• 16 hours ago
Los Casablanca Capitulo 54 Completo en Linea HD
Los Casablanca Capitulo 54 Completo en Linea HD
Los Casablanca Capitulo 54 Completo en Linea HD
Los Casablanca Capitulo 54 Completo en Linea HD
Los Casablanca Capitulo 54 Completo en Linea HD
00:00What happened?
00:02Excuse me, boss.
00:04I came here to do the chores.
00:06Tormento, what happened to you?
00:12What did they do to you, Tormento?
00:14Well, they did the same to me.
00:17I was the one who was killed.
00:19And you?
00:21I was the one who was killed.
00:24And you were the one who was killed?
00:26Yes, Tormento.
00:27Who was it?
00:29It was the same people who hit me the last time.
00:31Did you recognize them?
00:33Yes, one of them.
00:35How is this possible?
00:37Who were they? What did they want?
00:40I think they were already sent.
00:44Are you sure?
00:46I mean, because...
00:48If someone sent them to leave you as a school member,
00:51what would you do?
00:52Tomás, nothing justifies that someone does something like that to a person,
00:56much less to leave them in that state.
00:58Of course, if I find it regrettable,
01:00but if it's the second time the same thing happens to them,
01:02I don't know, it's going to be a question, right?
01:05You have to report it to the police, Tormento.
01:07To the police?
01:09Outside of creating a scandal, nothing is going to happen.
01:11If the police are used to it,
01:12the guys here grab a bottle on the weekend in between.
01:14Where did it go?
01:16To the countryside.
01:18No, last night.
01:20They took four guys from a car,
01:22they kicked me out of mine,
01:23and they also took my phone.
01:25Well, if it happened outside the field,
01:27unfortunately, you can't associate anything with the labor guy.
01:30Well, I'm going to make the complaint,
01:31and let the police investigate it better.
01:33Now can you give me my homework for the day, please?
01:35No, no, no, you take the day.
01:37Go make the complaint to the police,
01:39and then go to the post office to check for injuries.
01:42I haven't received any memo saying that now the boss of Tormento is you, Alex.
01:45If you are in good condition,
01:46go out to drive the hurricane and then the windmill.
01:48Let's see, don't you forget that there is something called labor laws?
01:52Make the complaint to the police,
01:53call them,
01:54and then go to the post office.
01:55It is very likely that you will have to check for injuries, Tormento.
01:58Well, I'm going to do that.
02:01Excuse me.
02:02Go ahead.
02:05Can you let me do my job, Alexandra, please?
02:07I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention,
02:09but don't you see how they left him?
02:11I don't want to create controversy, sister-in-law,
02:13but my sister is right.
02:16Excuse me.
02:18Mr. Tomas?
02:19Mr. Raimundo wants to talk to you.
02:21My father-in-law. I'm going to the office.
02:23Well, I also have to go back to work.
02:34Can we talk a little?
02:42What does Laibet have to do with my reintegration here at the post office, I don't understand?
02:46Let's see, maybe it wasn't the answer you were expecting,
02:49but I think it's for the best.
02:53Let's see.
02:55The relationship I have with Laibet, Angel,
02:57is a relationship that belongs to the private sphere.
03:01It has nothing to do with the work environment.
03:04It is something that does not affect the functioning here at the post office,
03:07and it is something that should not affect your decisions either.
03:11Look, I hope you understand me,
03:13but you are like a nephew to me,
03:15and believe me, I'm doing it for your own good.
03:20I'm sorry, Angel, but I'm not your nephew.
03:23Okay? I'm an adult person who doesn't need anyone to care for their own good.
03:28You told me that if I wanted to return here to the post office,
03:30then the doors of this place would be open to me.
03:33Well, now I'm asking you, okay?
03:36Don't worry, because my relationship with Laibet
03:38is really something that we can regulate.
03:40The fact that I come back here will not affect the functioning of the post office at all.
03:44We are two adult people.
03:46I'm not so sure.
03:48But I am sure.
03:53that's something else that bothers you.
03:58Don't you want me to be close to Laibet?
04:01Of course not.
04:03Why are you saying that?
