(Adnkronos) - Si è svolto a Roma l’evento conclusivo del progetto "Giovani Generazioni", promosso dal Moige - Movimento Italiano Genitori con il patrocinio della Regione Lazio. L'iniziativa, che ha coinvolto tutte le province del territorio laziale, ha registrato la partecipazione di oltre duemila studenti attraverso il Centro Mobile e la task force antibullismo del Moige. Le sessioni formative hanno conseguito risultati significativi, accrescendo la consapevolezza sui rischi dell'uso improprio della tecnologia e fornendo strumenti concreti per contrastare bullismo e cyberbullismo.
00:00On the subject of bullying, we have to do much more.
00:07The global educational village needs parents, schools, educators and institutions
00:12all united around the centrality of the safety of our children.
00:15It is the appeal launched by the Director General of the Italian Parent Movement, MOIGE,
00:20on the occasion of the conclusive event of the Young Generations project,
00:24promoted by MOIGE with the sponsorship of the Lazio Region,
00:27with the aim of training young people on the risks of improper use of technology,
00:31providing them with concrete tools to counter bullying and cyberbullying.
00:36Unfortunately, we are dying of bullying,
00:38so we have to give our children concrete tools to respond to these attacks.
00:45It is a challenge that sees us all committed,
00:47but we have to do more, we need more resources, more training,
00:51more targeting activities to remember that this is a phenomenon that,
00:55if not managed immediately, with care, with professionalism,
00:59can lead to dangerous results.
01:02Phenomena such as bullying and cyberbullying are in fact
01:06one of the main modern challenges for parents.
01:09The safety of our children through better control,
01:13better use of the network, of social networks, is one of the issues.
01:19Therefore, I believe that there is a need for an ever-increasing comparison
01:24with the entire educational community, therefore parents and teachers,
01:28and on the other hand also a capacity for listening with our young people,
01:33with the young generations.
01:34This is a society that is constantly evolving,
01:36it is changing at a speed that we were not ready for and used to.
01:41So we have to reflect on this, because it is perhaps the mother of all challenges.
01:46Initiatives such as this, for the Vice-President of the Commission for Education,
01:50the School and Policies for Young People and Equal Opportunities,
01:53Iannarelli, must constitute a place of excellence for sensitization
01:57on the subject not only of young people and families, but also of institutions.
02:01I am here to embrace a way of making comprehensive, healthy education
02:07for the deep good of our young people in this very complex phase
02:13of society and the development of the media and social networks
02:17that involve the growth of our young people.
02:20These are strategic topics for the education of young people,
02:24especially in a context where digitization is developing more and more rapidly.
02:29We as an institution must try to follow these trends
02:38and specifically avoid bullying and cyber-bullying,
02:43which are a plague of our families today.
02:46The commitment of Regione Lazio for the training of young people against bullying
02:50also applies to the T-Rispetto project.
02:53We wanted to enter schools to teach the culture of respect,
02:59because it is a cultural problem.
03:01Young people must understand that with respect
03:05we fight violence against women and discrimination against anyone.
03:10So it is essential to teach this culture from young generations,
03:15but I mean together with teachers and families.