• 10 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - La Lega sul sostegno all'Ucraina "ha sempre votato con la maggioranza" e non farà mancare i suoi voti nel dibattito in Parlamento quando la premier Giorgia Meloni illustrerà la linea italiana alla vigilia del Consiglio Europeo della settimana prossima. Lo dice il capodelegazione di Fratelli d'Italia a Strasburgo Carlo Fidanza, a Strasburgo a margine della plenaria. A chi ricorda il precedente di Rifondazione Comunista, che nei governi Prodi non faceva mancare i suoi voti, pur differenziandosi poi nelle dichiarazioni pubbliche, un po' come fa la Lega a Strasburgo votando contro il piano Ue per il riarmo Fidanza risponde osservando, scherzosamente, che per il Prc le cose non finirono bene.


00:00Well, the re-founding of the Prodi government is not over yet, neither is the Prodi government.
00:04So far, the League has always voted with the majority in all the parliamentary passages
00:09that have concerned support for Ukraine, the supply of weapons to Ukraine.
00:14There will be a parliamentary passage next week on the communications of the European Council,
00:23in which Giorgia Menoni will represent Italy, as always.
00:26We are sure that, on that occasion, the unity of our coalition will prevail.
00:31I must say that, for example, the words of action of Minister Giorgetti go in this direction.
00:37These are words of absolute pragmatism, which highlight some limits on the level of financeability of this project.
00:46These are words that President Menoni shares.
00:50This is an Italian position, the one that Minister Giorgetti brings to the ECOFIN on the subject of how to finance this plan.
00:57So, when it comes to the merits of things, I believe that, without propaganda,
01:01in the end, common sense prevails and the unity of the majority, as it has always been in these two and a half years, will prevail.