04:04Well, then prove it.
04:06Prove it.
04:07If it doesn't bother you that I'm close to Laibet,
04:09then let me reintegrate into the post office.
04:13If what worries you is my well-being,
04:16then let me come back.
04:28Are you kidding me?
04:30What do you mean you messed with Juan Pablo's asshole?
04:32I know, Gonza, but it was just once.
04:35But, Iqui, because you messed with him once, then it's fine.
04:37No, but if I'm telling you this because you're my friend,
04:39if it doesn't happen, I'm going to stand in front of the court.
04:42Look, I know it sounds weird, but...
04:45But I...
04:46But what?
04:48I didn't want it to happen, and it did.
04:50But how?
04:51I felt it was a way to close my relationship with Juan Pablo.
04:54But cut it out, no.
04:56I mean, no one closes anything by messing with their ex.
04:59Rather, open something.
05:00Yeah, I know, I know.
05:01But I want to be with Samuel.
05:04And I don't know, what happened to me with Juan Pablo
05:06was like something more...
05:07more physical.
05:09But Lu, don't you remember how you ended up with him?
05:12I had to pick you up from the floor with a shovel
05:14when this Juan got fired.
05:16Yes, I know, Gonza.
05:17But now that I know that Juan Pablo,
05:19I'm not going to fall for his game again.
05:21Lu, you already fell for his game again.
05:24And the last thing Juan Pablo is looking for
05:26is to close your relationship.
05:28Well, I don't care.
05:29I don't care what he does.
05:32I don't want to talk to him anymore.
05:34Ah, of course.
05:37Since you don't know where your apartment is,
05:39or your job,
05:40not to mention that the best friend of your colonel...
05:42Yes, Gonza, I would love to continue talking.
05:44But I have to go interview the internal service people.
05:49Get out of here.
05:51But as a friend, I have to tell you the truth.
06:02What is this about you going to my brother's hotel
06:06to advise him on buying horses?
06:10Well, because I find it so strange.
06:12If your brother grew up just like you,
06:14surrounded by horses,
06:15I find it the most normal thing in the world
06:16that he wants to have his own stable.
06:18And if he grew up surrounded by horses,
06:20why did he need advice?
06:22Much less yours, you have no idea about that.
06:26Well, I know I haven't been around much,
06:28but since he's just arriving,
06:30I thought he was a little out of context.
06:33Ah, and since he was out of context,
06:37you felt the duty to contextualize it.
06:44Bad, Tomás.
06:46Bad, for Christ's sake.
06:49But in what language do I have to speak to them
06:51for them to understand
06:52that that asshole all he wants is to hurt me,
06:55to hurt me?
06:59And this time,
07:00how long will it take you to tell me?
07:04Father-in-law, I'm sorry, I didn't...
07:07I didn't give it much importance
07:09because, frankly,
07:10it's a topic that has nothing to do with our company.
07:13Well, if it's a topic that has nothing to do with our company,
07:16what's the point?
07:17Why didn't you tell me from the beginning?
07:20I don't know, Father-in-law, I didn't...
07:23I didn't want you to get the wrong idea.
07:25I didn't want to make up bullshit to justify you.
07:29And tell me the truth.
07:31Why did you go to talk to my brother?
07:35Tell me the truth, Father-in-law.
07:37Or do you want me to think that you're betraying me?
07:47What do you want to talk to me about, Samuel?
07:52Alex, I'll have your face, but I'm not an asshole.
07:54What are you talking about?
07:55About Tormento, what else am I going to be talking about?
07:59Yes, how terrible what they did to him, right?
08:01Look, I'm going to be direct.
08:03I don't buy that four guys took his shit out
08:06just to steal his cell phone.
08:09Sorry for the question, but isn't that right, Tomás?
08:13What are you talking about?
08:15It's the second time they've taken Tormento's shit out.
08:18So, be honest with me.
08:19Tomás knows what's going on between you and Tormento, doesn't he?
08:23What's wrong with you, asshole?
08:25There's nothing going on between Tormento and me.
08:29Are you sure that's over?
08:32If there was never anything, that's your business, Samuel.
