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The Curse of Oak Island Season 12 Episode 15 | Channeling the Solution FULL Episode 720HD | March 11, 2025
00:00Creating its own void. No, we probably removed whatever is the sort of natural seal there
00:06And I think all that material collapsed all the way down the hole
00:09Yeah, if there was still a tunnel or chamber down there, we could have just pierced the roof of it
00:14Well, that's a good point. Yeah, I guess it could be a treasure vault. Yeah, we could have collapsed into that I suppose
00:21When the cave-in began, as the TB1 shaft approached a depth of 160 feet, the team was anxiously hoping that it would encounter the fabled Chappel vault, a 7-foot-tall, concrete-encased wooden chest that treasure hunters Frederick Blair and William Chappell reportedly drilled into at a depth of 153 feet back in 1897. Curiously, this is the same area where the cave-in began.
00:51Where recent groundwater testing has revealed high-trace evidence of gold, silver, and other metals.
00:58However, this is also where previous searchers have constructed tunnels and shafts during the past two centuries, which have left various voids and decayed structures deep underground.
01:11I think it's going to be either original works or some undocumented searcher shaft or tunnel or treasure.
01:17Now, it is the team's hope that ROC and SB Canada can stabilize the area and keep digging to determine whether the team has simply penetrated an abandoned searcher structure or a vault that contains the treasure people have been trying to unearth since 1795.
01:36Collapse feature in this area could represent a variety of different things.
01:41It might suggest a chamber, a void, or a tunnel.
01:45Sure, that's exciting and interesting, but paramount importance again, priority number one is to keep everyone safe and address the situation and hopefully continue to advance the can.
01:55Here comes Vanessa.
01:57What happened?
01:58Where can I get water?
01:59We can get you water.
02:00Okay. Yeah, we want to introduce water, get some more hydrostatic head pressure in there because it's getting tight on us.
02:07How much water? What do you need?
02:09I would like to fill up my can all the way, so I need to fill 50 feet, seven foot diameter.
02:13We'll get you the water.
02:16In an attempt to prevent further collapsing around and beneath the TB1 shaft, the team will fill it with thousands of gallons of water.
02:26This will help stabilize the shaft and voids beneath it.
02:29Allowing the 18.5 ton hammer grab to remove more spoils and hopefully valuables from deep below.
02:37We're in a void under the ground and we're unfamiliar.
02:39How much water? What do you need?
02:41I would like to fill up my can all the way, so I need to fill 50 feet, seven foot diameter.
02:45We'll get you the water.
02:48In an attempt to prevent further collapsing around and beneath the TB1 shaft, the team will fill it with thousands of gallons of water.
02:57This will help stabilize the shaft and voids beneath it.
03:01Allowing the 18.5 ton hammer grab to remove more spoils and hopefully valuables from deep below.
03:09We're in a void under the ground and we're unfamiliar.
03:12It could be a vault, meaning potentially treasure.
03:16That could be the mystery.
03:18That could be where it is.
03:20Some pretty good reasons to keep trying.
03:23So, we're going to pull out the decks.
03:24It's going to take us a little time.
03:25Level everything, add some water to the can, and then re-go at it.
03:32Well, what did we know at the beginning of the year?
03:33We didn't have surprises.
03:35Well, we just got one.
03:36It's been a hell of a lot of work.
03:38Yes, there's all kinds of potential difficulties to work through.
03:42Everyone that came before us had problems.
03:45I don't know.
03:46I'm not super optimistic that we won't have any further issues, but maybe I'm wrong.
03:51Maybe I'm wrong.
03:52I actually think we will finish this hole.
03:54I mean, it's best guess at this point.
03:57We definitely don't want to give up.
03:59We've got a lot of food to look down to.
04:03We can figure it out.
04:04Oh, yeah.
04:05As the efforts to locate a fabled treasure vault continue in the Money Pit area...
04:11Hey, guys. How are you?
04:12Getting in there ready for some big revelations.
04:14Well, this could be the spot to find some.
04:16The Laginas and Gary join Craig Tester, fellow Oak Island landowner Tom Nolan,
04:21and other members of the team in the northern region of the swamp.
04:25Rick's been wanting to dig this forever, 15 years or so.
04:30It is here where they are searching for caches of valuables that may lie hidden outside of the Money Pit area.
04:38The thing about this place is it's all about your dad.
04:41To me.
04:43He believed that there was something here to find.
04:45So, let's get out on the machine.
