(Adnkronos) - “A Palermo abbiamo avviato un progetto, con un partner economico privato, per creare una comunità energetica per la produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili, ma stiamo andando avanti anche per l’elettrificazione delle banchine” ha spiegato Luca Lupi. Il segretario generale dell'Autorità di sistema portuale Mar di Sicilia Occidentale ha partecipato all’incontro dal titolo “Il mondo della green e blue economy” all’interno di LetExpo, la fiera di Verona diventata punto di riferimento per i trasporti, la logistica, i servizi alle imprese e la sostenibilità.
00:00This is a very important event because obviously all the actors of the logistics sector are present.
00:11So for us to be here and to be able to compare is certainly something extremely useful and extremely positive.
00:19More so because it is also an opportunity to assess what we are doing in our ports.
00:27Especially in Palermo at the moment we are carrying out a series of very important projects in the sustainability sector.
00:35We have launched, together with a private economic partner, a project to create an energy community for the production of energy from renewable sources.
00:46We are moving forward also in terms of cold ironing and for the electrification of the benches.
00:52So we expect to have five benches available from here next year to be able to power the ships electrically when they are docked in the port of Palermo.
01:02Ten in the entire network.