• 20 hours ago


00:13Please tell me you're joking
00:15It's rustic. That was a Fox a very rustic Fox. You're obviously not getting it
00:22Just picture in a few hours, right? It's gonna be night. The stars will be out
00:31I've got her this
00:34Josh it's beautiful. I'll just be mean cat. Mm-hmm and the Foxes. Yeah, I'm the Foxes
00:42It's gonna be amazing
00:44You'll see
00:49What is going on aqua
00:52Why did you attack Brendan Stacy told me it was Brendan he'd been saying all these things about Josh
00:57What things?
00:59Saying he'd tricked some woman and stolen all that money
01:03Josh wouldn't do that
01:05So Brendan coming out of your place
01:10I was just trying to look out for Josh
01:13You know, like he always looked out for me
01:16What does that mean? I?
01:18Wasn't trying to hurt Brendan
01:21I just need to understand why he was trying to get Josh into trouble. So
01:26Yeah, I followed him
01:28But I knew I was right when I heard what he was saying on the phone
01:30Look, I've been talking to the police about this guy. She's been seeing Josh Buchanan this Josh guy. He's dangerous
01:40They're panicked I
01:43Just thought if I could find out who he was talking to or stop him spreading lies about Josh
01:48That's the whole point she's with this Josh and he's not let me talk to her. All right, something's wrong
02:03How did they catch you they trapped Brendan's phone to my house not exactly master criminal
02:17What am I missing my love I cuz I I feel like you're not telling me the truth
02:23Did Josh ask you to do this Josh would never do that you knew him better than anyone well, it turns out not so much
02:32Josh loved you
02:35I gave up everything for you. Don't you understand understand what aqua?
03:34I can't have a lie down
04:14Yeah, come here
04:19You okay she's sleeping so let's go outside, okay
04:30Aqua okay, not really. I
04:35Haven't seen her like this in a very long time. Aqua said that she was trying to protect Josh protecting from wall
04:43She thinks she might have seen him a few months ago. So she must have spoken to him then
04:47He must have said something to her for her to react like this, but I can't help her. She's not honest with me
04:54Aqua was telling the truth. She didn't speak to Josh. I
05:00Did I
05:02Was there I
05:05Saw I could looking at someone and I recognized Josh from one of her photos. So I
05:12Followed him
05:18What did you say I
05:21Told him to leave you alone. Is this the bit where I meant to laughs? Please tell me you're joking
05:25Well, what was I supposed to say?
05:27I see some ex-boyfriend of yours who you're too traumatized to even talk about stalking you in a park
05:32Of course, I went after him
05:35Did he say why he was there cuz he probably came for a reason. I don't know. I told him to go and he
05:43He did
05:46Why would you do that
05:47You don't know Josh I know what he did to you you weren't there you have no idea what we went through I
05:55Should have told you I'm sorry. I
05:57Just thought if I could help you find Josh now it would make up for what I did to you
06:03Cat no, I can't do this right now
06:21Charlie I know you're still suspended, but you need to hear this
06:25That bank account the Dana paid into the Swiss one a financial advisor submitted a suspicious activity report for the same account
06:31Okay, good fine. Who's the advisor guy called Ashkan she back. I'm gonna check it out now. Send me the address
06:37I'll meet you there. I'm not sure you should I'm not asking
06:47Are you sure this is the right address? Well, this is the place I checked
07:07DC Charlie Pitts di-cat Donovan. We're here to see Ashkan she back
07:27Ashkan she back
07:40Hello your Ashkan she back
07:43Call me Chewie a senior partner at Parsons Chewbacca Mitnick and Bushel investments and securities a little less floor space than I was expecting
07:52Where your partners don't have any well, then who are Parsons Mitnick and Bushel?
07:57Three guys I played cricket with in year seven. I just used their name for the must head sounds fancy, huh?
08:04I'm misleading. No crime though
08:07How could I help you submitted a suspicious activity report for a Swiss bank account?
08:12We need to know why who was the client?
08:16Wouldn't be much of a financial advisor if I gave away people secrets just because you asked nicely
08:20Says the man lying about working out of his mom's garage. They pay me to be discreet. They don't care about my
08:27Living situation. Just tell us who the client is a
08:32Woman is missing that is linked to that account. Okay, so if you're helping someone involved in I don't know
08:39financial fraud
08:41Fine let's
08:43Let's see what your clients think about the decker in here. Maybe you can say the fish is possible. Okay, okay
08:50My client sent some money to an account I had concerns so I reported it. Okay, I don't know anything about kidnapping and the client is
09:01He's called Rishi Magari
09:08This Rishi Magari
09:11Hmm one in the same
09:14Did he say who he was sending the money to or what it was for no, I
09:19Tried to call him nothing. He never called me back. Okay, so that's why you submitted the suspicious activity report
09:26Sort of the money was weird, but the woman
09:31That was the crazy part woman
09:34With a few months ago where she started talking about this woman
09:38He was obsessed with her met her online on some dating app
09:46The music one
09:49He said her name was Vanessa
09:59Solid 10 out of 10. Hmm one week. He's obsessed with her next thing
10:04He's sending half his portfolio to some random Swiss bank account had to be a scam
10:08Did he say anything more about her and a surname and address didn't have to I?