04:47Let's position it.
04:48Let's get to it.
04:49Let's dig.
04:52I want to get dirty.
04:55In 1969, legendary treasure hunter Fred Nolan drained the swamp
05:01and was shocked to discover pieces of large sailing vessels.
05:05He also found 16th century wooden survey stakes,
05:10tools that Fred believed had been used to create the Blackish Fog
05:14in order to hide numerous caches of valuables.
05:18There's going to be quite a few more rocks at least right in through here.
05:22Incredibly, several weeks ago, after uncovering a cobblestone pathway
05:27and a number of additional survey stakes in the northern region of the swamp,
05:32the team discovered an empty vault-like structure made of brick and slate.
05:38This is going to have some real answers.
05:40I really believe that.
05:41Now, along with Fred's son Tom, Rick, Marty and Craig
05:46are searching several yards to the north.
05:49It is their hope that they will uncover similar hidden structures
05:53that will prove Fred's theory to be true.
05:56If we find another of these vaults, we can only assume something was hidden here.
06:01And hopefully, whatever was once here is still here.
06:08I got a signal.
06:09I'm going to shut them down, Tom.
06:14Let me see if it's close to the surface.
06:17I'll try pinpointing it, if that's all right.
06:19All right, OK. Fine.
06:20It could save me some digging. Yeah.
06:29It's there.
06:38Have I written the address? That's not it, is it?
06:41That was brick. You see that bit of brick in the hole there?
06:46A piece of brick buried in the northern region of the swamp?
06:50Could the team have discovered evidence that an important structure or vault is hidden nearby?
06:56Yeah, I put it in my pocket.
06:57Discussion. We're not missing anything, are we?
06:59I'd say exactly that. Yeah.
07:02The swamp has always been a mystery.
07:05That's the nature of the swamp on Oak Island.
07:08But by digging in this new area, we're hoping to find clues to what happened here.
07:13We have to follow the clues.
07:20What's that?
07:22Coming in, Alan.
07:23What's that?
07:25Coming in, Alan.
07:31Oh, look at that.
07:33Really nice-looking, sharpened state.
07:36Isn't that amazing? It just looks like the day it went in the ground.
07:39Yeah. That's Andun, wasn't it? Yeah.
07:41This is impressive.
07:42In the northern region of the Oak Island swamp...
07:45There's another one right here.
07:47Rick and Marty Lagina and members of the team have just discovered two more hand-cut wooden survey stakes.
07:55What is that?
07:56Two stakes.
07:58Now the question is, could they be clues to validate Fred Nolan's theory that hidden valuables might also be found in this area?
08:07Are these the first ones that have been found on this side?
08:10No. Years ago, we found two or three closer to the road.
08:13But this is the first ones I know of that were found this deep into the swamp on this side.
08:18I think Steve should come out and GPS this because then he can see if there's continuity here or something different.
08:25Okay. I'm pretty sure he's coming out right now.
08:28The plan for the swamp, of course, is to follow the line of survey stakes.
08:32But the hope is that as we follow these clues, it will lead to some greater understanding of what might be here in the bog.
08:42Hey, Steve.
08:43Hey, guys.
08:44Well, what I'm going to do is I'm going to hop down and I'll grab the areas or the two exact locations of those stakes.
08:49Okay. Steve, you want to hop down and pin this?
08:51Sure do.
08:53Hey, Mike, check out this wood.
08:55Let's see that top one.
08:57I don't know why two are together.
08:58That's odd.
08:59Why two are together?
09:00That's odd.
09:01It's not the pattern we've seen.
09:03So this line of survey stakes projects to an area where we found all of those wooden stakes.
09:09I mean, that's perfectly online almost.
09:10So I would keep following them.
09:13I'm not surprised at all when Steve asserts that the stakes line up with previous stakes that have been found in the bog.
09:21This took some time and some effort to lay out this line.
09:24Maybe this line has another purpose and relates to another as of yet unknown discovery.
09:31So what I'm going to do is continue to confirm the line as far as I can walk.
09:35Thanks, Steve.
09:36Thanks, Steve.
09:37Good. Let's dig.
09:38Look at that.
09:39There's a bunch of cobble here.
09:42I don't know if you can see it or not.
09:45It's just right here.
09:46And it's going that way.
09:48More cobblestones found near the hand-hewn survey stakes?
09:52Is it possible that the team has indeed uncovered another section of the cobblestone pathway?
09:58If so, could it lead the team to a vault that still contains something of incredible value?
