• 12 hours ago
President Trump hosts Ireland's Taoiseach Micheál Martin in the Oval Office.

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00:00Thank you very much.
00:08It's a great honor to have B-Hall Martin, Taoiseach, Ireland.
00:14It's a special place, and he's a very special guy.
00:17He did it the hard way also.
00:19He served, and then he took a little time off, and then he served again.
00:22I've heard about that.
00:24It happens on occasion.
00:25And he's done very well.
00:27And we knew each other from a long time ago, but it's a great honor to have you in the
00:34Oval Office and have you at the White House.
00:36We have tremendous business relationships with Ireland, and that will only get stronger.
00:41The relationship we have personally and every other way is very, very strong and very, very
00:47So I just want to welcome you to Washington, D.C. and to our country, and thank you very
00:52May I thank you, President?
00:53It's a great honor for me to be here to celebrate St. Patrick's with you, and I thank you for
01:00your hospitality and the warmth of your reception.
01:03And I commend you in terms of the work that you're doing, particularly in terms of the
01:07pursuit of peace, which we discussed earlier.
01:11I think that's going well, and you really have, in the first sort of 100 days of this
01:17government, you've done some extraordinary things very quickly.
01:23Everybody's watching in that respect.
01:25Delighted to be here.
01:26It's an honor to be here.
01:27Well, it's a great honor to have you on.
01:29Special people.
01:30Very special people.
01:31I know a lot of Irish, and growing up in New York, I know a couple of your people that
01:38used to live in that beautiful Ireland, and now they're here, but they love your country
01:43very much.
01:44They have a great feeling toward your country.
01:47They have, and they a lot come back for holidays and stuff like that, and checking out their
01:52family ancestry and things like that.
01:55Great, fantastic people.
01:56Some go to Doonbeg as well, yeah.
01:57We love Doonbeg.
01:58I love them.
01:59I don't know if I'll ever see it again.
02:03Maybe I won't, but I think I will.
02:05We'll get there.
02:06We're going to get there.
02:07It's a beautiful place, wonderful place.
02:11Any questions?
02:12On the tariffs, how far are you worried?
02:14Yeah, please.
02:15President Trump, how worried are you about the counter-tariffs from the EU, which were
02:19announced yesterday?
02:20And also, how worried should Ireland be, given the fact that it has a massive trade surplus
02:24with the U.S., over $50 billion?
02:26Miguel Martin might be quite nervous about what you're going to tell him to get.
02:30Well, I don't think he looks nervous to me.
02:32And if he was nervous, he wouldn't show it.
02:36Now, we do have a massive deficit with Ireland, because Ireland was very smart.
02:41They took our pharmaceutical companies away from presidents that didn't know what they
02:45were doing.
02:46And, you know, it's too bad that happened.
02:48It's a tremendous job.
02:50I give – look, the Irish are smart.
02:53We are smart people.
02:55And you took our pharmaceutical companies and other companies, but, you know, through
02:59taxation, proper taxation.
03:01They made it very good for companies to move over there.
03:05And we had presidents and people that were involved in this that had no idea what they
03:10were doing, and they lost big segments of our economy.
03:15The European Union treats us very badly.
03:18They have for years.
03:19I saw that.
03:20I had it out with them in my first term.
03:22It did well, but we had to solve other problems.
03:25And we did.
03:27But the European Union has been very tough.
03:31And it's our turn, too.
03:33You know, we get a turn at that also.
03:35But they have not been fair.
03:36They sue our companies and win massive amounts of money.
03:40They sued Apple, won $17 billion.
03:43And they use that for other reasons, I guess, or to run the European Union.
03:48So I'm not knocking it.
03:50They're doing what they should be doing, perhaps, for the European Union.
03:53But it does create ill will.
03:55And, as you know, we're going to be doing reciprocal tariffs.
03:59So whatever they charge us, we're charging them.
04:02Nobody can complain about that.
04:04Whatever it is, it doesn't even matter what it is.
04:06If they charge us 25 or 20 percent or 10 percent or 2 percent or 200 percent,
04:14then that's what we're charging them.
04:17And so I don't know why people get upset about that
04:20because there's nothing more fair than that.
04:22And we had a problem with Ontario, and they dropped that.
04:27When I let them know what we were going to be doing,
04:30they dropped it immediately.
04:31So I'm glad, because electricity.
04:33You shouldn't be playing with electricity.
04:35It affects people's lives.
04:37Actually, their life.
04:39I mean, it can affect – depending on whether it can affect their life.
04:42So we can't do that.
04:44And it doesn't make sense that our country allows electricity
04:48to be made in another country and sold into us.
04:51Who did that deal for the United States?
04:54I looked at that long ago, and I said,
04:56that's not something that's very smart.
04:58So we've had a lot of bad trade policies,
05:01and yet we're doing very well right now.
05:05But we're doing well because I won the election.
05:07If I didn't win the election, you would have had a very bad period.
05:11I think a lot of the stock market going down
05:14was because of the really bad four years that we had,
05:17when you look at inflation and all of the other problems.
05:20I mean, wars and inflation and so many other problems.
05:23But we're going to have very good years.
05:25We're going to have – we had – I don't know if you saw
05:28a little thing like the cost of eggs.
05:30Little to you, but big to people out there.
05:33Down almost 30 percent in the last few days.
05:38We got it down.
05:39We did a lot of things.
05:40We have a great secretary of agriculture,
05:42and we did a lot of things that got the cost of eggs down
05:45very substantially, and so many other things.
05:48A very big thing that I'm very happy with
05:50is oil is down to $65 a barrel.
05:54And that's faster than I would have –
05:56we put on the gas, we stepped on the gas
05:58in order to get oil.
06:00And that's what's happening.
06:02So we're getting that down.
06:04And when energy comes down,
06:05prices are going to be coming down with it.
06:08So in a very short period of time,
06:10we've done a very good job.
06:12And I think that the tariffs that we're talking about –
06:17again, reciprocal.
