• last year
(Adnkronos) - “La campagna ‘Fai posto al cuore’ mira a far conoscere la cardiomiopatia ipertrofica ostruttiva, ospitando pazienti che hanno già avuto la possibilità di avere una diagnosi corretta e, soprattutto, di trovare la soluzione”. Così Franco Cecchi, presidente di Aicarm Aps, Associazione italiana cardiomiopatie, partecipando alla presentazione della campagna nazionale ‘Fai posto al cuore’, volta a sensibilizzare il grande pubblico sulla cardiomiopatia ipertrofica ostruttiva. La campagna è promossa da Bristol Myers Squibb e realizzata con il patrocinio dell’associazione pazienti Aicarm Aps, di Sic (Società italiana cardiologia) e Anmco (Associazione nazionale medici cardiologi).


00:04Cardiomyopathy is represented by an increase in the thickness of the walls of the heart
00:10and the cavity is therefore smaller in general.
00:14What happens is that if conditions are created for which an obstruction is formed,
00:20that is, a difficulty in getting blood out of the heart,
00:23clearly the patient becomes symptomatic.
00:26Maybe for years it has not been, but when the obstruction begins to be very frequently present,
00:33it begins to be symptomatic.
00:35And then the patient finally has a diagnosis that can also be complex,
00:40but that in the right seats, in the centers that already have experience,
00:44finds the solution to their problems,
00:46both on the pharmacological level and possibly on the surgical level.
00:50ICAR helps patients also in this.
00:53The bench represents a campaign that must start today
00:58and that tends to make this type of problem known,
01:02especially by hosting patients who have already had, in their vicinity,
01:09the possibility of having a correct diagnosis and above all to find the solution.
01:14The association has a service called Hearing Heart
01:18and Hearing Heart works with volunteers who answer patients' questions,
01:23which can be of various types, including those assuring,
01:27for example, of civil invalidity or problems that they may present
01:32in their therapeutic diagnosis.
01:35We only had over 300 requests last year
01:38and this is the service that is really helpful for people.
