• 2 days ago


00:00Previously on wildcards I managed to get Jonathan Ashford's video diary tell you everything you need to know all the presses use your
00:08For you. He's my best friend six more months of my dad's two weeks deal
00:13It's not a private island or even a mansion, but it is our humble home
00:19Most people don't understand what it is we do we don't just pull off robberies heists or scams
00:32No, in fact, we solve puzzles
00:36You see at first the job is nothing more than a flash of inspiration an idea in your mind
00:41It's like a thousand scattered pieces on the floor that you stare at
00:46Until eventually a picture starts to emerge but no matter how insoluble the puzzle seems there is always a solution
00:53Your eyes have seen it your brain recorded it and that little voice inside of you that thing
00:58We call instinct is trying to guide you with confidence
01:09Everything you need to know is always right in front of you
01:13You just have to look more closely, okay Ashford
01:19Hmm what is boss babe up to?
01:27Where's my girl
01:30There you are right on
01:34How do you do it?
01:36Work all those hours and still manage to meditate every night. You're probably meditating on ways to leave your husband scarf, man
01:44Can he not with the duck lips? What do we say about snooping? Okay, what do you expect me to do?
01:50I'm so bored being stuck in this chair all day
01:54Yeah, I told you not to jump in the children's ball pit. I had a nickel for every time someone said that to me
02:00Okay, you've got a couple more days till that cast is off and you're rocking a cute pair of heels
02:08Besides you promised you'd keep up with your homework. I've been watching the greatest con man in history all day
02:13I just needed a little break just a little break. Okay, I'll be home later
02:18Oh and stop sending me so many cat gifts. They're so cute though
02:23They're not that cute though
02:29There's one in a sombrero tell us it's gonna love that
02:39Max again, I'm gonna tell you something max bored alone and on pain meds is not a good thing
02:44She won't stop sending me pictures kind of pictures cats
02:47Yeah cats eating burritos cats and tacos cats eating corn chips. It's a lot of cats and Mexican food
02:53I don't know why admit it
02:55You miss her
02:57Come on no one to bounce ideas off. No one to share inside jokes trade shoes with trade shoes. I
03:09Just got those I'm wearing socks this time relax listen up everyone
03:13We got a body in an apartment at chestnut and Shaw start the engine Simmons not so fast
03:18I got a call this morning from the city. Your driver's license has been suspended. What they can do that
03:24Do you realize how many unpaid parking tickets you have? Yeah tons. I'm a cop
03:28I can park anywhere not in your civilian vehicle
03:30I was undercover at the grocery store mud wrestling and medieval times. I'm always undercover not anymore
03:37You're gonna pay those unpaid parking tickets pass a written exam and take your road test again till then you're benched Ellis Simmons
03:43You're up. Yes, sir, like old times
03:46Now I'm driving just hook my ride up with a new sound system. Nice. Cool. Whatever shows back in the box
03:52Ellis do not adjust my seat. It took me months to find the perfect setting these games gotta breathe those games got a study
04:06It's illegal to leave unattended sheep in a truck since when
04:11What do we got deceased is Alan Murray 45 single lives alone, who's the bacon squad neighbors
04:17They have a standing Sunday night date to watch some kind of a reality baking show with. Mr. Murray wouldn't answer his door
04:23They called the super to unlock it
04:25All right, sit inside. I'm awfully sorry about the pie
04:31Oh that pie
04:49I'm sorry. I didn't mean to
04:51I didn't mean to
04:53I didn't mean to
04:55I didn't mean to
04:57I didn't mean to
05:00Detective it's the victim's wallet health card membership to a bulk grocery store and an auto insurance slip
05:06It's no credit cards. No driver's license. Yeah, I know strange, right?
05:11It's got a lot of cash in there. So he wasn't robbed
05:18It's recycling it's neater than my whole apartment this guy's place was immaculate
05:25What about you guys?
05:27No, yes, no max. It's just us today. Oh too bad
05:32So what's up with our guy here?
