During Tuesday’s House Education and the Workforce Committee hearing, Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA) questioned experts about the effect of school vouchers on public school students.
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00:00The ranking member of the full committee, Mr. Scott, is recognized for five minutes.
00:05Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, I've always been intrigued by the strategy of
00:10dealing with totally dysfunctional schools by helping a handful of people
00:15with a voucher get away and leaving the vast majority still stuck behind in the
00:23failing school system. Did nothing for the vast majority of students except give
00:31them less resources than they had to begin with.
00:34Ms. Levin, can the private schools charge more than the voucher amount?
00:43Yes, and they often do. They also have been shown to raise their prices when
00:48vouchers come to their state. And who pays the difference between the voucher
00:51amount and the tuition? That's on the backs of families as well as other
00:55non-tuition expenses, making them only accessible to the wealthy.
01:04When these voucher programs start off, is there any explosion in private school seats?
01:12Yes, there's often fly-by-night private schools in strip malls and other places
01:17that aren't suitable that rise up to take advantage of the funds.
01:21Has that quality been assessed for the new schools?
01:25Yes, they're often low quality and they often close. I believe about research shows that
01:30about 20% of schools close within a few years. In Florida, it's 30%.
01:36So that when they actually get there, they don't have any better opportunity than they
01:46had to begin with.
01:47That's correct, and they also don't have rights.
01:51And we'll get to rights in just a second. Do the schools have their own admission standards?
01:56They do, and voucher laws are written to explicitly allow them to keep those standards even if
02:01they're discriminatory.
02:03Mr. Banks indicated that he's an example of that. He said he was denied twice to the school
02:07he applied to. What oversight is there on admissions policies?
02:12There's basically none.
02:17Is there any guarantee that those who get a voucher can get into a private school?
02:23There is not, and I've spoken with many families that may have started with high hopes, especially
02:27for students with disabilities, and then found that there was no school that would accept
02:30their child.
02:32And then what happens to them?
02:35Then they remain in public schools, which now have fewer resources to serve them.
02:41Do schools set their own discipline standards?
02:44They do, and in most places private schools are not subject to anti-bullying laws like
02:49public schools are.
02:51Can they expel students?
02:53They can for things like their sexual orientation, their disability, their academic achievement
02:58ability, their English language ability, and many other things that would not be allowed
03:01in public schools.
03:02And what happens to those students?
03:04Those students depend on public schools, which again now have fewer resources.
03:09And tell me about the civil rights protections, you said even if discriminatory?
03:13That's right.
03:14Civil rights protections are substantially lower for private school students than public
03:19school students.
03:20I know employment law was mentioned, which is different than the rights for students.
03:23You mentioned Title VI.
03:26Disparate impact cases can only be brought by the Department of Education.
03:30Are Title VI cases brought against private schools?
03:34Title VI only applies to schools that receive federal financial assistance, and that is
03:39an increasingly low number of private schools.
03:42Is acceptance of a voucher federal funding?
03:47Isn't that a question about whether or not they're even subject to any of the civil rights
03:54laws like Title VI?
03:57Private school students do not enjoy the protections of many federal civil rights statutes, including
04:02Title VI, unless there's federal funding.
04:10You mentioned segregation.
04:12I recall the, as you've suggested, the battle cry of segregationists was give us states'
04:22How do states' rights help enforce civil rights?
04:27States can enact civil rights laws that go beyond federal law.
04:30Again, they largely, such as special education laws, wouldn't apply to students who take
04:34a voucher.
04:39What oversight is there for private to be able to determine, for us to determine whether
04:45or not there are good schools or bad schools?
04:47I imagine there's a great deal of variability.
04:53Very little, and again, decreasing with each passing year.
04:57That's a deliberate choice, and we know why.
05:00It's because the results are not good.
05:02Are they subject to the NAEP tests?
05:06Most private school voucher programs have very little or no testing requirements.