10:05It's almost like they're stacked.
10:07That's a Spooner question.
10:10That's a Spooner question.
10:11There certainly appears to be a structure in the north end of the bog.
10:16So I want Dr. Spooner to come and render an opinion about whether or not it is a man-made structure.
10:23It looks stacked, but I don't know.
10:26We have to follow this. There's no question about it.
10:29I want to keep digging.
10:31Let's keep digging.
10:36The following morning, as the team from Rocky Equipment works to stabilize the ground around the TB1 caisson...
10:45We have in front of us several things that hopefully will make us true believers because they came out of TB1, True Believer 1.
10:52Marty Lagina, Craig Tester, and other members of the team join archaeologist Laird Niven and archaeometallurgist Emma Culligan in the Oka Lab.
11:02And we have four of them right here.
11:04They are eager to hear Laird and Emma's scientific analysis of several nails that were recently unearthed from more than 100 feet deep in the TB1 shaft.
11:14I'll turn it over to Emma.
11:16Based on the composition and the x-ray characteristics, the first three nails I would put comfortably within early to mid-1800s.
11:24And there is a potential that it could be late 1700s.
11:29The last nail I would actually date older and based on its x-ray behavior, possibly within mid-1700s to late 1700s.
11:39If you had two opine, these three are searcher and that one might be pre-searcher.
11:46So I'd say this has the most possibility of being pre-searcher.
11:51Because more than a dozen searcher companies have constructed shafts over the past two centuries in the area where the team is currently excavating TB1,
12:00it is not surprising that some artifacts will date to after the discovery of the money pit.
12:06However, could the team have also found a nail that was used by whomever buried the fabled chapel vault?
12:13Compositionally, they're all fairly similar.
12:15Could that mean that they are closer than ever to potentially recovering it?
12:21Thanks, Emma.
12:22You know, we're getting a lot of information and we brought this stuff up.
12:25So what's sitting down below in the loose clay area that could sink on down?
12:31Well, let's get back and try and find something even better.
12:35Thank you all.
12:36Take care.
12:37Good luck.
12:38Later that afternoon.
12:40Hey, Marty.
12:41How deep are we?
12:42They're making progress.
12:43Slow and steady.
12:44Marty Lagina returns to the money pit area after being informed that the process to stabilize the TB1 caisson appears to have been successful and the dig has now resumed.
12:56We got, I'd say, 48 or 49 yards of crushed stone down in that hole.
13:01The nest is coming in.
13:03Where's the gold?
13:04Hey, gentlemen.
13:05So how are we doing?
13:06Well, we're doing better.
13:08We're doing better.
13:09So the water is definitely helping.
13:10Yeah, the water's doing its thing.
13:12We're dropping the tape down past my casing now.
13:14So right now my dig, depth of hole is at 164 and 6 inches.
13:20No plug.
13:21No plug.
13:22The so-called plug refers to the earth or spoils contained inside of the steel caissons.
13:31However, since Vanessa is reporting that there is no plug within TB1, that means it and any potential man-made objects have fallen to somewhere below.
13:42He is dropping it down and he's hitting something very hard all the way around.
13:46We think it's rock.
13:48Sure there's not a cave or a cavity?
13:51Pretty sure there is.
13:52This must be the solution channel.
13:54Yeah, we're on the ledge and we got a hole.
13:56The solution cavity or solution channel, we believe it's natural and it underlies a good bit of this.
14:01You're on the edge.
14:02That's why your plug is going down.
14:04So we could have collapsed into that, I suppose.
14:09During previous core drilling operations in the Money Pit area, the team has repeatedly encountered a large natural cavity that was created by flowing brown water into bedrock known as the solution channel.
14:23Between 160 and 180 feet underground.
14:27If Marty and Terry are correct that TB1 has now entered the solution channel, could that explain what caused the earth to collapse around the shaft?
14:37And if so, could that also mean that the fabled Chample Vault has fallen into it?
14:43This hole, TB1, goes to the bottom of that solution channel.
14:47That could be the answer.
14:48That could be where this treasure resides at this point.
14:50So we need to get down in that solution channel.
14:52As we break through this shelf in the bedrock, we hope to get into the area where the treasure might have fallen to in the relative soft material.
14:59We're about ready to stack another can.
15:01We're going to add some more water and keep going down.
15:05All right.
15:06Thank you, Vanessa.
15:07I'll keep my fingers crossed.
15:09Coming up.
