Australian.Idol.S10 Ep17
00:00This is Australian Idol, and we are live.
00:06You vote, you decide.
00:08Your verdict will be revealed tonight.
00:10But before that, singing their new single,
00:13currently at number one on the charts,
00:15this is your Top 12.
00:21Oh, oh, listen to the music
00:25Oh, oh, listen to the music
00:30Oh, oh, listen to the music
00:35Oh, oh, listen to the music
00:39Oh, oh, listen to the music
00:44All the time
00:52Let's go
00:53Don't you feel it growing
00:55Day by day
00:58Get ready for the news
01:00Summer happy
01:02Summer sad
01:05Oh, you let the music play
01:09Let's go
01:10What's the people mean, huh?
01:12It's a way to make them smile
01:14It ain't so hard to do it if you know how
01:18Gotta get a message
01:20Gotta move
01:23And I'm always going to after a while
01:26Oh, oh, listen to the music
01:30Oh, oh, listen to the music
01:35Oh, oh, listen to the music
01:39All the time
01:46Like a lazy flowing river
01:50Surrounding castles in the sky
01:54And the crowd is calling me, God, why?
01:58Listen for the happy sounds
02:00That are gonna make you fly
02:02Oh, oh, listen to the music
02:05Listen to the music
02:06Oh, oh, listen to the music
02:10Oh, oh, listen to the music
02:14All the time
02:17All the time
02:19Oh, oh, listen to the music
02:23Oh, oh, listen to the music
02:27Oh, oh, listen to the music
02:31All the time
02:34All the time
03:05That's right
03:06It is the biggest song in the country right now
03:09And keep the applause going, everyone
03:11For our Australian Idol judges
03:13Carl Sadoway
03:14Marsha Hines
03:15And Amy Sharp
03:17Australia, your votes have been rushing in
03:21As you decide who should stay
03:23And who will leave the competition for good
03:26Yeah, I confirm voting has closed
03:30And shortly we will reveal your verdict
03:33You have just been told that there's only a handful of votes
03:35Between who remains and who goes home
03:38It is unbelievably close
03:40Definitely is
03:41Well, this week was all about songs in the movies
03:44And our idols delivered from blockbuster performances
03:47To earn your votes
03:48On Sunday, the first half of your top 12
03:51Lit up the stage with performances
03:53That had everyone on their feet
03:55Then, last night, the next six idols took to the stage
03:59With their show-stopping performances
04:01Voting for both heats was open for 24 hours
04:04And tonight, we'll reveal your verdict for both groups
04:08Sunday night's heat had country music cowboy, Jake
04:13Melbourne's tarot card reading rapper, Mizuki
04:18And small town rock chick, Eilish
04:21Plus, from the nation's capital, Emma from Canberra
04:26Live auto-tuning artist, Bonnie
04:30And 16-year-old perp student, Gisela
04:35At the end of the show, the judges saved Eilish
04:38From the public vote for her electric performance
04:40Of Edge of Seventeen
04:42Well, let's take a look at how Sunday night's show went down
04:48We rolled out the red carpet for our first six idols
04:52As they tackled some of the most iconic songs from the movies
04:57I don't want the world to see me
05:01Uh, uh, uh, uh, stayin' alive, stayin' alive
05:05You're very good, a great performer
05:07I just think you're gonna be unbeatable
05:09Our star-studded line-up delivered blockbuster hits
05:13You're an all-star, get your game on, go play
05:17After blockbuster hits
05:19As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
05:21I take a look at my life and realise
05:24That was so frickin' incredible
05:27One of the finest rappers I've heard
05:30One magical performance
05:39Brought out Kyle's wicked side
05:42You are exceptionally good
05:44Don't waste the talent with musical theatre rubbish
05:48I'm not upset by Kyle's comments
05:50I wasn't trying to sing it like a musical theatre singer
05:52I'm really happy with my performance
05:56There was an award-winning performance
05:59You are a true star
06:02I think we're gonna see you at the final
06:04So when it came to the judges' save
06:07The idol that is safe is...
06:13Cochrane's rock chick secured the first spot in your top ten
06:17Oh my goodness
06:19You're in the top ten, girlfriend!
06:22I was not expecting the judges' save at all
06:25Then the power was over to you
06:28It's up to the Australian public now
06:30So it's out of our hands, this is when I start to panic
06:32I hold the ball in my heart that Australia's voted
06:35And voted well
06:36Australia, your votes have decided
06:39As the youngest person in the competition
06:41I have something to give
06:43Who will stay?
06:44There was a bit of a risk, you know, taking an iconic song and changing it to be my own
06:47I really hope that Australia has voted for me
06:50And who will go?
06:51I hope I've proved that autotune really belongs in this competition
06:55Haters can hate, voters can vote
06:57And I hope they voted for me
06:59I'm so excited
07:04So Amy, you and the other judges saved Eilish from the public vote
07:08But here's to hoping Australia did their own voting to save their faves too
07:12Yeah, if you're connecting with one of these guys
07:15It's really important to vote
07:17And I don't know how they're doing it
07:19Because this is a really strong top 12
07:21I'm super interested to see what happens tonight
07:23Oh, same
07:24Marsha, the talent this year
07:26And the variety of the talent is just extraordinary
07:29We have everything from rap to disco and country to crooning
07:33Are you excited to see what is resonating with the Australian public?