06:18I think that the tariffs –
06:20there are some cases where they're a little beyond
06:22reciprocal because, you know,
06:23we've been abused for a long time as a country.
06:25We have been abused, really, for a long time.
06:28And we will be abused no longer.
06:32Are you going to retaliate?
06:33Do you retaliate?
06:34On the Department of Education, sir,
06:35would you describe for us –
06:37is this meeting your vision
06:38by cutting about half the workforce?
06:39And what responsibility do you feel
06:41to the civil servants who have now lost their jobs?
06:44Many of them worked at the Department of Education
06:46during their first term.
06:47Sure, I do.
06:48I feel very badly.
06:49But many of them don't work at all.
06:51Many of them never showed up to work.
06:53Many of them –
06:54Many of them never showed up to work, Kelly,
06:57and – unfortunately.
06:59And that's not good.
07:01And when we cut, you know, we go –
07:03and that's what I had a number of meetings with
07:06a lot of people over the last couple of months.
07:08When we cut, we want to cut,
07:10but we want to cut the people that aren't working
07:12or not doing a good job.
07:14We're keeping the best people.
07:16And Linda McMahon is a real professional,
07:19a very – actually a very sophisticated business person.
07:23And she cut a large number,
07:25but she kept the best people.
07:27And we'll see how it all works out.
07:29But our country was run very badly.
07:31I mean, whether it was that or contracts
07:33that were signed that were so bad –
07:35so obviously bad.
07:36And I go through them in speeches.
07:38I could go through them all day long.
07:40I could read for billions and hundreds
07:42of billions of dollars.
07:44And all of that fat and waste and fraud
07:47and abuse is being taken out.
07:49But it's incredible what's happened.
07:51Now, Department of Education,
07:53maybe more so than any other place,
07:56has a lot of people that can be cut.
07:59They're, number one, not showing up to work.
08:01Number two, they're not doing a good job.
08:03And if you take a look at –
08:05take a look at our education process,
08:08and if you look at the charts –
08:10because they have numerous charts
08:12where they do the top 40 –
08:14we're at number 37, 38, 39, and 40.
08:16And recently, they hit –
08:18during Biden's last few days,
08:20they hit last.
08:22So they were number 40,
08:24and yet we're number one in cost per pupil.
08:26So it's pretty bad.
08:28But we have a dream.
08:30And you know what the dream is?
08:32We're going to move the Department of Education –
08:34we're going to move education into the states
08:36so that the states,
08:38instead of bureaucrats working in Washington,
08:40so that the states can run education.
08:42And you have Norway.
08:44You have Denmark.
08:45You have Sweden.
08:46You have various – Finland.
08:48You have various countries that do very well.
08:50You also have China that does very well
08:52in education, which is a pretty big tribute
08:54to China, I must say.
08:561.4 billion, and they're in the top 10.
08:59And it's pretty amazing.
09:01So we can't blame size anymore.
09:03You know, normally you'd blame size.
09:05It's too big. How can you do it?
09:07But China does it.
09:09So we think when you move it back to Iowa
09:11and Indiana
09:13and all the states that run so well –
09:15there's so many I could name –
09:1730, maybe almost 40.
09:20Those will be as good as Denmark.
09:22Those will be as good as Norway.
09:24And they'll be as good as any of these –
09:26I believe they'll be as good as any.
09:28Now, then you're going to have 10
09:30that won't be so great.
09:31You're going to have five that will
09:33not be good at all, but we'll work with them
09:35and we'll get them to be good.
09:37But what we want to do is always school choice.
09:39But we're going to do school choice,
09:41and we're doing it.
09:42But we want education to be moved back
09:44where the states run education,
09:46where the parents of the children
09:48will be running education,
09:50where governors that are doing a very good job
09:52will be running education,
09:54not run –
09:56I drive through the city and I see
09:58like so many buildings –
10:00Department of Education,
10:02Department of – big buildings.
10:04And by the way, they're empty.
10:06Nobody shows up to work.
10:08So I think Linda did a very good job.
10:10Do you have a meeting with Vladimir Putin
10:12scheduled for a conversation?
10:14I won't comment on that,
10:16but we had a great success yesterday.
10:20We have a full ceasefire.
10:22When it – if it kicks in,
10:24we'll have to see. It's up to Russia now.
10:26But we've had a good relationship
10:28with both parties, actually,
10:30and we'll see. We'll be knowing
10:32people are going to Russia right now
10:34as we speak, and hopefully
10:36we can get a ceasefire from Russia.
10:38And if we do, I think that would be
10:4080 percent of the way to getting
10:42this horrible bloodbath finished.
10:44It's a bloodbath that's taking place
10:46over there. On average,
10:482,000 to 3,000
10:50young people a week are being
10:52killed in that stupid war
10:54that would have never happened if I were president.
10:56So we have
10:58people going over there. Mr.
11:00VP, do you have anything to say about it?
11:02Because you're very much involved. What's going to happen?
11:04Well, we've got
11:06some conversations that are happening
11:08on the phone and in person with some of our
11:10representatives over the next couple of days.
11:12As the president said, we think that we're in a very good place
11:14where the Ukrainians have agreed to a ceasefire,
11:16and we're now going to see whether we can get the Russians
11:18to agree to a ceasefire, too. And we'll certainly
11:20have news on that when we find out that news.
11:22Are you confident that
11:24Putin will keep the ceasefire
11:26considering that he's broken them in the past?
11:28I haven't – we haven't spoken to him
11:30yet with substance
11:32because we just found out and we just were
11:34trying to get Ukraine to agree. So
11:36we're going to know very soon. I've gotten some
11:38positive messages, but a positive message
11:40means nothing. This is a
11:42very serious situation. This
11:44is a situation that could lead to World
11:46War III. And
11:48Biden should have never let it happen.
11:50Incompetence allowed this to happen.
11:52This shouldn't have happened. October
11:547th in the Middle East should have never
11:56happened with Israel.