05:34Preliminary suggest an impact wound on the victim's right temple
05:37Which seems consistent with the blood smear on the frame of the coffee table
05:40But the head wound was not the cause of death. You helped me roll him. Yeah
05:46One two three
05:49Not a lot of blood given the size of the wound if the shard hit a major organ
05:53He would have bled out from within time of death. I put it between 8 p.m. And 10 p.m. On Saturday night
05:59I'll know more when I get him back to the shop. Okay. Thank you
06:02All right
06:04Story time
06:07All right, so approximately 24 hours ago Alan Murray was in his
06:12Very tidy apartment when he tripped over the corner of his rug falling under the coffee table
06:19Or he hit his head glass from the coffee table shatters or he falls on a shard of glass puncturing his back and an organ
06:26He bleeds out internally seems like an accident to me. Let's get the neighbor's statements and call it a day. He's used by
06:47The four of you and mr. Murray would meet every Sunday at 6 p.m. Is that correct?
06:52We all bring something we baked and then basically stop ourselves and watch Baker's the light
06:58Why was it strange to you that he didn't come to the door? I mean couldn't he had just been running late
07:02Alan could not abide tardiness
07:06He scheduled his life down in a minute. He was crazy organized. Yeah, when he didn't answer the door. We called the super to let us in
07:13Did any of you touch the body? I checked his pulse. I'm a nurse
07:17Now did any of you guys see anyone strange in the building yesterday? No, I
07:22Know I know who killed him
07:26It was that darn carpet all of us have tripped on it on some time or another
07:33Okay, they were good here thank you for your time you're free to go
07:40Now that was fast
07:42Although with Yates, there's usually a lot of ongoing commentary trust me Max was here
07:48This would have taken an hour longer would have everyone's zodiac sign favorite Backstreet Boy current donut preference
08:00What is it just strange that a guy that was that meticulous wouldn't just found the time to fix his carpet, you know
08:13What you doing working max, how's the case going good you need something? Yes a new ankle this one's still swollen
08:21I really need to go. Okay, tell me the truth
08:23And if he's around answer and hiccups one means yes to you means no this is driving you crazy yet, of course not
08:29It's it's great. Cool
08:31That's great. I mean, it's fine. It's going fine. Okay, we're doing our jobs, but I really need to go max
08:38Yeah, okay go bye
08:45Okay, but if he tripped on the corner of the rug he would have fallen forward not backward I could have twisted maybe
08:52It's still something that's bothering me his belt
08:55It's looped around from the left
08:57But all those photos his belts looped around from the right
09:02Yeah, I guess he never changed the way you put your belt on exactly and his shoelaces
09:05They're tied in just a regular not just the way you and I would tie our shoes
09:08But in the photos his shoelaces are always tied with a Berluti not
09:13Berluti not
09:17Max went on about shoelaces one time for like an hour. Don't ask where you're saying somebody else tied his shoes
09:23more than that
09:25We think someone may have redressed the victim after death that would explain this look
09:31Once I removed the shard of glass in his back. I discovered these yellow fibers
09:38Right, but he was wearing a green shirt when he died
09:40No, he was wearing a green shirt when his body was found but according to these fibers
09:45He was most likely wearing a yellow shirt when he died. Okay, so somebody changed his clothes after he died. Why would they do that?
09:52to hide evidence
09:55So this wasn't an accident. This was murder
09:57The evidence says it could be a bit of both
10:00The wound indicates an initial impalement, but the angle of the wound shifts
10:05Meaning what I think Alan fell on the shard of glass, but didn't die
10:10Then someone went out of their way to push it in further
10:14Which is what killed him
10:24All right, Murray was a freelance accountant who did most of his work from home
10:29All his clients say he was a great guy just like his neighbors who all have solid alibis
10:36Just screw up there. I don't know how many hours of footage from the apartment
10:39It's like the quietest building I've ever seen nothing out of the ordinary during the time frame of Murray's murder
10:43Yeah, I looked into his credit cards. Nothing since Friday. So we got a murdered guy that everybody loved. We know the motive wasn't robbery and
10:50Somebody went through all the trouble to redress the victim after they killed him. So what are you thinking? I think we're back to square one
10:56Friends, it's cracked Murray's cell phone. They said there's over a hundred pages in text alone
11:03It's progress right there, I'm gonna go make some fresh coffee, okay
11:14He makes me coffee every single day even frost my milk it's like a party in my mouth
11:34Scarf man is throwing a rager
11:36And who is that hottie? Well, she's flirting up a storm as you can see
11:42I'm super handsome and super important and have a great set of hair. Oh
11:47Scarf man. I wish you were as available as I clearly am
11:54Boss babe, it's not gonna like coming home to this
11:57Walk away from the flirty girl scarf man. Walk away. Oh, babe. I
12:02Didn't expect you home from the office. So early
12:05Do you know how hard it is to be a working girl in the non-prostitute way?
