• 3 hours ago
Sometimes the secrets themselves are quite a bit more.
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0:00 intro
0:18 Number 10
2:12 Number 9
3:38 Number 8
5:57 Number 7
7:39 Number 6
9:27 Number 5
11:00 Number 4
12:31 Number 3
14:12 Number 2
15:45 Number 1
00:00Video games are full of secrets, and as they say, sometimes the journey is more important
00:08than the destination, but sometimes the secrets themselves are quite a bit more.
00:12Hi folks, it's Falcon, and today on Gameranx, 10 Video Game Secrets That Blew Our Minds.
00:18Starting out with number 10, in Driver San Francisco, you could get a DeLorean.
00:23What starts off as a simple Back to the Future reference becomes so much more in the latest,
00:28and last, at least for now, Driver game.
00:30This is an already weird as hell game, with a premise that sounds like it should be some
00:35big ideas but small budgeted indie darling instead of the massive Ubisoft first party
00:40beast it actually is.
00:41The protagonist of the Driver series is in a coma, and inexplicably it gives him the
00:45power to physically jump between vehicles with the press of a button.
00:49So it's kind of a dream, I guess?
00:51The game is weird as shit, but it's an awesome gameplay mechanic and it feels unique and
00:55fresh even now.
00:56So the secret here involves a DeLorean, the iconic 80s car from, don't need to say it,
01:00I already have, Back to the Future.
01:02The car is in the game and you can drive it, which is an easter egg, but nothing all that
01:07What really makes this interesting is what you can do with the car.
01:09If you manage to find a rarer one out in the world, you can hijack it and then accelerate
01:13up to 88 miles per hour to go back in time to the original Driver tutorial that everyone
01:26It's recreated in this game with alarming detail.
01:32Good luck completing it without the muscle memory from the original game, because what
01:37the hell is a slalom supposed to mean in this context anyway?
01:41I mean, I know what it is now, but without the original manual, I had no idea what this
01:45tutorial was supposed to be teaching back in the day.
01:47It may not be as horribly difficult as its reputation suggests, but that doesn't mean
01:51it's any easier in Driver San Francisco.
01:56Hey man, watch the bank!
02:08Maybe I'll give you a call when I need a ride to the grocery store.
02:13At number 9 is Super Mario in Dying Light, easily one of the most bizarre and unexpected
02:17easter eggs.
02:18It's that one time Dying Light devs put a bizarre recreation of World 1-1 from Super
02:24Mario into its grim open-world zombie game.
02:27The warp pipe to enter this secret is hidden in a chimney in the southwest corner of Oldtown,
02:31the second section of the game, and boy is entering it a rude awakening.
02:35It might be the creepiest, most uncanny version of a Mario level I've ever seen.
02:49The boxes are placed in the correct position.
02:52There are even Goombas to stomp on, or grotesque approximations of them.
02:57Tiny zombies with cartoon mushrooms bolted to their heads, I guess.
03:00It's basically what I would imagine the Squid Game version of Mario to look like.
03:04It's so intentionally crappy looking, but the secrets don't even end there.
03:08There's also a hidden squirrel suit blueprint that lets you fly through the air like Mario,
03:12if Mario had gone on a three-day bender anyways.
03:15That's not even the only other game you can go into in Dying Light.
03:18There's also Plants vs. Zombies easter egg that's pretty much the same.
03:21Not quite as bizarre as the Mario one.
03:23I mean, Plants vs. Zombies at least already had zombies, so it's halfway there already.
03:38At number eight is the Yeti in Ghost Recon Wildlands.
03:41One of the most pervasive urban legends is gaming, was the Bigfoot in Grand Theft Auto
03:46San Andreas.
03:47People went nuts trying to find that thing.
03:49There were entire sub-communities dedicated to one task.
03:52Yeti fever was everywhere.
03:54Nobody ever found anything because there was no Yeti in San Andreas, but that didn't stop
03:57people from looking for it in Rockstar's other games, especially in GTA V, which does a whole
04:02lot of Bigfoot teasing, but never actually has you encounter the creature.
