Drama with Canes QB Carson Beck... Carson and Hannah Cavinder appear to have broken up. Has he lost himself to asstron?!
00:00The Miami Hurricanes have a new quarterback this year.
00:03His name is Carson Beck.
00:04Got him from Georgia.
00:10There's a little drama going on with Carson Beck and this is not
00:13You know, today's college athlete is not yesterday's college
00:16And so I feel okay talking about this because first of all, he's
00:19getting $4 million play for the Canes.
00:21Second of all, never push a Tobin.
00:23What's that?
00:24I didn't know the team meant for push a Tobin when you say yesterday's
00:27today's athlete.
00:28Yeah, I'm just saying like, look, these, this is, this is essentially
00:33a celebrity couple these days, even though they're playing for the
00:36University of Miami, they're a celebrity couple.
00:39And this, this was part of the deal when he came to the Canes is
00:43that he dated one of the Cavender twins.
00:46I believe he dates Hannah or did date Hannah and apparently
00:53Couple weeks in Miami, Carson Beck may have got distracted by
00:56Ashton because she did the patented move, which is wiped him from
01:04his, her Instagram.
01:05Oh, okay.
01:05Unfollowed him on Instagram.
01:07And then the twin Haley, she comes out here on social media and
01:14basically refers to the guy as a rat bastard.
01:17It's so many words.
01:18It's so many words.
01:21I think I know what might have happened.
01:23The twins.
01:28No, he was, he might have been drunk, forgot, made a move at the
01:36wrong one.
01:38No, there's a lot of things going on.
01:40Remember, they both got their automobiles, you know?
01:44Oh, they did.
01:45Well, that's the other thing is they just got their car stolen.
01:47Like, what was it like a Lamborghini and a parent, a parent, but
01:52apparently what it was, Vlad, I think he got caught.
01:54So she works.
01:55I think she has a deal with Jake Paul's network better, right?
02:00And then better did this whole expose, like this little breakdown
02:04on Tik Tok or whatever social media.
02:06And I think he got caught snapchatting apparently.
02:09Okay, he got caught.
02:11He got caught snapchatting and I don't know.
02:15Apparently not a thing.
02:16You know, her sister then comes out and she has this on social
02:20I just want to say one thing because I can't be too crazy unfiltered
02:25on here.
02:27If your sister comes to you or your friend or someone that's really
02:31important in your life and they have a gut feeling about a relationship
02:36or a friendship, for example, and they just tell you that on a
02:39repeated basis, trust your dang sister.
02:42Trust her.
02:43She's always right.
02:44I promise you or your mom.
02:46They're always right.
02:46So anyways, happy Thursday.
02:53It's not my story to tell, but yeah, I know there's a lot of
02:57speculation and I see someone in my life that's hurting and I don't
03:01think it's okay to not be able to have to always keep your mouth
03:04So it's a little bit of unfiltered Haley on here.
03:08And yeah, I'm trying to be as nice as possible.
03:12All right.
03:13All right.
03:14For you saying you're being unfiltered yet.
03:17You have a lot of filter on she's trying to be.
03:19I think she's yeah, I think the word she's probably was restraint.
03:21She's showing restraint, right?
03:22Restraint because you can't say you're unfiltered yet.
03:24There's filter on your ID, but nonetheless, you can't the less
03:33Carson got either Carson got caught by South Florida as Timbo
03:38Life symbol slices saying, or old work back in Georgia got caught
03:47You understand what I'm saying?
03:48Oh, like an old.
03:49Well, he moved.
03:50I think that's the thing that kind of makes this, you know, this
03:53is not something like we always dive into people's romantic lives,
03:57but this is part of the story.
03:59Like I thought the whole thing was like he came here to be with
04:02Like the whole thing was like that was part of the romanticism
04:05of it all is that he comes to Miami where she's playing basketball
04:09and like that's part of the deal is like, oh man, you know, this
04:12guy would have had a lot of suitors around the country.
04:14He got paid a pretty penny to be down here, but also that seemed
04:19like it was part of the deal that he was going to be that he was
04:22going to come down here and it was going to be their love story
04:24of life, right?
04:25They probably probably had something in the works.
