• 16 hours ago
👉 La madre de Delfina y Pilar Hecker, Marina, expresó su esperanza en redes sociales mientras continúa la búsqueda de sus hijas desaparecidas. En un emotivo mensaje, mencionó que su hija Pili cumple cinco años hoy. Las autoridades han intensificado los esfuerzos de búsqueda tras el hallazgo de dos zapatillas durante los rastrillajes recientes. Un camión de policía científica ha llegado al lugar para apoyar a los buzos tácticos que trabajan sin descanso en la zona.

👉 Seguí en #BuenDíaA24
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00:00We are going to put ourselves in part of a communication.
00:05The mother of Delfina and Pilar Hecker has just expressed herself.
00:16In her social networks, Marina expressed,
00:20Today Pili is turning 5 years old.
00:24I do not lose faith that my daughters are protected
00:29with someone who has not yet been able to communicate.
00:33Well, that has just been expressed in her social networks.
00:36The mother of whom, behind me,
00:39is doing a wide shooting to look for two bodies.
00:42Well, the situation is, moreover, complex.
00:45It is seen that they do not lose faith.
00:47Yesterday we were able to see them face to face,
00:50practically a few meters away.
00:52They found two shoes in yesterday's tracking.
00:55We still could not confirm if they were theirs,
00:57but the rescuers had that in their hands.
00:59A police truck has just arrived,
01:02and in a minute we are going to approach the tactical divers
01:05who are doing a counterclockwise job
01:07to find what is under the stones
01:11or inside the water that has remained in a stream of the Saladillo.
01:14My God, her name is Marina, you told me,
01:16the mother of Pilar and Delfina.
01:19Yes, and I'm going to read what she said in her social networks.
01:23Please, go ahead.
01:24Marina said,
01:25Today Pili is turning five years old.
01:28I do not lose faith that my daughters are protected
01:31with someone who has not yet been able to communicate.
01:36Hopefully, Lele.
01:37Nothing, yes, yes, yes.
01:39I wish she was not seeing us or someone told her.
01:41We are here, Marina, for what you need.
01:44Here we are.
01:45Nothing, I do not know.
01:46First to accompany you.
01:48With Alejandro Pueblas and Leo Godoy, hopefully.
01:51Hopefully, definitely.