07:37I'm actually nervous to find out what's going on
07:39You know, and they're incredible
07:41And I thank you all
07:42Most importantly, we're going to see how Australia voted
07:46We introduced these kids to the Australian public
07:50Now it's up to Australia
07:51I wish you all luck
07:54And Kyle, tonight we are live, live, live
07:58So please, be on your best behaviour
08:01You also
08:02Oh, you have no censor here?
08:03You also need to keep Marsha in check as well, please
08:06Yeah, because backstage, I'm telling you, there's some ghetto language going on
08:11I love it, that's what we love about our Marsha
08:13Now our socials have been blowing up with so much support for your idols
08:17Keep it coming, we absolutely love it
08:19Make sure you follow us at Australian Idol on TikTok, Instagram and Facebook
08:24And join the conversation
08:27Rikki, I've got something for you right now
08:28I just thought you were there texting
08:30No, I'm not texting my mum
08:31I was like, we're live on TV, Scott
08:33Everyone's on Grindr
08:34Chelsea, Chelsea from Harrington Park
08:36She says she's played Listen To The Music over 500 times since it dropped last week
08:41And many are loving Marsha's look tonight
08:44Grace from Merritt Beach, New South Wales said, Marsha looks H.O.T.
08:51Yes she does
08:52Did we expect anything less?
08:54I couldn't agree more
08:55Alright, I'm going to go check on Sunday night's idols
08:57See how they're feeling about the upcoming verdicts
08:59Alright, I'll see you in a sec
09:00Scotty, we are just minutes away from learning who from Sunday night's show is safe
09:06And who must sing again to prove to you that they deserve a spot in the top 10
09:11Then we will reveal which idol will be leaving the competition for good
09:16Over in the lounge, Scotty is with our idols who are nervously awaiting their fate
09:22Yes, thank you Rikki Lee
09:23I'm here with the six idols who performed on Sunday night
09:26But by the end of tonight, only five will survive
09:29Of course, Eilish, our singer from the small country town of Colcan
09:33She got the all-important judge save
09:35And Eilish, you can relax tonight, you're sitting pretty
09:38How does it feel to know that you are in the top 10?
09:41I feel so extremely happy and so grateful for another chance, another week here
09:46And another chance to get up on the stage
09:48I just, I can't wait, I'm so happy
09:50Yeah, well Sunday night you absolutely rocked it
09:52But for the rest of you, there's no telling right now who is safe
09:56And who might be singing for the last time on the idol stage tonight
10:00After the break, we reveal how you voted when Australian Idol returns
10:12This is Roy
10:16He wouldn't be here if his parents hadn't met and fallen in love
10:21If you want to give this a go, I'd love to see where we can end up
10:26And that's true for Henry and 27 real little Aussies
10:31I don't know what else I would do
10:33I'd love to see mini ussers running around
10:35Life tried to take me from you
10:38This is what real love looks like
10:41And it only happened because a farmer met his wife
10:45All the world
10:47You do me the absolute honour of making me the happiest man
10:50I wouldn't change a thing
10:52It's more than a TV show
10:54I was there the very first moment we met
10:56She's gorgeous
10:58It's more than breaking a love drought on a farm
11:03Husband and wife
11:04It's creating something that lasts a lifetime
11:07Where's the Baba?
11:08Is that the Baba?
11:09Is that the Baba?
11:10Families, a legacy
11:12The best part of it is right here
11:16You are perfect, you deserve the absolute world
11:19That's the power of real love
11:22I love you forever and always
11:24Real love is Farmer Wants A Wife
11:29Be there for the start of the next epic love story
11:34Probably the best date I've ever had in my life
11:36It's going to be pretty hard to top this to be honest
11:53I'll take you down
11:55I'll take you down
11:58When no one's ever gone before
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12:42This is me at work
12:47This is me at work, work
12:49The work you have to do after your real work
12:51We hate work, work
12:56Work, work
13:01Work, work
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13:07Who said that?
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13:12Australian Idol
13:13Proudly partnering with Solo by MYOB
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13:18Do less work, work
13:26It's Australian Idol
13:27We are live
13:29And it is results time
13:31Yes, on Sunday night
13:32These singers performed for your votes
13:35But tonight
13:36Their goal is to make it to the top ten
13:39We have five spots available
13:41But one is already taken by the judge save
13:45And that is Eilish
13:46Sitting nice and pretty over there in the lounge
13:49The two idols we reveal as having the fewest votes
13:53Will sing again to show Australia
13:55Why they deserve a place in the competition
13:58Then one of those two will be eliminated tonight
14:01So there is a lot on the line
14:05Here we go
14:06Verdict time, Australia
14:08Let's find out how you voted
14:13We will be calling you
14:15Up to the stage one at a time
14:17In no particular order
14:20First up
14:25Come on over Jake
14:27Okay, on Sunday night
14:29You put on your country spin
14:31On the disco hit Stayin' Alive by the Bee Gees
14:34You gave us a performance that was worthy of the top ten
14:38But it's ultimately up to Australia
14:41To decide
14:42Tell us
14:43How much would it mean to you to make it to the top ten
14:46It would honestly mean the world to me
14:47You know, music is a big passion in my life
14:49I've been working hard for a long time
14:50And getting to the top ten is just another step
14:52To making this my real dream
14:53Alright, thank you Jake
14:56Australia has voted
14:59And I can now reveal
15:01That you are
15:09Yes, Jake
15:11Well done
15:12You feel good, Jake?
