President Trump and Elon Musk say no interruption in entitlement benefits will occur.
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00:00Mr. President, as you guys look at the Social Security Administration and you guys are looking
00:05for fraud and waste and abuse, can you guarantee people who are concerned about an interruption to
00:12benefits that there will not be? Yes, we're going to be very careful with any interruption to
00:17benefits. In fact, only by tackling the waste and fraud in entitlements like Social Security,
00:23Medicare, can we actually preserve those programs for the future. Because with unchecked fraud and
00:27waste, we won't be able to afford them. The President is very dedicated to solving the budget
00:33deficit, which if we don't solve the budget deficit, we're going to go bankrupt as a country.
00:38If we go bankrupt as a country, there's no Social Security, there's no Medicare, there's no nothing.
00:43And to sort of echo what the President was saying, what really matters is moving people from jobs
00:48that are relatively low productivity in government to high productivity in the private sector,
00:53increasing the true output of products and services. That's the real economy.
00:58That's what actually enables Americans to have a higher standard of living,
01:01and that's what's happening. And that's, I think, you'll see the truth of that in the months to come.
01:08And we're going to make it really much stronger by taking people that don't exist,
01:13or taking people that shouldn't be there out, by taking illegal aliens that are on Social Security
01:19or Medicaid or Medicaid and Medicare, by taking them out, we're making it much stronger. The
01:25country will be much stronger, but it's going to really be stronger economically. And when you look
01:30at what we're doing, I've been called by so many companies. Yesterday, as you know, I had a meeting
01:36with some of the biggest tech companies in the world. And all they're talking about, they can-
01:41IBM was there. We had a- we had a lot of them. Dell. Michael Dell was there. We had a lot of
01:46great companies. Hewlett Packard. And all they're talking about is investing in this country.
01:53They want to be sure. Don't forget, they're looking down the road 10 years and 15 years.
01:56They want to make sure we have a strong country. They're all coming in. As you know, Apple.
02:02Tim Cook, he said that he's going to invest $500 billion in the United States. He never did that
02:08before. He invested in China. He's got his plants in China. And now he's got them- going to be
02:14building them in the United States. And if I didn't have a victory in that election, he wouldn't
02:19be doing it. And if I didn't say what I'm saying, and I'm being very honest, and it's much more
02:24difficult than just sitting around and having a great time. It's a very glamorous position,
02:28if you want to do that. We could have kept it, but eventually bad things would have happened.
02:32This way, good things. I'm very optimistic about the country. I think we're going to have the
02:36greatest markets we've ever had. And it's going to be really fueled by what we're doing.
02:42You had to see these companies yesterday. They're investing billions and trillions.
02:46They're investing trillions of dollars here. They wouldn't have invested 10 cents.