15:10It's a true mystery.
15:12You have a very unusual artifact.
15:14It shouldn't be where it was found.
15:16It demonstrates wealth.
15:17Somebody important was on Lock 5.
15:19Lock 5.
15:24While excavation of the TB1 shaft continues in the Money Pit area.
15:29It's going down pretty good.
15:30There you go.
15:33I think I will take it down a little more here where this is topsoil there.
15:40Landowner Tom Nolan and other members of the team are continuing to investigate an area where just one day ago they found large survey stakes.
15:49Yeah, it's great.
15:50As well as what appears to be a layer of possibly stacked cobblestones.
15:57Come on out, Max.
15:58I know you're here.
16:08Now I'm seeing this cobbled all through here.
16:14Is it me or does this look like the stone path?
16:17Yeah, it certainly does.
16:18There's a very clear line.
16:19You can see the edge of the rocks before you hit that sea horizon right here.
16:23What I noticed there was all these small stones.
16:27Some look like beach stone, which are out of place in the swamp.
16:32All put tightly together.
16:34Very similar to the stone path on the south side of the bog.
16:38And it seemed to have some sort of shape.
16:40We've got a defined path.
16:42Yeah, it's very linear.
16:44So it shows that there was more work, more effort put into this area for some reason.
16:50It begins to make you wonder, is it searcher or is it depositor?
16:55I'm going to call Dr. Spooner and Laird and get them to come and have a look at this.
16:58Yeah, I think we should because, I mean, they've looked at the other ones, so see what they think.
17:02Yeah, we really should have a look.
17:08Later that day...
17:11We're trying to cut through this stuff.
17:12So hopefully we're through the rocks soon.
17:14All right, well, I'll go back to the station.
17:16Looks like you've got it handled here.
17:18In the Money Pit area, the 7-foot diameter steel shaft, known as TD-1,
17:23is approaching a depth of nearly 170 feet
17:27and has reached the so-called solution channel.
17:30A massive natural void in the bedrock
17:32where the team hopes to encounter the fabled chapel vault.
17:37I was going to drag it around.
17:40Yeah, but not before I grab this.
17:42All right.
17:44I've got to see if this floats.
17:46Yeah, that's the first piece of wood I've seen in the last few years.
17:49Yeah, this could be old.
17:50Could be.
17:52Could I.
17:53Our mentor, Dan Blankenship, always believed that
17:56Our mentor, Dan Blankenship, always believed that
17:59if you retrieved wood from depth and it sank, it was older wood.
18:04If it floats, it's modern.
18:12That sinks.
18:13If the team has, indeed, recovered a piece of wood
18:16nearly 170 feet deep that might predate the discovery of the Money Pit,
18:22could it be a clue that the treasure vault is now also within their reach?
18:27A piece of wood came out of that last scoop.
18:29This is what we were hoping for.
18:30Just tested it and it doesn't float.
18:32It does not.
18:33Does not float.
18:34That's what we're looking for.
18:35Yeah, it could be what we're looking for.
18:36Look at the growth rings.
18:38That's also real good.
18:40That would be near the center of the tree, I would think.
18:42We get down to depth of about 170 feet and we find a piece of wood.
18:47And I feel that this piece of wood is deep enough it could only be deposited.
18:50If this was depositor,
18:51we could have found what the chapel era searchers believed to be the treasure vault.
18:56Hey, Terry, I got some new numbers for you.
18:57Great, thank you.
18:58Depth of hole is 168 and 6 inches.
19:01And our casing just broke through 171.
19:04171 at the teeth.
19:06So this came out of the last scoop.
19:08That came from 168.
19:09What does this wood mean to you?
19:11If we found a bunch of it, remember, nobody was down to 168.
19:15So if we start finding a bunch of this, we start to get pretty excited.
19:20All right.
19:21We'll keep digging.
19:22Sounds good.
19:23As the excavation of TB1 continues in the Money Pit area.
19:28Later that afternoon.
19:32Hi, guys.
19:33In the war room,
19:34Marty Lagina,
19:35Craig Taster,
19:36and other members of the Oak Island team
19:38meet via video conference
19:40with renowned gemologist Jeffrey Bilgore
19:43and John W. Ford Sr.,
19:45the CEO of the American Gem Trade Association.
19:49Welcome to the war room.
19:50Well, thank you.
19:51Oh, no way.
19:55John and Jeffrey have analyzed a glass gemstone
19:58that the team found two weeks ago
20:00near the mysterious rounded foundation on Lot 5.