15:13Head on over to the lounge
15:17Go on over to the lounge
15:19We're giving him two different
15:22Next up, okay
15:23Please join us
15:27Head on over here
15:29Bonnie, how does it feel to be standing here
15:31About to find out your fate tonight
15:33It feels good to have made it this far
15:35For sure
15:37You put your autotune spin
15:39On All Star by Smash Mouth
15:41From the movie Shrek
15:42But let's find out
15:44Whether Australia has voted you into the top ten
15:48After the nation voted
15:50I can confirm
15:53That you
16:00In the bottom two
16:04What's going on in your head right now?
16:07I guess I have one more chance to prove
16:09Why I deserve to be here
16:10Yeah, you do
16:13What do you think of Bonnie in the bottom two?
16:16It's a tough night
16:18Everyone was so good
16:20And it does turn into a numbers thing
16:22But I'm surprised
16:23Because I think you've improved and improved
16:26And Kyle just said to me
16:28Under his breath
16:29That's surprising, didn't expect that
16:30Yeah, out of all your performances
16:32That was a really good one
16:33So I'm in shock
16:35Thank you
16:36Alright, well Bonnie
16:37Head on over to the danger zone
16:39Thanks, Bon
16:41Okay, joining us next
16:48Come on over here
16:50From Canberra
16:52You've got an incredibly unique voice
16:55You performed Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls
16:57On our stage
16:58As well as at their Sydney concert
17:01You're gonna have that memory forever, right?
17:03Absolutely, absolutely
17:05Okay, well it's time to reveal
17:07What Australia decided
17:12You are
17:22How are you feeling, Emma?
17:23Amazing, super grateful
17:25Grateful, thank you
17:26Well, fantastic
17:27You can go celebrate over in the lounge
17:29You've made it to the top ten
17:34Come on over here
17:35Mizuki, Gisela
17:36Step on over
17:37Come on ladies
17:38There are two of you left
17:39Still in limbo
17:41One of you is safe
17:43And one of you isn't
17:45Gisela, our 16 year old school student
17:48Who blew our minds
17:51With Defying Gravity
17:52From the movie Wicked
17:53Are you ready to find out your fate?
17:58Alright, and Mizuki
18:00Our rapper
18:01You slay every performance on this stage
18:04Week after week
18:05With your very own rap creations
18:07You write these lyrics
18:08Last night you sang Gangsta's Paradise by Coolio
18:11Any last words to say
18:14Before we reveal the verdict?
18:17I'm just grateful to be here
18:18Thank you to everyone who did vote for me
18:20And let's prove that rap deserves a place in this competition
18:26Okay, well
18:28The next name I read out
18:30Is safe
18:32And through to the top ten
18:37And that singer
18:55Well done Gisela
18:57You have made it to the top ten
18:59Head on over to the lounge
19:03Which means
19:04Mizuki Australia has voted
19:06And you are now in the bottom two
19:08How are you feeling?
19:10I'm keen to come back out here
19:11And perform again for you guys
19:14Yes you are
19:18Your thoughts
19:19Mizuki making the bottom two
19:20It's a shame
19:22The urban side of the Idol Contest
19:25Which we've only really seen this year
19:27This year
19:28You're in the bottom two
19:29Which is very surprising
19:31It's the most popular sort of music out there
19:33But people do glue on to people
19:35Different age groups
19:36Like different types of songs
19:38So it's anyone's contest
19:39To think one of you two is leaving
19:42Is just
19:43I can't really comprehend that right now
19:48Once again I don't quite know what to say
19:50So let's just see how the Australian public voted
19:54Come and join us over here
19:56I know this isn't what you hoped for
19:59But with the least amount of votes from Sunday night
20:01You are both sadly facing elimination tonight
20:04Bonnie and Mizuki head backstage
20:07And get ready to sing again
20:08For what could be the last time
20:11Okay Amy
20:13Thoughts on this public vote
20:14It's like it's
20:15I mean
20:18It's tough because like
20:19I think we did a really good job
20:21In picking such a fantastic top 12
20:24So it can't go on forever
20:26This has to happen
20:27But it does
20:28It hurts
20:29You know it hurts to see people leave
20:31It's actually
20:32It's heartbreaking to see it
20:33You know I mean
20:34And like Kyle said
20:35And we think what we did
20:37With the audition process
20:39We found some great people
20:41Who just across the board
20:43And I think that's what music is
20:44It's eclectic
20:45And I hope this isn't the last
20:47That we see of them
20:48That's what the whole show is for
20:50So hopefully everyone remembers that
20:52If you go home
20:53Just get after it again tomorrow
20:55Kyle did Australia get it right?