12:10Of course, I want these good-for-nothings out of here right now. I can't believe you
12:16Don't you know I'm an emotionally stunted man, baby who needs attention? Oh
12:21She's over it
12:29Yeah, go home you're all too young to be out this late anyway
12:35No, you did not just put your hand on hotties lower back. That's so brazen. It's like the
12:40International sign for we're banging. Oh and now they're leaving together
12:47Now feel your sister Cheers
13:03Girl it is 10 in the morning
13:07Were you up all night spying? No. Okay. Yes, but in my defense
13:12There was a party going on across the street speaking of the gift bags last night were epic. I brought prezzies
13:19Prezzies keep you entertained
13:22Okay, magic wand love it princess one for a princess
13:28Yeah, I don't know about that one
13:32Slime the coup de gras
13:35Ricky you get me. Yeah, I've got stories way more interesting than whatever. This is give me ten minutes to shower. This is glitter off
13:46Let's see what's going on in Casa de drama
13:52What are you doing home in the middle of the day boss, babe you usually meditate at 9
14:00Scarf man, are you just getting home?
14:02walk a shame
14:05Huh, what is that?
14:08Okay, this is new
14:16Okay, that's a gun here's a gun Ricky
14:22This is not happening, come on boss, babe turn around
14:39Come on scarf man, where are you?
14:42Where is boss babe, and why does that suitcase look so heavy?
14:57Ellis shut up and listen. I just saw a woman across the street get shot. Yes shot. I just witnessed a murder
15:03I don't know what happened to her. I don't know what happened to her
15:06I don't know what happened to her. I don't know what happened to her
15:08Yes shot I just witnessed a murder
15:14You really saw a murder
15:17You sure you didn't just leave the TV on max
15:19Listen to me scarf man. The husband shot his wife boss, babe while she was meditating
15:25They were having trouble and by trouble I mean him because he was the one hooking up with hottie
15:29Okay, so you saw with your own eyes this woman get shot
15:32Well, no because it was in between the windows, but I heard the gunshot. Okay, so you heard it
15:37Well, I didn't exactly hear it, but it was a muzzle flash
15:39So you didn't really see scarf man fire the gun at his wife
15:43No, because I'm across the street, but I saw him roll her out in a suitcase
15:47Okay, did you see him put the body in the suitcase? No, but it was heavy like human body heavy. Okay. Well then
15:54Just a sec
15:56This is Ellis the supers arrived. Okay. Yeah, I'm just pulling in
16:00Hey, do we get any reports of gunshots in the Argyle and fifth area? No, you mean interrogation? Okay. See you soon
16:06Max there hasn't been any reportings of shootings in the area. Okay, I got to interview somebody right now. I got to go
16:11I'll look into this. I promise
16:22What's that that is Murray's cell phone
16:24It's a very interesting text exchange between the two of you on there quite the little side hustle
16:29You had going there using your master key to break into people's apartments except Alan found out didn't he he was gonna tell the owners
16:36Maybe you confronted him things escalated
16:39You panic try to cover it up. It's quite the rap sheet. Yeah
16:43To be nice just a start
16:45You've been busy. So where were you Saturday night between the hours of 8 and 10 p.m
16:51repainting an apartment for new tenant
16:54Go ahead
16:55Ask my wife
16:59Come on show up boss, babe proved me wrong
17:09Hi, hello
17:11this place is
17:13Abnormally nice, you know the self lock on your front door is off. Yeah, Ricky disconnected it every time he takes out the trash
17:18She locks himself out. Huh? Where's Ellis? Did he find scarf man? Is he across the street with Simmons?
17:25No, I checked
17:27No reports of gunfire. No 9-1-1 calls in the area Ellis sent me on a wellness check, but besides the hallucinations you seem all right
17:35Hallucinations. Yeah, they're on painkillers, right? I was once on painkillers that made everybody look like Margot Robbie
17:44That was a really great day
17:47Where are your payments I'm stone-cold sober
17:52Why is no one trying to investigate that murder? We need probable cause
17:58If you cry wolf and there's no evidence of wolf then was there ever really a wolf
18:03I'm hungry. Are you hungry?
