• 10 hours ago
Will this haunt me forever?

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00:00ladies and gentlemen the dust has settled and i still missed the penalty
00:06i know everyone is mocking me everyone's saying i'm washed everyone's saying you know my my days
00:11are numbered i'm not the charity match goat all of this i'll be honest i uh i didn't play well
00:16i i got a good rating on fop mob but uh i feel like every single player that played
00:21attacking only did it's impossible to get a good rating if you play in defense like
00:25jin's got like a six point something we all know he was very good he can't get a good rating
00:29because of conceding nine goals you know what i'm saying like he played better than that like
00:34you can't give him like a nine rating when he plays in defense it's just how stats work but
00:38yeah he should have had higher he's just my example today we are looking at how i actually
00:44played was i awful was i average was i good we're gonna look at every single time i got
00:49involved in the game and analyze my performance so first up right it looks like josh is gonna
00:55take his assignment i'm gonna tell you something about this right chip had told me that they were
00:59gonna sub theo off immediately i said to chip i was like if we get kickoff i'm just gonna shoot
01:03wembley in it i'll shoot give it a go it will come off i'm kind of gutted that i missed this
01:08though because i took a touch shot and i genuinely think i think that the the distance was good
01:16obviously it was off target it's just a lot better than we all thought but i don't know if it was
01:20going up here if it was to the side there's a chance two minutes in this is my next touch so
01:25i've asked dev who's made this montage to include every single time i touch the ball there may be
01:30some that i literally just touch and it's gone straight away there may be some missed i don't
01:34know mark rober shout out mark rober by the way actually a very good footballer like just a just
01:39an all-round great human yeah he gets the ball here halfway line he looks up and he sees me
01:45passes straight to my feet i see josh obviously i probably could have turned out but they had max
01:51in defense i thought if i see an easier pass i'm gonna take it pass it to josh
01:55josh passes it out to toby i get a little hop over it toby puts a good ball in and we almost
02:02score from it like that little movement a minute in i was like wow we're actually playing football
02:07like we're playing good football two minutes in ethan picks up the ball what happens here
02:11passes to me this this one right here right the ball hasn't even reached me it's coming towards
02:16me i look up i see josh and i go shoot josh shoot hit this first time i was screaming at
02:23him to shoot hence why he's lined up already tap it off and he just it's too soft i felt like we
02:30could have got just to go early on there at this point i was like oh my god this could be a long
02:34day ethan does really well to get the ball here vick just kicks it up there which works i take a
02:42touch there's a pretty pretty bad touch there i was kind of like he doesn't want it me and josh
02:46versus max and jim it's smarter to just get the ball away from them i think personally i think
02:51joe weller was the best player on our team i don't know who else really you'd argue against man he
02:56was obviously very good all over it's not a bad ball just a little bit behind him yeah but it
03:02worked and then he took it on and we got a corner from that i think i'm actually getting on the ball
03:07more than i thought i was i didn't actually think i touched the ball that much i turn it back from
03:10him headlines right now really strong ball over the top big switch to ethan all the way over to
03:15this right side it's gonna be a long range effort and again i'll be honest the ball's a little bit
03:19behind him i was i was a little bit off i'm pretty certain from that corner i cross it in and it goes
03:25it goes back post i kept telling josh like please just go back post on corners because
03:30the ball is always just going to go through everyone this one i don't know why i tried
03:34this this is my first pass that didn't actually go where i wanted it to well didn't go to a player
03:39the job it's like the london election it's not
03:43i mean i'll be honest if they had xqc there xqc wasn't coming out for the ball to start
03:47with anyway so there is a chance it worked but it was a bad ball very bad ball i need
03:51to work on my left foot toby gets the ball halfway line when he's using his hands passes to my feet
03:55here there's a bad pass there from me really bad pass i don't know what i was doing here i didn't
04:03want to play it out here because then toby's really wide but like if i could get the ball
04:08which obviously didn't work if i could get the ball here ginger's coming across toby all he's
04:13got to do is square that there but honestly i just wasn't on it today then i miss control it
04:17keep it on though would have been great to play it into ethan ethan plays it to me
04:23and then that that's a shocking ball there terrible ball and after that one i told josh
04:29if i ever get the ball out this wide please just run front post i'm gonna be fake let's say i put
04:35this ball over the top here josh ain't scoring he he will not finish that i need josh in here
04:40this is a horrible ball i'm not i'm not trying to make excuses for me just after this moment i