08:34How dare you insinuate that there's something going on between Tormento and me.
08:39But do you forget that I took a picture of you kissing him?
08:46Let's see, that was a matter of one time.
08:49Well, that's not why there's going to be a romance between Tormento and me.
08:52That's your business.
08:54I gave you the look of horror you put on your face when you found out what happened to him.
08:57Because it's to be scared, then.
09:00You should be insensitive so you don't care.
09:02Didn't you see how they left the poor guy?
09:05You want to make me believe that your interest in Tormento is purely work-related.
09:11Purely and strictly work-related.
09:14Okay? So stop asking stupid questions.
09:16Stop harassing me because you're going to be in trouble.
09:19I don't think you want me as an enemy in this company.
09:21No, I don't care.
09:23I don't want to harass you, I don't want anything to do with you.
09:25All I'm saying is that if Tomas knows what's going on between you and Tormento,
09:31it doesn't matter if it was him or not.
09:33You hit yourself in the head.
09:36Tomas would be unable to do something like that.
09:42Jealousy takes the worst out of you, Alex.
09:49I'm sorry.
10:03Yes, about you.
10:05You're right.
10:08Your brother didn't call me to talk about the horses.
10:10He was spying on me because he's planning to open a new vineyard.
10:14Ivan wants to open a new vineyard?
10:16That's right.
10:18And why did he want you?
10:20Well, he...
10:23He wants me to be the manager.
10:26And you accepted.
10:27No, of course I didn't, father-in-law.
10:29Now, I can't deny that the offer he made me was quite tempting.
10:32You can't imagine how many things he offered me to convince me.
10:35But still, I didn't accept.
10:38What, do I have to thank you for not betraying me?
10:41No, no, of course not, father-in-law.
10:46Let's see.
10:48Father-in-law, I know I was wrong a while ago.
10:51But if I lied to him about the hotel, it was because I didn't...
10:54Because I didn't want to disappoint him, but...
10:56Father-in-law, please believe me, I would never betray him.
10:59You met with him.
11:00Probably more than once.
11:02For me, that's betrayal.
11:03No, father-in-law, please.
11:05Look, I'm going to make something clear to you, Tomas.
11:08My brother has no idea how to run a business.
11:13He's never been interested.
11:15All this he's doing is just to hurt me.
11:18Get that in your head.
11:19Yes, I have it well in my head.
11:21And that's exactly what I thought too.
11:23That's why I rejected him anyway.
11:25Father-in-law, believe me.
11:27I told your brother that it didn't correspond to...
11:29Let's see.
11:30That with the antecedent of the mess of money that was between you,
11:33it didn't correspond to him offering me anything at all.
11:35I made it very clear to him.
11:37I don't want to hear again that you set foot in my brother's hotel.
11:43Is that clear?
11:47Instead of listening to my little brother's siren songs,
11:50take care of what I asked you to do.
11:55Yes, your wife.
11:59The poor thing can't even ride because she has a problem with her leg now.
12:04She needs support.
12:07Yes, of course.
12:08She needs support.
12:17Let's see, father-in-law.
12:20Do you also take care of Martina's happiness, Juan Pablo?
12:23I don't need to do it.
12:25Because my daughter is happy with him.
12:41A few days later.
12:56The folder is full, which of all is in the documents?
12:59In the red folder.
13:01I see.
13:10In the red folder.
13:12In the red folder.
13:37I really don't think it's a good idea for your husband to be watching us through the cameras.
13:41Don't worry, your mother is meeting with my father in the house.
13:45Tell me something, did you call the police?
13:48They told me I have to go to give the statement,
13:50and then I have to go with some official to verify injuries.
13:53All before 24 hours.
13:55How could they be so stupid to leave you like that?
13:59No, no, no.
14:01Remember that they are in the camera.
14:03Yes, okay.
14:05Who do you think are doing this to you, Tormento?
14:09I don't know.
14:11I have some theory out there, but...
14:14I prefer to investigate first.
14:16What theory? Who do you suspect?
14:20No, it's better to investigate.
14:22I don't want to worry you ahead of time.
14:24How do you want me not to worry?
14:26I don't have proof of anything.
