Dani Jackel | Dani Jackel
00:00Hi, I just want to um give you this ticket because you're not wearing green and this does have my number on it
00:05So in case you're interested welcome back to my channel. My name is danny jackal today
00:08I'm in san francisco and it's st. Patrick's day. And this is the pinch police prank part two
00:15You're not wearing green i'm not wearing green unfortunately
00:21You like that?
00:23I'm good
00:24Why you're not green is you wanted this, huh, maybe asking for these pinchies maybe
00:30Yeah, can I pinch those cheeks?
00:34No, I just want to read read my phone number in your phone. Sure. Okay, let's do that. Sure that works same thing
00:42There you go
00:44Well, here's your phone. I'm gonna do just one more for the road. Sure. Love you. I love you too. Bye. Bye
00:54You're not wearing green
00:57What I got green right here I got green right here that's not green
01:02That's green I got green that's olive that's that's brown that's mushroom
01:09Are we gonna get technical with this kind of that's how it works. That's that's i'm the pinch police and
01:15i'm the pinch police
01:18Double whammy, that's right pinches for you both. I celebrated yesterday. Shut up. I don't want to hear it. I'm wearing green where?
01:28Get my eyeliner
01:32That passes right are you not a pass boxers? Yeah
01:37She'll pass but you're getting double pinches
01:41Are you okay with me touching him gosh
01:43As much as you want
01:45Don't we love consensual pinches? Yes. Do you want to pinch him with me? I'll pinch you. Oh, yeah, you like that
01:53Two girls all over you
01:57Is the first date? No, we're friends. We're hanging out. So you want it to be a first date?
02:03No, this would be like our like fifth date if we were like dating
02:06No, maybe wow, you guys are friends and i'm only hung out five times. Sounds like a good tweet. Love you guys. Bye
02:16Don't sit here and tell me that that's green when that's brown
02:19I went off the tin patties day yesterday. I was decked out in green. You can pinch you gotta pinch
02:26All you uh, okay
02:30Oh, I got green on my shoes
02:32That'll cut it. But that's you're on thin ice discount
02:36I'll make an exception for you. Can I please consensually pinch you since you're not wearing green?
02:41Sure, okay
02:43Do you want it a little harder or is that fine? You can go for it
02:46Okay, is that too much? That's fine. I don't feel anything. That's what she said
02:51I wish I did
02:54Thank you. Yeah anytime always here to pinch. Thank you. Maybe i'll be back for seconds later. Please do. Thanks
03:07Hi, I just want to um give you this ticket because you're not wearing green and this does have my number on it
03:12So in case you're interested, um
03:14Just call that number
03:20This one's gonna hurt without a shirt on but you're not wearing green. Oh
03:24Yeah, so sorry, but I had to pinch. Oh this counts
03:28No, it's like aqua. No, it doesn't
03:31I do also have to give you a ticket for not wearing green. This does have my number on it, though
03:36So feel free to use that as you'd like. I might steal your dog if that's possible, too
03:41Oh, yeah, you like that?
03:44What was that?
03:46A little pinch since you're not wearing green. Oh, thank you. Oh, sorry
03:50Uh, I went on yesterday so
03:56You're done. No, no, that's not how it works
03:59So what happens now i'm not done giving you pinches
04:03That's all i'm saying
04:05Thank you. I mean like you might be done wearing green, but today's the day
04:08I'm, not familiar with the like, what are you supposed to do on st. Patrick's day? Just wear green and drink?
04:13I don't know about I'm just here to pinch
04:16Because all I see is not green
04:19I'm kidding. I want your number. That's the real reason
04:24Hey girls
04:25Sorry, just stay right here for one sec. Yeah, i'm just evaluating and yep, you're not wearing green. Oh, I am i'm not wearing she is
04:34Oh, then you're you're out of clear. You can just stand over there really quickly and then let me just get both of you guys
04:39No, you couldn't do it better. You want it harder? Oh, yeah, you like that?
04:44Was that good do you also want my number
04:48You do okay, okay
04:52Okay, cool
04:54What's your name danny i'm diana. Oh double d is perfect
04:59My favorite
05:01Okay, perfect. Love you
05:05Thank you guys so much for watching the video
05:06I hope you enjoyed it
05:07and if you did
05:07Please be sure to give it a big thumbs up comment below subscribe and follow me on the rest of my social platforms and i'll see
05:12You in the next video. Bye