20:58Well look
20:59Who am I to say
21:00You know we've done referendums
21:02We've got politicians
21:03Do they ever get it right?
21:04We don't know
21:05We just give it our best shot
21:06We like who we like
21:08And that's just how the numbers work
21:10Okay well Marsha
21:11If they are listening backstage right now
21:12Anything you want to say to Bonnie and Mizuki
21:14Before they sing again?
21:15Yes regardless
21:16Just keep the faith
21:18This is what you say you want to do
21:19Regardless of what happens tonight
21:21Just keep doing it
21:24Well both Bonnie and Mizuki
21:25Face elimination
21:27Tension is at an all time high
21:29This definitely won't be easy for them to perform
21:32No but
21:33First to take to the stage
21:34Is our brizzy autotune artist
21:37From covers of Justin Bieber
21:39To the Kid Leroy
21:40Bonnie has killed it on the Idol stage
21:41Week after week
21:43To prove
21:44He should stay in the competition
21:45With a new song
21:46To show off his talents
21:48Singing down
21:49By Jay Sean
21:50Please welcome
22:21By Jay Sean
22:22Please welcome
22:26By Jay Sean
22:27Please welcome
22:31By Jay Sean
22:32Please welcome
22:36By Jay Sean
22:37Please welcome
22:41By Jay Sean
22:42Please welcome
22:46By Jay Sean
22:47Please welcome
22:51By Jay Sean
22:52Please welcome
22:56By Jay Sean
22:57Please welcome
23:01By Jay Sean
23:02Please welcome
23:06By Jay Sean
23:07Please welcome
23:11By Jay Sean
23:12Please welcome
23:47By Jay Sean
23:48Please welcome
23:52By Jay Sean
23:53Please welcome
23:57By Jay Sean
23:58Please welcome
24:02By Jay Sean
24:03Please welcome
24:07By Jay Sean
24:08Please welcome
24:12By Jay Sean
24:13Please welcome
24:17By Jay Sean
24:18Please welcome
24:22By Jay Sean
24:23Please welcome
24:27By Jay Sean
24:28Please welcome
24:32By Jay Sean
24:33Please welcome
24:37By Jay Sean
24:38Please welcome
24:42By Jay Sean
24:43Please welcome
24:47By Jay Sean
24:48Please welcome
24:52By Jay Sean
24:53Please welcome
24:57By Jay Sean
24:58Please welcome
25:02By Jay Sean
25:03Please welcome
25:07By Jay Sean
25:08Please welcome
25:12By Jay Sean
25:13Please welcome
25:17By Jay Sean
25:18Please welcome
25:22By Jay Sean
25:23Please welcome
25:27By Jay Sean
25:28Please welcome
25:32By Jay Sean
25:33Please welcome
25:37By Jay Sean
25:38Please welcome
25:42By Jay Sean
25:43Please welcome
25:47By Jay Sean
25:48Please welcome
25:52By Jay Sean
25:53Please welcome
25:57By Jay Sean
25:58Please welcome
26:02By Jay Sean
26:03Please welcome
26:07By Jay Sean
26:08Please welcome
26:12By Jay Sean
26:13Please welcome
26:17By Jay Sean
26:18Please welcome
26:25Took him for a test drive, left him on the lot
26:27Time is money, so I spend it on the watch, hold on
26:30Little somethin' showin' through my tight jeans
26:32You can see the box bustin' out the tight jeans
26:34Rocks on her finger like a white flea
26:36Got another shorty, she ain't nothin' like me, okay
26:39I just wanna have a good night
26:41Everybody's takin' one away
26:43Yeah, I just wanna have a good night
26:45I just wanna have a good night, oh yeah
26:48If you don't go, now you know
26:50If you broke, then you gotta let them go
26:52You can have anybody, anybody more
26:54Cause when you a boss, you can do what you want, okay
26:57Let's go!
26:59Cause girls is players too
27:04Yeah, girls is players too
27:08Yeah, cause girls is players too
27:11Women gettin' money all around the world
27:13Cause girls is players too
27:25Thank you
27:27Don't you love the diction in that song?
27:29Cause girls is players too
27:32My English teacher would be rolling over in her grave
27:35Um, Mizuki, always great
27:37Um, great choice too, love that song
27:39Um, it's anyone's game tonight
27:42I really do hope you stay, even though I said the same thing
27:45To Bonnie, it's just one of those things
27:48But I hope you last the distance though, good luck
27:51You know
27:55See, Mizuki, this is what you believe in
27:58And as an artist, it's so important to follow who you believe you should be
28:03And the music you should be giving to the general public
28:06I'll never forget when you walked into our audition situation
28:10And you had so much grace and so much elegance
28:13But most importantly, that belief
28:16You just keep that, okay
28:17Regardless of what happens, you just keep that
28:19And keep rappin', girl
28:20Thank you, Masha
28:21You're welcome
28:22Thank you, Pop
28:24Yes, so true
28:26I'm so glad we got to see just such an awesome rapper
28:30I mean, your songwriting is epic
28:32You've got this awesome cadence
28:34And you've got great work ethic
28:36I'm just like, I'm really excited for you
28:38Cause I know whatever happens tonight
28:40You've got so many roads to go down
28:42That's what's exciting, you know
28:43You can go down a really, and Kyle will hate me for saying this
28:45But like quite an alternative route as well
28:48Like, it's really, it's up to you now
28:50You've got everything
28:51You've got everything going for you
28:52It'd be nice to make money though
28:53So the alternative route, you're giving the backpackers joints
28:55Well, I went the alternative route too
28:57And I'm not starving
28:58But it's, um
28:59You look starving
29:00It's possible
29:01Me here, well fed
29:03Well fed, earned good money
29:05Over there, starving artist
29:07You're also very unwell
29:11Sorry, anyway
29:13Let me break this up
29:14This is getting a bit fresh up here
29:16Alright, make some noise for Suzuki, everybody
29:22Suzuki, it's really not easy
29:25Performing under so much pressure
29:27You did an amazing job
29:28And welcome back to the stage, Bonnie
29:30Ladies and gentlemen
29:35Alright, the time has come
29:37We all hate this part
29:38Who is safe?
