00:00Previously on The Real Housewives of Cheshire
00:04Hey lads! Hey!
00:06It's perfection!
00:07Welcome to beautiful Gotham.
00:09Thank you. It's beautiful.
00:10Can't wait to work with all of you.
00:13Keep peddling, keep peddling, keep peddling!
00:15Jesus, I love you!
00:17Mal's looks like, um...
00:20She melted my heart today because she needed me up there and I was there for her.
00:25Don't make me cry again.
00:27I put the dating apps on for us.
00:29We've just got here!
00:33Tell me exactly your name.
00:34Eleanor, but people call me Elle.
00:36I genuinely thought it was Ellen.
00:39That's what I do for a job.
00:40Your husband is not your job.
00:42Yes, I don't like all the pictures!
00:44Don't say that!
00:45Oh, whatever, whatever.
00:47Because that's what you do every time.
00:49I was asking what you meant!
00:51You were asked about the pictures.
00:52I didn't understand.
00:53But you don't need to understand.
00:55Take a moment, take a moment.
01:01Style is like loyalty.
01:03You either have it or you don't.
01:07You can call me all the names you want.
01:09I wasn't listening anyway.
01:15I don't stir the pot, I just add a little spice.
01:23Princess, drama queen, I must be royally under your skin.
01:32I'm a class act, and you can drop the performance.
01:38I can't stand fate, in my fashion or my friendship.
01:45I give grace, I give warmth, and when needed, I give them hell.
01:58I'm so excited!
02:00I want to do this! I'm so ready!
02:02Piggy Island, here we come!
02:08Oh, my God, El, have you been paddle boarding before?
02:11No, never. I am actually quite scared of the sink.
02:14I'll be clinging on to you for dear life.
02:18I'm so looking forward to massage.
02:20Are there any men here?
02:22What kind of massage?
02:32Are you going to get me, Redman?
02:34It needs to be bigger!
02:43It's not very pretty, but it'll save my life.
02:45And these babies, I don't know, maybe they'll keep me afloat.
02:49Maybe not.
02:52This is the most excited I've been, I think. I know, I know.
02:55Today, I'm taking some of the girls to an island full of pigs.
03:00I'm hoping a little bit of animal therapy will help resolve
03:04any underlying tensions between the girls
03:06and put some smiles on their faces.
03:11We are here!
03:15It's a gorgeous island. It looks stunning.
03:19Except what's that smell?
03:22Pigs everywhere. I love it.
03:24Oink, oink.
03:27These pigs are certainly friendly,
03:29but maybe they can just smell the food in my pocket.
03:32I'm not too sure I'd trust their mouths with my finger.
03:39Oh, my God.
03:44I just stepped on my toe.
03:46These pigs stink and they're very aggressive, guys.
03:50All right, lads, everybody get some.
03:53These are the memories I'm going to take home with me,
03:56so long as we don't get eaten.
03:58Look at that. Seems like the animal therapy's paying off.
04:01Let's go and stroke a pig together. OK.
04:03He bites me. No, he doesn't bite.
04:06Who knew Lystra and I would bond over a pig?
04:10I grew up with pigs.
04:11My grandfather was a butcher, and so I know about being around pigs,
04:15so that's why we're so friendly.
04:18It's so lovely hearing about Lystra's upbringing,
04:21but it's hard to imagine, given she's such a glamour puss.
04:24Shall we name them after the girls?
04:26Oh, stop it.
04:27Well, that one's got huge balls.
04:29Lauren's got a big bum. Oh, that's Lauren.
04:32This is you, Rachel. Why?
04:34Oh, big tits.
04:36Big bums, big lips, big personalities.
04:39These pigs would fit right in with us lot.
04:42Where's the big butty one? Because that's you.
04:45Where is Nicole? I've left.
04:47I'm over there. Nicole is over there.
04:49Here I am. There's Nicole over there.
04:59This is one of the happiest times I've seen Nicole.
05:03So if this makes Nicole happy...
05:05I'm a pig in shirts.
05:08On that note, let's go. Come on.
05:15Do you know what, Lauren?
05:16This is exactly what we needed after last night.
05:19It was a bit of an awkward one, wasn't it?
05:27I usually have a massage with Sandy Pops.
05:29You know, like, we get a couple's massage.
05:32I don't like it like that. I like it on my own.
05:34I could do with you leaving.
05:40Oh, it's nice. I like that.
05:42Do you like it hard? I like it very hard.
05:49Do you get a bit turned on?
05:56Oh, Lauren!
06:00Do you? Yeah.
06:03It relaxes my whole body and enables the perfect orgasm.
06:09It takes a while. It's not straight away.
06:33What are these groans about?
06:35Please tell me they're not your pleasure noises?
06:41What are you doing?
06:44Oh, Lauren! Oh, it's so nice.
06:51I am very sorry, my friend.
06:55Oh, my God!
07:05Come here! Wait one second.
07:07You sit on it.
07:14Sit on the board. Hang on, what?
07:16Let me go sit.
07:18Paige has given me the vibe that she's been paddleboarding
07:20many times before and that she's pretty good at it,
07:22so I feel like I'm with a professional.
07:24I've done paddleboarding once and it was a disaster,
07:28but surely this time's going to be better, right?
07:31Can I push you in? Whatever!
07:35How do you get on?
