• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Uniti al distanziamento, all’igiene delle mani e alla mascherina, i vaccini sono un’arma fantastica per evitare di contrarre e di trasmettere le infezioni respiratorie. Inoltre, oggi abbiamo a disposizione anche il vaccino contro il virus sinciziale, un virus che può dare manifestazioni estremamente gravi". Lo ha all’Adnkronos Salute l’infettivologo Massimo Andreoni, professore emerito Malattie Infettive università Tor Vergata Roma e direttore scientifico della Simit, in occasione della presentazione – a Roma – della campagna di sesibilizzazione promossa da Pfizer ‘Abituati a proteggerti dalle infezioni’ e che ha riunito un gruppo di esperti per fare il punto sulle strategie più efficaci per contrastare la diffusione di malattie respiratorie infettive come influenza, Covid, pneumococco ed Rsv.


00:00With the arrival of the cold, and therefore with the season that becomes colder, the seasonal infections are mainly respiratory infections.
00:17Many viruses and many bacteria can give respiratory infections, but there are some of these that manifest themselves more seriously
00:27and among the viruses, certainly the influenza viruses, obviously the covid, but the respiratory virus is a virus that we have often not diagnosed,
00:40especially in adult subjects, thinking that it was a prevalent infection of children, instead it is a virus that affects adult people
00:48and just as influenza and covid can give extremely serious manifestations that can lead to hospitalization, intensive care,
00:59and even in a small number of cases, in Italy it is estimated that there are at least 2,000 deaths a year due to the respiratory virus.
01:09The prevention of respiratory diseases, first of all, concerns the behaviors that we must have,
01:15so distancing, wearing a mask, washing our hands are excellent measures to try to prevent, to transmit the infection and to acquire the infection.
01:26But in addition to this, today we have vaccinations. Vaccinations are a fantastic tool to prevent respiratory infections.
01:35Today, finally, we also have vaccines for the syncytial respiratory virus, which was one of those viruses that we knew in its severity of manifestations,
01:47but for which we did not yet have a vaccine. Today we have it and therefore we have a new weapon also to prevent this serious infection.