11:58The horrible
12:00leaving, the way they left
12:02Afghanistan should have never happened.
12:04Inflation should have never happened.
12:06We have great inflation numbers, by
12:08the way, just got released.
12:10Inflation is way down
12:12and it's based on what we've done.
12:14We've done it in a very short period of time.
12:16We had virtually no inflation
12:18for four years. We had almost no
12:20inflation. And when these characters took over
12:22we went from no inflation to
12:24the worst inflation probably in the history
12:26of our country. So it's
12:28very interesting. Go ahead.
12:30And by the way, I have to
12:32speak of inflation. I love
12:34these sides. What's with these sides?
12:36President Trump,
12:38I'm trying to stay
12:42but I'm very impressed with the VPs.
12:44Mr. President,
12:46what does it say to you
12:48that the United States is recognized
12:50as having such an important role in the
12:52peace process and yet half
12:54the parties from the North American government have decided
12:56not to come to some type of
13:00They haven't come over. They're boycotting
13:02those negotiations.
13:04What are they boycotting?
13:06They are talking about your position on
13:08Gaza as one of the most...
13:10Oh, I haven't heard that. I really haven't heard that.
13:12Can I just say, I got to pay tribute to the President
13:14on the peace initiatives.
13:16The one thing we've learned in Ireland
13:18about the peace process that you've just spoken about
13:20and I recall back in the early 90s
13:22when the first tentative steps
13:24to get peace in Ireland, people
13:26like John Hume or people like
13:28Albert Reynolds and then Taoiseach
13:30they kept going
13:32and when we got that ceasefire
13:34in 1993, okay, it took a number of years to get
13:36the comprehensive peace settlement
13:38but again, the guns more or less largely
13:40went silent. The war in Ukraine
13:42is a devastating war on young people
13:44and I think that very
13:46simple, straightforward narrative
13:48is to be commended.
13:50We all have children
13:52I mean, we're shocked
13:54at the prospect of young people
13:56losing their lives in that
13:58number. Be they Ukrainian,
14:00be they Russian, whatever. Anything
14:02we can do to stop the violence
14:04I think is an extremely positive thing
14:06and there will be all sorts of people
14:08having qualifications and all the rest of it.
14:10It's our job then to work on it and to try and build it
14:12in Europe, US and everywhere.
14:14I will say, I will say
14:16and thank you for that, but I will say
14:18last week 2,500 young
14:20people died while we sit
14:22here and talk and while
14:24they talk about peace
14:26but they've been talking about peace
14:28this should have never happened. This war should have
14:30never happened. It would have never happened if I was
14:32president. That's what makes me more angry than
14:34anything else because you've had
14:36far more people die than they report
14:38than these people report for whatever
14:40reason but you had far more people
14:42the numbers are far more devastating. You'll find
14:44that out someday and
14:46it doesn't affect you
14:48very much. They're not Irish
14:50and they're not from my country
14:52they're from Russia mostly
14:54almost all from Russia and from
14:56Ukraine and people could say
14:58why are you doing this? Why are you involved in that?
15:022,000 people a week
15:04are dying and
15:06they have families and they have
15:08mothers and they have fathers and they have
15:10sisters and they have brothers and friends
15:12and they're dying
15:14and I've seen the pictures, the satellite pictures
15:16that we see all the time
15:18and it looks like Gettysburg
15:20in its prime
15:22because that was
15:24they say one of the most horrific
15:26battles ever
15:28you have kids lying
15:30all over these fields that are dead
15:32because the weapons today are unbelievable
15:34between drones and
15:36various types of guns. I'm not even talking about
15:38beyond that with the big
15:40babies. You understand what I mean? I hate to even
15:42mention the name, the nuclear name. I hate
15:44to mention it but you have
15:46weapons today that are so powerful
15:48and I see kids every week
15:50I see pictures of kids
15:52laying all over the field dead. They're dead
15:54beautiful kids. They're dead
15:58they're not from here and they're not from where you
16:00are but he's working
16:02very hard. We're all working hard to get this
16:04thing finished. It's crazy
16:06over nothing and it's not going to go
16:08anywhere. It's just a terrible situation
16:10and I think
16:12we have a
16:14chance to get it done. So we've gotten
16:16half of it as a ceasefire
16:18and if we can get Russia
16:20to stop
16:22then we have a full ceasefire
16:24and I think it'll
16:26never go back to war. I think something will
16:33Can I ask you about your relationship with Israel?
16:35There's been a lot of talk recently
16:37the government are looking to bring in what's called the
16:39Occupied Territories Bill which would ban
16:41goods from Occupied Territories
16:43I know you met with Prime Minister Netanyahu
16:45recently. Did Ireland come up in that conversation?
