Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan mencatat jumlah pekerja Sritex Group yang terkena PHK mencapai 11.025 orang per Februari 2025. Kementerian terus berkoordinasi dengan tim kurator agar komitmen pembayaran hak pekerja yang terkena PHK dapat terealisasi.
00:00We go to the first piece of information, the Ministry of Employment Affairs notes the number of Sritex Group employees who are affected by the PHK to 11,025 people per February 2025.
00:16Yes, the ministry continues to coordinate with the curator team so that the commitment to pay the workers' rights that are affected by the PHK can be realized.
00:24The Ministry of Employment Affairs notes the number of Sritex Group employees who are affected by the PHK to 11,025 people per February 2025.
00:34Based on the Ministry of Employment Affairs, the largest textile company in Indonesia has been hiring employees since August 2024.
00:42In August 2024, as many as 340 employees experienced PHK by PT Pancajaya Semarang.
00:49In January 2025, the curator did PHK to 1,081 PT Bitratex Industries employees.
00:56The last PHK took place on February 26, 2025, with a total of 9,604 employees.
01:03With the initiation of PT Sritex as many as 8,504 people, PT Prima Yuda Mandiri Jaya as large as 956 people, PT Sinar Pancajaya 40 people, and PT Bitratex Industries 104 people.
01:15In a work meeting with the 9th Commission of the Ministry of Employment Affairs, the Minister of Employment Affairs, Yasir Lee,
01:20announced that he and the Ministry of Economic Coordination continue to coordinate with the curator team so that the commitment to pay the workers' rights affected by the PHK can be realized.
01:30Nevertheless, Yasir Lee insisted that the payment of THR, salary money, and employment appreciation money will be paid by the curator after selling the company's assets.
01:40It is the curator's commitment to pay if the payment has been completed,
01:46before that is the employers and THR who are indebted after the assets are sold.
01:54As we know, PT Srijaki Isman TBK or Sritex officially stopped operations on March 1, 2025,
02:00after the pilot was stated by a court in the city of Semarang.
02:03The closure of the textile company that has been established since 1966 has been a blow to the national textile industry in the midst of the importation of imported products.