04:46realized please just run near post ethan whacks it up here i took it from toby which i probably
04:52shouldn't have simon's got toby running beyond him and then this ball here i just
04:58was toby injured like i don't it was a bad ball but like it didn't feel like toby was
05:03running like toby you know but there he kind of pulls up a little bit
05:08there's a really bad ball again there was that little period where i did like the three bad
05:12passes and that's where i started getting really angry i started talking to josh being like i can't
05:16fucking make a pass right now this kind of thing happened a lot where like if i just don't go to
05:20like when i push forward when i'm on the last man gingers on me but when i'm actually this far out
05:26didn't just let like he let me have space so like look how much space he leaves me here
05:33and that's an awful awful finish i'm actually really upset that that's my goal i didn't even
05:38want to celebrate it to be fair at the start like here i score and then i look i'm not celebrating
05:44and then it hit me for a second i went i might not get another goal i don't know why i'm not
05:48taking this opportunity to celebrate i had a celebration in mind i put the ball up my shirt
05:52you know the pregnancy celebration because talia's pregnant and i was like i'm not gonna do the dummy
05:56i'm doing this and fair play because i thought danny was about to boot the ball away but he
06:00handed it over to me knowing what i was gonna do i got the pregnancy celebration in that's all
06:06that's all i wanted from today i wanted expected child get a pregnancy celebration and get josh's
06:12goal and ethan got the assist for me and uh ethan's goal later i actually got the assist for
06:16him so it was a nice little moment you know look how much time i have and then i've done that
06:23it was even if it was just an extra yard to the right it still wouldn't have been a great finish
06:27but it would have been like not a bad goal whereas i would actually consider that a bad
06:32goal all right harry hits it up i flick it on there harry called it you can hear him on the
06:39stream mad and then will get his money on it and then i'll try to play a ball in for josh there
06:46that was an all right pass he has this weird thing we noticed it when we did the live stream
06:50he doesn't ever control a ball like this with his foot there's always this with the outside
06:55i should have passed toby in here to be fair but like there look why is he going the outside of
06:59his boot that's all i want to know i should have gone to toby i apologize toby we went four two
07:04down i'm not bothering to show you the goals by the way because like you've seen all of them
07:08obviously i showed you mine but this is just my performance from the game this one i said to i
07:11said to manny i said straight away look at that center mids there isn't one i said pass back to
07:16my feet straight away so i pass it back to him pass to him and i can turn out long balls is
07:20and then i think that's a good ball
07:25he should have just shot it would have been selfish from him i think he like toby scored
07:29a goal right from out here in that near post i think this is an easier chance for toby's just
07:33to shoot this one first time there it is i'm so pissed this is my most frustrating one put me in
07:39my garden give me that 10 times and i think i score like seven or eight out of 10 times admittedly
07:44will any your little bitch because he's running behind me and he starts going
07:49just like as soon as he did i was like for fuck's sake manny takes it round three
07:57and then ball through to me i had to hear right couldn't get away from people so i turned back
08:03thinking like you know they'll just keep running which they did left me with the space and this
08:08shot here this shot is what i've practiced this is what i call the chunk special did it on the
08:13training day so many times and it's miles over i would back myself to shoot from there it was
08:20just awful like a solid seven you know i haven't really i've scored a goal i've done too much wrong
08:25you know i've done a couple bad passes done a couple nice passes i don't know if i'm being
08:28mean to myself i don't know if i'm in too arrogant i don't know but i'm seeing people
08:31saying like i'm washed blah blah blah like i don't think i played too awful i just didn't
08:35play well this one here like danny boots the ball in the air firstly can we just all appreciate
08:42this touch wait foul off the ball from will any let's do this will any
08:48when i tell you this by the way will any and danny aarons are two of the
08:52dirtiest players in the youtube football game they are so dirty it's unbelievable yeah this touch
09:01touch and then i tried i got gassed by the touch and tried the outside of the ball
09:06it worked but it slowed it down a little bit
09:11and then here i really just i really wanted that along the floor look
09:16just there through there first time here would have loved it
09:22this one
09:30i couldn't believe it it is at him but all i thought in my head i thought just just hit the
09:35target this is the easiest kind of thing where it's rolling out to you to just kick it and it
09:39goes high in the air i thought i'm just gonna hit it low and hard hit the target i've hit it well
09:47and fair play to sketch fair play
09:52it's a great save he's done it again i'm happy to sketch you know like everyone was
09:57very skeptical of sketch the training day he was awful but this match he stepped up