04:05No, Teen Wolf doesn't count, and a drug-fueled peyote vision isn't really what anyone expected
04:11And so the developers behind Ghost Recon Wildlands said, screw it, we'll do it ourselves.
04:15If you're not going to do it, we're going to do it.
04:16There is an actual Yeti in this game, and the steps to finding it are surprisingly vague.
04:21You have a bunch of clue sites that show you how the grisly fate of the creature's victims
04:25plays out, and those lead you to the actual encounter with the beast.
04:29The thing about Wildlands is that the landmass is absolutely massive, and even with the Yeti
04:34clues being situated around the same snowy mountain area, it's still a daunting amount
04:38of ground to cover to find all this stuff.
04:41A lot of these clues are extremely hard to notice too.
04:43Sure, the abandoned campsite is pretty easy to spot, but finding the Yeti cave or the
04:48corpse of the guy stranded on the site, none of that is easy to spot.
05:07If you manage to complete all the requirements, you can interact with this one specific rock
05:11among a million bazillion other rocks that will summon El Yeti for real.
05:16It's a special enemy that'll try to kill you, but with modern military equipment, it's not
05:20too hard to deal with.
05:21What's mind-blowing is that it even exists.
05:23Ubisoft games, I mean, they don't really have elaborate secrets like this generally, and
05:28even if they do, the payoff is usually just some skin or something.
05:31Nobody actually expected to find a Yeti in the game with a new model and everything.
05:34It's one of the best secrets just because of how unexpected it is.
05:37It's vague and hard enough to trigger that it feels like something out of a Rockstar
05:41game, but it's not.
05:42It's hidden in some random corner of the map in Wildlands where no one would expect to
05:47find anything there.
05:58At number seven is the Lumenwood Kin in Bloodborne.
06:01There's a lot of excellent secrets hidden in this game, but this one is so bizarre,
06:04I have to highlight this one.
06:07Specifically, there's a lot of ballyhoo about the Kin in Bloodborne, as I understand it.
06:11The Kin are close to Great Ones, the creatures that are essentially the Lovecraftian Elder
06:18They themselves aren't Great Ones, they just have an affinity for them or something like
06:23The lore is vague here, all right?
06:25If it's blue, it has fins, scales, or tentacles.
06:28It's probably a Kin, though.
06:29They're the most bizarre and alien enemies in the game, and you get to transform into
06:34It's almost inexplicable, and it's possible to lock yourself out of it if you're not careful,
06:38but the basic operation is to find this thing.
06:41It'll talk to you in the research hall, and you give it three vials of brain fluid.
06:57You keep doing this, and eventually it'll die and drop the milkweed rune.
07:01The description doesn't really make it clear what this does, but if you equip it, you suddenly
07:05transform into this, a blue freak with a glowing flower bursting out of cream.
07:10Even as far as Kin go, this is weird.
07:12It's not the end of it, either.
07:13If you take on this form with the Koss Parasite weapon equipped, it suddenly takes on a new
07:18form and gains a bunch of powerful otherworldly attacks.
07:21All this combined makes this one of the most secret weapons in the game, as the Koss Parasite
07:26by itself might as well be completely worthless.
07:39At number six is the secret ending path in Cyberpunk 2077.
07:43It still kind of blows my mind that this is possible.
07:45It seems like such a schoolyard rumor kind of thing.
07:48The only way to trigger it is by choosing a few extremely specific dialogue options
07:52while talking to Johnny in the oil field near the end of the game.
07:55And then during the final choice, you have to wait for five minutes, five minutes without
07:59picking anything.
08:00And suddenly Johnny will start talking and offer a third option, the suicide run.
08:19The dialogue stuff is one thing, but having to wait literally five minutes without choosing
08:23an option is such an obscure way to unlock an ending.
08:26Literally nothing else in the game works that way.
08:28Hell, literally nothing in most games works that way.
08:31There's nothing hinting it's possible.
08:33It seems like the only way someone could possibly trigger this ending is just like accidentally
08:37like going to the bathroom at the time that they need to make the choice or something.
08:41Seriously, who's gonna wait five minutes here?
08:43Most people stop for a minute or two at most, but five?
08:46The bathroom break was not a number one is all I'm saying here.
