megan and Robyn.
30:51And they're both freezing.
30:52We give it to one of the girls because we want them to stay.
30:55An extra sleeping bag couldn't hurt Megan.
30:57I was going to say Robyn.
30:58We don't owe anyone anything.
31:00Definitely a sleeping bag.
31:01Sleeping bag for...
31:04What do you want to do?
31:12We don't owe anyone anything.
31:14We can make a new friend if we need to.
31:18What do you want to do?
31:19Definitely a sleeping bag.
31:20Sleeping bag for...
31:23I'm writing Robyn.
31:25We want to keep the people that we trust around,
31:28and I think that we're playing a really smart game right now.
31:30A lot of the women have unified themselves together,
31:34so we got to support the men in this competition.
31:37Do you want to debut?
31:38Yeah, I'm the gangster.
31:40I'm the gangster.
31:41Ryan W.
31:43Ryan W. is a strong competitor.
31:46Let me help you out, then you can help me out on the other end.
31:50I know that Jacob doesn't have a sleeping bag.
31:54We just thought we were doing the right thing
31:57by giving him a little bit more comfort.
31:59I know you guys need a sleeping bag.
32:01That's about all I know.
32:02What would he like?
32:03A sleeping bag?
32:04A sleeping bag, yeah.
32:06Woody's family, you may now enter the supply room.
32:09What's Colin doing?
32:10Dude, he's got a 102 fever.
32:11He's in bed right now.
32:12Are you serious?
32:14Without Colin here today,
32:15I don't have anybody to bounce ideas off of,
32:17so it definitely puts a lot more stress on my plate.
32:20I went into the supply room knowing who I wanted to help out,
32:23which is maybe silly because of Ryan being such a good competitor,
32:27but this is still a long game.
32:29Ryan W., I think that's a good choice.
32:31Hopefully, they'll look out for me as well.
32:34These are the two biggest items.
32:36I feel like we should give this to Robyn.
32:38Let's do that.
32:39Robyn's dope.
32:41Woody's killing it with fire.
32:42He's fine.
32:43He's good.
32:44Ryan W. is good.
32:45Ryan H. is good.
32:46Jacobin, starting fire is no problem.
32:48Any of the female contestants right now are probably cold.
32:55I think Woody's sleeping bag is the biggest need that I know of.
32:59We need to have friends.
33:00We need to know who we can count on,
33:02so we told Blake what Ryan needs.
33:04We've talked about how Woody and Ryan need the same things,
33:06so I'm really crossing my fingers that Blake sent Ryan a sleeping bag.
33:10Sleeping bag, Woody.
33:16Attention, survivalists.
33:18A supply drop is imminent.
33:20These supplies are anonymously gifted by other teams in HQ.
33:24If your family is making allies and playing strategically,
33:28you may receive one or more items.
33:30An umbrella would be good.
33:32Yeah, I know.
33:33While others could get nothing.
33:35Oh, boy.
33:37Let's hope y'all made some friends.
33:41Ooh, big bucks like it.
33:43There could be something in there.
33:44There could be nothing in there.
33:47For Ryan H., this supply drop is key.
33:50After receiving an empty crate in the last supply drop
33:54and never fully recovering from the raft trial,
33:57he is desperate for supplies.
34:01Empty box.
34:04When it comes to Ryan,
34:06I think everyone in headquarters thought that he was solid.
34:10This is the second empty box he's received.
34:13Oh, my God.
34:16I don't like watching people open empty boxes.
34:23No way, dude. What up?
34:26I got a pocket rocket, baby.
34:29Aw, thank you.
34:35You guys.
34:38There's nothing in here.
34:40Does that mean no one likes you?
34:42For him to get another empty box, it does hurt.
34:46But Jake is unbreakable, and he's proving it right now.
34:50There you go. Nothing.
34:52Here goes nothing.
34:59I got a sleeping bag.
35:03We were surprised, and we thought he wasn't gonna get nothing,
35:05because we stood our ground
35:07to get him some hot chocolate and socks.
35:10But somebody did look out for him.
35:13That's what we needed. That's what we needed.
35:15Yes! Oh, my!
35:18Do you think they chose each other?
35:20Very surprised. Very excited.
35:24Thank you, guys.
35:26Not one, big boy.
35:30But two.
35:34Oh, s***.
35:36Robin just received two stoves.
35:43I also got...
35:47Oh, my gosh. Wow.
35:49I just feel like we maybe got
35:51a little bit of the target painted on Robin.
35:53Those are too insane.
35:58Camp fuel.
36:00Oh, and a stove.
36:02Thank you, whoever sent that.
36:08Oh, my God.
36:11Thank you, whoever sent the sleeping bag.
36:23We got nothing.
36:27I don't think we're liked, guys.
36:30That's not good.
36:37Why is it empty? Is it me? Is it HQ?
36:39It's devastating.
36:43Hurts my heart.
36:45It crushes my soul to see an empty box,
36:47especially because the survivalists were told
36:50that it depended on the relationships
36:52their family were building.
