Celts hosts Thunder! #NBA Finals preview tonight? #Celtics insider Mego joins! Better hypothetical Championship matchup- Boston vs. LAL or OKC?
What is up with Kristaps Porzingis? What about Jayson Tatum? Will Tatum play tonight?
What is up with Kristaps Porzingis? What about Jayson Tatum? Will Tatum play tonight?
00:00doing well how are you guys i got a little bit of a cold so if i sound like rudolph when his
00:04like the claymation rudolph nose gets stuffed up that's what that's what's going on uh before we
00:10get to the celtics into basketball you wanted to add an ick yeah i don't this is a general
00:16ick of everyone when people say that's funny and they don't laugh good one
00:22that is a good one i hate that i don't know why it bothers me so much oh that's funny
00:30and then there's no laugh that's and you what was the one that you texted to courtney
00:34oh i hate i hate when men wear their sunglasses on the back of their heads yeah oh yeah
00:40especially if they're rocking the buzzcut like you are right now and it's just like the little side
00:45the little oakley sunglasses sitting back there it's so gross i hate it wiki and i are i don't
00:52know where you stand but both obsessed with uh celtic city episode two yes um did you watch
01:00yes absolutely i thought it was i thought it was really interesting i think it's really hard to
01:05overstate how much bill russell did for the city on top of the nba and they just did such an
01:11excellent job with it yeah that in the in the i don't want to use the word hatred because that's
01:18a strong word or his just his displeasure with the city of boston parts of it yeah like i mean
01:25other than roxbury he was like you know you know it seemed like in the other wouldn't you yeah oh
01:30yeah all day long all day long but the fact that you know he's one of the biggest superstars of
01:36that time playing i was i was shocked i didn't know this but when he won the the his 11th and
01:43final championship uh he just like took off yeah like didn't go to the parade and and didn't stay
01:51i thought it was it was nice it was an irish exit yeah it's what we love he just ghosted but i think
01:56that's part of like you know his whatever the words you want to use his uh very complicated
02:05relationship with the city of boston and you know playing here um it's and that's why it's
02:14interesting to see and it was cool to hear from the guy you brought up greg who who was a fan
02:19who's like 73 and actually saw the starting the all-black starting five but it's very it's cool
02:24to be from here and kind of like see how the different eras were because i wasn't just love
02:31i like i love history and i so i all the stuff that they add in uh about what was going on at
02:39the time here and uh what was like seeing them at the white house visiting jfk like i seeing the
02:48pictures of uh red hour back and bill russell right like in the shower after winning you know
02:54fully clothed right like uh don't make that sound pause uh was just it was cool it's it's really
03:02that's why i can't wait till the 80s era because that's more of the the era that i'm around i know
03:08you and i were talking maybe the 70s they dive into the busting situation and i know it gets
03:13discounted because of the competition level or the amount of teams that were in the nba
03:20but that dynasty and they get into it with the yankees and they get into it with the packers but
03:26that dynasty winning 11 of 13 championships right yeah it's eight in a row it's eight eight in a
03:35row crazy i think jackie mcmullin did such a amazing job just saying like the competition
03:41is the competition it doesn't matter and it's just never going to be done again it'll never be done
03:46it's the greatest dynasty in sports ever period i had the immense uh honor of being able to talk
03:53to bob koozie and tommy heinsohn before he passed on a big project we did at the boston herald
03:59several years ago where we talked to them about will people understand their legacy after they're
04:06gone it was right after john havlicek had passed away and those guys had real concerns about like
04:13do modern nba fans will they get it yeah will they get what it meant will they get
04:20what they established for the nba and i i think it's something they do i don't think so well it
04:27was interesting talking to your kids no i don't know breeze hill doesn't no i think i think guys
04:32in the league do i think guys who come through the celtics like oh they tommy was saying for
04:38example one person who he spent a lot of time talking with was rayjean rondo and that rondo
04:43was like super super curious about celtics history and all of that and i don't know if it's like
04:48league wide but there have been a lot of guys who have come through who just like really embrace it
04:53and want to understand the context of what they're playing but i'm talking more about the fans here
04:58locally yeah i don't think you know what i mean like fans here locally how much was embedded
05:04into them when they were younger about that era even though they didn't see it so
05:09that i guess that's a question apparently according to this woman who's texting it's
05:13an ick when somebody said when a guy says he's a history buff i'm sorry
05:19why because they think it's like you got you got like a bunch of old thing history
05:24channel documentaries on vhs in your apartment i do love history
05:29sorry that's why i like boston it's really really good um so litmus tests this evening
05:36yeah these guys yes they had the first one saturday and passed with flying colors yeah they