10:13reverse image search the picture he sent and
10:17Boom, I found her meet Vanessa
10:21She's a cam girl
10:24into all that foot stuff
10:26Told you that was good
10:52This is Charlie's voicemail, please leave a message
11:04It's Charlie about haven't seen him this morning. He's at a training thing. He'll be there all day. He's on email if you need him
11:45Miss you too. Have a great time. Come here. I love you
11:53Be safe, I will
12:18Thank you
12:45Have a problem Dana
12:50You lied to me I
12:54Didn't I you said you'd given his access to all your bank accounts, but you missed one your son's trust fund
13:02But that's not my money
13:04You're his guardian. He can't access it until he's 25. You can authorize payments and transactions
13:11You're in charge of it. My husband set up the trust and I'm the guardian but Brendan he has to sign off any transactions
13:18I can't just take out the money myself
13:22That money's his future
13:24If anything happens to me
13:34Do you know why I love dogs so much
13:36You know exactly where you are with the dog. They never lie to you incapable of deceit
13:43This is the truest form of love pure
13:48Honest I
13:50Know what it's like to have your heart broken
13:54Falling in love is such a risk, isn't it?
13:57You're diving into the abyss just hoping there's that one special person there to catch you
14:04There isn't your perfect person doesn't exist
14:12People are unreliable
14:17This is a gift I'm giving you I'm showing you what the world is really like
14:21True love is a myth
14:44We'll talk again later
15:03I just spoke to the cam girl real name Catalina. She says she hasn't talked to Rishi
15:09Timestamps on her life feeds prove she couldn't have been meeting Rishi last week
15:13So if he wasn't meeting anyone at the cottage, it wasn't her
15:16There must be a catfish
15:18Dana and Rishi both widowers probably had life insurance
15:23Pensions. Well, we know that Rishi was lonely not exactly a party animal wouldn't have been hard to get his attention with the picture of
15:30Well, it explains your ex doesn't it? Well if her picture was stolen then surely Josh's was too
15:37Josh isn't involved. No, it doesn't look like it
15:40It was never really him
15:42Are you okay?
15:47Photos being used to catfish. Yes, like they did with Catalina
15:51What do you want me to do next? I can keep looking into her to make sure she's not involved
15:57Unless you want to talk to her not whilst I'm suspended
16:01We've got two people missing on the same dating app. You've got to tell stagger
16:05You okay with that?
16:08Us taking over the case. No, of course not. But Nia's been desperate to lead. She'll be great
16:15So, what are you gonna do while you're off
16:18You don't strike me as the spa type. I still need well, I still want to find Josh
16:24I found some of his old articles that I thought I could use to track him down
16:27Or do you think he's still writing for sure? You never would have been able to give that up
16:34AI text compare it should find articles that match Josh's style of writing and well
16:40That's all find him even if he's writing under a pseudonym or something. Yeah. Yeah. No the articles will pop up
16:45They should lead you to Josh
16:49What about the fingerprints have they come back yet? The ones on my dad's murder weapon?
16:53I know not yet, but I'll check when I get back in
16:57All right
16:59You and Nia will be fine without me
17:29Being in nature is the best caffeine
17:32There's this African legend that says the Baobab was so beautiful that the gods planted it upside down to punish it. Really? Yeah, I
17:40Love it. I
17:42Being in nature is the best caffeine
17:59Summoned me I did because you forgive me
18:09Tell me everything from now on okay, even things that you think I'm not ready to hear. Yes
18:19Come here have a look at this
18:21So I've been using this AI thing to look for Josh's writing style online
18:26And I found this newsletter written by someone who goes by the honest aspect. No real name, but
18:34It's Josh
18:36I'm sure of it
18:39Okay, this this is good. Mm-hmm, and he he has
18:4425,000 paid subscribers play or someone's doing well
18:47Okay, well all these
18:49Payments must be going somewhere if we can find the company linked to these payments we can get an address
18:55Yeah, I can find anything online. He's covered his tracks pretty well easy
18:59All cheaters love to hide money
19:01I know exactly how to find cash that people want to keep it in give me a couple of hours
19:10I've occasionally been accused of being a
19:14touch rash
19:16Really? I jumped to conclusions about the kind of man Josh was but clearly you loved him a lot. So
19:25He would have had to have been pretty special
19:28I'm sorry
19:33You're gonna explain the outfit it's for a job
19:37Apparently playing squash makes married men horny or something. It's concerning. What do you think?