20:03A foundation where the team has not only uncovered man-made mortar
20:07that matches soils from more than 100 feet deep in the Money Pit area,
20:12but where they have found a number of believed mid-18th century artifacts,
20:17including this rare glass gemstone.
20:21Have you seen other stones like this?
20:23Yeah, I've seen other stones like this.
20:25But what is significant is the fact that it was found on an island in Nova Scotia.
20:31So it's very interesting because the origin of the crystal is European in nature.
20:36It could be from England, France, Spain, Portugal, or Italy.
20:41The research shows it could have been made somewhere between 1730 and 1775.
20:47Okay, that's what Laird and Bema also thought.
20:50What would be more traditional to use for something like this?
20:53Could have been from an object of adornment sewn onto a heavy fabric,
20:58an ornamental type of coat.
21:01Certainly the size and the purity of the material is unusual.
21:05This is the size of, you know, 8 to 10 carat sapphire, 8 carat diamond.
21:10But it's definitely a simulant to look like a diamond,
21:13to look like you have something of great value.
21:16Okay, so somebody really important was on Lot 5.
21:20We've always thought that even if the Money Pit is simpler than we think,
21:24without any complex engineering, it still would take a team of men to do that.
21:29We always wondered, where was the encampment?
21:32Where were these people while they were doing this work?
21:34Well, maybe Lot 5 is it.
21:36This little gem does indicate that somebody of means, wealth, influence,
21:41was almost certainly on Lot 5 and on the island.
21:45The fact that it had tin around the edges, which is resistant to tarnishing,
21:49is quite significant, because tin would be for more of a noble person.
21:53This is definitely not something worn by the average person in the 1700s.
21:59This is more evidence that some very prominent person was on Oak Island pre-Money Pit.
22:05There's something else that we haven't found yet,
22:08that this person of importance was watching over?
22:11Who was it?
22:13The fact that singular large size, in the way it's faceted and cut,
22:17it demonstrates wealth, nobility, part of a military medal possibly.
22:25That's great.
22:27Coming up...
22:28Welcome to another Big Question Mark.
22:30These big stones aren't all of the size that could be handled by people.
22:34My first thought would be that this was their path.
22:40It demonstrates wealth, nobility, part of a military medal possibly.
22:46In the Oak Island War Room, gemology experts John W. Ford Sr. and Jeffrey Bilgore
22:53have just given their assessment that the glass jewel,
22:56recovered near the round feature on Lot 5,
22:59not only dates back to several decades before the discovery of the Money Pit,
23:04but likely belonged to someone of European nobility.
23:08Because it was made of tin, which is resistant to tarnishing,
23:12it might be something that would be on a naval officer,
23:15because of being at sea and such.
23:19Thinking about the dates and some theories,
23:21Duke d'Anville was supposedly in the area in 1746,
23:25so that fits in with the date of the jewel.
23:28It's quite possible, yeah.
23:30There you go.
23:33In 2017, Oak Island historian Doug Kroll
23:38discovered part of an 18th century ship's lock
23:41detailing a vast treasure burial in the vicinity of Oak Island.
23:46The lock was reportedly connected to the crew of the Duke d'Anville,
23:51a French nobleman and admiral who led an unsuccessful attempt
23:55to reclaim Nova Scotia from England in September of 1746.
24:00It's always exciting to have a little artifact
24:03that could potentially mean so much.
24:05Is it possible that the team has discovered a critical clue
24:09of just who may have created the round feature on Lot 5?
24:13Of just who may have created the round feature on Lot 5?
24:17And perhaps, who left a mid-18th century nail deep in the Money Pit area?
24:23And lastly, might it answer the burning question
24:26of just who buried the fabled chapel vault?
24:29Those are intriguing thoughts.
24:30I mean, it adds just one more artifact that's saying someone
24:34or a group of people of importance were on Lot 5,
24:38and we've got to figure out why.
24:40And it also means that there could be a lot more out there,
24:42and it's not going to find itself, so we're going to get back in the field.
24:45Thank you very much.
24:46It's a pleasure. We're happy to be involved.
24:48Thanks, guys.
24:49See you later.
24:50Thanks, guys.
24:53Later that afternoon,
24:57as the excavation of TB1 proceeds in the Money Pit area.
25:01There's more rock coming out.
25:03We're mowing through.
25:05Hey, guys.
25:06Hey, guys.