05:40did um what did you make of that hard foul on lebron james uh saturday night i it was difficult
05:48because the first half was like everything that you wanted from celtics lakers and kudos to al
05:55horford for turning back the clock he completely locked down lebron when he was on him he was
06:00picking lucas pocket like al was tremendous and he has been for the last couple of weeks so i think
06:06he deserves the recognition but the second half i was like man i need to see this series i need to
06:13see this finals because lebron leaves with five minutes left and has his groin injury or whatever
06:20and lucas starts going off a little bit i was like there's just so much more here and i feel
06:26confident that the celtics without getting ahead of myself that if they were both in the finals
06:29that the celtics would win but i want there's so much more juice to that i want that next chapter
06:34of the rivalry it'll be a better series versus oklahoma city because oklahoma city will be a
06:39better matchup than the lakers will i think against the celtics because even think about
06:44that game the lakers were doing something that they don't normally do and they were what 50
06:49from the three-point line maybe after the first quarter something like that the way that game
06:54started shooting wise was just unusual yeah okc is a better team and especially defensively
07:01they have the best defended field goal percentage in the entire league which means that they're just
07:08the you you have a one of the hottest shooting teams three-point shooting teams in the celtics
07:12going up against the best defensive team on shooters and on top of that they've got wildly
07:18active hands so you could see the old turnover celtics come out if things go awry and i agree
07:25like basketball wise that's that's probably a more dynamic matchup be a better series
07:30celtics likers yeah like i want 40 year old lebron to go out there and prove that he still has it
07:37wiki doesn't want that he doesn't know i want that i want that when curtis and i have just been
07:42you know and i think you're on the same page with me he believes that adam silver called up
07:47the dallas mavericks and said hey listen get luka to the glakers so we can get ratings back
07:53uh i love how things keep getting real oh i just got a text from my buddy fitzy on a truck and he
07:58says wiggy's wrong but that's what but isn't his point was the league and the commission good
08:03argument i'm getting text it's working out pretty well but that's his thing but that's where him and
08:10it was a curtspiracy right which has come true no it's as they all do that game saturday night
08:17no had the best ratings of a regular season game in seven years do you think it's the
08:25it's luka donchage on the oh guess what the celtics played the lakers last year and the
08:31year before and the year before that you told us that we had no rivalry no no but a so then
08:37even tater said it i know he did but then you but you're missing the point of course can i ask
08:42kurt a question curtis so do you think that this is like a decades-long conspiracy because i was
08:48just thinking about watching the second episode last night like will chamberlain got traded to
08:54the lakers after he was mvp is this a conspiracy that you think goes back to the 60s uh no i don't
09:01but i do think it's weird the lakers are called the lakers and there's no lake nearby that is a
09:04conspiracy that well we're not talking about that conspiracy we're talking about the lakers tie in
09:10with the front offices of the nba fans are really scared that their league isn't like they're very
09:16defensive of it more so than fans maybe baseball is similar but his 60s people like they they get
09:21together his 60s conspiracy is the faked moon landing so just gotta keep that it'd be like
09:27if luca landed on golden state the ratings probably be pretty good if the celtics played
09:32golden state a couple weeks later i i just love the manifestations of the argument from wiki
09:37because at the beginning it was nobody cares you're wrong the lakers are good the lakers are
09:42always you don't you don't listen my only beef with you was i don't think it was something done
09:49by the league i think it's great for the league but my thing was it wasn't done by the league it
09:54was done because one owner for the dallas mavericks or whoever they are are morons you have a gm who's
10:02a moron so that's all i said i think it's good for the league but is the gm still employed yeah
10:08why i can't listen ask you know why he's employed because the owner of the mavericks the same owner
10:14who shipped luca out of there and then raised ticket prices eight percent so it was the owner
10:19that made the trade now because before you said it was the gm no i'm saying that the owners of
10:23dallas are morons so of course they're going to employ a guy who doesn't know what the hell he's
10:27doing okay something that's actually going on right now though chris stops his tweet saying
10:31that it's like a viral illness that they can't figure out that's worrisome yeah it's been kind
10:36of strange because usually when you see somebody with non-covid illness on an nba injury report
10:42he's saying all right that guy will be back next game or the game after that with chris stops i
10:48would guess like he's been around the team philadelphia that game last thursday he was
10:53all over the bench he was high-fiving everybody so it's not like he's quarantined he was walking
10:58around in his like swaggy celtic jacket and he seemed to really expect that he was going to play