08:49To be clear, the only way you're doing this on purpose is if you looked it up beforehand.
08:53There's no way anyone would figure it out on their own.
08:55This is by far the hardest version of the final mission too.
08:58There's no mid-mission saving, you have no backup, and you do nothing to make this any
09:02easier at all.
09:03You waltz in the front door of the Arasaka Tower and start blasting.
09:08It is hard as hell, and dying immediately ends the mission, kicks you straight into
09:11the ending.
09:12Like so much respect for putting this as an option.
09:14It's insane.
09:15Man, is it fun that they give you the option of even ending things this way.
09:28At number five is the secret room in Batman Arkham Asylum.
09:31This one's been talked about like nonstop, but it can't be understated how mind-blowing
09:35this secret was.
09:36There was a hidden room that no one found for over a year in Arkham Asylum.
09:40It was only discovered after the developers revealed its existence to the world, and even
09:44then it took a while for players to uncover it.
09:57The contents of the room are mind-blowing because everything in there directly teases
10:00the game's sequel, Arkham City.
10:02There's blueprints, it literally has the game's title, Arkham City, on there, and the Warden
10:06is connected to it.
10:07So it's not just an interesting secret room that was hard to find, it also reveals that
10:11they knew exactly what the follow-up to Arkham Asylum was going to be before the game was
10:15even out.
10:16And it's not like this room got added in later, it was there from day one.
10:19Like they were so confident this was going to be a good game that they started planning
10:23the sequel early in production.
10:26What made finding the room so tricky is completely unmarked.
10:29It requires more than one explosive to get in.
10:31That's the thing that threw people off for a while.
10:33Just one explosive charge wasn't enough to reveal the secret room.
10:36Took a few more.
10:37It may be the perfect secret, too.
10:38It's hard to find, and the stuff inside is very worth the wait.
10:42Most of the time, these sorts of game teasers don't go anywhere, but everything revealed
10:46in this room got followed up on in Arkham City, like they knew exactly what they were
10:50doing with this.
11:01At number four is the heart of the city in GTA 4.
11:03These games are no stranger to Easter eggs.
11:05This is probably the strangest.
11:07Reaching it isn't easy.
11:08It's hidden inside the Statue of Happiness, the GTA equivalent to the Statue of Liberty,
11:13but the only way to reach the entrance is to hover nearby with a helicopter and just
11:17sort of awkwardly jump out in hopes you'll make it.
11:19It's real easy to either bump into the statue and crash or bounce off the ledge and fall
11:24to your death.
11:25But if you can get up there, then the actual path to the secret is pretty easy to find.
11:29Just run past the door.
11:30It says, no hidden content here, and climb the ladder up into the bowels of the statue
11:35and you will find the literal beating heart of the city.
11:47The entire area is bathed in blood red color.
11:50The heart itself is chained up so you can hear this like intense beating sound and it's
11:54all you can hear.
11:55It's silly, but when you find it for the first time, it's honestly kind of freaky.
11:58I mean, this is something that wouldn't look out of place in something like Silent Hill.
12:01It's kind of a disturbing image you wouldn't really associate with GTA.
12:05Of course, now we all know about it as common knowledge, but going back to 2008 when the
12:09game first came out, seeing this was actually pretty mind-blowing.
12:12It was, at the time, the most elaborate easter egg in a Rockstar game and might still be
12:16the weirdest one.
12:17I mean, look at it.
12:19It's a giant heart hidden in the Statue of Liberty.
12:21That's some weird shit.
12:31At number three is the strange man in Red Dead Redemption 2.
12:34One of the most memorable parts of the original Red Dead Redemption were these optional encounters
12:39with a mysterious guy in a top hat called the Strange Man.
12:42It was never made clear exactly who or what he is.
12:46Is he someone from John's past back for revenge?
12:49Is he the embodiment of death?
12:51Is he God?
12:52Is he the devil?
12:53The game doesn't answer any of these questions, of course, and for most of Red Dead 2, he
12:56seems like he's not going to show up again.
12:58For such a seemingly important figure, he never does show up normally in Red Dead 2.
13:02The only place you can ever see him again is his mind-blowing secret stashed away in
13:06an unassuming little cabin in the Lemoyne region.