29:40And who goes home tonight?
29:43Hit the lights
29:44Let's do this
29:47Bonnie and Suzuki
29:49The moment of truth
29:52Based on the nationwide vote
29:54You at home had 24 hours to have your say
29:58You voted
29:59And you decided
30:02That sent Bonnie and Suzuki into a sing-off
30:07And now
30:09The idol
30:13And into the top 10
30:31Congratulations, Bonnie
30:33You are safe for another week
30:34How do you feel?
30:35Good, thank you
30:36You good?
30:37Hell yeah
30:38Hell yeah, thank you
30:41Lost for words there, Bonnie
30:42But guess what
30:43You have made it into the top 10
30:45We'll see you next week
30:46You can go over there to the lounge
30:47Celebrate right now
30:48Bonnie's in
30:50Yeah, Bonnie
30:53It does mean we say goodbye to Mizuki
30:55We have never had anybody like you on this show
30:58You are amazing
30:59Never forget that
31:00It is such a shame to see you leave the competition
31:02We have absolutely loved having you here with us
31:05Thank you
31:07Mizuki, you're so unique
31:08You're so yourself
31:10Is there anything you'd like to say to Australia?
31:12Thank you, Australia, for having me
31:14Thank you for everyone who voted for me
31:16And I'm gonna keep going
31:18Yeah, you are
31:19Yep, got singles coming, so
31:21I love that
31:22Judges, anything to add before Mizuki leaves the stage for good?
31:26Mizuki, I'm watching, you know, the dynamic that's going on over there
31:30And I'm watching the love that you show to Gisela, the baby
31:35Thank you for that, honey
31:36Thank you
31:44Look, I was hoping a rapper would get all the way through
31:46Because I love rap, just quietly
31:48Like, I'm the one at the traffic lights singing it
31:50Windows go up with certain lyrics
31:52But I'm singing them all
31:54It's just a shame, but keep in touch
31:56Because when you put a record out, I'd love to have the chance to play it for you
32:00Oh, yeah
32:03We're all big fans of Mizuki, right, Amy?
32:06Don't... You hold him to that
32:08Make sure you hold him to that
32:09I'll do it, I'll play everything
32:12Alright, Australia
32:13Mizuki has forged the pathway for rappers in the Idol competition
32:17And I really hope more artists like her turn up on a stage like this
32:22It is a genre that is dominating the charts
32:25And stages all around the world
32:26And her journey is not over tonight
32:28Hit her up on socials and get behind her, Australia
32:31Yes, give it up one more time for Mizuki
32:39Thanks, Mizuki
32:40We love you, Mizuki
32:41And that is a huge loss for the competition, isn't it?
32:44They're all gonna hurt, but that one really hurts
32:46We love Mizuki
32:47Alright, that was the outcome of Sunday's show
32:50But up next, who did you vote to save from last night's show?
32:55Already through to the top ten is Sunshine Coast's burger boy, Marshall Hamburger
33:02He was the judge save from last night
33:05But for Aaliyah, William, John, Hannah and Jamin
33:09You voted and you decided, Australia
33:12And for one of them, their Idol dreams will be over tonight
33:16Yes, Idol's live verdict show continues after the break
33:30We are live with Australian Idol from Shark Beauty Stadium
33:34We are halfway through tonight's show
33:36And there is a lot of nervous energy in here
33:40Already we have said goodbye to the beautiful Mizuki from Sunday night's show
33:44But now it is time to find out which two from last night will sing again
33:49And there was an enormous amount of votes that have been received
33:52As you voted for who you wanted to save
33:55But sadly, we can't save them all
33:57No, last night there were show-stopping performances
34:00From self-confessed nerd, Marshall Hamburger
34:05Western Sydney Call Centre operator, Aaliyah
34:10And our Melbourne crooner, William
34:14Plus gymnast from Perth, John
34:18Disco queen, Hannah
34:21And Rockhampton handyman, Jamin
34:24They gave it their all
34:27This is how last night unfolded
34:31The sequel to Movie Week promised more mind-blowing performances
34:37And boy, did it deliver
34:41That was a beautiful tune
34:43As the final six artists stepped into the spotlight
34:50And sung for your votes
34:52You're just a sweetheart
34:54I just love watching you
34:56It was a night of heart
35:01I leave my heart out on that stage every time
35:04I hope that Australia sees that
35:07Heartthrobs were born
35:14You're just a handsome dude and you just crushed it, man
35:21And hearts were broken
35:23Stick to singing
35:25You're not a dancer
35:28The only thing that performance was missing was David Attenborough going
35:31And the baby giraffe takes its first steps
35:34I'm just relieved that I didn't trip over, to be honest
35:38I knew I looked silly but I didn't expect him to call it out like that
35:44But in the end, Marshall set the judges' hearts on fire
35:51Man, that was great
35:53You're going to be hard to beat
35:54You're a joy
35:55The person we think must go through the top ten
35:58Is Marshall Burger
36:01Queensland's Burger Boy was saved from the viewers' votes
36:05That was really cool
36:07Nothing else, just was really cool
36:09I'm just going to let that sit
36:11Now, Australia, it's your turn
36:13I'm just really glad that I don't have to choose
36:16It's up to Australia, I hope they vote well
36:18Because we've seen it in the past
36:20Good people go home
36:21Who have you voted to make the top ten?