14:28Why did they hit you?
14:31I think it was a miscarriage.
14:34A miscarriage? What?
14:39Are you saying that...
14:41Do you think...
14:43Do you think it was Tomás?
14:46There are plenty of reasons.
14:48No, no, no.
14:49My husband could do a lot of things, but...
14:52He's not a thug.
14:53He's not a mobster.
14:59He doesn't suspect us.
15:02He thinks I hung out with some friends,
15:04when he called me he was affectionate.
15:06I'm sure Tomás didn't do it.
15:10Yes, well, you're right.
15:12If you know him better than I do,
15:15if he doesn't trust you,
15:18it can't have been him.
15:27Documents reviewed, signed, ready to be delivered.
15:31I thought the gringos would be more crafty
15:33with this issue of permits.
15:35I don't know, it's nothing.
15:38And by the way,
15:39it's been decided who's going to open
15:41La Viña's branch in California, right?
15:43No, it's not decided yet.
15:46Yeah, but the options are...
15:48Alexandra or me, right?
15:50Yes, probably you two.
15:53It's good that we have these documents.
15:55Now they're going to give us a lot of money.
16:02What are you laughing at?
16:03Nothing, it's just that when I went to get those documents...
16:08Nothing, it's just silly, don't get me wrong.
16:10No, hey, stop, no.
16:11You don't do that.
16:12No, then tell me.
16:14Nothing, it's just that I saw Alexandra talking to the storm, that's it.
16:19Yeah, and what's so funny about
16:21Alexandra talking to the storm?
16:23Didn't you see that in Tomás' office you can see
16:25what the cameras that are in the area are recording, right?
16:29Nothing, really, it's just silly,
16:31let's keep working, José Manuel.
16:33No, come on, what did you see?
16:37That for a second I thought...
16:40It won't be him.
16:42No, no, I don't understand.
16:46It won't be Storm,
16:48the lover of Alexandra.
16:54That Storm is with Alexandra?
16:57You see, it was a stupidity, just silly.
17:01Yes, one thing is that your sister is fucking Tomás,
17:03but another very different thing is that she's messing with the guy who takes care of the horses.
17:07Of course.
17:08That's where you have to throw yourself, man.
17:10If I were a girl, I think I would look at him,
17:12if he was cleaner anyway.
17:15And one thing is that I tell you something so that you stay a spy,
17:18and another very different thing is that you are sapping my sister.
17:21But if I'm not sapping, I saw them by chance,
17:23it was a stupidity that crossed my mind, Samuel.
17:27A stupidity.
17:30Let's keep working, man.
17:54But how?
18:02Hey, Yago, what costume is this?
18:04I didn't like this smoke bomb.
18:24Hello, good morning.
18:25I could talk to Miss Luciana Bravo, please.
18:29Rafael Sotomayor.
18:30She contacted me...
18:34Oh, and she went home.
18:36No, no, don't worry.
18:37I'll contact her later.
18:38Thank you very much.
18:53I'm sorry.
19:19Mr. Luis.
19:20Do you want to go to Catalonia?
19:24Yes, they are going to close the bank, they have to pay me a few things.
19:27Say hello to Rosita.
19:28Bye, have a good day.
19:53Yes, yes, Rafa, they agreed to send me the photos today.
19:57Now, if the report does not fit, according to the schedule,
20:00you let me know and I'll cut the last paragraph, it's okay.
20:04As long as Gonzalo approves it, remember.
20:07I have to leave you.
20:09Talk to you later.
20:11Bye, bye.
20:12And you?
20:13Didn't you have a meeting?
20:14Yes, I was just having a meeting around here.
20:17Talk or do you prefer that I go back to the island?
20:20No, of course not.
20:23Hey, I'm just hungry, but brutal.
20:26What do you want to eat?
20:28I don't know.
20:29What do you think I want to eat?
20:30To me, obviously.
20:34Hey, you're good.
20:35Take advantage of me, liar.
20:37Why? What did I do?
20:38Take advantage because it is obvious that you want to take advantage of me, liar.
20:43Because you told me you had a meeting with someone who lives around here.