18:05Where's your fridge?
18:07Then scarf man rolled the suitcase out and left which means the body of boss. Babe is still somewhere out there
18:15They're out there my Simmons and you're realist
18:19probably arguing about where to get lunch and
18:23Playing never have I ever used my badge to do this
18:27Are you jealous
18:32Are you not
18:34Okay, I have an idea. How about I
18:37Help you study for the driver's test get you back on duty with Simmons and in return you help me prove that I'm not hallucinating
18:44Yeah, okay. Where do you wanna start with a little trip to my closet?
18:48Sounds weird
18:49Let's go
18:56See that look familiar
18:59This is footage from the video doorbell across from the apartment. You said that you were repainting
19:07Except you left after just 20 minutes and you didn't return for two hours two hours during which you killed Alan Murray
19:13No, I didn't
19:15Look, I'll tell you the truth, but you gotta promise what I'm about to tell you doesn't get back to my wife
19:26Turns out our super was paying weekly maintenance visits to mrs. Roberts on the third floor
19:30Yeah, she was confirmed being with him between the hours of 8 p.m. 10 p.m. On Saturday
19:35So the super is not our killer and no one else was seen on the victim's floor
19:40Except for the neighbors, which means these four are potential suspects exactly. Well, uh
19:45Betty was at the Senior Center nurse Carla was working the night shift at the hospital Josh Brown Rebecca Brown
19:51We're both a slam poetry night all of them confirmed. So we have no suspects
19:56Come on, you two used to be my go-to guys
19:59Learn what's going on, but you need to get out there and find out who did this
20:03Yes, sir
20:08Testing testing one two and five six seven eight cool it I need to get into character I
20:20Can see you looking at me just it's how I do it
20:30Curtains up
20:33Good afternoon. My name is Yolanda and I have a question for you. Do you believe in Jesus?
20:41Represent the cheese of the month club and I'm here to offer you a good a deal. Huh? Work it girl
20:47I don't think I'm interested. Well cheese is an aphrodisiac. Do you know that?
20:53Maybe you have a special someone in your life. Maybe wife, you know, maybe a girlfriend. Hey, you might have both
21:01Boss babe cheese of the month club or something
21:06Good afternoon
21:07She's alive
21:13But I saw him kill her yeah, mostly you made an Asiago out of yourself
21:17Are you sure was boss babe his wife you were talking to? Yes. Trust me. They were married
21:21Okay, they hated each other I could tell but actually I guess it wasn't all for nothing
21:29Here what is this I'm the cheese I told them my payment app is down
21:33I can only take cash. It's your half the sale. I gotta run. I gotta practice parallel parking
21:38I'm keeping the shirt
21:48Hey, it's me. Hey, you're right no murder over here, but I think scarf man is still hiding something
21:56Where are you?
21:57stuck on this case is
22:00How to get out of the office so I could think talk to me
22:04Okay, my Vic this guy named Murray was killed in his apartment Saturday night right now
22:09Nobody other than his neighbors or the super entered or exited the building the night. He was killed. So it's one of them
22:15No, no, they've all been alibi'd
22:17Everything about this guy's life was predictable. You should see his apartment. It was like
22:22OCD organized that something's still not sitting right with you. I can hear it in your voice. You've gone over everything a hundred times
22:29Think you've gone over everything you're investigating
22:33Now you need to let your mind go and let your instincts do the work. Just go to the place and stare
22:41Yeah there you make sure you're not next to a metronome this one time
22:45I hypnotized myself and ended up in a nudist quality in New Mexico
22:49Are we here again Murray had a system for everything. I think that can help us. Now. Look he kept a newspaper for every single day
22:57Of the week right now. He would fold every newspaper twice like this
23:02So you put it under his arm, right?