07:40Oh, Paige!
07:42My God, Paige, I thought you meant to be a professional at this.
07:55I knew Thailand was famous for its full moon parties,
07:58but I didn't know it would be happening during the day.
08:05This isn't glamorous, this isn't graceful, but I'm on.
08:13Maybe I talked a bit too soon.
08:20I did a fresh blow-dry this morning.
08:23I am livid.
08:29I am so done with this.
08:31I am done with this. Can we please go back?
08:40This has been amazing.
08:42Like a proper island girl.
08:44Island girl!
08:46You look like one!
08:51I'm having such a blast.
08:53Yes. Yeah, it's been beautiful.
08:55It reminds me so much of home, of Guyana.
08:58Everywhere is a little street market here.
09:00It's lovely and I feel well at home.
09:03I'm actually having a better time with these girls today
09:06than I did last night with my so-called friends.
09:09I was so shocked. What happened last night?
09:12We sat down, Elle and Seema and Lauren,
09:14we talked about the engagement,
09:16and all I said is, when you look back at those pictures,
09:19don't lose that feeling of how you felt on the day you proposed.
09:23Did you say it like that? Just say you said it to me?
09:27Do you not think that's weird?
09:29Please tell me that all of you get that that's not the memory.
09:33Nick, I understand your sentiment,
09:35but do you think you said it in a patronising way? No.
09:38Nicole says she didn't mean to poke at her,
09:41but from what I can see and tell from before,
09:45she probably was giving her a little dig.
09:47Even when I got back to the room, I thought,
09:49if she's interpreting it in the wrong way, I will message her.
09:53She has not responded and that's fine,
09:55but I wanted just to say that in 20 years' time,
09:58I wanted you to remember your proposal for the moment
10:01and not the photo, and in no way was it meant to be unkind,
10:05but give her a minute. I don't care that much.
10:08I think the thing I was most upset with,
10:11Lauren and Seema went, oh, Nicole, but it's her job.
10:14Getting engaged is not her job.
10:16Maybe your tone was off.
10:18But they should know me well enough.
10:20I've had about ten missed calls and messages from Seema,
10:23which I've not replied to.
10:25I just need to calm down a little bit,
10:27because otherwise I think I might say something I regret.
10:30Seema, every time you seem to put your size 12s
10:33bang in the middle of the drama.
10:35Come on, Nicole, please.
10:37Let's just sip the cold beer and enjoy the pigs and have some fun.
10:42I would rather dance on the table,
10:44drink a beer and have a good time
10:46than to be bitching and arguing too.
10:48Let's go for a bit! Island girls in the sun!
10:51I love it! You are island girls.
10:53I've got to say, this is my vibe.
10:58I have not belly laughed like that in ages.
11:01I was crying.
11:03Look at my eyes, I've laughed that much.
11:05All my make-up has come off.
11:10There was so much stress last night
11:12that I think we just needed to relax and chill.
11:15I've had so many massages all over the world,
11:18but the best one was in Dubai,
11:20where I had ultimate orgasm.
11:22Until I opened my eyes and looked at this little old woman
11:25who was doing it, put me in a bit of a shock.
11:27But it's quite incredible.
11:29I've brought everyone out here to be zen.
11:31I was the one that was in the middle of it all yesterday.
11:34I don't want to fall out with Nicole.
11:36She is one of my closest friends,
11:38but she needs to understand sometimes enough is enough.
11:42Then I've gone and snapped at Paige as well.
11:45There have been some things that are niggling me about Paige.
11:49She doesn't think before she speaks.
11:51And this literally was the final straw.
11:55And I exploded.
11:57Don't comment on what you don't know.
12:00So it's best I tell you now, leave it, shush.
12:03She's been irritating you. Yeah. Is the truth. Yeah.
12:06Since Paige has been in this friendship group,
12:08she has this little air about herself
12:11that she's a bit more superior.
12:14She was never like that with me before,
12:16so I don't know why she's doing it now.
12:18I think it's more that you brought her into this friendship group
12:21and you're not that close anymore.
12:23And I think that she's irritated you because of that situation.
12:26We're not that close. And I think that it's a domino effect.
12:29I just feel like I need to nip it in the bud with Paige
12:32and I also need to speak to Nick.
12:34I want to make it right with her.
12:36Hayley, I'm not falling out with Nick.
12:38But we're allowed to have an opinion.
12:40Cos sometimes when we try to have an opinion, we get shut down.
12:48You said that would be fun. Look at the state of us.
12:51I must have literally drank about two litres of seawater.
12:54When I fell in, I was thinking, it'll only come to here,
12:57and my whole head frame went under.
13:03Chris would have died at that.
13:05He hates getting his hair wet, so you think I'm bad.
13:08Chris would be crying.
13:10After the drama of last night, I'm so excited to just have
13:13some proper downtime on the beach with Paige.
13:15Oh, my God, Amir, he can't swim to save his life.
13:18When Nora learns to swim, I think we're going to have to do
13:21Amir and Nora swimming lessons at the same time.
13:23Oh, my God, my daddy dorked the lesson.
13:25Literally, they're poking like this.
13:27How is little baby Nora? Are you missing him?
13:30When I left, she was, like, commandoing,
13:32so she wasn't really crawling.
