• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - Quella del cyberbullismo “è una delle sfide moderne con cui tutti i genitori devono prendere le misure. Si tratta di fenomeni in crescita, che inquinano le relazioni tra le giovani generazioni”. A dirlo all’Adnkronos il presidente della Regione Lazio, Francesco Rocca, nel contesto dell’evento di chiusura del progetto "Giovani Generazioni", promosso dal Moige con il patrocinio della Regione Lazio.


00:00It is one of the modern challenges of all parents, to take measures with these increasingly
00:13growing phenomena that are polluting the relations between young generations.
00:20The bullying and the safety of our children through better control, better use of the
00:29internet and social networks is one of the issues.
00:34I believe that there is a need for a greater and greater comparison with the entire educational
00:41community, i.e. parents and teachers, and also a capacity to listen to our young people,
00:48to the young generations.
00:49This is a society that is constantly evolving, it is changing at a speed that we were not
00:55used to.
00:56It is necessary to reflect on this because it is perhaps the mother of all challenges,
01:01because the use of social networks has a very strong influence on the young generations
01:07and this is one of the great challenges we have as an educational community.