19:43Do I let him win or would he be more attracted to the woman that what's his ass?
19:49I'll wing it. I will call you as soon as I find something. Don't worry. I got you
20:23Wasn't paid to kill
20:26I was paid to tell the full
20:41Your mom came over for breakfast
20:44Tell me about your chat said you knew what your dad got up to thought you might have a few questions. Come here
20:56How you holding up baby girl, hmm had better weeks
21:05Mom told me about dad's affair
21:08You worked at the station. What was it like back then? Oh
21:12Those men I mean there might have been a few good ones
21:16But for most of them being in a place like that just fed the worst parts of them rotten souls
21:24And that's who dad was wasn't unusual back then they were all messing around I
21:31Don't know when it started but
21:35That flat of yours, yeah, that was their special little place
21:41Your dad works so hard to keep her a secret
21:47Why if they were all doing it I
21:50Think it was more than just a casual fling when your dad died I
21:55had this feeling that
21:59That girl had something to do with it
22:01How would you mean? I don't know. It was just just a feeling
22:12What about Callaghan what about him
22:16Grow up around here. You you must have known him when you were kids. Yeah, not personally
22:21But yeah, I knew who he was
22:24We all just steered clear. I mean Callaghan was that kid, you know
22:31People used to say that you pass him in the corridor and you'd feel like a chill
22:36Pets in the neighborhood would disappear when he was around. You know what I'm saying?
22:40I don't know if Callaghan knew the girl
22:50I got her name
22:53Who is she
22:55If you track her down you really think that's gonna help
22:59Looked into the eyes of that woman. I
23:03Don't want you to get hurt love
23:05I don't want you to get hurt love
23:12Parker that's all I got Parker. Is that a surname? That's all I got Parker. I
23:20Wish you'd let this be I
23:24Know you won't I
23:28Don't know what kind of truth you're gonna find out there, but I don't think you're gonna like it
23:40See well, thank you for the update
23:45The bank called my swiss accounts been frozen
23:50They refuse to tell me the reason maybe they're investigating us, but why i've taken all the same precautions we always do the same protocols
24:00Has anything unusual happened anything out of the ordinary
24:06That was a small thing last week we think someone recognized the photo we used started asking the profile questions
24:17Show me
24:28The mark that recognized the picture show him
24:33Song prince is one of our profiles and she's one of the women who tried to match with her
24:36She asked too many questions. So we blocked her bring up the police press conference on number eight
24:45Thank you for coming i'm detective kat donovan
24:49Is that the same woman today detective inspector kat donovan
24:55She's trying to win trapwood, what did she say in her message?
25:01Striped gray shirt
25:05She calls him josh
25:08But that's not the name we gave him
25:11So she isn't trying to entrap us she knows the man in the picture
25:22We have to find out exactly what the detective knows and if we need her eliminated find her address ronaldo
25:32And uh, you can call number six we've got what we can she's useless to us now
25:50Whoa, come here
26:04Do we have the detective's address? Yeah, I just came in let's go
26:13Hey, yeah, hey
26:14I found something
26:16josh, so I tracked josh's newsletter payments to a single company looked through every single document filed under the honest aspect
26:27Looking for any slip-up
26:29He slipped up he did when he first opened the account. He linked it to a p.o box number
26:33578 the name on the p.o box is reggie cross. That's the name that brendan found. I know
26:40Kat we are so close now
26:44I can be there in a couple of hours
26:47No, no, i'll go
26:50Thank you. Okay. Be careful
27:47I'm gonna get this please and collecting a package for 127. Yeah. Can I see your id please? Yeah, sure
27:56There you go
27:58Be right back
28:19Thank you, all right. See you next week
28:22Hi, hi collecting for 241. Mm-hmm. Can I see your id please?
28:35Just one moment
29:03Um, this id doesn't match
29:08Oh my god, you know i'm an idiot i'm collecting for my neighbor forgot to bring their id, um, i'll be back. Thanks
30:10Five seven eight, please
30:29Thanks jess my pleasure
30:33See you later. Hello again. Can I help you?
31:46I'm detective inspector kat donovan. I'm looking for reggie cross
31:50Don't know anyone by that name
31:52What about josh buchanan?