13:34My mum sent me a video this morning,
13:36and she was full-on from, like, one side of the room to the other,
13:39like, so fast, and I was like, how have I just missed that?
13:42I'm actually going to...
13:44I can't believe I just missed such a...
13:47Like, I'm so gutted. Yeah.
13:49But other than that, she's great.
13:51Oh, my God, well, how precious is that, though?
13:53And you'll be back home with her in no time. Yeah.
13:55It must be so hard being away from baby Nora.
13:57This is Paige's first holiday without her,
13:59and with all this drama in the group, it cannot be helping.
14:02I honestly feel like Nicole just keeps on coming for you.
14:05She's personally finding things in my life that I do,
14:07completely separate from her, and having an issue with them,
14:10and I'm like, I don't really know why that affects you.
14:12I feel like Paige just gets it,
14:14and I actually feel like we're in the same position,
14:16with, like, two of the girls in the group that treat us the same.
14:19I came over to obviously see how you were.
14:21Sima stood up, and then she kind of, like, went to my face and was like,
14:24you shouldn't even be here.
14:25It was like, she doesn't ever want to listen to what I say,
14:28and the minute I say something that might be a go against her,
14:31it's almost like...
14:32Me and Sima used to be really close.
14:34Seeing her last night react the way she did,
14:37was she holding some resentment?
14:39Sima brought me into this group of girls initially,
14:41but then it was almost like,
14:42the minute that everyone kind of took a disliking to me,
14:45it was like, I just kind of, she distanced herself a bit.
14:47Is she, like, now, because I've really found my place in the group,
14:50is there, like, an underlying current there?
14:52I'm expecting that Sima will reach out and apologise,
14:55but I'm just going to keep my distance,
14:57because she needs to speak to me first.
14:59I've literally seen her say to people,
15:01you're my sister, I love you, turn around to me and be like,
15:04she's this, she's that, and I'm just like, and I sit there and think,
15:07what are you saying about me?
15:09Paige is really hurt by the breakdown of hers and Sima's friendship,
15:12and if she can't trust Sima,
15:14I really don't know how they'll ever come back from this.
15:16This just needs to be sorted before it gets any worse.
15:19This group needs to understand that the respect lies within everybody.
15:22Everyone wants to be treated the same.
15:24They need to hear us out when we're upset,
15:26value our opinions and our feelings,
15:28and not just shut us down,
15:29because you don't want to hear when you're wrong.
15:31Coming up on The Real Housewives of Cheshire...
15:37Somebody's getting it tonight!
15:40Do you know what, I actually don't want to sit with you,
15:42I don't even want to talk to you, I don't even think I like you anymore.
15:45I'm telling you how I feel, but you never want to hear it.
15:47I'm not coming down, because I'm actually upset.
15:59This looks incredible!
16:01This is such a vibe. Let's go!
16:04The top bar is amazing,
16:06but it's not quite the VIP entrance I was imagining.
16:10Oh! Oh! Oh!
16:12Take the bag, it's more important than me.
16:14OK, save the fashion.
16:16You're in, you're in.
16:18OK, thank you.
16:21After yet another wash and blow-dry,
16:24I am finally ready for girls' night,
16:26and I'm so excited to have a drink with everyone.
16:28Well, I wouldn't say everyone.
16:30Oh! Cheers, girls!
16:32Cheers to the jungle! Is this a coconut?
16:34Yes, this is a coconut.
16:36Oh, my God, I've actually never seen a coconut in real life.
16:39Now I understand why, when they say,
16:41if a coconut falls from the tree, you can die,
16:43because it's so heavy.
16:45Paige, I love you, but you're hopeless.
16:47You really should be more blonde.
16:50I've had coconut oil in my hair,
16:52and I've had coconut oil in a moisturiser,
16:55but I've never actually had a real coconut.
16:58What has been going on, man?
17:00Who are you dating? Have you met someone?
17:02When I landed, I thought,
17:04I want to be the Shirley Valentine of Thailand.
17:06Who's that?
17:08Shirley Valentine, girls, get with the programme.
17:10She's a legend. I forgot they're a different age group.
17:12Shirley Valentine got divorced,
17:14and she went to Greece
17:16and went out with all these young waiters.
17:18So I decided, instead of going out with young waiters,
17:20I was going to put an app on.
17:22So, yeah, I've had quite a good response.
17:24I've actually narrowed it down.
17:26Stop it! I'm not staying too long,
17:28cos I'm going to go and see how his coconut balls are.
17:30No! Oh, my God!
17:32Lauren, just be safe,
17:34put your location services on,
17:36and be home by ten.
17:44Hang on, aren't we missing a couple of girls?
17:48Nicole and Seema aren't coming,
17:50cos Seema wants to have a quick chat to Nicole.
17:52Oh, yeah, so it's just us.
17:54I am a bit gutted that Nicole's not here.
17:56I would have really liked to have cleared the air.
17:58But do you know what? At least there's going to be no drama tonight.
18:00How was your day?
18:02We heard you guys went to Piggy Island, was it?
18:04What were the actual pigs like?
18:06There were some that were massive, and there were little baby ones.
18:08And could you get close? Yeah!
18:12She fed them, stroked them.
18:14Oh, my God!
18:16Oh, I ate one this morning at breakfast.
18:18Oh, no.
18:20I feel bad, actually, cos I was alive.