20:46And of course your people don't live around here.
20:48Why can't they live around here?
20:51They live where you live.
20:53Here, my king, you only live with ordinary people.
20:56Yeah, and you're ordinary?
20:58Of course I am.
21:00There's something I like about you, you're not ordinary at all.
21:20I have to do the exercises you're telling me?
21:38Of course, Alexandra.
21:39It is so that you can fully recover the functions that your foot had before the injury.
21:44I'm going to leave you an order for you to do chin-ups, okay?
21:51I think we're done with ten sessions.
21:54That's right.
21:55Please, Alexandra.
21:57See you later.
21:58Thank you, doctor.
22:04You have to do these with Gaby.
22:06Close your eyes, she's the best here.
22:07You can give me the instructions later, kid.
22:10Now explain to me what is that stupidity that made you leave to live with Ivan.
22:14Alex, I'm really too happy to have come back to work here.
22:19And in any case, I didn't go to live with Ivan.
22:22I stay there in his hotel sometimes.
22:24Yeah, as if dad made that difference, please.
22:27Can you apologize to him and come back home?
22:29Why do I have to apologize to dad?
22:31Have you gone crazy?
22:32I don't know why.
22:33For wanting to be happy?
22:34For loving a woman?
22:36Because I get along with Uncle Ivan?
22:39Why would I have to apologize to him?
22:41Because you can't be angry with him all your life.
22:43Alex, how can you be so rude?
22:46You fight with dad every day and I'm not looking for you to give you sermons so you can get along with him.
22:51Don't you think it's a little too much?
22:53Leave me alone, do what I do, I know what I do.
22:56You don't know what you're doing.
22:59How do you not care about the damage Ivan has done to the family, Jonas?
23:02Those are things of the past, Alex.
23:04He doesn't care about anyone but his dad.
23:07I care.
23:09Look, I'm going to tell you something.
23:12I think you have a prejudice against Ivan.
23:18He's actually a good person.
23:20He advises me without judging me.
23:22And I think it's good that you give yourself a chance to get to know him.
23:25The best thing is that he's understanding, he's welcoming.
23:30Which dad has never been.
23:32How dare you say something like that?
23:35Dad would give his life for the family.
23:37Ivan is also family.
23:40Like it or not.
23:45Can you tell Tomas to bring me the shoe that's in the car, please?
23:50I can tell him.
23:52But you're very serious.
23:53I think you need a smile.
23:55And if you don't smile, you're going to have to go out with the boot,
23:58alone, to look for Tomas.
24:00I'm dead.
24:02Well, but I give the orders here.
24:04Not you.
24:06So smile.
24:11Be serious.
24:38You screwed up, you screwed up.
24:48Wait, they're calling me.
24:49No, honey, I didn't answer.
24:50Can I have a second?
24:51It's Juan Pablo, it could be something.
24:53I didn't answer, I didn't answer.
24:54Give me a second.
24:55Hello, Juanpa.
24:57Yes, tell me, brother-in-law, what happened?
24:59Hey, I'm with the agronomist in line.
25:01We had a tie in the line area.
25:03I need you to come.
25:05We have to have your authorization and your signature
25:07to be able to start moving.
25:09Yeah, yeah.
25:10Tell Alex to sign the authorization.
25:12It's the same.
25:14No, no, it's just that your sister is not available.
25:16She's in control, in the doctor.
25:18Wait, Luciana.
25:19Come on, honey, if you love it.
25:21Come on, cut it.
25:25Hey, Samuel, I'm serious.
25:27What's up?
25:28We don't have all the time in the world.
25:31Yes, don't worry.
25:32I'll take responsibility for that later, okay?
25:40What's up?
25:41What are you doing?
25:42Can't you talk to the agronomist?
25:44Wait, wait.
25:45Let's see, old man.
25:46I told you to solve it later, didn't I?
25:48Yeah, perfect.
25:49We'll talk later then.
25:56Hello, Samuel?
26:16How did it go with the police?
26:18They told me they were going to investigate, Pato.
26:20Pato, leave it to me. I'll take care of it.
26:24Look, Tormento, I don't want to disappoint you,
26:26but I don't think they got very far.
