• 16 hours ago
Menteri Ketenagakerjaan, Yassierli, bersama dengan Wakil Menteri Ketenagakerjaan, Immanuel Ebenezer, mengumumkan surat edaran terkait pencairan Tunjangan Hari Raya (THR) bagi pekerja Swasta, BUMN dan BUMD yang merupakan tindak lanjut dari perintah dan arahan Presiden Prabowo Subianto yang menyatakan THR dicairkan paling lambat tujuh hari sebelum Lebaran.


00:00The Ministry of Labor, Yasir Lee, together with the Deputy Minister of Labor, Emanuel Ebenezer,
00:10announced a letter regarding the liquidation of the holiday payments, or THR, for private workers,
00:15BUMN and BUMD, which is a move by the government and the direction of President Prabowo Subianto,
00:21who stated that THR was liquidated at the latest 7 days before Eid.
00:26Yasir Lee stated that THR payment is an obligation that must be done by entrepreneurs.
00:32Companies are required to pay THR to their employees or workers at 7 days before Eid,
00:38as well as THR payment must be paid in full and must not be deducted.
00:42The Ministry of Labor also officially opened a postcode for the liquidation of holiday payments for private workers,
00:48BUMN and BUMD, as well as holiday bonus payments for drivers and couriers online
00:54at the Ministry of Labor.