31:54Is he here? No
31:55Sorry, I need to speak to him. It's just me here. No josh. No reggie can't help you officer. Leave me alone
32:24It turns out josh didn't set up his profile some kid did
32:38Come on
32:49Um, where am I follow me
33:20Kat donovan
33:27I bet you've pictured meeting me for a while
33:33I have
33:35Was anything like this
33:38No, you're in handcuffs
33:42Sorry about the journey I have a flair for the dramatic you can leave us leslie
33:49What a name leslie
33:54Curtis it
33:57Why am I here you've waited a long time so here's your chance
34:04Asked me
34:09Did you have my father killed no
34:15Am I just supposed to believe you sure why not
34:19Look at this face
34:22Let me ask you does this look like the face of a liar looks like the face of someone who's done a
34:27Fair bit of evil the world's an evil place. You know that you're a cop me
34:32I'm, just trying to tread my way through these treacherous waters. We call life
34:38Don't believe everything you hear like the way you took a claw hammer to a kid in year seven exactly like that
34:44Can I let you in a little secret never happened?
34:47The whole claw hammer story urban myth I made it up
34:54The wee young irish new boy everyone was picking on he became the psycho everyone feared
35:05So you've never killed anyone no, we all kill cat
35:08God created a planet in which every creature emerges to survive a lion takes down a gazelle so cruel
35:13But if he doesn't he dies simple as that that's the world god made like it or not
35:19You're not here to listen to an old man prattle on about the world's philosophical underpinnings take a seat
35:25I have certain things I need to tell you about your dad
35:29So you understand?
35:31And can let this go
35:35Take a seat
35:42He was a good man your father I liked him
35:46we started out as enemies of a sort, but
35:49We came to an understanding
35:51I was hoping you and I might have an understanding too
35:54Oh god, no
35:55Don't worry cat. I'm not looking to corrupt you
35:59I'm, not suggesting we have any kind of official arrangement something maybe more but like um
36:05a detente
36:07What do you want you have questions about your father's murder I may have answers I tell you what I know in an exchange you and me
36:17Dayton I got it
36:23I didn't kill your father
36:27He was an asset to me not a hindrance if someone is a hindrance to me theoretically
36:31I could take them out in a boat put a bullet in their head. There's a spot off the
36:35Coast the locals called the black hole
36:37No one knows how deep it is something gets dumped down there. It's never coming back up sounds like a threat not at all
36:45It's just a useful bit of knowledge
36:52LeBan didn't kill my father did he
36:55He did not no
36:57So why did he confess monday was loyal the police arrested him for two jobs. I wasn't worried
37:03He knew what he had to do keep you out of it and he did
37:08It's all going terribly well
37:10But then a few days later monday asked my permission to confess to a third murder one
37:14I knew nothing about out of nowhere and that was my dad's
37:21What would he gain by pretending to kill a policeman what did you have for breakfast this morning
37:27You're a busy sort you strike me as a smashed avocado and rye bread kind of person
37:32I picture your breakfast inside
37:35For the rest of your life
37:38plain toast
37:39one of those little
37:42Kitty boxes of cereal if you're lucky lunch dinner not much better to be honest every day the same
37:48Now I imagine someone offers you the chance to mix things up a little
37:52A treat here or there solo sale, maybe a better job a good one in the kitchens
37:59What wouldn't you confess to for an easier life?
38:03And now that's not easy to sort
38:05You'd have to have someone with connections on the inside
38:09prison officer maybe
38:10or a policeman
38:14You're suggesting a policeman well that surprises you do you think your dad was the only one
38:20Your father was a complicated man cat
38:23perfect husband perfect dad
38:26Except lights go out night falls
38:29And mr. Hyde comes out to play
38:33That's who I did business with
38:35Your father didn't just have a demon or two whispering in his ears
38:39He had a whole fucking choir of fallen angels on his shoulders
38:47I don't know who killed your father. That's the truth
38:51But if you're asking about the most likely suspects
38:54Only a policeman could have killed clint
38:57Could have killed clint covered it up and got to monty
39:05You know, that's the truth
39:11Now if there's anything else
39:21Tell me about parker, you know about parker. I know enough. That's why you're asking me
39:28Can you help me find her
39:36Maybe you're right. Maybe it is time to let all the secrets out
39:49This is the chariot race painted by alexander von wagner in 1872
39:54Impressive. Yeah, it is. I own it. I loaned it to the museum my way of giving something back
40:05But I miss it so I come here someday sit down and look at it
40:17I'll help you find parker
40:20Then you and I are done
40:22Then you and I are done
40:25You forget about me
40:28And i'll forget about you
41:19Please let me go home
41:22I won't tell anyone, please
41:59What's wrong with you get out
42:44What did we take before she died
43:22Hi, I was at your house earlier
43:25One of you can help me. I'm looking for someone. Um, granddad says I can't talk to you
43:31I'm, just looking for reggie cross or josh buchanan. I think you set up a facebook profile for him dad
43:36Why is she asking about you?
44:04I'm right here