18:24we've definitely turned.
18:26Yes, we really have.
18:28We bonded today like nobody business.
18:30If Lystra and Nicole can make it up,
18:32there's hope for the rest of us.
18:34Suddenly, I just see her taking out her camera
18:36and taking pictures of me.
18:38She's learning, then.
18:40Oh, really?
18:42I do hope Nicole remembers to live in the moment,
18:44you know, when she takes all these photographs.
18:46I've had the perfect day,
18:48but I might be having the perfect night.
18:52Tell us. Cos I'm eating some...
18:54What are you?
18:56No, you're not! She is cute, isn't it?
18:58She is good-looking.
19:00I do have to admire Lauren
19:02for putting herself out there.
19:04I am living for the moment, because I don't know
19:06what tomorrow holds, and as long as I've got my health
19:08and I have my children,
19:10that's all I care about.
19:12Yeah, sometimes my friends, but hey-ho!
19:14Cheers to Lauren!
19:20Somebody's getting it tonight!
19:26I've invited Nicole for dinner
19:28to clear the air, and I've left her
19:30so many messages,
19:32but she's not replied back to me yet.
19:38Holidays are for making memories,
19:40not falling out with best friends.
19:42I just really hope she turns up.
19:44Sima's messaged me again
19:46to come round for dinner.
19:48My initial feeling is, I don't want to go.
19:50However, I just hope that Sima
19:52understands and listens
19:54why I'm upset.
19:58This situation
20:00is really serious,
20:02and we really need to sort things out.
20:04But I can't lie,
20:06I can't keep a straight face.
20:08I don't know what to do.
20:10I don't know what to do.
20:12I can't keep a straight face.
20:14She's come dressed as the karate kid?
20:18We hug?
20:24I was upset last night.
20:26With you more than anyone.
20:28With me?
20:30Not just you, Lauren as well.
20:32You just said me more than anyone.
20:34Yeah, and Lauren.
20:36Sima's supposed to know what I'm like,
20:38so I think if she truly did,
20:40she would know there was no malice.
20:42So why does she keep jumping
20:44to someone's defence that she barely knows?
20:46Like, I don't think
20:48I said anything, really.
20:50Not one to warrant her walking off.
20:52I thought it was ridiculous.
20:54She's had the most beautiful time.
20:56How did that spoil it?
20:58How did that spoil it?
21:00There was no need to say anything.
21:02What to say? Hold on to the feeling?
21:04I don't care. She can not like me over that.
21:06I think it's pathetic.
21:08You've had all day and evening
21:10to think about your actions
21:12and you still don't get why you're wrong.
21:14You said to her,
21:16what's your name?
21:18No, I didn't. You called her Ellen.
21:20No, I said... Where did Ellen come from?
21:22Right, so someone called her...
21:24No, let me finish.
21:26L is often short, isn't it, for something?
21:28And then I was like, is it short for Ellen or Ellen?
21:30But you didn't say it like that.
21:32At first, she just went, what's your name, Ellen?
21:34Surely she's not that sensitive.
21:36But look...
21:38Anyway, it doesn't matter.
21:40Seriously, that's pathetic.
21:42And if she gets...
21:44I'm trying to break it down.
21:46I think we're just making excuses.
21:48L was upset about the invite
21:50that she'd done this fantastic thing
21:52by ungraciously inviting us.
21:54So let's be real, you were going to invite
21:56your whole group of friends and leave Rachel and I out.
21:58So that's the truth.
22:00Say it all the time. I don't really care.
22:02I'm not that bothered.
22:04You're making excuses.
22:06The fact is, you've not stopped digging at L.
22:08I've called you out.
22:10You don't like it.
22:12That's the real problem.
22:14You then just went off on me
22:16and look, going, I've ruined her night.
22:18I've ruined her engagement.
22:20I said you've ruined her engagement.
22:22I never said to you. I didn't say that.
22:24You said to me, you've done it again.
22:26I'm actually really genuinely hurt.
22:28We're getting nowhere.
22:30She doesn't want to listen.
22:32You know what, I actually don't want to sit with you.
22:34I don't even want to talk to you.
22:36I don't even think I like you anymore.
22:38All right, karate kid.
22:40Wax on and get lost.
22:44What a dream today was.
22:46Wasn't it?
22:48Oh my God, we've done some amazing things together.
22:50The fact that the clouds were just disappearing
22:52and the speedboat was just flying towards the island.
22:54No speedboat?
22:56Oh yes.
22:58It's lovely to see you smiling
23:00and happy today.
23:02I know.
23:04I'm quite relieved Seema isn't here.
23:06I've had such a lovely day
23:08and I don't want any more of Seema's drama tonight.
23:10I haven't heard from Seema.
23:12She hasn't messaged
23:14so I don't know what's got into her.
23:16Paige and Seema used to be so close.
23:18They've drifted apart
23:20and I have no idea why
23:22but they're definitely
23:24rubbing each other up the wrong way.
23:26She got her finger.
23:28You shouldn't be here.
23:30You're going to make it worse.
23:32Just by hearing that tone,
23:34Lystra and I were very calm on this holiday
23:36and it's not about drama.
23:38No, it's not and I was sat there so quiet
23:40and I literally was visibly shocked.
23:42I was like, what?
23:44Where did that even come from?
