• 10 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “Le malattie cardio-cerebrovascolari sono la prima causa di morte e di ospedalizzazione e la prima causa di disabilità. Due anni fa, a inizio legislatura, abbiamo aperto l'intergruppo con l'intento di andare a enfatizzare sempre di più quelle che sono le necessità dei pazienti. L'obiettivo principale dell'intergruppo è enfatizzare la richiesta al ministero della Salute di un tavolo pratico in cui si parli delle malattie cardiovascolari nel Piano nazionale”. Sono le parole della senatrice Elena Murelli, membro X Commissione Affari sociali, sanità, lavoro pubblico e privato, previdenza sociale del Senato, presidente intergruppo parlamentare malattie cardio-cerebro e vascolari, partecipando a ‘Voices for Silencing’ un evento organizzato a Milano da Novartis, il 7-8 marzo, che ha coinvolto i cardiologi in una 2 giorni di aggiornamento scientifico sulla gestione ottimale del paziente con ipercolesterolemia.


00:00The cardiovascular diseases are the first cause of death, the first cause of hospitalization and the first cause of disability.
00:11Two years ago, at the beginning of the legislature, we opened the Intergroup with the intention of emphasizing more and more the needs of patients.
00:20So the Technical Scientific Committee is formed by experts in the sector, by patient associations, because they are fundamental.
00:28They are the first to tell us, in a critical but constructive way, what are the problems they face daily, from diagnosis to treatment to adherence to therapies.
00:40So the table therefore aims to emphasize more and more every year, through a press conference, a conference, those that are the particular issues,
00:50related to single pathologies on cardiovascular diseases or, in general, to present the research done directly by scientific experts.
01:00For example, last year we studied indicators that can be of help to experts when they define what PTDAs are.
01:08The main objective of the Intergroup is to ask and emphasize the request to the Ministry of Health of a practical table in which we talk about cardiovascular diseases on a national level.
01:18The role of the institutions is fundamental, but there must be a collaboration between all stakeholders.
01:24This is why the role of the Intergroup is important, where we have put the scientific experts, the pharmaceutical companies and the patient associations.
01:32We, on the legislative side, collect the requests and the information to then understand what the problems are and try to solve them within the health system.
01:41It is therefore important to go directly to emphasize what access to therapies is, because there is too much inhomogeneity within the national territory,
01:51and to reduce the direct and indirect health costs.