10:01massively harry has a free kick plays it forward ball josh plays it through to wella
10:10well i could have scored that he could have scored that but then
10:15little flick from me there i get an assist
10:21i get an assist i do feel bad for sketch like don't get me wrong i'm taking my assist all day
10:26every day sketch uh i've seen the tiktok and just before this shot he puts his glasses on
10:31and then has to save it and obviously almost saves it that's an assist and it's quite a nice
10:35one like i've got my little fancy flick it's it's decent toby plays it into me
10:40i play into josh i don't know what happened there from josh i actually no look that look
10:46i'm looking over here no look past the josh growing into the game now josh in the box
10:51but look i think this is where ginger isn't on the pit or ginger isn't in defense and that's
10:55when he gets the chance manny sees me through and this one here right i mean admittedly here
11:02i should just take a touch and score that is closer than where i scored at west ham but i
11:06thought to myself josh still ain't school i've got my goal genuinely i didn't see the goal at
11:11this point i'm just going how do i get josh a goal horror pass from me but again i have told him run
11:16from this is why i said earlier run front post josh i beg run front post and he just keeps running
11:22danny aarons caught him up into his own post and then it comes out to toby
11:33passes it into the near post i played apart a little bit admittedly that it was just that
11:36pass across i couldn't i just couldn't do it in that day then half time happened i went off for
11:41half time i came on here i think 59 minutes is where i came on so i was off for 15 said to harry
11:46like look i'm a spin round here just get ready to throw over the top so here he throws it over
11:54it's a great throw from the front it's beautiful that's a that's a deep i don't know if people
12:00are saying i'm like i'm washed i'm not doing well or whatever i feel like they have to have only
12:04watched the highlights because come on like i'm giving chances not saying i was one of the better
12:08players if i take away my expectations for players because sketch is my man of the match but that's
12:12because you didn't expect much man of the match for me was chris theo the only reason i don't put
12:18him there is because i think most of his goals come from chris and jim so i'd go chris theo
12:24wella jim i think chris ran the game the whole time i think theo i mean hat trick scored when
12:32he wanted to wella was our best player jim i would put higher but he did also give away a penalty
12:39with the handball his goal was offside and he almost scored an own goal that threw the game
12:44apart from that he was amazing everyone's acting like i was one of the worst players on the pitch
12:47you know i've got the ball through here okie dokie ginger's running at me
12:53i flicked it between the defenders vick's got an open goal vick has an open goal
13:02and then well has had an open goal and then he has another one which will i need fair enough
13:06all right 64th minute lannan plays it to toby toby plays to me
13:11i take a touch play it in to harry harry plays the jinge it's just that little bit too far
13:18and this one i turned to jinge after this and i went did you need to slide he went
13:22now but it looks good done it this i'm a little bit annoyed with how hard i hit it because
13:27we are seeing sketch in front of no one came out to get me until here and i'm thinking like i see
13:34wella manny jj all three of them are capable of getting this in but jinge is in front of me
13:40like i've got to get it round jinge but not to the keeper so i hit it i hit it hard
13:48like i'm quite happy with that ball jinge even said it was a good ball but nothing on the end
13:53means it's a bad ball i guess manny sure he's gonna have a say in this game takes it around
13:58flicks it to me this that touch from theo i tried to hold theo off and then i could
14:05shoot or play it to lannan that little touch from theo was everything took it around phantom
14:11tried to take around two but just too many people and then well i almost got the shot
14:16off shout out to theo for that because that that little touch stopped my entire mojo lannan with
14:21a ball here little touch there early delivery that's where you've got to be it's not it's not
14:26an awful ball again so then toby keeps it on to be fair plays the ball in and then vick
14:34i think sketch saves that anyway thea ruined vick's moment there honestly the vick stands
14:38getting there toby here we go look ball in from toby i've never heard ethan scream this
14:44loud get myself on side look don't even look up can you pull it back see that
14:52that's a good ball me and ethan yeah we argue on simon videos sometimes we got a little there's a
14:56little brotherly love there he set me up i set him up dad's in a group now you know we gotta
15:00look after each other harry played a ball out here right i kept it on phantom defended this
15:04so much better than i thought he would i'm thinking phantom's gonna run at me
15:07and i can do a trick and get past him bro jockeyed me i didn't expect it from phantom
15:12so i literally here look i started to step over let's do a ball roll and then i tried to flick
15:16it through his legs tried to do a nutmeg but he was he was genuinely defending quite well harry