23:46It was almost like she had underlying anger towards me
23:48but if she's going to openly disrespect me like that...
23:50It was really that bad?
23:52It was, yeah.
23:54Paige can be very dramatic.
23:56Just don't get wound up, Paige, please.
23:58Someone's got to be the big person.
24:00Yeah, I think she needs to be the bigger person
24:02if she's the one who made the mistake.
24:04I'm not rising to it but I'm not being disrespected.
24:06No, I know you are.
24:08I can't believe my feelings are being dismissed again.
24:10Do these girls not remember what it feels like
24:12to leave your kids for the first time?
24:14I thought friends were meant to support each other.
24:16I'm so sick of my emotions being shut down.
24:18It's all the way over in Thailand.
24:20Yes, but then the thing is...
24:22It's rude for everyone else.
24:24We're not starting it.
24:26Nicole did the thing to Elle yesterday, visibly upset Elle.
24:28She's not taking accountability.
24:30She's not even bothered.
24:32That's not true.
24:34She texted her to say, oh, I didn't mean it.
24:36Don't say she's not bothered.
24:38That's bullshit.
24:40It's always the same case.
24:42I'm telling you how I feel but you never want to hear it.
24:44Like how I listen to everybody else
24:46and I do something wrong, the same should be received.
24:48That's all I've got to say.
24:50I'm not coming to calm down.
24:52I'm not calming down because I'm actually upset.
24:54I'm going to leave it there
24:56and I'm going to get in the taxi
24:58and I will see you guys at the hotel.
25:08Coming up on The Real Housewives of Cheshire...
25:10It still amazes me that you could do all this
25:12with those nails.
25:14Hey! There we go.
25:16We all just need to keep the peace.
25:18I'm the type of person that you need to unravel stuff,
25:20get to the bottom of it and then you move on.
25:22I don't want to hear any of that.
25:24We're not unravelling.
25:36Hi, Dad. Are you OK?
25:38I'm good. How's Nora?
25:40Where is she?
25:42She's here in a minute. I'll pass you over.
25:44Hi, Nora.
25:46There's nothing better
25:48than seeing my beautiful baby girl.
25:50She's my world and I love being a mummy.
25:52Give me a smile.
25:56She wants to grab the phone.
25:58Yeah, I know. Anything shiny.
26:00Just like her mum.
26:02Oh, I miss you so much.
26:06Can you say Mama?
26:12After seeing Nora on FaceTime,
26:14I just miss her even more.
26:16Keep her on the same sleep schedule
26:18and keep weeding her.
26:20Not too many changes.
26:22Love you, Nora.
26:24OK, bye-bye. Say bye-bye.
26:36Hi, how are you?
26:38Welcome to Ireland's organic cooking class today.
26:40Cooking is my absolute passion
26:42so I've brought Ellen Seema
26:44to learn to cook some
26:46authentic Thai dishes
26:48and I will steal some cooking tips
26:50along the way.
26:52Guys, I'm in my element.
26:54I'm so excited.
26:56I am not in my element.
26:58I am useless in the kitchen
27:00so God knows how this is going to go.
27:02Today I'm going to learn to cook
27:04with the professionals.
27:06Chris likes cooking. I wouldn't take that away from him, surely.
27:08OK, everyone.
27:10I'm going to show you how to cook Pad Thai with prawns.
27:12I love Pad Thai.
27:14I like that.
27:16How cool.
27:18Yo, yo.
27:22OK, one in the wok.
27:24One for the taste.
27:28This chef is hilarious.
27:30Forget the cooking.
27:32I could watch her all afternoon.
27:34Already cooking?
27:38What about the man, darling?
27:40Don't copy that.
27:44I'm loving her style, yes.
27:48You and me.
27:52Move aside, ladies.
27:54Now it's Lister's time to shine.
27:56Whipping it up in the kitchen.
27:58Why are you guys all such good choppers?
28:00Right there, sir.
28:02Girls, I am sweating here
28:04because I forgot to put the bloody gas on.
28:06It's chaotic in the kitchen.
28:08I'm chopping, I'm frying.
28:10She's burning!
28:12Do I put it low?
28:14What have you done?
28:16Come on, Seema. I thought you did better than that.
28:18I'm just whacking loads of stuff in there.
28:20I am.
28:22Was it one or two? I can't remember.
28:26Poor Elle.
28:28She's definitely out of her depth.
28:30Elle, how are you doing, my darling?
28:32I'm freestyling.
28:34In my head.
28:36Everything's just in the wrong order.
28:38I'm overwhelmed here.
28:40It still amazes me
28:42that you could do all this with those nails.
28:44It's not just cooking
28:46I do with these nails.
28:50Put a bit of everything in.
28:52There you go. So that's that done.
28:54It's hard to make cooking look glam,
28:56but Lister's nailing it.
29:00Well done, Elle.
29:02That looks pretty good.
29:04Maybe I'm going to cook for Chris after all.
29:06Do you not think that's good?
29:08It's a bit burnt.
29:10Charred in places, but you know what?
29:12It looks great.
29:16Thanks for bringing me girly.
29:20Buckle up, honey.
29:22You're in for the ride of your life.
29:24I've arranged to take Lauren and Paige on a jungle ride.
29:26Although, I think Lauren's only here
29:28because I told her there was an amazing bar at the end.
