Los padres participan de los rastrillajes.
Los padres participan de los rastrillajes.
00:00They continue the intense rafting tasks in front of the girls' family,
00:06who are all together on a tent, they are pulling out part of the vegetation.
00:10Look, I'm going to show you something, come on.
00:12You tell me if we have time.
00:14We have to make an intense tour and we are going to get into the rafting area
00:18of the part where they are now working.
00:20Tactical buses, boats, they are looking for what I told you, the mouth of the sea.
00:24Look, we are going to cross the entrance to Serri, the route that enters Serri,
00:29and we are going to get into what is part of this intense rafting on both sides.
00:35They are looking for it, close to Route 3,
00:37and they are also looking for where we are going to go.
00:40First of all, all this you see under my feet was not there, Luis.
00:43All this was dragged by the water.
00:45We are talking about a height of 40 centimeters.
00:48After that, the land that was deposited began to sink in other places.
00:52Well, do you see that there is an elevation of land that we are going to show you, Juan,
00:57now at this moment?
00:58Well, that was all a landfill that was deposited where I am standing now that there is a well.
01:03All that land of that landfill, similar to a train track,
01:06the water dragged it, made it,
01:09the sink this,
01:11as when we walked the streets and neighborhoods of the people who were so in need,
01:15and it was dragged there.
01:17They hit the track, all that land, mud, trees, and everything that was in this place,
01:22and everything is taken away.
01:25Where do you see now that it looks like a field?
01:28There was a bridge, there were trees,
01:32there was a structure, columns of light, of cement,
01:38that were dragged and that one of them was now in the mouth of the ocean.
01:42So that you have an idea of how difficult this landfill is.
01:46Look, the mud, the grass,
01:51which is mixed.
01:52These plants are taller, but they were buried by the mud,
01:56where we are now passing through.
01:59A very, very dangerous terrain.
02:02The land, in places, is what I was telling you, look,
02:05scraped to the ground, until it reaches the rubble,
02:09and as we move forward, you find truly worrying panoramas.
02:14Car wheels, which were dragged by the water.
02:19Well, clothes, bags, all that was analyzed.
02:23Look, just like this that I find here,
02:26they have also found the rescuers,
02:29little shoes of size that could match what the girls had put on.
02:35At that time, two have already been kidnapped,
02:40which have been shown to the family.
02:43Alejandro, help me with the location.
02:47How much does the Hecker family live in that place?
02:51Where are you located, and where is their house?
02:56The family, as far as I understand, lives in Serri.
03:01Two kilometers to leave the city.
03:06We were on the route just now.
03:08This is halfway between the route and the town of Serri,
03:12where we are now passing through.
03:15The family is from Serri, within the locality.
03:18They went out on this same road that just crossed the route,
03:22and there they grabbed to the side of the bridge,
03:26which unfortunately no longer exists,
03:29the part of the route that is not there.
03:32Look, let's get up high,
03:34and you will have a panorama of this rake.
03:38Look, as you go up this hill,
03:43I want to tell you that finally the municipality of Bahia Blanca
03:47will inform Mercedes where the distribution points are.
03:51They are telling me that at 12 noon it is scheduled.
03:55I am asking exactly where.
03:58It will be a press conference by the mayor of Bahia Blanca.
04:02I imagine it will be after the meeting with the president of the nation.
04:05Of course, and let's hope it is.
04:07We are going to be there, of course,
04:09but that it is transmitted by all the Bahian media
04:12so that the citizens can take note of where they have to go.
04:16Yes, Alejandro, I'm coming back there.
04:18Already up to this place.
04:20What is that?
04:22Remains of what? Of a track?
04:24This is where there was an iron bridge,
04:28and it is how the current broke and bent the tracks of the train.
04:33There the debris of the bridge, totally destroyed,
04:39and all the ground floor, where we are now standing,
04:43all the mud that was here, drags it.
04:47And a large part there, which is now going to be searched with spears and dogs,
04:51to that mound, because anything could have been buried there.
04:54We see sleepers, we see a lot of rubble,
04:57stones that are used for railways, pieces of cars.
05:01Well, here a large pile was formed that did not exist,
05:06which was formed by debris and parts of the bridge that started the pressure of the water
05:12and that ended up in this place.
05:14Look, there is the bridge.
05:16Those parts of the bridge.
05:18Well, and this non-natural pile was formed by flooding.
05:23Now the water begins to fall,
05:25and we begin to find everything that is underneath this,
05:28and it draws attention.
05:29Look over there.
05:30What you see over there, that there is nothing.
05:34Yesterday it was tip to tip full of water.
05:37You can see car wheels,
05:39dragged by some cars that took the water.
05:41Well, a whole discard,
05:43impressive throughout this course,
05:45which in principle should not be here,
05:47that the force of the water has taken everything and reached the earth.
05:51Alejandro, we are going to stay with your image,
05:53in split screen,
05:56so that you can tell us what happens there in the tracking.
05:59On the other side of the screen we will see Christian Balbo,
06:02who is working here.
06:03I insist, with this wave of solidarity.
06:06Good morning, Christian.
06:07Where are you?
06:10Good morning, Luis team.
06:11We are in Colonel Díaz, Juncal corner.
06:13Parish, Our Lady of Loreto.
06:16And the logic of volunteering and donations continues,
06:19in a very meticulous way.
06:21We will be able to talk to Father Eugenio,
06:23responsible for this parish,
06:25to see the step by step.
06:26First, the cadets of the city police receive you.
06:30And they have placed these bags.
06:32The one who wants to donate,
06:34approaches these bags and places them.
06:36Notice that there are cleaning items,
06:38there is also clothes,
06:40there are non-perishable foods.
06:42What are they needing now to fill these bags?
06:45They asked us for candles and also rain boots.
06:48But let's get in, to get to the most important place,
06:51which has to do, Luis,
06:52while we ask Father Eugenio, who also accompanies us,
06:55who has a return, you will be able to listen to him.
06:57How do they do the classification?
06:59Notice that we already entered the parish,
07:01we repeat, in Palermo, Coronel Díaz and Juncal.
07:04Tomorrow at noon the truck arrives,
07:06which will travel to Bahía Blanca,
07:08about 12 hours of travel,
07:10to get to a deposit in Villa Mitre.
07:14And from there, the distribution.
07:16The most important thing, the distribution,
07:18because there are many donations,
07:20but the relevant and important thing, Luis,
07:22is that they can be distributed in the most affected areas.
07:25And that's why we want to get there,
07:27Father Eugenio, Luis is also listening on the floor,
07:30well, it's an explosion of solidarity
07:32that has been given to those
07:34damaged by the floods in Bahía Blanca.
07:36It's really impressive how people
07:39are approaching our Loreto parish,
07:41approaching donations,
07:43they are running the balls in the buildings,
07:46the managers,
07:48well, obviously all the boys from the schools
07:50are collaborating,
07:51it's really a wave of solidarity.
07:53We entered this sector,
07:54what would be the function in this sector
07:56of those who are volunteers today?
07:58Well, here the clothes enter in changuitos,
08:01it goes to this large room,
08:03that now we are going to enter,
08:05where, well, it is...