16:47Did he raise any concerns about the Irish
16:49One thing I'll tell you, you're not from Israel
16:51that's for sure. She's
16:53definitely not from Israel. It's an
16:55interesting question coming from you
16:57We talk about
16:59everything. Israel has been
17:01under siege as you can see and
17:03they had a fight back. October
17:057th was a terrible thing. People don't like to
17:07mention it but it was a terrible terrible
17:09day in the life of the world
17:11and it's amazing
17:13the way people don't mention that but it was a
17:15I've never seen anything like it
17:17those are other clips I get to see. You know as
17:19president you get to see clips that
17:21you'd rather not see but I see
17:23clips and that was a terrible day
17:25for the world and
17:27we're working hard with Israel
17:29we're working hard to see if we can
17:31solve the problem
17:33I will say I just saw 10 hostages
17:35and they were treated really badly. They were really
17:37treated badly. I was shocked. I asked
17:39them was there any kindness
17:41one was in there for 500 days
17:43one was 323
17:45days. I said was there any
17:4710 of them. I said was there
17:49any kindness
17:51like did they ever say
17:53don't worry you'll be okay or
17:55give you a little wink or give you
17:57like an extra slice of bread
17:59or something and
18:01everybody said all of these
18:03people said zero
18:05it was hatred. It was pure
18:07hatred so I mean
18:09that's a very deep seated problem
18:11Could you give the Taoiseach some advice
18:13Could you give the Taoiseach some advice
18:15Ireland is in the midst of a housing crisis now
18:17and I know you have a lot of experience as a businessman
18:19how can the state
18:21build tens of thousands of houses
18:23You know why they have a housing crisis
18:25because they're doing so well
18:27they can't produce houses
18:29fast enough. That's a good problem not a bad problem
18:31That's a pretty good answer
18:33Will you put more tariffs on
18:35the EU
18:37Everybody should have that
18:39problem that's okay
18:41I know this gentleman he'll get it
18:45Will you respond to their retaliation
18:47Of course I'm going to
18:51Our country didn't respond
18:53The EU was set up
18:55in order to take advantage of the
18:57United States
18:59Is Ireland taking advantage of the US
19:01Of course they are
19:03I have great respect for Ireland
19:05and what they did and they should have done
19:07just what they did
19:09but the United States shouldn't have let it happen
19:11we had stupid leaders we had leaders that didn't have a clue
19:13or let's say they weren't business people
19:15but they didn't have a clue what was happening
19:17and all of a sudden Ireland has
19:19our pharmaceutical companies
19:21this beautiful
19:25of 5 million people
19:27has got the entire
19:29US pharmaceutical
19:33in its grasp and you know you mentioned
19:35housing and you mentioned other things
19:37I have property in Ireland as you know
19:39I love it it does great
19:41but I'd like to have
19:43I'd like to see the United
19:45States not have been so stupid
19:47for so many years not just with
19:49Ireland with everybody
19:51you know I looked at trade deals
19:53I was telling the group yesterday
19:55I looked at trade deals in term
19:57one it's one of the reasons I decided
19:59I had to do this because somebody had to
20:01straighten it out and I didn't see anybody that was
20:03going to I looked at trade deals
20:05that were so bad I'd actually say
20:07how is it possible that
20:09this could have happened who would have been so
20:11stupid to let these deals happen
20:13for instance
20:15when the pharmaceutical
20:17companies started to go to Ireland
20:19I would have said that's okay if you want
20:21to go to Ireland I think it's great but
20:23if you want to sell
20:25anything into the United States I'm going to
20:27put a 200% tariff on you
20:29so you're never going to be able to sell anything
20:31into the United States you know what they would have done
20:33they would have stayed here
20:37he's so lucky that I wasn't
20:45well we are
20:47planning to lower taxes
20:49if the Democrats behave but the Democrats
20:51have no clue you saw that the other night
20:53during the speech
20:55two young women were slaughtered
20:57by illegal aliens one young man
20:59has very serious cancer
21:01and many other
21:05we look at the people up there
21:07they all had difficulty very serious difficulty
21:09but when we're talking
21:11about two young girls beautiful young
21:13girls Lake and Riley
21:15you know the whole
21:17story that evening
21:19was a disaster for the Democrats in my opinion
21:21and I would mention
21:23I see two mothers that were
21:25inconsolable as they stood
21:29their daughters have been
21:31absolutely just destroyed
21:33killed viciously killed
21:35and the young man who
21:37loves the police departments
21:39he had cancer
21:41and has cancer very bad cancer
21:43there wasn't a
21:45from people sitting
21:47there Democrats
21:49there wasn't a hand clap
21:51nobody stood
21:53they were just stone faced
21:55these people are sick there's something wrong with them
21:57there was no standing for anybody
21:59the only thing they liked
22:01is when they heard about the death
22:03taking place with Ukraine
22:05they were happy about that
22:07they were happy about that
22:09Pocahontas was very happy
22:11that's why I looked at her
22:13and said oh it's Pocahontas
22:15these people are sick they don't know what's happening
22:17in the real world the Democrats
22:19need to get their act together
22:21and if they don't vote
22:23then what you're going to do is you're going to have taxes
22:25that are going to go through the roof you're going to have a very bad time
22:27you're going to have some very bad things happen
22:29and people are going to blame the Democrats
22:31and Schumer is a Palestinian
22:33as far as I'm concerned
22:35he's become a Palestinian
22:37he used to be Jewish he's not Jewish anymore
22:39he's a Palestinian
22:43there's been a lot of
22:45on and off
22:47some inconsistency
22:49there's no inconsistency
22:51only with NBC
22:53which is one of the worst networks on television by the way
22:55let me just tell you the inconsistency
22:57I have the right
22:59I have the right to adjust
23:01and I was called
23:03by the automakers
23:05as an example
23:07General Motors, Ford, etc
23:09the big three
23:11the big four
23:13and they asked me to do them a favor
23:15delay it for a period of four weeks
23:17so that they're not
23:19driven into a little bit of a disaster
23:21for them
23:23they actually love what I'm doing but
23:25they had a problem
23:27and I'm not like a block that just
23:29I won't delay
23:31it's called flexibility