29:34This doesn't feel safe.
29:36Couldn't we have just got a taxi?
29:38Oh, my God, it's actually really steep.
29:40Hold on.
29:42Oh, gosh.
29:44I was feeling betrayed by Rachel last night,
29:46but after a good sleep and a great morning,
29:48I'm feeling much better.
29:50Oh, shit.
29:52That gob was strapped in.
29:54Oh, my God, I'm sliding all over the seat.
29:56Rach, what the bloody hell have you brought me on?
29:58Seem like the jungle,
30:00the animals.
30:02Never mind the wildlife.
30:04I'm too busy trying to keep my breakfast down.
30:08Yes, fruit bar.
30:14For me, Thailand just gets better
30:16every single day.
30:18I'm so happy we came here.
30:20Now we've made it to the tart, Rach.
30:22I'll give it to you.
30:24The views are amazing,
30:26but looking at this drink,
30:28what did you catch me up with last night?
30:30How was it?
30:32Oh, my goodness.
30:34I got out of my comfort zone.
30:36Really good-looking, American.
30:38He's on a very different journey to me.
30:40He's retired,
30:42and he just wants to travel the world.
30:44Right now, I think I'm looking
30:46for my next, I'm going to say,
30:48victim or husband.
30:50I'm ready to get married again.
30:52I'm loving the smile on your face, though.
30:54And it's good for your ego.
30:56I can meet somebody...
30:58Oh, you can.
31:00..who is my age, that is good-looking,
31:02that can go to the gym, and that I can fancy.
31:04Why weren't you joined on, like,
31:06getting on the apps in Thailand?
31:08I'm just not in that place yet.
31:10Are you not? No.
31:12What's happening with you and Nick?
31:14I mean, we're not together.
31:16You're not, OK.
31:18But I still love him.
31:20The problem is, I overshared a lot of things
31:22with my children if I'd had an argument or something.
31:24Something that's happened.
31:26And then we'll spend time together, we'll forgive,
31:28but they don't get that chance.
31:30Nick and I don't really know where we're going right now.
31:32One minute we're OK,
31:34one minute we're off.
31:36So I'm not ready to move on with anyone yet,
31:38because he's still in the picture.
31:42I just feel so relaxed
31:44and so zen here.
31:46I mean, obviously, I know some of the girls
31:48have had some issues.
31:50Have you spoken to Seema?
31:52She hasn't even reached out.
31:54Have you reached out to her?
31:56No, but I've been in the room by myself.
31:58She's in a room by herself.
32:00Well, I'm the one who's missing Nora.
32:02Why hasn't she even said,
32:04how's Nora, how are you feeling?
32:06I completely get that Paige is missing Nora.
32:08It's so hard, especially when she's so little.
32:10Maybe that's why she's grouchy.
32:12Maybe she just wants to get home to her family.
32:14You were wound up last night.
32:16I'm wound up because I'm missing my daughter.
32:18I'm frustrated with the heat.
32:20Don't then get irate.
32:22I also am a bit annoyed.
32:24It's like this group seems to be...
32:26You're not frustrated with the heat.
32:28I know you're missing your daughter,
32:30because we all are missing our children.
32:32I can't believe how unsupported
32:34these girls are being.
32:36I've got a newborn baby at home.
32:38Their kids are like full-grown adults.
32:40It's just not the same.
32:42We all just need to keep the peace.
32:44I'm the type of person,
32:46you need to unravel stuff,
32:48get to the bottom of it.
32:50I don't want to hear it.
32:52You guys don't, because you're not involved.
32:54You're fine.
32:56We're not unraveling.
32:58This is the end, last night.
33:00I might not get the cheers.
33:08Oh, my God.
33:10This tastes so nice.
33:12I'm proud of you guys.
33:14I'm so happy to be sharing my love
33:16with these girls.
33:18Food is a very important part of my life.
33:20Here reminds me so much of Guyana,
33:22because all the street food
33:24and the market.
33:26It reminds me of India as well.
33:28Doing this class today
33:30takes me back to my childhood
33:32and my family all cooking.
33:34Just very special memories.
33:36It was such a culture shock coming from Guyana
33:38and moving to the UK.
33:40Everything is spicy over there,
33:42and that's why you're seeing a lot
33:44I'm in the kitchen and I'm in my element.
33:46When I put on my gown and I stand up
33:48in the kitchen and I start to whip it up.
33:50Me and Lystra have had very similar
33:54It's all about family, it's all about food.
33:56We have so much in common.
33:58I just never knew it.
34:00My mum, from I'd probably say
34:02a really young age, was like,
34:04you have to learn.
34:06And I love feeding people.
34:08I just love getting everyone round.
34:10We share a lot of things too,
34:12because, you know, in Guyana
34:14there's like the black and Indians.
34:16Yeah, you were saying!
34:18You know when you go to a curry house?
34:20Have you ever eaten? You eat that, don't you?
34:22Of course I do!
34:24So the leaf like that and the barley.
34:26Chatting to Seema like this,
34:28honestly, it's lovely.
34:30It's such a breath of fresh air.
34:32Oh my God, I've just had loads of spice.
34:36What I want to do
34:38is to invite you all
34:40to my house and I'm going to cook
34:42a big spread and cook some chicken foot
34:44soup for you guys.