36:24I really want to be in the top ten
36:25I just want to show the world what else I'm capable of
36:28I hope that love is all around and Australia have voted for me
36:30Like, I'm praying
36:32And whose idol journey will come to an end?
36:35I deserve this
36:37I believe that I'm the next Australian idol
36:44There were so many amazing performances
36:46I have no idea which way this is going to go
36:49With Marshall Hamburger scoring the judge save
36:52He is over there in the lounge, already in the top ten
36:55Taking it easy
36:56Yeah, Marshall
36:58But for the others, their fate is uncertain
37:01I have been told that this particular result
37:04Came down to just a handful of votes
37:06Separating who landed in the bottom two
37:09So, let's not keep them waiting any longer
37:15Idols, in no particular order
37:19When we call your name, come on up
37:23First up
37:27Come over here and join us, gorgeous girl
37:30You are our Perth disco queen
37:33And last night you sang Dua Lipa's Dance The Night
37:35From the Barbie movie
37:37But it is Australia who has the final say
37:41In who goes into the top ten
37:44What is it like for you right now, standing here?
37:47Oh, the nerves in my body right now are insane
37:50You just don't know how Australia is going to vote
37:53Do you think you did enough?
37:55I can only hope that I did enough
37:57I definitely tried as hard as I could
38:00Yeah, let's just hope Australia
38:02Alright, okay
38:04Well, Australia voted
38:06And I can now reveal
38:10You are
38:16In the bottom two
38:18I'm sorry
38:19How are you feeling? You feeling alright?
38:21Yeah, I mean, the competition is so tough
38:25It's amongst some really talented people
38:28It is what it is
38:29And at the end of the day, I hope that I get
38:31Another opportunity to show Australia
38:33What I am capable of
38:35Judges, yeah, absolutely
38:36Make some noise
38:38Judges, what do you think
38:39Of Hannah in the bottom two?
38:41Look, you've got to stand out from the crowd
38:43Every time you're on that stage
38:45And it gets harder as each week
38:47And the numbers dwindle down
38:49It gets tougher and tougher
38:51And then even when you win
38:53You've got to succeed in this business
38:55So you might as well toughen up now
38:57Because it just gets harder
38:59Can I just say, your last vocal note
39:03On that single that you guys put out
39:05Was so epic
39:06Thank you
39:07Yeah, really, really cool, man
39:09And yeah, all the best for tonight
39:11Thank you so much
39:12Thank you
39:14And as you said about your performance
39:16You did the best you could
39:18And that's all that can ever be expected of you
39:21Well done, honey
39:22Thank you, Marcia
39:23I appreciate it a lot
39:24Alright, Hannah
39:25Head on over to the danger zone, beautiful
39:28Okay, next up
39:30Please join us
39:34Jamin, our handyman from Queensland's Rockhampton
39:40Jamin, tell us how much would it mean to you
39:43To make it into the top 10?
39:45You know, being a musician is my dream
39:47And you know, to be with those guys
39:49And Mr Marshall Hamburger over there
39:51Would be another step closer to fulfilling that dream
39:53So yeah, let's hope everyone voted
39:56Okay, well you sang it
39:57Love is all around
39:58And the question is
40:00Was there love all around this week?
40:02Let's find out
40:04Whether Australia has voted you into the top 10
40:09After the nation voted
40:11I can confirm
40:13You are
40:24Jamin, you're in, you've made it
40:26What is running through your mind right now?
40:28I don't know, I'm nervous, I'm shaking
40:30But yeah, I don't know what to say
40:32Thank you, thank you so much, Australia
40:35That was a solid miscom
40:37Good on you, Australia
40:38Jamin, head over to the lounge, well done
40:43It is results time
40:51You're up
40:52Come on over
40:54John, our resident heartthrob
40:56And gymnast from Perth
40:59What does your gut say?