26:28The police always say they're going to investigate.
26:30In the end, they don't know anything.
26:32What did they tell you?
26:34That I have to rest.
26:36I have a fractured rib.
26:43Did those devils mess with you?
26:50Did they hit you bad there?
26:53Did it hurt? Sorry.
26:56You were lucky, man.
27:00I'm telling you.
27:01Imagine if they had hit you in the nose.
27:03You would have been like a crushed tomato.
27:06Or they would have blown your teeth forward.
27:09And a woman would look at you again in your life, man.
27:12With luck, a blind woman out there.
27:14You couldn't eat chocolate in the summer.
27:26Hi, how are you?
27:28I'm Isabela.
27:30Sorry to call you here, but I think this is yours.
27:34No, it's not mine.
27:37But good luck.
27:48Now I have your phone.
28:19Miranda, please.
28:22They reacted to the meeting with Sánchez Lozada.
28:24On Tuesday I have a video conference with Germany.
28:26And I don't want to be in a hurry.
28:28Perfect. Do you need anything else?
28:34It's too late, Miranda.
28:36Yes, a little.
28:39Why didn't you tell me?
28:40Because I finish work when you finish work.
28:46That's not right.
28:47I'm going to complain to your boss.
28:51I see you're in a better mood.
28:53I say that because...
28:56Forget it.
28:58No, no, tell me.
29:02I thought it bothered you that I saw the broken photo.
29:10Well, yes.
29:12It's a stage in my life that I don't like to remember.
29:16I wish it were easy to get those memories out of my head,
29:20just like breaking a photograph, but no.
29:24Can you tell me why?
29:26No, no.
29:30What seemed to be a happy stage of my life,
29:38stopped being so overnight.
29:46My son Conas had just been born.
29:50I felt full.
29:53I was doing very well.
29:56I felt that nothing could stop me,
30:01except the loss I suffered.
30:05What loss?
30:08Are you talking about your wife?
30:11The one who died in the accident?
30:25It wasn't an accident.
30:34My wife took her own life.
30:37I'm sorry.
30:42Are you sure?
30:45Finally, my love. We were waiting for you.
30:48I had to stay late because someone dropped us off at the office.
30:51She's going to pay the rent.
30:53I want to tell you something very important.
30:55What is it?
30:59What is it?
31:00Sami, tell him.
31:01The thing is...
31:04I'm going to ask Luciana to marry me.
31:08That's great news!
31:10It's not great news. It's a terrible idea.
31:12What's on your mind, Samuel?
31:14How do you know you're going to ask Luciana to marry you?
31:18I think, Val, that before you get your boot out and ride again,
31:21you should do, I don't know, a few kine sessions, at least.
31:24How long has it been since you've used that foot?
31:26It could be.
31:29But something serious, really, with a professional kinesiologist.
31:32It shouldn't be a post-tachycardia treatment.
31:34I'll see, Toma.
31:38I'm going to get some water.
31:40I'm going to get some water.
31:41I'm going to get some water.
31:42I'm going to get some water.
31:43I'm going to get some water.
31:44I'm going to get some water.
31:45I'm going to get some water.
31:46I'm going to get some water.
31:47I'm going to get some water.
31:49Do you know what they told Tormento at the stand?
31:52No, I have no idea.
31:54But I suppose they told him that they had removed the crest.
31:58Do you think it's funny?
32:00No, of course not, but it couldn't have been so serious
32:03if they didn't even give him a rest.
32:05I think they gave it to him and he didn't take it.
32:07How did you know? Did he tell you?
32:10No, it's my thing.
32:13What happened to Tormento is serious, Toma.
32:15It's very serious.
32:19I think he was looking for that.
32:23What do you mean?
32:26I don't know.
32:27He must be up to something.
32:29I don't know if he's been taken out of jail for a month.
32:32I bet he's in a river of skirts.
32:35I don't know.
32:42You went to my office to make me an attack of jealousy for Tormento.
32:48You were able to leave your stick thrown to go face me.
32:54What's that comment about?
32:58You had something to do with it, Tomás.
33:01You told them to hit Tormento.
