(Adnkronos) - “Recentemente si è studiato che quando la parte più esterna della mucosa respiratoria, la barriera epiteliale, subisce un danno, si innesca un meccanismo mediato da citochine che prendono il nome di allarmine. Tra queste, il Tslp gioca un ruolo importantissimo nella risposta immunologica di tipo infiammatorio”. Così Giorgio Walter Canonica, professore e senior consultant del Centro di medicina personalizzata asma e allergie dell’Humanitas university e Irccs Humanitas di Rozzano (Mi), intervenendo oggi a Milano all’incontro con la stampa promosso da AstraZeneca dedicato al commento del ruolo chiave dell’epitelio nel guidare e sostenere le patologie respiratorie e dei risultati dello studio Waypoint che ha dimostrato l’efficacia dell’anticorpo monoclonale tezepelumab, già approvato e rimborsato in Italia per il trattamento dell’asma grave non controllato, nel trattamento della rinosinusite cronica con poliposi nasale.
00:00What has been studied recently is the fact that the damage of the epithelial barrier,
00:11which is the outermost part of the mucosa, for example the respiratory one,
00:17so referring to asthma, nasal polyposis, but also in other pathologies,
00:22well, from this damage, which can be caused by an allergen,
00:27but also by a pollutant or a virus, a mechanism is induced
00:33mediated by cytokines, which are called alarmines.
00:38Among these, the TSLP plays a very important role.
00:42What does this mean?
00:44That a whole response of inflammatory immunological type is induced,
00:50which leads me, for example, to the remodeling of the airways as regards asthma.
00:58Well, the anti-TSLP, that is, the monoclonal antibody that blocks this alarmine,
01:06the Tezepelumab, is currently unavailable as regards bronchial asthma,
01:15but recently at the American Academy World Allergy Organization in San Diego,
01:20last week, and at the same time at the New England Journal of Medicine,
01:26the data on the efficacy of Tezepelumab were released,
01:31also in rhinosinusitis chronic with nasal polyposis,
01:37and it was an extremely interesting data,
01:41because the efficacy was demonstrated on all the parameters that were studied.
01:48So, an important result, to which, and here I conclude,
01:53there is an important clinical data,
01:57because the SANI, that is, the Italian Registry of Severe Asthma,
02:03has shown that 42% of people with severe asthma have nasal polyposis,
02:10and the thing is substantially reciprocal, and here it leads to a concept,
02:15the patient must be studied well, that is, for example,
02:20the multidisciplinary consultation, in this sense,
02:25is exactly the correct way to study the patient.
02:30You cannot ignore, in one or the other,
02:34the comorbidity to treat our patients in the best way.