41:01Oh, my gut is saying a lot of things right now
41:03It's wanting me to go through
41:05But the other thing is that
41:07This voice is, you know, the nerves
41:09It's crazy, and as people say
41:11You don't know how Australia is going to vote
41:13And it's all different, so
41:15Hopefully Australia has done enough
41:17And I've shown them what I can do
41:19And hopefully I can get to the top 10
41:21Alright, well the judges
41:23Enjoyed your performance of A Thousand Years
41:25From the movie Twilight
41:27The big question is
41:29Is the nation
41:31On Team John?
41:35Time to discover how Australia voted
41:37And John
41:41You are
41:53What do you make of that, John? Team John!
41:55Team John all the way, thank you so much
41:57Oh man, that's awesome
41:59Literally, I didn't know that
42:01All these fans out there wanting me to
42:03You know, go through the competition
42:05And you guys voting for me, having that belief in me
42:07Is awesome, so let's bring on top 10
42:09Awesome, well head on over to the lounge, John
42:11With the other guys, congratulations
42:13Good on you, John
42:15Okay, lucky last, Aaliyah and William
42:17Come on over, join us over here
42:19Our Western Sydney
42:21Call centre operator
42:23And our swing king from Melbourne
42:25One of you will make it safely into the top 10
42:27While the other will be singing
42:29For their life, alongside
42:31Hannah. Aaliyah
42:33A 50-50 chance
42:35You feeling lucky?
42:37I hope so, I hope I've done enough
42:39To get the votes that I need to stay
42:41In this competition
42:43Okay, and William, are you ready to find out where you stand?
42:45Very nervous, but yeah
42:49You're sweaty, you're so nervous, you're so cute
42:53The next name I read out
42:55Is safe and through
42:57To the top 10
42:59And that is
43:15You're safe
43:17Well done, William
43:19Oh my god
43:21Well done, William, you are into the top 10
43:23You survived and will sing
43:25And swing again another week
43:27Head on over to the lounge, William, congratulations
43:31Aaliyah, you are joining
43:33Hannah to sing again, perhaps
43:35For the last time
43:37Ladies, head on backstage to get
43:39Ready to sing again
43:41Good luck
43:4310 times for Hannah and Aaliyah
43:45Both receiving the least amount of votes
43:47From last night's show
43:49As they take a moment to compose themselves
43:51We'll speak to our judges, there's some shocked faces
43:53Over there, Kyle and Marsha
43:55Does that result give an idea of how tough
43:57The competition is?
43:59Because those girls have both got
44:01Powerhouse voices, like they're
44:05But unfortunately, they're up against
44:07All these good-looking young fellas
44:09So obviously the girls are like
44:11Oh my god, voting, voting
44:13Where are the boys voting for the girls?
44:17All the girls voting for the girls
44:21Should be voting
44:23Girls can vote for girls too
44:25How much does it cost to vote?
44:27Does it still cost money?
44:29No, it doesn't
44:31No, it doesn't
44:33Amy, surely with these two
44:35In the bottom two, we are saying goodbye to some
44:37Serious star potential tonight
44:39Yeah, I forgot how much I hate these nights
44:41Yeah, I don't want to come next time
44:43I'm just remembering now how much I hate it
44:45Yeah, I really don't like it
44:47Wish I was back in the cyclone, but it was
44:51No, sorry, too much, too soon
46:47When I had you, I treated you bad
47:14And wrong, my dear, and sin seemed to win way
47:23Don't you know I sit around with my head hanging down
47:32And I wonder who's loving you
47:40Don't you know I sit around with my head hanging down
47:48And I wonder who's loving you
48:09Don't you know I sit around with my head hanging down
48:24And I wonder who's loving you
48:31Don't you know I sit around with my head hanging down
48:46And I wonder who's loving you
48:54Don't you know I sit around with my head hanging down
49:09And I wonder who's loving you
49:17Don't you know I sit around with my head hanging down
49:27And I wonder who's loving you
49:37Don't you know I sit around with my head hanging down
49:47And I wonder who's loving you
49:57Don't you know I sit around with my head hanging down
50:07And I wonder who's loving you
50:18Thank you!
50:40Once in love and it was a gas
50:44Soon turned out I had a heart attack
50:48Seemed like the real thing, running too fast
50:52Won't you mistrust the love that's so behind
50:59In between, what I find is pleasing and I'm feeling fine
51:05Love is so confusing, there's no peace of mind
51:09If I fear I'm losing you, it's just no good
51:13You tease it like you never
51:20Ooh, oh
51:24Ooh, oh
51:28Oh, oh
51:40Oh, oh
51:46And a big voice, big strong voice
51:49Great job strutting around
51:50I believed it, I believed it tonight
51:52Thank you
51:53Sorry to make you cry the other night, that wasn't me was it?