25:07Hey, guys. How are you?
25:09Welcome to another big question mark.
25:10Geoscientist Dr. Ian Spooner joins other members of the team
25:15in the northern region of the swamp.
25:17What do you think?
25:18There's a pretty clear, defined side over there,
25:22and the same over here.
25:23It is the team's hope that Dr. Spooner will be able to verify
25:27that the cobblestone feature they uncovered one day ago
25:31is part of a man-made pathway.
25:34There was a couple of shafts and stakes found down there
25:38right on the side of it.
25:39How big?
25:40About this big.
25:42The thing that always gets me interested in these features,
25:44having looked at them for the last three years,
25:46is that these big stones are all of a size that could be handled by people.
25:49This was their path.
25:52It's kind of almost to the edge.
25:54Again, we only have a small section of it uncovered.
25:56On the south side with the cobblestone path,
25:58it was cleared archaeologically,
26:00so you could see the structure clearly.
26:03Well, let's cut a section then.
26:04Why not?
26:05I'm fine with that.
26:07I'm thinking of this as a really targeted way
26:09to apply our archaeological resources to the challenge of the swamp.
26:13And we can hopefully apply the results that we get
26:17to any of these other features in the swamp.
26:19All right, with that, I'm actually going to
26:21put the information I have back to the research center
26:23and see where it points to.
26:24Let us know what you come up with.
26:25We will.
26:26All right, thanks, guys.
26:28See you later.
26:31The following morning...
26:33I applaud everyone for having real belief
26:36in the work in the swamp that we have done to date.
26:39Before heading back out to the Money Pit area,
26:42Rick, Marty, Craig, and other members of the team
26:46are meeting with surveyor Steve Guptill in the war room.
26:50I think the swamp is integral to understanding
26:53this incredibly complex mystery,
26:55and it becomes more complex by the day.
26:57After inputting the new data regarding the wooden stakes
27:01and various sections of the cobblestone pathway
27:04that have been recently found in the swamp,
27:07Steve has created a digital survey
27:09that also includes other man-made features
27:12the team has uncovered in the brackish bog
27:15during the past several years.
27:17Steve, I think it's up to you to explain
27:20what we found and what it might mean.
27:22Let's start with the survey lines.
27:24I believe it was you who found on Fred's plans
27:27a line of survey stakes.
27:29This is probably 2018.
27:31We dug this line here, and we found three stakes.
27:34Yeah, that's right, yeah.
27:35I remember yesterday.
27:37Then we go into yesterday.
27:39I tagged three of these survey stakes.
27:41As you can see, almost perfectly on that calculated line,
27:44a straight line north and south.
27:46These things were put down for a reason.
27:48It is consistent with a surveying use.
27:53Well, if they are reference points for something,
27:56it's definitely some construction site.
27:58So that segues well into the cobble path.
28:01Here's the cobble we found yesterday.
28:03There's the three stakes that we've surveyed
28:05that land on the survey line.
28:07So we project that back.
28:09It looks like it relates to the cobble path
28:12that comes off the stone road and heads west.
28:15The pathway seemed to be connected
28:17to everything that we find.
28:18If we continue westward and northwestward,
28:20we come into the eye,
28:22we come into this wooden platform we found this year.
28:26So another area that this projects to
28:28is the cobble found next to the vault,
28:31the cut slate with the bricks.
28:33Oh, really?
28:35So at this stage, it seems that all these features
28:38are loosely connected in time,
28:40and that time period is from the late 1600s
28:43to the mid-1700s,
28:45and that's well before the searchers,
28:48and in my opinion, wasn't farmers,
28:50it wasn't fishermen.
28:52Based upon the dates,
28:53it's similar to some of the dates
28:55we're getting from the Lot 5 feature.
28:57Yeah, yeah.
28:58I'm thinking that there's a connection
29:00to the money pit to the swamp in Lot 5
29:03and that they were doing work around the coal mine there.
29:06That's pretty cool.
29:08Coming up...
29:09So I don't like now that it's going back under the crane.
29:11This collapse is just not stopping,
29:13and there will become a safety component
29:15if it gets too far under the crane
29:16that we just all stop.
29:20Based upon those dates,
29:22I'm thinking that there's a connection
29:24to the money pit to the swamp in Lot 5
29:26and that they were doing work around the whole island.