23:33it's not called inconsistency it's called flexibility
23:35and I think you want me to be
23:37flexible too
23:39is flexibility going to be your ongoing view
23:41sure I'll always have flexibility
23:43but there will be very little flexibility
23:45once we start
23:47April 2nd is going to be a very big day
23:49for the United States of America
23:51the United States of America
23:53is going to take back a lot of what was stolen
23:55from it by other countries
23:57and by frankly incompetent US leadership
23:59grossly incompetent
24:01I gave you an example
24:03of Ireland I would have never let that happen
24:05impossible for that to have happened
24:07but we're going to take back our wealth
24:09and we're going to take back
24:11the companies that left are coming back
24:13if you haven't read
24:15we have the biggest computer chip company ever
24:19has virtually all of the market
24:21I didn't call them they called me
24:23and they called for two reasons
24:25number one we had a great election of somebody that they want
24:27running the country and we ran
24:29we won in a big mandate
24:31we won every swing state
24:33we won by millions of votes
24:35we won by 2,750
24:39to 500
24:412,750 districts
24:43to 500
24:45that's why the map when you look at it was entirely
24:47red meaning Republican
24:49not meaning
24:53so anyway
24:57this country needed somebody
24:59to defend it
25:01it's this big beautiful place that was being
25:03ripped off by
25:05illegal immigrants coming in from prisons
25:07coming in from mental institutions
25:09gang members, gang leaders
25:11drug dealers
25:13pouring into our country with the open borders
25:15I am so angry
25:17at the last four years
25:19at what they've done to our country
25:21what they've done to this country between inflation
25:23but maybe the most that bothers me
25:25is that they would allow millions of people
25:27to come into our country
25:29that is stone cold
25:31murderers, killers
25:33drug dealers, the worst
25:35gang members, the worst people
25:37allowed into our country
25:39and we're now getting them out
25:41I want to thank Tom Holman by the way
25:43he's doing a great job
25:45and I want to thank Kristi Noem who's doing a fantastic job
25:47this is a job
25:49that's so unnecessary, this should have never happened
25:51this should have never happened
25:53so we're bringing back our country
25:55in many ways, not only financially
25:57and financially we'll be stronger than ever before
25:59I think the markets are going to soar
26:01when they see what's happening
26:03I'm called every day by numerous
26:05big big companies
26:07I spoke at the business round table yesterday
26:09they had the largest attendance
26:11they've ever had and these are only the CEOs
26:13and chairmen
26:15but mostly the people that run
26:17the boss, the people that run the top
26:19150 companies
26:21150 people showed up
26:23every single company showed up
26:25first time it ever happened
26:27it's been around a long time
26:29the biggest business leaders, we had a great discussion
26:31went really well
26:33and I want to tell you there's tremendous optimism
26:35out there about our country
26:37in terms of regulations being cut
26:39in terms of taxes being cut
26:41and it would be great if the
26:43Democrats would do what's right
26:45it would be great if the Democrats
26:47would do what's right for our country
26:49for a change because they really are
26:51they've lost their way
26:53they've lost their way
26:55they think
26:57they think that people pouring into
26:59our country from prisons, jails
27:03we have 11,088 murderers
27:05that were allowed into
27:07people that murdered people
27:09half of which murdered more than one person
27:11in our country
27:13we're getting them the hell out
27:15who would allow this to happen
27:17who would allow men to play in women's sports
27:19and they're still fighting it
27:21it's got to be a 95% issue
27:23but they're on television
27:25this morning, I see this person
27:27the Democrats say we should have the right
27:29no, no, men should not be
27:31they're hurting women
27:33they're hurting women
27:35very badly, they're hurting women
27:37and they're also demeaning women
27:39but who would want these things
27:41and everything's transgender
27:43everybody's transgender, that's all you hear about
27:45now, that's why we won the election
27:47in record numbers
27:49but very importantly
27:51now it is what it is
27:53the Democrats should get with us
27:55a good tax policy
27:57so that Ireland and other countries
27:59can't take our businesses
28:01away from us
28:03and he understands exactly
28:05you guys did the right thing, I'm not upset with you
28:07I respect what you've done
28:09you've done a great job
28:11but our people
28:13did a very bad job
28:15how advanced are your plans
28:17to try and bring some of those companies
28:19back to America
28:21I'd love to have them back
28:23are you fighting me on that?
28:25what I would say, President
28:27if I could, one second
28:29it's a two way street too
28:31we are investing a lot more in America now
28:33and people may not realize
28:35but Ryanair
28:37one of our biggest airlines, for example
28:41they buy more
28:43the two of them together buy more Boeing
28:45airplanes than anybody else
28:47outside of America
28:49it's a little known fact, it doesn't turn up in the statistics
28:51but Ryanair and Aircap
28:53big aircraft leasing company, Irish company
28:55have done great work with Boeing
28:57huge investments over the last couple of years
28:59and there's a lot of
29:01Irish companies here now, about 700
29:03Irish companies based in America
29:07Smurf Group
29:09a lot of them creating thousands
29:11of jobs in America
29:13and it's only fair, that's correct
29:15that's the way it should happen
29:17and I think it's a very good relationship we have
29:19it's a historic one
29:21it's happened over time
29:23we've added value to American companies
29:25we've increased our value, they've got access to the European market
29:27and they did all of that
29:29I understand where you're coming from fully
29:31but I think it's a relationship that we can develop
29:33and that we'll enjoy into the future
29:35and we'll change it, we'll adapt
29:37and you're evolving and you're doing things
29:39and they've done a very good job
29:41now I just will say this
29:43but with all that we've said
29:45we can talk about Ryanair
29:47I don't mean by a little bit
29:49there's a massive deficit
29:51that we have with Ireland
29:53and with other countries too
29:55and we want to sort of even that out as nicely as we can
29:57and we'll work together
29:59we're going to work together great
30:01but the deficit is massive
30:05Will you hear this one?