51:55I was exhausted that time
51:57That's what I thought, you looked tired
51:59I'm sorry that Kyle made you cry but you won't be the first or the last
52:05But you know as I said to you when you performed the other day
52:09You strut, just work it out
52:11And it worked
52:12That was sexy girlfriend, well done
52:14Well done
52:17Yeah Hannah don't, just promise me you won't let things like that
52:21Interfere with like your mindset when you walk on stage
52:24Because there are so many times I look at videos of me
52:27And I'm not a dancer but the way you move is how Hannah does it
52:31And that's what you need to own, you do it the way Hannah does it
52:34I do it the way I do it, Marsha does it the way she does it
52:37We always hope Kyle never does it
52:39Again, ever again
52:41But I do it more often than I should
52:42Yeah, but you do it confidently, that was confident and awesome
52:46Thank you so much
52:47Good luck
52:50Killed it
52:51Everybody make some noise for Hannah
52:55And welcome back Aaliyah, come on up here Aaliyah
52:59Alright, come on gorgeous
53:01Two amazing women right here
53:04Hannah and Aaliyah we are so honoured to have had you both in the competition
53:08There is only one thing left to do
53:10And that is to reveal which one is cementing their spot in the top ten
53:15And which one is leaving the Idol competition for good
53:18I have no words, I cannot believe that it's the two of you
53:22And I have no idea how this is gonna go
53:24But that excruciating announcement is next
53:27Idol is back in just a moment
53:39Welcome back to Australian Idol's live verdict
53:42Before the break, Perth disco queen Hannah and Western Sydney call centre operator Aaliyah
53:48Gave it their all to stay in the competition
53:52And now it is time to find out who you Australia voted into the top ten
53:59Hit the lights, let's go
54:05Australia voted for 24 hours
54:09And now the moment of truth is here
54:15The final singer into the top ten
54:43Our disco queen
54:46Hannah congratulations, you have made it into the top ten
54:51You're one step closer to becoming the next Australian Idol
54:55How are you feeling right now? Talk me through the emotions
54:58It's so bittersweet, I mean Aaliyah just killed it just then
55:01It almost seems unfair
55:03But thank you Australia for giving me the opportunity to prove myself in top ten
55:08And yeah
55:10Well congratulations Hannah
55:12Make some noise everybody
55:13You can go celebrate with everyone over there at the lounge, congratulations
55:18Sadly though that does mean we have to say goodbye to the amazing Aaliyah
55:27Seriously Australia
55:30Aaliyah you have given everything to the competition
55:33And we have absolutely loved watching you on this stage slaying every single night
55:39Aaliyah is there anything you'd like to say to Australia, your fans, the judges
55:43What would you like to say?
55:44Absolutely, first of all judges
55:46Thank you for seeing something in me when I didn't even see it in myself
55:50And giving me this platform and this opportunity
55:52You know what, you're a shower singer that was in the top twelve
55:57You came from the shower to this stage
55:59And that's what I'll hold on to
56:01Keep going, you deserve to keep going
56:03I know
56:05And for those who put in so much effort with getting people to vote for me
56:10And those who have been watching the show just to support me
56:13That means the world to me
56:15Thank you for hearing me, thank you for listening to me
56:17Thank you for loving and supporting me
56:19And I'll continue on my music journey, thank you
56:22Thank you
56:25Well you've got a whole lot of fans in all of us judges
56:28Is there anything you want to add before Aaliyah leaves the Idol stage for good?
56:33I think you're going to put out some amazing albums and songs
56:37But in amongst all of them, if you could do just a 90s R&B
56:42Aaliyah album just for me and Rikki
56:45I got you
56:46Well everyone, we'd all really appreciate that
56:48Aaliyah, thank you for your grace
56:51Thank you for your talent and your humility
56:54Thank you
56:55You're more than welcome
56:58Thank you everybody, I appreciate it
57:01Kyle, would you like to say anything to Aaliyah?
57:05Oh yeah, peace
57:09I want you to do well
57:11Just don't get back to doing the call centre thing
57:13If you need that for coin, that's fine
57:15But keep this craft going
57:16You haven't even tried and look how far you got
57:19It's incredible
57:21Make sure you follow Aaliyah on socials
57:24Keep supporting all her music she's going to put out there
57:27She is amazing
57:28Please everybody in the house, give it up one last time for Aaliyah
57:34Thank you
57:40And that is a wrap on our first live verdict show
57:45What a ride, that was emotional and intense
57:47That was an emotional rollercoaster
57:49And that is unforgettable
57:51Your top 12 though is now down to 10 Australia
57:54So let's bring them back out to the Idol stage
57:58Australia, here is your top 10
58:02Okay next week, the top 10 take to the stage again
58:06And it is a big one
58:07Celebrities from all around the globe are choosing the songs for your idols to perform
58:13Big names, iconic songs and the stakes are higher than ever
58:17As your idols fight to make it into the top 8
58:20And don't forget to head on over to iTunes to grab the official top 12 single
58:25Listen to the music, it is number one on the charts right now, Rikki
58:29Yeah it is
58:31Add it to your playlists and play aloud
58:34Crank it along with all of the performances from top 12 weeks
58:38Stream them and download them right now
58:41A massive thank you as always to our incredible judges
58:44Carl Sandiland
58:45Thank you guys
58:46The beautiful Marsha Hines
58:49And the amazing Amy Shark
58:52And don't forget you can catch a very special music event starring our very own Amy Shark
58:57Live at the chapel tomorrow night on 7 and 7 plus
59:00It is going to be amazing, I can't wait to watch
59:02Goodnight Australia, see you Sunday night