23:04Now every newspaper is folded twice except for the Saturday paper bought on the day
23:10He was killed that one is only folded once
23:14Come on you gotta admit it's strange that a guy who was that meticulous would have just forgot to fold the Saturday paper
23:19There's a thin line between meticulous and hoarding. I
23:22Noticed something earlier. I didn't think anything of it. But now that you mentioned it
23:31Murray a lotto ticket
23:36For every week. This is every ticket he got
23:39Chronological order. Look at this. There's the same number every week only there's no ticket
23:45From Friday's draw. Why is that? I mean, it's got to be around here somewhere, right?
23:50The only place we haven't looked is the fridge
24:13Look lettuce is all wilted. There's moldy fruit. Oh, yeah, this milk is bad. Everything's gone bad
24:23Butter's melted
24:25But everything's still cold. What if someone took everything out for a day and then put it back in?
24:29Why would somebody do that? It doesn't make any sense. Yeah
24:33Unless someone was trying to pull a con on us
24:36I think you're right. Wait, so if someone put him in the fridge that would change the time of death
24:40It would after you called I did a deeper dive into some tissue samples and noticed a few anomalies in lividity
24:47Okay, one more time in english
24:48Please the victim's blood had pooled around his midsection as though he were upright
24:53But as we know the body was found on his back. So someone really stuffed him in the fridge. Exactly
24:58This changes the time of death to friday night around 8 p.m
25:02Well, that's a whole day earlier than what we thought look we need to re-interview all the neighbors
25:06What better way to give yourself an alibi than to fake the time of death?
25:10All right. Thanks. Olive
25:13Time has always been a critical part of my life and profession
25:16Of course more often than not my freedom depended on it the timing
25:21Security guards making the rounds a countdown to an alarm trigger the position of the sun as it beams through a window
25:28I've known many men who in their later years feared time, you know the old cliche. There's simply not enough of it. Not me
25:35I suppose i've always admired the indifference of time to the weight of memory no matter what
25:41It just keeps on ticking
25:50Wait, did I see what I think I just saw
25:57Ricky what do you got? So I looked into scarf man
26:00Like you asked it's actually got a play in the theater across the street murder by candlelight. So it's a murder mystery
26:06Yep, he's a writer director and star typical control freak megalomaniac
26:11What about boss babe?
26:12It's a money train, you know big corporate lawyer and get this she owns the theater which doesn't make a dime
26:19So he's just a loser with a wandering eye
26:22Yeah, well infidelity is not illegal and no one's dead now get back to that video. Hey, no pouting
26:28I have to go ricky's a busy boy. Oh, um yates says we need to fix our door
26:41Yates yeah, i'll be your study buddy if you be my homicide homie
26:48Yes, I still have the cheese
26:51We think one of murray's baking buddies killed him on friday night
26:53But then made it seem like he got killed on saturday night so they could alibi themselves out
26:58That's why the killer changed murray's clothes to help with the illusion
27:01Exactly, but when it came down to his belt and shoelaces, they messed up. What about the super ironically?
27:07He was actually repainting an apartment with his wife. Wait till you guys hear this
27:12Murray got that paper that same paper from the same shop every day. Just got off the phone the owner
27:18He says he came through on friday got the paper, but he did not on saturday
27:21Someone planted the saturday paper, but they weren't smart enough to fold it the way murray always did i'm not finished
27:26Murray also played the same exact lottery numbers every week and guess whose number hit in this friday's draw. No
27:32Oh, yeah
27:34murray won
27:35To the tune of 4.7 million dollars and guess what that winning lottery ticket is now missing you two just found your motive
27:43Get going
27:47Okay, what animal is it illegal to race against on the highway?
27:51dog horse
27:53Okay, this one's both antiquated and judgy women cannot drive in a
28:02Simmons took ellis to our burrito place. Are you tracking his phone? Of course I am. He's basically a child
28:16Weird boss babe is meditating during the day again. She usually only does that at night
28:24Oh look scarf man is at it again
28:30What I have neighbors too
28:33Checks his watch. I'm not sure why maybe they're kinky time nerds
28:40Coveralls on
28:45Whoa, whoa, that's a knife. Oh my gosh. She's gonna kill you again
28:51Hey stop call each how many backup
28:55Wait, come back
29:00She's alive again what
29:04It's not his wife. Oh my god. That's hotty in a wig
29:09That's the woman I talked to you yesterday with the wig on
29:12It's not her
29:13It's not her
29:15It's not her
29:16It's not her
29:18It's not her
29:20It's not her
29:22That's the woman I talked to you yesterday with the wig she looks exactly like boss, babe
29:27Why would she fake being his wife his wife?