29:29In the Oak Island War Room,
29:31surveyor Steve Guptill
29:33has just presented the team with data
29:35leading them to believe
29:37that the cobblestone pathway
29:39which the team has unearthed throughout the swamp
29:42could be connected
29:43not only to the various man-made features
29:45they've discovered,
29:46such as the empty vault-like structure,
29:49but may also have been created
29:51to serve as a direct link
29:53between Lot 5 and the money pit.
29:56I think this is good because
29:58when we first found this cobble in our northern dig,
30:01suspected, okay, maybe this is the connection
30:03between the cobble path and Lot 5.
30:06So we have a pretty targeted area here
30:08where we can keep digging
30:09and try to establish that connection.
30:11If you were to project the line further to the northwest,
30:15it could go to Lot 5.
30:18Could Steve's findings
30:20help prove the team's previous suspicion
30:22that the stone foundation on Lot 5
30:25served as a staging ground
30:27for an operation to hide one or more treasure vaults
30:30in the money pit
30:31and perhaps also in the swamp?
30:34I mean, at this point, I think
30:36we have so many 1700 dates
30:38that whatever was going on in Lot 5
30:40was going on in the swamp
30:41was whatever was going on in the money pit.
30:43I mean, we just find the dates everywhere.
30:441600, 1700 seem to be the most consistent date
30:47we find island-wide.
30:48And so whatever was going on in the island,
30:49I think we can start to piece it together
30:51that the major part of the construction on Oak Island
30:54was 1680 to 1750.
30:56Yeah, yeah.
30:58It is an enormous undertaking
31:01if these cobble features are connected in time.
31:06Obviously, there was an intent.
31:08There was a purpose
31:09and possibly an association
31:11with the Dugdon Veal Expedition.
31:13But there's still a lot of puzzles put together here.
31:16So the work needs to continue.
31:19There's now this belief,
31:20and I hope it is a well-established belief
31:24at this point,
31:25that it is literally an island-wide mystery.
31:30And that's how we need to look at this.
31:33And we have to do activities
31:35that are insular from each other,
31:37meaning the activities in the money pit,
31:39the activities on Lot 5,
31:40the activities on the Eastern Drumlin,
31:42the activities in the barge.
31:43At some point, they will meld.
31:45They will come together.
31:46Nice report, Steve. Well done.
31:48Thanks, guys.
31:49Now let's keep going.
31:52Shortly after concluding their meeting...
31:55I just don't know where it's going,
31:57but it's going somewhere.
31:58So I don't like now that it's going back under the crane, right?
32:02This collapse is just not stopping.
32:05Rick, Marty, and Alex Lagina
32:07have rushed back to the money pit area.
32:11After being alerted that the earth
32:13surrounding the TB1 shaft
32:14has once again started to cave in.
32:17Grab another scoop of dirt.
32:18We need to try to get more in that back hole.
32:20It's like 3 feet low on the back side.
32:22The solution channel, which underlies a good portion of this,
32:26which is a natural cave-like structure,
32:28is more liquid than we thought it would be poured with.
32:31The dig actually went to 179.
32:33The teeth are just above that,
32:35so we're even digging below the teeth.
32:37After first encountering evidence
32:39that TB1 was descending into a massive natural void
32:43or solution channel at a depth of nearing 165 feet,
32:48the team has now discovered that the cavity in the bedrock,
32:52which may also now contain the fabled channel vault,
32:55reaches depths of more than 200 feet underground.
33:00We're caving in constantly,
33:01so they're getting concerned from a safety standpoint.
33:04And even more concerning
33:05is that it is causing the soils beneath the TB1 shaft
33:09and hundreds of tons of heavy equipment to give way.
33:13Every, what, 30, 40 minutes,
33:15we're stopping to try to mitigate the collapsing,
33:18but now it's starting to creep back under the crane.
33:24It's leaning towards sudden collapse?
33:26Yeah. We're going to obliterate this place.
33:31That's not good.
33:35From a safety component,
33:36if it gets too far under the crane,
33:38then we just all stop.
33:40In the Money Pit area,
33:41the minor collapse of earth around the TB1 shaft
33:45that began earlier this week
33:47has become increasingly more dangerous
33:50as the caissons sink lower into a massive natural cavity
33:54more than 200 feet underground.
33:57If we can't get this down
33:58and we're exacerbating a problem
33:59that we really, truly don't understand,
34:02we need to be done.
34:05I say we call it.
34:06Let's not try to advance the can anymore.
34:08Okay. I hear the boys firing up the oscillators.
34:10Let me go tell them the plan.
34:11Okay. Thanks.