15:21played a ball through to vick this is bad for me jim's giving him time i don't know what vick was
15:29doing there this was bad for me as well i took a touch and then i see mr beast running at me and
15:33i'm not gonna lie i panicked a little bit and thought you know it's a tool see if we can get
15:37another goal i shouldn't have shot i should have laid harry off or wait for landon or something i
15:41don't know i was a wrong decision to shoot here i just hit it over when there's no pressure on you
15:46i'm in my garden there's no pressure lean forward like head over the ball hit it when there's 90
15:50000 people in front of you watching you at wembley someone running at you it's completely different
15:55and i know it i fully choked which leads me to the next one the penalties i told freezy i told
16:02this man i don't want to take a penalty in my whole career as a footballer i've taken three
16:06penalties that mean something like in a match in a penalty shootout whatever i've never scored i
16:11didn't want to take this but i got put first by the team not not just freezy it wasn't freezing
16:14walked up and in my head the only way to describe it is i didn't have a single thought that sketch
16:22would dive in my head the most he would do is this you know or maybe fall to his knees he's
16:31apparently quite good at it hit the target he won't dive it's fine everyone here said yeah
16:35this is our surefire penalty like he's what it is you know has had that feeling time and time
16:40again simon minter went up huge moment for him he's had a great game he's still the highest
16:46rated on football by the way he knows what he's doing from here see the commentators all know
16:52there's no way sketch saves a penalty from the time this is gonna sound very arrogant and i
16:56hate it but on our team if you asked everyone who would you put your money on to score well
17:01as up there but a lot of them would say me somehow it ended up being for someone that isn't me
17:06it was a perfect storyline sketch becomes a hero saving my penalty which then also leads to a speed
17:13winning penalty like everything worked out i just have to be a dickhead for it
17:18you know everyone goes like congrats on it like it was sick you did really well obviously
17:23beside the penalty this is the bank it's not this is the banker thanks steven
17:27stick it on target it goes in stick it on target it goes in and look sketch didn't even in my head
17:33he dived so far forward but he's on his line it's an unbelievable
17:40and i'm not gonna lie here the ball's spinning towards the goal and i thought to myself sketch
17:44might just celebrate and it might roll in and it would be amazing but he turns around
17:49and boots the ball away
17:57i'm happy but i'm so like if i could go back and do it again i'd 100 i wish i could score but i'm
18:02so happy sketch i didn't become like the dickhead he became the hero if you know what i mean it's
18:08it's it's uh like what a save
18:15what a save
18:19i just can't believe it it is what it is i literally have nothing to say
18:23other than congrats to sketch for saving the pen like an amazing save that's all i literally all i
18:28can say what people didn't see on stream ceo fucking about scores a goal it goes to ginge
18:33he's celebrating replays on this were way too long and then you hear the audience
18:38although you could say when they've needed something you hear that like
18:44see the ball is here mark clamberg basically said game's done once you take kickoff if i pass it back
18:48the game's over so i thought fuck it i'll shoot and it literally lands about here this far over
18:53the crossbar if that went in it would have been the most anticlimactic like in the stadium would
18:58have been nuts because it would have been like you know they score a 90th minute equalizer and
19:02then a halfway line goal to win the game in the 90th minute on stream you would have seen nothing
19:07like you would have seen ginger celebrate and then the ball would have just been there it would
19:10have been like the first charity match all over again cuts back oh oh he scored so it's 10-9 all
19:14right well that's the end of the game it would have been so bad like what a day we raised like
19:18four five million quid for charity 90 000 people in the stadium two and a half million people
19:24watching online speed finally got his moment you know this is history as speed lifts the trophy
19:34and what a so nice right while he's raising this trophy we were able to just sit on the pitch
19:40no no pitch invaders they came down they did another celebration on the pitch i don't want
19:46to do anything now i don't want to work i don't want to do videos i don't want to do anything
19:49this this day look look we're down managed on the pitch it's just such a good day and i can't
19:54thank everyone who watched it who donated um who even just watches our videos because that made
19:59this happen everyone who came out such a good day i'm so gassed it makes me kind of sad that it's
20:04over like it literally i feel like i've we've got inside coming out in a week on netflix i'm on like
20:09this massive come down right now before that comes out and then i'll be on a oh hey guys thank you
20:14guys a lot it does mean a lot honestly that we've done this like i've just i've just played scored
20:18a goal at wembley i've played in the biggest stadium in england the best stadium in england
20:22maybe ellen road but i played there too like it's oh thank you and yeah i'll see you guys in the next
20:29video peace