29:31that he murders
29:32So hotties pretending to meditate just like boss, babe, and then they're timing it
29:38I'm awful role-playing but that has an ick factor of like 11
29:43Oh my god, you're a genius. What if these fake murders are rehearsals for a real murder?
29:48Of course, there's only one real way to be sure
30:04Excuse me. Are you allowed to be back here? Oh
30:08I don't know
30:09Are those stairs allowed to be blocked?
30:12Are those light stands in the fire lane?
30:15Who are you? I am the fire marshal
30:18Now leave me at once or i'll shut this whole production down
30:22Go bye
30:25Testing testing so you're british I panicked
30:31Are these things working? Okay. Yates vision is it go?
30:34Let's see if we can find hot
30:36Max, how did you get your hands on military grade spy glasses? Ah, ricky. He gives the best stocking stuffers
30:43Can I borrow them? But if I forget kill defeat on your end at 10 tonight, okay?
30:47You definitely don't want to see what I get
30:50Oh check this out
30:52Those are all the props scarf man was using in his rehearsals with hottie
30:56That's the gun and that's the knife
31:02stage manager's cue sheet
31:04What time does boss babe do yoga again? She starts at 9 p.m. Sharp and goes till around 9 45
31:10The thing is scarf man is on stage the entire time. Yeah, not quite
31:14According to this it says that he's got a quick change at 9 10 and he's back on stage at 9 20
31:20That gives him 10 minutes
31:22And no one would even know he's gone. That's why he's timing himself. Oh tonight's the last performance if he's gonna kill her tonight's tonight
31:30Hey, look, can you see this I can literally see through your eyes so hottie's the place costumer
31:39How do they plan to slip in and out without anybody noticing
31:46Think I know how
31:59I can see you. Can you see me?
32:01Yeah, I can see you and I can see your binoculars. You might want to invest in some blinds
32:06I'd say it's about 30 seconds from the back door of the theater to the murder condo
32:10And then a minute through the parking garage and back up the stairs
32:13And then it's tab tab tab down the stairs through the alley and then back on stage none the wiser
32:20With everyone thinking he's behind the changing screen during his one break in the play and using hottie as his alibi
32:25Neither one would ever get caught. Do you know what this means?
32:28We just solved a murder before it even happened. Now. We can arrest scarf man and hottie. No, it's circumstantial
32:34Scarf man and hottie can rehearse a murder in a mall on black friday, and there's nothing we can do about it
32:39That doesn't make any sense. Of course it doesn't but we live in a world where it's illegal for a woman to drive a motor
32:45Vehicle while wearing a house coat so until scarf man actually tries to murder his wife
32:51We can't do a thing
32:57Look gates is right. Okay at this point, it's just circumstantial but he's going to try and kill her max
33:02I already ran their names neither scarf man nor hottie have a criminal record
33:06No history of violence nothing that would indicate murder. Well, they're conspiring to kill her. That's got to be some sort of crime
33:12Yes, it is. Okay, but they haven't actually committed a crime that you can prove yet
33:16Look, you want to get your mind off this for a sec? Not really
33:20Fine. Okay, my vic murray. We searched his place and found his wallet, right? Get this
33:25No driver's license. No credit cards. I bet you you hid them
33:29No, we searched his place three times came up empty. Of course you did you don't hide your driver's license and credit cards at home
33:36Right because you have to take them with you
33:40Max I gotta go. I'll call you back. Okay. Good luck
33:54Well, i'll be damned
34:00How did you know to look in there I didn't it's max's idea
34:06All right, so we have a winning lottery ticket, but we still don't have a killer
34:34Oh, yes we do
34:40All right, there you are
34:51Nine o'clock right on schedule
34:57Same routine now you're in position and so are
35:06Here they come I knew it
35:17Now that hottie's not the victim she can be on the lookout
35:30Here come the copper holes
35:36Okay, there's the knife he's gonna go through with it where's hottie
35:52Okay, hot he's gone there's no way she could have seen me in the dark
35:59He's in the apartment
36:14How would I go with the first
36:40Scene wow gates you killed that replacing the real knife with a fake knife brilliant
36:47Ricky guess what? We got him
37:30Drop the knife drop it. I got it
37:42Hey, you okay, yeah, i'm fine
37:49Here I got you
37:55I mean, thanks for coming and everything, but I had it under control. Right? Sure you did
38:10How did you know I was in danger your new bestie yates
38:13Yeah, I was actually already on my way here to tell you that we solved the case
38:17Thanks to you. Tell me everything
38:20Thanks for coming back in just need to get those signatures on your statements. We heard you caught alan's killer. Yeah
38:26Yeah, sadly, it was a random break-in
38:29But justice will be served all good you guys must be really excited for betty, huh?