34:46Do not knock it until you've tried it.
34:48I'm not going to knock it.
34:50Look, I'm 47. When I'm without any make-up
34:52people go, oh my God, how does your skin look like?
34:54It's the chicken foot, it's the collagen in it.
34:56Give me the chicken foot soup.
34:58I'm coming.
35:00I'll give it a try.
35:02You're thinking of the little toenails like clipping the floor.
35:06If you need me to cater for your wedding, honey,
35:08I'm down.
35:10I'm down.
35:12Can you imagine a room full of chicken feet
35:14at Elle's wedding?
35:16That I would love to see.
35:18Can I help you with your dress?
35:20Have you started looking?
35:22I was thinking, there's like three types of dresses
35:24that I think I want to do.
35:26You can't have three changes.
35:28Listen, I had three changes
35:30but I hated all my outfits.
35:32I did the big white wedding, limos, everything.
35:34What was it like?
35:36It's just a shame that it lasted a year.
35:38I thought you meant the marriage.
35:42Tell us about the outfit.
35:44It's all about the outfit.
35:46I've loved today and I just hope
35:48we can keep that good energy
35:50and the cold turns up for our last night
35:52and we have a fab evening.
35:54Fingers crossed.
35:56I just want to end this trip
35:58on a positive vibe.
36:02We're full of positivity, guys.
36:06Coming up on the Real Housewives of Cheshire.
36:08Look at this!
36:12I just hope we don't have this again.
36:16You put price tags on everything.
36:18Don't even dare try and paint that picture of me.
36:20Don't you fucking dare.
36:22No, no, no, no.
36:24Said you can't kill my vibe.
36:26Hey, nice try.
36:28But you can't kill my vibe.
36:30Oh, now watch me stride in.
36:32Look at this, gorgeous!
36:34How beautiful does this look?
36:36It looks beautiful.
36:38This holiday
36:40was supposed to bring happiness
36:42and harmony to the group.
36:44Yet, we've still managed to have drama.
36:46But I'm determined
36:48to end this trip
36:50on a high.
36:52I've arranged a beautiful
36:54moonlight dinner on the beach
36:56for our final night.
36:58Hi, hi.
37:00How are you?
37:02How are you?
37:06I like crossing over.
37:08This is just gorgeous.
37:10Well, that was awkward.
37:14Tonight's the last night
37:16I'm going to go in with a positive attitude.
37:18As long as Seema's receptive,
37:20I just want to put it behind us.
37:22Oh my word, look at this.
37:24You look amazing.
37:28As a peace offering,
37:30as I thought we'd
37:32start the dinner party off,
37:34and we have many others.
37:36In a good place.
37:38Thank you, darling.
37:42She's happy.
37:44She's smiling.
37:46Give me a present.
37:48I'm just happy that we're back on track
37:50and we're putting this to bed.
37:52Yesterday, you were at each other's throats.
37:54Now you're hugging, everything's fine.
37:56I cannot be bothered
37:58with this fake crap.
38:00We want to thank you all.
38:02It's the last night
38:04and we're all at the table.
38:06I just want to say,
38:08because obviously I've given my peace
38:10to Seema, but she gets me.
38:12I did message you.
38:14You've just sat down.
38:16Are you doing this already?
38:18Okay, fine.
38:20This is definitely a conversation that we need to have
38:22face-to-face and not over text.
38:24I think it's beautiful that you have lovely pictures to look at.
38:28But what I felt that night
38:30is that's what I was trying to tell you.
38:32I did feel attacked.
38:34I just hope that we can stop this little,
38:36what feels like very nitpicky personal behaviour.
38:38I'm loving Elle standing up for herself.
38:40Don't get me wrong.
38:42Before we do this, can we have the starter, please?
38:44I'm not going to leave it on a negative, I'm not.
38:46Just said to close the conversation.
38:48Let's not go there.
38:50I think it's true.
38:52I wasn't nitpicking.
38:54I said...
38:56You are very...
39:00I am trying
39:02my absolute best to resolve things
39:04with Elle.
39:06So why does it need
39:08another voice?
39:10You won't even know you're twat.
39:12Excuse me?
39:14Nicole, that is so unnecessary.
39:16That is so unnecessary.
39:18Really, Nicole?
39:20Are you joking? You're going to call Paige a twat?
39:22It's just bang out of order.
39:24Don't call me a twat.
39:26Well, don't act like one, then.
39:28I'm not acting like a twat.
39:30Girlies, girlies, girlies.
39:32Paige, Nicole is trying
39:34to make things right with Elle.
39:36Stop chirping it.
39:38Ella and Sheena.
39:40I'm cheersing to you, especially.
39:42And you, anyway.
39:44I feel quite happy that Elle and I have got to a place
39:46where she gets where I'm coming from.
39:48I'm just going to smile and wave at Nicole.
39:50I'm sick of her talking, to be honest.
39:56So what was everyone's highlight of the trip?
39:58Mine was going to Pig Island.
40:00Literally loads of pigs.
40:02It's just an island with a bar and pigs.
40:04But it's a vibe.
40:06You named one after me.
40:08Oh, yeah, we got to hold this loosely.
40:10Who should be happy?
40:12You got the little cute one.
40:14Paige's is a bit hairy.
40:18So first I'm a twat, and now I'm a hairy pig.