11:04saturday night against the lakers so i think it's probably something where they're being overly
11:09cautious with him and if you think about just like his body type so let's say he has some kind he had
11:16a virus and it really depleted him like he's not gonna get back to himself as quickly as somebody
11:23like you and me courtney in terms of like our size yeah you know like that's a big and also
11:29kind of delicate body so i'm sure he's got to rehydrate he's got to get ready to be back in
11:35i'm not worried about it being an injury i think it really is just some virus he had what about
11:40jason tatum being questionable tonight for this game in particular i know it's a regular season
11:46yeah this is a big game i know i have high expectations that you go to a game you might
11:49get to see jason are you going tonight i'm not i went i went monday night and i have a date night
11:55tonight you can't you can't make celtics sideline date night i don't like to be greedy like
12:04i'm not that i'm not worried about that if you look at me yeah they're claiming it's the knee
12:08again if if you're looking at where we are in the schedule they're starting to get into that
12:12taper period where there's a long road trip coming up they got a six game road trip to
12:19round out the season and they are gonna hit the playoffs i think this is when you're just
12:24going to start to see the load management that everybody loves yeah and and i i think that
12:30and tatum's not that type of guy so i don't think when people like if tatum can play he's gonna play
12:37especially in a game like this so i don't think tatum falls into that category where people would
12:41be like oh i spent all this money then you got a superstar like that was like oh i don't feel
12:45like playing that's not tatum's mo so then you think it's more serious if he doesn't play tonight
12:50then then he wouldn't be able to go uh no i i think that it would be serious in the sense that
12:57he would be battling with missoula on letting him play and joe would be like we don't need
13:02you to play tatum we don't want you to for whatever reason i don't think the injury is
13:06serious i don't even know how much is i mean missoula say as their exercise science people
13:12looking at it and saying like dude you played over 45 minutes on saturday night against the
13:17lakers the playoffs are so close we need to treat this in a scientific way of you chilling for a
13:24little bit even though you're just newly turned 27 and isn't it gonna like factor in how
13:32we look at this game to be a good test for them and it you know potentially an nba's finals
13:40matchup maybe they look at it like you're right mega where we don't have the same type of view of
13:46this game we're looking to get our guys ready to get us ready for the postseason because you said
13:51the next nine out of or eight out of nine games you're saying they're overlooking them or just
13:57regular season it's not important yeah not yeah it's more regular season we got eight or nine
14:01games on the road coming up after this you know maybe we want to rest guys here and there well
14:07in okc it'll be interesting to see what they do too because they obviously played the nuggets on
14:11sunday and 1 p.m and that was their big game of the weekend like you had your big game so
14:18there's a possibility you could go into this game it's a little bit of like experimentation before
14:22the playoffs i just think for how little you get to see teams from the western conference who might
14:27be in the finals you should take advantage of the situation you got to put your money on it
14:31think he plays tonight yeah hate him yeah i would big goose a big goose big taco taco yeah
14:39Celtics took to social media and the the fans have spoken and they chose big deuce i like big
14:44goose over taco and the what was the other one i feel like we're still still looking for something
14:49i know he said saturday he was like this this is what my friends call me my friends call me taco
14:55taco jay i just feel like we haven't had one that's really clicked yet yeah the anomaly was
15:01the other one i think right yeah boy what a tough cat it is to play it all right well um so you like
15:12them tonight to win even without jason tatum uh i do but i think like i i'm not i'm not going into
15:19this looking at it and saying this is representative of what a finals might be because again like
15:25i don't know if christophe swerzing is i i would be surprised if he plays tonight maybe he will who
15:29knows um it's just this point in the regular season where everybody's starting to look towards
15:34the playoffs and adjust themselves that way okay hope you get better quick thanks i actually feel
15:39great like it's just the beginning of the cold is when you always feel like trash and the end is
15:44when you sound like trash but you actually have your energy back so i'm good the sun courtney
15:49and i are both going to be in florida at separate destinations so we're gonna we're both gonna lay
15:53out yeah we're gonna be very tan the next week when you see us when he's laughing because he
15:58thinks we're gonna come back just like don't touch me like two lobsters walking in please don't touch
16:04me is the tanning the fake tan stuff uh the stuff you guys put on all over the bed is that a nick i
16:11put it on the list it's on the list yeah yeah i saw a lot of people get to say their aches too oh
16:17yeah yeah okay we don't have like a walking ex yeah we don't have many men yeah we don't have
16:23many all right may go thank you