36:54So they think that their family has no friends.
36:57Nobody likes you. You guys are the outcasts.
36:59That's got to be what it is.
37:04One person that surprised me
37:06that I think is very deceitful,
37:08Lance and Faith.
37:10I think that Robin is way better
37:13than they're trying to make it seem.
37:15Oh, yeah.
37:17Lance does keep saying he's like Robin.
37:19Yeah, I don't think that she is.
37:21She's sick.
37:23If they did get anything, they need to remember this
37:25for next time.
37:27They're throwing such a pity party
37:29that three people sent them stuff.
37:33Oh, she doesn't know nothing.
37:35You know, we have a tough life.
37:37After the supply drop and watching her
37:39taking a second piece of bread,
37:41we definitely have to keep our eye on Robin
37:43because no way she needed that many items.
37:45Yeah, she's got three friggin' propane tanks.
37:48And a fire starter.
37:50Oh, yeah. Right, and poor Megan got nothing.
37:53Can't use guilt for you.
37:56Nope, I don't need it.
37:58This is a competition, and everybody's here to win.
38:00Nobody needed three things.
38:10The supply drop has widened the divide.
38:13Some survivalists put their new gear to use.
38:16I'm gonna try and get this set up right now.
38:19Looks like I flipped this bad boy around.
38:21While others face a lack of resources.
38:24So nothing was in my supply crate.
38:27Dang, this sucks.
38:29And with another storm on the horizon,
38:32the pressure intensifies.
38:34Isn't that cloud formation wild?
38:36It's like it's smoke coming out.
38:38Yeah, it's so low.
38:39Isn't that crazy?
38:40I just feel like something's brewing.
38:43I decided I can still boil water tonight before bed,
38:47put it in one of the canteens for heaters.
38:50That's what I was saying.
38:52And tuck them in my blankets with me to...
38:55Ew, she's belching.
38:58To have little space heaters.
39:01I don't know what's going on in my belly right now.
39:04All right, let's get it.
39:07Haley's extremely adaptable,
39:09so even though she hasn't gotten a lot of tools and supplies,
39:13she's willing to use things for not their intended purpose.
39:16If it helps her, she makes heaters out of water bottles
39:19because she doesn't have a sleeping bag.
39:21So that's what completely sets her apart from everyone else.
39:24So now I have something warm to cuddle with tonight.
39:28The previous storm exposed flaws in the survivalists' shelters.
39:32With a stronger storm approaching,
39:34they're making urgent adjustments to their camps.
39:37I don't want to have to get even a little bit wet.
39:40I'm just kind of...
39:42I'm feeling really down.
39:44I don't know if I can survive a storm.
39:48I'm just concerned about maybe the water coming around
39:53and inside under her shelter
39:56because Megan's camp is just very wide open.
39:59The rain will collect there.
40:01To be honest, I don't know what else I can do.
40:04To be honest, I don't know what else I can do.
40:07It could be issues.
40:09I wish we could get a message to her to help her
40:12because I know she's struggling.
40:14Dad, if you're listening right now,
40:16please stay up with me and help me stay safe.
40:27It's dripping.
40:29See the drips?
40:31That is soaking wet.
40:37Are we concerned that the water on Megan's tarp is just going to go...
40:44Yeah, because if that water gets on her sleeping bag and everything,
40:47we're done, yeah.
40:52I'm not sure about this storm coming in.
40:56I just need to know you're there.
40:59You're going to forget it's here or here, y'all.
41:01We hear you, though.
41:04Get that on...
41:09Push it up. Push, push, push, push, push.
41:18It's already soaked, everything.
41:23Ryan's gotten very wet.
41:25I hope he's not even contemplating.
41:31I mean, this will start having a psychological effect.
41:33I think this is going to start driving some people stir-crazy.
41:41I am stressed.
41:52Attention, families.
41:54Tonight, your loved ones will fight to survive this storm.
41:57And tomorrow, you must fight for them.
42:00Think about who is strong and who is weak,
42:03because tomorrow, you will rank the survivalists,
42:06and the order you choose will have consequences in the wild.
42:10This is getting crazy.
42:11Oh, God, this sucks.
42:13It's only going to get worse.
42:14Oh, God.
42:15Things are about to get real.
42:17Good night.
42:19Next time on Extracted...
42:21Who do we think the strongest is out of everybody?
42:23...ranking the survivalists pits family against family.
42:26If you can help us not say Ryan, we're not going to say Woody.
42:29You want everybody to think you're the weakest
42:31because you don't want to target on your bank.
42:33Wait, whoa.
42:34No, no, no, wait, think about this.
42:36While a chance to send their loved ones a letter...
42:39Oh, my goodness.
42:40...pushes families over the edge.
42:42Finally, something to fight against.
42:44I feel horrible.
42:45Do we look like the bad guys?
42:46And a bombshell betrayal changes the game.
42:49I ain't going to be nobody to stop.
42:51When you go up there, the very one that you save
42:53is going to be the one to put your survivalists out.