40:20Nicole, have you heard of a mirror?
40:22Because we're in such a peaceful moment,
40:24I probably could have chosen a better one.
40:26What I was trying to say is,
40:28so I apologise for that,
40:30but I just wanted to get that moment dealt with
40:32rather than someone jumping in
40:34to stir the pot again.
40:36I'm not stirring the pot.
40:38You can't just apologise
40:40and then tell me I'm stirring the pot.
40:42Well, this is getting a bit intense.
40:44Thank goodness the food is here,
40:46because if they're eating,
40:48there'll be less arguing.
40:50Bon appétit, everyone.
40:52Bon appétit, baby.
40:56Paige is sat at the table.
40:58I can feel she's so quiet,
41:00and she looks like she's about to cry.
41:02Paige, are you OK?
41:04No, no, no.
41:06I didn't want to push your attention to it.
41:08Sorry, I didn't want to push you to it.
41:10I know my girl, and I know when something's up.
41:12We haven't spoken since the other night,
41:14and I walked over with Lauren,
41:16and you were stood there, and you were like,
41:18what's going on? What photos?
41:20And I went, just leave it.
41:22It's nothing to do with you.
41:24Just don't get involved,
41:26because when we all get involved,
41:28it just goes tits up.
41:30I'm obviously emotional.
41:34I didn't think it was hard.
41:38But it is really hard.
41:40This was my first time
41:42ever leaving Nora,
41:44and I made this decision to come
41:46to fix this rift with this group of girls.
41:48But I just can't take any more.
41:50I know you think you're not being heard.
41:52You are.
41:54We were all listening to it.
41:56You were heard.
41:58I say a word, and I get shut down.
42:00That's what really triggered me.
42:02The other night, it was almost like
42:04I was there to support out,
42:06and then you pointed at my face,
42:08and you went, you shouldn't be here.
42:10You're just going to make it worse.
42:12I say one word, Rachel's like, Paige, Paige, Paige.
42:14Hang on, Paige.
42:16Why am I now getting dragged into this?
42:18You were getting hair chopped very quickly
42:20for no reason.
42:22That's the problem.
42:24I'm going to respond now.
42:26Everyone respond, because I'll just shut up,
42:28because I can't even fucking focus.
42:30These girls don't give two craps
42:32about how I feel
42:34or anything I have to say.
42:36We have our issues,
42:38and a lot of things have happened
42:40in our friendship circles that have made me
42:42question whether I can fully trust
42:44more than face value.
42:46But deep down,
42:48our friendships just changed so much.
42:50And it saddens me,
42:52because I'm like,
42:54did I actually really
42:56buried our friendship?
42:58I truly believed
43:00me and Seema were close friends.
43:02She was like family.
43:04You brought her in.
43:06You guys are friends, OK?
43:08But they met through the clinic, didn't you?
43:10Yeah, I was number one top paying client.
43:12We don't need your money, darling.
43:16No, I wasn't expecting that.
43:18What a low blow to make.
43:20I've never cared about your money,
43:22but trust you to bring it back to that.
43:24You need to learn some manners.
43:26The day we arrived here,
43:28you walked over to Sheena and went,
43:30oh my God, I have that outfit.
43:32My outfit was £200.
43:34Your outfit you got,
43:36and it's everywhere.
43:38Who speaks like that?
43:40You put price tags on everything.
43:42This outfit is everywhere.
43:44I haven't seen it.
43:46It's stunning.
43:48I found it on Australian Brand.
43:50It cost £50 to get it over.
43:52It's on every single site for about £40.
43:56Are you for real?
43:58Are you making that up?
44:00Don't even you dare.
44:02That is bull fucking shit.
44:04In fairness, babe, I didn't take it like that.
44:06No, because you're a nice person.
44:08Keep me out of this, ladies.
44:10I do not want to get involved.
44:12I don't think Paige will amend that.
44:14Don't even dare try and paint that picture of me.
44:16Don't you fucking dare.
44:18Why don't we just bring this all down a level?
44:20Because this is ridiculous.
44:24Well, that's a juicy way to end a meal.
44:26So much for healing.
44:32Do you have bread, please?
44:34A glass of bread, thank you.
44:36Do you have vanilla and red?
44:38Client from the clinic that came here.
44:40I don't know.
44:42No, you don't.
44:44That's the truth.
44:46That's a bombshell
44:48to end this holiday on.
44:50I was hoping to leave the drama
44:52in Thailand, but I've got a feeling
44:54that bitch is following us back all the way to Cheshire.
44:56Next time
44:58on The Real Housewives of Cheshire.
45:00Right, we are getting
45:02new strippers.
45:04I'm getting myself some strippers.
45:06I like the other side for swinging.
45:10I'm just gutted. I'm just really upset.
45:12Who's not reached out?
45:16This is a very grand venue
45:18for a memorial
45:20of a dog.
45:22King Louis, we love you and miss you dearly.
45:24She wants to erupt this and call me a client
45:26and tell me and literally have a go at me
45:28in my face and not even bother to reach out to check in on me.
45:30I'm done. It's just not worth the hassle.
45:44I'm done.
45:46I'm done.
45:48I'm done.
45:50I'm done.
45:52I'm done.
45:54I'm done.
45:56I'm done.
45:58I'm done.
46:00I'm done.
46:02I'm done.