30:07You said earlier that it was now up to Russia
30:09in terms of the ceasefire
30:11is there anything you can do
30:13in terms of pressuring Russia
30:15Yeah, we can
30:17but I hope it's not going to be necessary
30:19sure we can pressure, we can do that with Russia
30:21remember this
30:25took Georgia
30:27from Bush
30:29they took Crimea
30:33a man named Obama
30:35Barack Hussein Obama
30:37they tried to take the whole thing from Biden
30:39they're going for the whole ball of wax
30:41who was the only one that never took anything
30:43from Trump
30:45and in fact, I'm the one that stopped
30:47Nord Stream 2, the pipeline, the biggest pipeline
30:49anywhere in the world, I stopped it
30:51it was dead, and then Biden got in
30:53and he approved it, nobody mentions that
30:55what I did
30:57to Russia was very tough
30:59I was the toughest ever
31:01but they never took anything from me
31:03they took them from Obama
31:05and Bush, and they took it from
31:07sleepy Joe Biden
31:09with Biden they wanted to take the whole country
31:11but I think I've stopped that
31:13but we'll see
31:15but yeah, there are things you can do
31:17that wouldn't be pleasant
31:19in a financial sense
31:21I can do things financially that would be very bad for Russia
31:23I don't want to do that because I want to get peace
31:25I want to see peace, and we'll see
31:27but in a financial sense
31:29yeah, we can do things very bad for Russia
31:31it would be devastating for Russia
31:33but I don't want to do that because I want to see peace
31:35and we're getting close to
31:37maybe getting something done
31:39that Ukraine done
31:41and as you know, I've always said that
31:43Ukraine might have been the more difficult
31:45party, you saw, you were here a week ago
31:47when some interesting things
31:49happened, I had somebody
31:51that didn't seem to want peace
31:53now he's agreed to peace
31:55so we'll see what happens
32:01yes, thanks
32:03first of all, we congratulate you
32:05on your lower inflation
32:07gas prices going down
32:09airline prices going down
32:11this is for the Irish gentleman here
32:13if I can see you real quickly
32:15welcome to the United States, you look great
32:17thank you
32:19nice to meet you
32:21nice to meet you
32:23make America
32:25great again
32:27if you could vote on MIGA
32:29make Ireland great again
32:31what would your number one issue be
32:33for people in Ireland right now
32:35to make your country stronger
32:37and I've got a two part question to that as well
32:39the number one issue in Ireland is housing
32:41to be honest, and I think it was correctly pointed out
32:43we've got to build more houses
32:45we've got to build them faster
32:47to give young people in Ireland an opportunity
32:49to afford to buy a house
32:51or to afford to rent a house
32:53we have a lot of other good things happening
32:55that's my number one priority
32:57are you trying to persuade me
32:59Ireland is known for very happy
33:01fun loving people
33:03that's a great attitude, many in this room right now
33:05that I've met
33:07why in the world would you let Rosie O'Donnell
33:09move to Ireland
33:11it's just going to lower your happiness level
33:13thank you, I like that question
33:15do you know you have Rosie O'Donnell
33:17do you know who she is
33:19do you know who she is
33:21I'm joking
33:23you're better off not knowing
33:25Mr. Prime Minister
33:27are you expecting
33:29to inform the President
33:31on Gaza, considering that you have
33:33diametrically opposed positions
33:35on the state of Palestine
33:37your country is one of three in Europe that recognises the state of Palestine
33:39are you expecting to discuss this
33:41with the President, are you expecting to inform him
33:43I don't have to inform the President
33:45he's very well clued into the whole situation
33:47we share the President's
33:49again unrelenting focus on peace
33:51and he's envoying the President
33:53himself, as soon as he came into office
33:55went to get a ceasefire
33:57we've been calling for a ceasefire for a long time
33:59we want to consolidate
34:01the peace, that is our fundamental
34:03we want the hostages out, I've been saying it from day one
34:05it's a horrific thing to do
34:07to take someone as a hostage
34:09and I went to Kibbutz
34:11after October 7th
34:13in solidarity with Israel
34:15and that gets forgotten
34:17and I went a week or two afterwards
34:19I saw the Kibbutz
34:21it was a shocking thing to see, even though it was a week or two
34:23after the horror, it was a village
34:25you could see life going on prior
34:27to the attack
34:29it was something that will not leave me
34:31and I've been interested
34:33in the Middle East for a long long time
34:35it's complex, and it's all of that
34:37but we do desperately need the hostages out
34:39all of them
34:41let me finish
34:43and then we need a ceasefire, we need to consolidate that
34:45we need a surge of humanitarian aid
34:47into Gaza
34:49because again there's too many children and too many people
34:51and it's that humanitarian
34:55is what motivates the Irish
34:57in respect of its views
34:59and I've always been of the view
35:01it's been our view that a two state solution would be ideal
35:03it's become much more challenging and difficult
35:05as time has moved on
35:07but that has always been our position
35:09but it's genuine to have people
35:11because we've gone through this, we've discussed this
35:13prior to you coming in
35:15we've been through some of this
35:17people hating each other
35:19acts of violence carried out on each other
35:21we came through it
35:23and I just hope that Arab
35:25and Jewish people can live side by side
35:27and I admit with people, parents of
35:29children who were killed on both sides
35:31called parent circle
35:33in Israel, and they work to try and bring
35:35people together, it's difficult work
35:37What about the president's plan to expel
35:39Palestinians out of Gaza?
35:41Are you discussing that with him?
35:43Nobody's expelling any Palestinians
35:45I don't know, who are you with?
35:47I have a voice in America
35:49Oh no wonder
35:51Can you touch on
35:53how he feels about the president
35:55just saying that he would like to take back
35:57US companies, pharma companies
35:59bases in Ireland?
