• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Possiamo avere a disposizione i migliori farmaci, le migliori soluzioni terapeutiche, ma se ciascuno di noi non è responsabile della propria salute, non è aderente alle terapie prescritte, anche il farmaco migliore al mondo non ha efficacia. È necessario fare educazione a tutti i livelli, partendo proprio dalle scuole. Anche i bambini, fin dall'inizio, devono essere educati al concetto di essere responsabili della propria salute”. Così Emanuela Folco, presidente di Fondazione italiana per il cuore (Fipc), partecipando all'evento ‘Voices for Silencin’ organizzato, il 7-8 marzo da Novartis a Milano, per offrire ai cardiologi un'esperienza di formazione e condivisione attraverso un aggiornamento scientifico sulla gestione ottimale del paziente con ipercolesterolemia.


00:00The Italian Foundation for the Heart has as a mission to educate the civil society, that is, the whole population.
00:15We are not an association of patients, but we address the whole population,
00:24to try, as far as possible, to make people become patients as late as possible.
00:31So our goal is to do what is called in the Anglo-Saxon world the health literacy,
00:43which is a very precise role in the health path of each of us.
00:52And we try, with our campaigns and activities, to educate people to be responsible for their health,
01:04to make conscious choices for the benefit not only of their own health,
01:11but also of the social decline that the good health of each of us has on society.
01:19And last but not least, of course, on the national health system.
01:23Lately, together with the Ministry of Health, we have been focusing on the big problem, which is adherence to therapy.
01:36We can have the best drugs, the best therapeutic solutions,
01:44but if people, each of us, is not responsible, as I said, for their own health,
01:50and to be adherent to prescribed therapies,
01:54even the best, unique drug in the world is not effective.
02:00So we think that the medical-patient relationship is very important.
02:09There must be an empathic care path between the two actors of health.
02:20And one of the activities that we are going to do on this topic of adherence
02:27will be courses and educational activities on the relationship, on medical-patient communication,
02:36which must not always be top-down, but must also be bottom-up.
02:40That is, the doctor must understand the type of patient he has in front of him and how to collaborate with him.
02:53And in the same way, the patient must be educated to understand what his doctor says
03:01and then apply it in everyday life.
03:05Education, education, education at all levels, starting from schools.
03:11That is, even children, from the beginning, must be educated to this concept of being responsible for their own health.