38:37Wait in here
38:39She won the lottery on friday
38:424.7 million. Oh, right. Yeah, that was uh, here she is now
38:47Anyway, thanks for coming
38:56You found the lotto ticket and cashed it without us what
38:59I did not you're not going to get away with this betty. You barely did anything
39:04You had the idea to bend up the corner of the carpet, but that's all i'm the one who had to push him harder
39:08Onto the class. I'm the one that changed the whole time of death without me
39:12You all wouldn't have thought to put him into the fridge
39:14Well, that didn't really help in the end and I did not cash any lotto ticket, yeah, sure you did they just told us
39:22then he's
39:27Did you forget something? You know what we did actually
39:32You found the lotto ticket and cashed it to arrest you all of you. Wait cuff him
39:37Turn around put your hands behind you when you say ken and will be held against you
39:41This is the state you have the right to turn
39:44Getting the suspects to turn on each other classic twist. Well, how did you know it was all of them?
39:49So when we first interviewed them, we took down their birthdays, of course now
39:52I knew I had the answer right in front of me, but I just couldn't see it
39:56So did what you said I stared
40:00And I stared and I stared until finally it came into focus
40:05Turns out their birthdays match the numbers on the lotto tickets. They were in a lotto pool bingo
40:11Murray would buy the ticket for the group every friday except the friday before he died. That's what he told them
40:15Let me guess they didn't believe him. I guess there was a little bit of a scuffle an argument
40:20Murray fell through the coffee table, even though he was impaled by this piece of glass. He was still alive
40:25But he wouldn't tell them where the lotto ticket was
40:27So that's when they pushed him further on the glass and that's ultimately what killed him. Ouch
40:32Such a nice and regular guy and then he goes and does something like this
40:36He has a daughter. She's got a ton of debt. She's a single mom
40:39She was in an accident about a year ago, so she can't work like murray saw this as a way out for her
40:43You know financial freedom and the good news is that she gets to keep the winnings. Well, that's nice
40:49I guess you really should fix the lock. I thought you said this was a party. We're the beats dorks
41:04I got a good one. What does it say?
41:07That I solved your case
41:09Very funny. You're breaking up with me. I'm not breaking up with you gates
41:13Look the heart wants what the heart wants. Okay, so i'm just gonna set you free because you know
41:19If you love something you let it go. I'm not
41:21I'm going anywhere
41:23You're not you're my partner. I'm your partner. Okay, I even
41:29I even missed you a little what?
41:34Okay, shut up you're embarrassing yourself max i'm taking you out for kebab even if I have to carry you down the stairs
41:40what why is
41:42Why is everyone here? What did I miss? I'll explain on the way. You had me at kebabs. How are you still hungry?
41:47kebabs for dessert
41:50All right, good night guys max i'm good. Thanks
41:56I don't think i've ever been in a cop car before
42:01So what about us what about us are we gonna stay partners
42:05look simmons is a great guy, but I mean he's just so
42:09Not me
42:11So i'm not you
42:12Okay good because yates would just not shut up
42:16It's almost like she has to say every single thing that comes to her mind
42:19Okay, like the other day we were talking and are you gonna finish this? Yeah. No, okay good
42:23Anyways, as I was saying ricky got me the cutest little green slime. I love slime
42:29It's almost like it brings me back to my childhood. You know what I mean?
42:31Like when I just hold it and now that I think about it, I wonder where that is
42:34Maybe slime represents a more innocent time in my life
42:43Let's see what we got for the old office this time
43:10Do not let max see this off and away with you
43:23Magic number
43:31I I need a magic number. I need a magic number