36:01Well I think the pharma companies in Ireland
36:03are doing very well as the president has
36:07again I think it's about that
36:09two way partnership, I understand fully
36:11where the president is coming from, I think there's actually
36:13room, that we can discuss all this
36:15I think there's room for those companies
36:17to grow in America, and many of them by the way
36:19have already announced fairly significant
36:21manufacturing investments now
36:23just recently, like people like Eli Lilly
36:25for example, who have been a long standing
36:27presence in Ireland since the 1970s
36:29I spoke to the CEO recently
36:31he's a great guy, and
36:33he's announced I think about a 50 billion
36:35investment in America, but
36:37there's big investment, they've had big investment
36:39in Ireland, Ireland has served them well too
36:41you know, the workforce is very strong
36:43it's an educated workforce
36:45they've delivered well, during COVID-19
36:47a number of CEOs
36:49said to me, a lot of the plants in Ireland
36:51were the only plants that never closed for a single
36:53day during COVID
36:55not a single day, productivity is good
36:57and so on like that
36:59Mr. President
37:01thank you so much, you spoke
37:03to Robin Hooding for
37:05quite a while now
37:07so I want to know
37:09your assessment, when you
37:11take this deal to him
37:13how do you assess
37:15the chances of
37:17I have no assessment, and I don't go by chances
37:19I think it makes sense for
37:21Russia, a lot of downside
37:23for Russia too, and
37:25we have a very complex
37:27situation solved on one side
37:29pretty much solved, we've also
37:31discussed land and other things
37:33that go with it, we're not just
37:35doing it and saying ceasefire, we don't know
37:37what's happening, we know
37:39the areas of land we're talking about
37:41whether it's pullback or not
37:43pullback, we've discussed a lot of
37:45the details of what has to go because we don't
37:47want to be wasting time
37:49we don't want to be wasting time while people are
37:51dying, I mean as we're sitting here
37:53you probably had two people
37:55die on that very
37:57open field, you know it's dead flat
37:59it's great farmland and it's
38:01dead flat, there's no protection
38:03the only thing that stops a bullet
38:05is a human body, and these
38:07are bodies that are young people
38:09and they're stopping a lot of bullets because a lot of
38:11bullets are flying across those level
38:13fields, dead flat, no protection
38:15whatsoever, it is a
38:17disaster, and
38:19so I hope he's going to
38:21I hope he's going to have a ceasefire
38:23you are using
38:25you are using
38:27the American leverage
38:29to get a lot
38:31of political issues, well I don't want to get
38:33into that, but if I had to, I'm the only one that's
38:35dealt with them successfully, everyone else
38:37I went through it
38:39Bush didn't deal with them
38:41successfully, dealt with them terribly
38:43got ripped off, and
38:45Obama was a
38:47disaster, you know
38:49they have with Obama, he gave them
38:51sheets, and I gave them
38:53anti-tank missiles
38:55you know that right, it's called javelin, you know
38:57the javelin, I'm the one that gave them
38:59the javelins, people don't say that
39:01and then they say, oh Trump has a great
39:03relationship with Russia
39:05I'm the one that gave them the javelins
39:07Obama gave them sheets
39:09that's an expression, he gave sheets
39:11I gave javelins, so
39:13I'm worried
39:15I'm worried to the undocumented Irish people
39:17about your administration that you
39:19will burn the bottom Senate over here
39:21Oh I think the Irish love Trump
39:23we won the Irish with a tremendous amount
39:25of vote, I want to thank you very much
39:27we won
39:29in the 80's with Irish
39:31I got the Irish vote
39:33I think I have it locked up pretty good, unless I did
39:35something very stupid
39:37like drained your company
39:39your wonderful place
39:41of all of its companies
39:43if I drained Ireland of all of the
39:45maybe I'd lose the Irish vote, I don't know
39:47but right now, I love
39:49your, I love it
39:51I've been there many times as you know
39:53and we don't want to do anything
39:55to hurt Ireland, but we do want
39:57fairness, and he understands
39:59Mr. President
40:03No, no that's enough Kelly, thank you
40:09I can't hear
40:17Oh there's so many, are you kidding me
40:19I do happen to like your fighter
40:21he's got the best tattoos
40:23I've ever seen, I don't know if I'm a big fan
40:25but that
40:29Connor's great right
40:31talking about Connor
40:33but you have a lot of
40:35great Irish fighters actually
40:37great fighters, I don't know what that is
40:39but Ireland's always had a lot of good fighters
40:41you know why, because they're tough people
40:43they're smart people and they're passionate people
40:45and they really have been over the years
40:47so many, I think your father was a
40:49great fighter right? He was
40:51and yet look at you, you're so smooth
40:53he was a very good defensive
40:57he was a really good
40:59he was a good boxer
41:03genetically I'm not going to mess around
41:09a couple more from somebody that didn't ask a question
41:11yeah please go ahead
41:13should Apple go back to the US government
41:19Apple's been treated very badly
41:21look Apple had tremendously
41:23bad luck
41:25I thought they had a very good lawsuit
41:27but they lost
41:2916 billion dollars
41:3116 billion
41:33and they were after a lot of our
41:35American companies, see that's what's unfair
41:37it's the European Union, I'm not blaming you
41:39I'm blaming the European Union
41:41the European Union's gone after our companies
41:43and Apple's a great company
41:45and they have to give 16, 17
41:47billion dollars on a lawsuit
41:49that I didn't think was a good lawsuit
41:53that's not good
41:55we have a problem with the European Union
41:57they don't take our farm products
41:59they don't take our cars
42:01we take millions of cars, BMWs
42:03and Mercedes Benz and Volkswagens
42:05and everything, we take millions of cars
42:07I said to
42:09Angela Merkel at the time
42:11I said Angela how many Chevrolets
42:13do we have in the middle of Munich
42:15why? None
42:17I said you're right, we have none
42:19that's the way it is, we have none
42:21I'm not happy with the European Union
42:23I want to tell you
42:25and we're going to win that
42:27financial battle
42:29tariffs on European cars
42:31is that something you're going to consider?
42:33oh absolutely
42:35I will do that
42:37think of it
42:39they have millions of cars coming in
42:41millions and millions of cars
42:43probably the largest, Japan's very big too
42:47and they don't accept our cars
42:49they have great cars
42:51they don't have our cars but we have their cars
42:53they don't have our farm products
42:55we have the greatest farmers in the world
42:57they don't accept our farm products
42:59and we accept theirs
43:01things are going to change unless they
43:03do what they have to do
43:05and they know what they have to do
43:07this is not going to be a tough battle
43:09in my opinion, not going to be tough
43:11just like when Ontario charged us
43:13this will be one in one hour
43:15and they announced what we were going to do
43:17and they withdrew their
43:19little threat
43:21and what they don't say in Canada is that
43:25have you ever heard that?