13:09While the outside looks like an abandoned shack, the interior is a lot more clean and
13:14There's an unfinished painting in the middle of the room and various knickknacks and clues
13:18that reference things you've done in the game.
13:29Every time you visit the cabin, the painting gets more clear.
13:33It's the Strange Man from the original game, and if you turn the camera around while looking
13:36at it, the man himself will appear in the mirror.
13:38If you actually try to turn around and face it, he'll disappear.
13:41It's the only time the guy appears in the game, though there are many clues around the
13:45room that alludes to him, along with a possible deal he made with Herbert Moon, the trader
13:49in Armadillo.
13:51Is this just stuff here as an easter egg, or is it meant to be deep Red Dead lore?
13:55I don't know, but it's pretty impressive either way.
14:12At number two is the puzzles hidden in plain sight from The Witness.
14:16What's interesting about The Witness is there's actually a second layer to the entire puzzle.
14:20You got the normal puzzles that are solved by interacting with these obvious puzzle boxes,
14:24and for the most part, it seems like that's all there is.
14:27The rest of the world is just window dressing for the puzzles until a little lightbulb goes
14:31off in your head and you realize it's not.
14:33The interesting thing about how this all works is that the game never really explicitly explains
14:37how environmental puzzles work.
14:39It's just up to the player to slowly come to the realization there's more going on.
14:43You just eventually start noticing these little lines and circles in the environment, and
14:47eventually it hits you that these are not details, they're puzzles, and they are the
14:51trickiest puzzles in the game.
15:04Solving them is required to get the secret ending.
15:06Some of it's clever.
15:08There's puzzles in the clouds, there's puzzles hidden in movie clips.
15:11It's nuts.
15:12When you realize there's all these other puzzles going around, you feel like you're seeing
15:15The Matrix and your third eye just opened.
15:17It's mind-blowing, and a lot of the games that have followed The Witness have tried
15:21to replicate it, like Tunic or Animal Well.
15:24They're clever in their own right, but The Witness got here first.
15:45And finally at number one is the secret ending, the final secret ending in Drakengard.
15:49The NieR games, which are secret sequels to this game, go in some pretty wild directions,
15:54especially with their endings, but none of them are quite as mind-blowingly bizarre as
15:58the true secret ending to this game.
16:00Now the game's story is extremely dark, but up until the ending, it's mostly played in
16:04its dark fantasy lane.
16:06You ride a dragon, you fight an evil empire, that stuff doesn't change.
16:10Things get a lot crazier in ending D, where the Grotesqueries are unleashed, which are
16:14no joke, gigantic world-devouring babies with uncanny adult teeth.
16:19It's frankly insane, but nothing compared to what they throw you in ending E.
16:22If you beat the game for the fifth and final time, you take on the Queen Beast by traveling
16:26through time to modern-day Tokyo and battling her in a rhythm game.
16:31It's completely real.
16:32I'm not making this up.
16:33This is actually how this dragon-riding game ends, with a giant woman flying over realistic
16:49Tokyo while you play a rhythm game.
16:51Reaching this point is not easy either.
16:53You don't just unlock endings in sequence.
16:55The only way to unlock this final ending is to collect every weapon in the game, and some
16:59of these things are just crazy obscure.
17:01You are never going to find them on your own.
17:02I mean, really, just having a fifth ending is secret enough.
17:05Most people bounce after ending 1, let alone ending 5, but what's even more mind-blowing
17:10is it's not like a dog ending situation, where the Shiba Inu was the one pulling the levers
17:15behind Silent Hill the whole time.
17:21It's not a joke.
17:22This is the actual, for really real, final ending of the game.
17:25It's the canon conclusion, and directly leads to the events of Nier.
17:30It's the reason why everything is happening in that game.
17:33It's a crazy ending that doesn't just recontextualize everything in the game prior.
17:36It's also essential for understanding the game as a backstory for the Nier games.
17:42So there.
17:43That's all for today.
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17:58I'm Falcon.
17:59You can find me on Twitter and book me on Cameo, at FalconTheHero.
18:02We'll see you next time, right here on Gameranx.