34:13Although the team now suspects
34:15that the fabled Chambel Vault
34:17may lie somewhere down in the so-called Solution Channel...
34:21Hey, Gary!
34:23...they are certain that it is now too dangerous
34:26to pursue it in the TB1 shaft.
34:29No treasure in the world
34:30is worth compromising somebody's safety.
34:32And like I said, from every negative situation,
34:36you learn something from it.
34:37We did learn some things from it.
34:40I think we are all on board one simple truth
34:42that the Chapel Vault, and I still believe it's here,
34:45could have fallen those steps in the Solution Channel.
34:48And some of us didn't necessarily believe that
34:50prior to putting this can down.
34:53Our inability to finish TB1
34:55leads me to the conclusion
34:57that we may be overlooking
34:58what happened to this treasure completely.
35:01If the Solution Channel can accept 100 yards
35:05of rock and sand and gravel
35:07just like that in one day,
35:09why couldn't it completely have taken in the treasure?
35:12I never thought that was possible before.
35:15That looks pretty good.
35:17There is a void at great depth.
35:19Is that where the treasure hides?
35:22It's possible.
35:23But we still have room to maneuver here.
35:25The location of the next cans will be important.
35:28But I want to make sure that we get down
35:30and we get back up safely.
35:33So my hope is that Vanessa and her team from ROC
35:36can stabilize the area to continue the dig.
35:40We're still true believers.
35:42I'm hoping the next can we put down,
35:44it'll be, you better believe it.
35:47Yeah, exactly.
35:48So maybe we should get together in the War Room
35:50and talk about a new plan.
35:51That's a real good idea.
35:53Sempre avanti.
35:55In spite of a devastating setback,
35:58Rick, Marty, and their team remain determined
36:01that they can and will solve this 230-year-old mystery.
36:07Because even though the fabled riches escape their grasp,
36:11the team has unearthed more critical clues
36:14as to where they lie
36:16and perhaps who deposited them.
36:20Can they devise a solution
36:22that will lead them to the void
36:24and the ultimate answers?
36:26Only time, a bold new strategy,
36:29and the digging will tell.
36:35Next time on The Curse of Oak Island.
36:37I think our next target is what we call Lamb's Cave.
36:40All right, here we go.
36:41There's a genie in a lamp
36:42and all your wishes will be granted.
36:43It looks like there's something here.
36:45Oh, wow.
36:46Look at the hand on that thing.
36:47That could have easily come out a treasure chest.
36:50And most of you may have heard it at least once.
36:55Many people simply think that Ramhi
36:58is a small, introverted man
37:05who goes everywhere without a formal attire
37:08and causes trouble for the British government.
37:11In fact, Ramhi is not introverted
37:13and is also the most powerful person
37:16at the time this book was written.
37:19Ramhi's personality is based on
37:21the amount of their faith in him.
37:24He may even be a man
37:26who possesses greater power than anyone else.
37:31His power is not born to fight.
37:33It exists voluntarily,
37:35but it does not have the energy
37:36necessary to serve other needs.
37:40How can he gather
37:42such a huge amount of energy?
37:45The answer lies here.
37:47Ramhi has called on more than 200 million people
37:49to connect with each other through the mind
37:51for a clear purpose.
37:54Ramhi is really a miracle
37:57or not wrong to see it as a miracle
38:00because 200 million people have been persuaded
38:03and they voluntarily connect with each other.
38:19If you doubt that this is just a coincidence,
38:23try to create a mind-connection block.
38:27At least two people have witnessed
38:29the power of rebirth from there.
38:32Because it is the managers
38:41who have felt that
38:44how difficult it is to connect
38:46their employees together
38:48with each other.
38:50As you can see,
38:51among the elements that form the power of energy,
38:54the first must be the infinite wisdom.
38:57When two or more people connect with each other
39:01for a specific purpose,
39:03they will explore and absorb the power directly
39:06from the great universe of infinite intelligence.
39:10This is the greatest source of power
39:12among all the sources of energy.
39:16Genius is born from it
39:18and the leaders always look for it
39:21whether they take the initiative or not
39:23because it is the pursuit of knowledge.
39:27Two sources of power to achieve strength
39:30are also just as reliable as the elements.
39:33Meanwhile, the elements do not bring absolute reliability,
39:37while the infinite wisdom is much more reliable.
39:41In the following lectures,
39:42the methods of contact with the infinite wisdom
39:45will be described in detail.