43:27we have tariffs on dairy products
43:29from Canada of 270%
43:31going up to 400%
43:33you never hear that
43:35Canada is absolutely
43:37one of the worst
43:39and when I say worst
43:41worst in terms of charging tariffs
43:43their dairy products
43:45they charge our farmers
43:47240, 250, 270
43:49and 400%
43:51think of that for dairy product
43:53and we charge them like peanuts
43:55you know why? because we've been
43:57improperly run for so many years
43:59I had that all settled in my first term
44:01but then of course Biden
44:03he let everything go to hell
44:05one of the things we did is we took from China
44:07hundreds of billions of dollars
44:09and I have great respect for President Xi
44:11but he understood that
44:13you can't have a one-way street
44:15one more question
44:17can you say which countries you might target
44:19in your next travel ban?
44:21say it
44:23can you say which countries you might target
44:25in your next travel ban?
44:27wouldn't that be a stupid thing for me to say?
44:31he said which countries
44:33am I going to target
44:35for the next travel ban
44:37can you believe somebody would ask that question
44:39as part of the
44:41what tariffs is he going to put on Ireland
44:43well we're going to talk
44:45we're going to be talking really to the European Union
44:47you know I will tell you this
44:49one little, we'll end it with this
44:51so I have a property, a big property
44:53in Ireland that you know well
44:55it's one of the most highly rated hotels
44:57in all of Europe, it's beautiful
44:59it's a beautiful 600 acres
45:01on the ocean
45:03and everybody knows it
45:05and we have a beautiful hotel
45:07and I was going to do a project there
45:09expansion of the place
45:11this was when I was a civilian
45:13before the presidency, before I even thought about the presidency
45:15but I was going to do a really
45:17beautiful expansion of the
45:19because it does very well
45:21and I got the approvals from Ireland so quickly
45:23they were so professional
45:25they wanted it, you know it's economic development
45:27it's jobs, it's construction jobs
45:29a big expansion, beautiful expansion
45:33but I was told something that bothered me
45:35they said sir you also have to get approved
45:37by the European Union
45:39I said why do I have to go to the European Union
45:41to expand a hotel that's in Ireland
45:43they said well that's the way it is
45:45I say well
45:47shouldn't that go fast, they said no
45:49it'll take at least 7 years
45:51you gave me the approval
45:53in about 4 weeks
45:55it was a beautiful professional
45:57if you took 4 years you wouldn't have done
45:59a better job, you know everything was done environmentally
46:01there's no reason to take very long
46:03I had everything from Ireland
46:05in 4 weeks
46:07and then
46:09I hired somebody
46:11he said the process will be from 5 to 7 years
46:13and I said
46:15oh really, and then I found out that
46:17they weren't playing games
46:19think about how bad that is for
46:21your country
46:23so that was my first experience with the European Union
46:25and I dropped the project
46:27I just said I'm not going to do that, I'm not going to go
46:297 years to expand something
46:31but I'll hand it to Ireland
46:33you were so professional, so good
46:35but I don't know why
46:37the European Union had to approve it
46:39and with them it was
46:41and that's the European Union
46:43so it was
46:45a very bad experience I had
46:47you have the distinction of being
46:49the only president that has physically invested
46:51in Ireland
46:53through your dune bay
46:55and it's been a good investment
46:57for anybody who should go there
46:59it's just stunning
47:01it's a paradox
47:03even if you don't play golf
47:05it's a stunning landscape
47:07your people have restored it very well
47:09and our people are going to continue to work with you
47:11on that piece
47:13to do it effectively
47:15they've had a great relationship
47:17and the local people
47:19my local councillor Rita McInerney
47:21texted me last week to say
47:23tell President Trump to thank his family
47:25for the way they've worked
47:27with the local community
47:29I love Rory
47:31I think Rory's great
47:33he's a great golfer
47:35he just won two weeks ago
47:37he's a great guy
47:39I played golf with him
47:41three weeks ago
47:43and he's really a fantastic player
47:45he's in good form too
47:47when he played with me
47:49he played very well I can tell you
47:51Rory certainly is one of the favourites
47:53he's always going to be one
47:55he's a very talented guy
47:57he's a very good person too
48:01I will, I'll get there sometime
48:03I hope soon
48:05in fact if we meet we'll meet at Doonbeck
48:07but I hope to be able to get there
48:13what's that?
48:15well NATO has to treat us fairly
48:17if they pay their bills
48:19and if they do what they're supposed to do
48:21when I first got involved with NATO
48:23as you know they weren't paying their bills
48:25there were eight countries and most of them weren't paying
48:27and I got them to pay
48:29and they paid billions and billions of dollars
48:31I made a certain statement that I'm not going to be involved
48:33with NATO unless you're going to pay your bills
48:35and I was asked a question
48:37if we don't pay
48:39are you going to
48:41help us? I said no
48:43if you don't pay you're saying you're delinquent
48:45a term, a real estate term
48:47you're delinquent, you're not paying your rent
48:49you're not paying your bills
48:51if you're not paying your bills I'm not going to help
48:53we took in
48:55your secretary general will tell you
48:57he was very generous to me
48:59he said I've never seen anything like it
49:01money came in by the billions and billions
49:03and billions of dollars and NATO became
49:05much stronger
49:07now NATO has expended a lot of that money
49:09in fighting this horrible war
49:11it's too bad they had to do that
49:13but they had the money from me, I was the one that got people to pay
49:15most of the countries were not paying
49:17or they were paying a very small amount
49:19so we'll see
49:21Ireland can be a force for the good
49:25that's up to Ireland
49:29we are very close
49:39well look I can just tell you about
49:41my personal experience that Ireland
49:43treated me very well and the EU
49:45was terrible and they stopped really
49:47a magnificent addition
49:49it wasn't a big deal from the standpoint
49:51of the world, it wasn't like the things
49:53we're talking about now but it would have been a very
49:55beautiful addition
49:57and they stopped it which is bad for Ireland
49:59and I don't know why
50:01I don't know why it would take 5 to 7
50:03years to get something approved but that's what it was
50:05thank you all very much
50:07thank you
50:09thank you