04:28Like you said with the Jake Paul Network, like it would have
04:30been something that would have been great, but yeah, he's a
04:33former starting quarterback at the University of Georgia where
04:36you know, they were in the top five all the time.
04:39My God, $1 million to come to the University of Miami to play
04:43in South Florida.
04:44I'm just saying just a lot of shakiness was going on.
04:47You got your your automobiles, your automobiles were stolen.
04:52Luxury cars were stolen yet.
04:54Hers was the only one that was returned.
04:57That is interesting.
04:58That's fine.
05:00I'm a little worried about this dude.
05:01Can this guy like, you know, this city's not made for everybody.
05:05Is this kid going to be able to keep his head on straight like
05:09with all it?
05:09Because you know, this is going to come with a lot of social
05:11media storm.
05:12These Cavender twins are loved.
05:14Oh, absolutely.
05:14People love the Cavender twins, dude.
05:16And so now all of a sudden if he's if he is allegedly, you
05:20know, being a rat Fink behind her back, what kind of social
05:25media hate is that going to come with?
05:26Is he going to have to detach?
05:28Is he done?
05:28Is he going to be able to deal with all this?
05:30And what if he has one bad game?
05:32What he has, what if he has a great game against Notre Dame?
05:37Maybe he does.
05:39I would that would help.
05:41That would help, but I'm saying, but if he came against Notre
05:43Dame, he'll definitely forget about this breakup.
05:46There'll be people that there'll be.
05:47I will just say though, Vlad, like help him forget about that
05:50this breakup, but everybody was looking at him and I don't mean
05:53to make this, you know, the part of the deal, but here it is
05:56like everybody was looking at him and this is going to be like
06:00this is was going to become the QB one and done stop, right?
06:04Like the Keynes were going to be in this site.
06:06I was like, ah, look what we just did with Cam Ward's draft
06:09status, right?
06:10Cam Ward was like a lower and draft pick.
06:13Now he's going to be the mother bleepin number one pick.
06:16Oh, yeah.
06:16It's gonna happen for Carson Bank.
06:18Well, I think a lot of people thought that but here's the
06:20thing with Cam Ward.
06:23It was football.
06:25It was football.
06:25I didn't know Cam Ward's business.
06:28He didn't let us know his business.
06:29Oh, so wait.
06:30So then what you're trying to say is that Cam Ward was a G and
06:33made sure that he has personal life never got into the public
06:38The only thing we got.
06:40The only thing I ever saw Vlad was him goofing around with
06:44Shador Sanders.
06:45That's it.
06:45That's the only social media we ever got with Cam Ward.
06:48That was on the practice field.
06:49So there was actually still on the field exactly.
06:52And so now color me a little bit worried that I'm like, wait
06:56a minute, dude.
06:57The Miami hurricane starting quarterback who is still young
07:02is now embroiled in what is something.
07:04It means being covered by TMZ.
07:06It's because of this girl, man.
07:08I know dude, but that's what I'm saying.
07:11Like you those Cavendish twins.
07:14They're adorable.
07:15Everybody loves them.
07:16All right, there's two of them and everybody's and every yeah,
07:20and that's how it works.
07:22So there's two of them and that and so now you have a thing
07:26where everyone's going to be, you know, really mad at him
07:28because maybe he did one of the twins dirty and now we're
07:31going to start touchdowns against the fighting Irish.
07:33Ain't nobody going to give a damn about what he did to those
07:36damn twins.
07:37Well, here's the thing though, Vlad.
07:39What if he doesn't?
07:41Then what?
07:41Then he told the University of Florida.
07:45Well, he better.
07:46He better.
07:48But maybe he's too distracted by Ashtron.
07:50Let me tell you this.
07:51If you win, you can get away with sin.
07:53He can't even throw yet.
07:54Can he throw yet?
07:55I don't even think he can throw yet.
07:57I think he's still rehabbing.
07:58And you guys could quote me on that.
07:59If you win, you can get away with sin.
08:07She's the man.
08:17Came here to pursue NFL dreams Carson came here to pursue TNA
08:23dreams, just saying, man, this guy came in a little too horny
08:27to Miami.
08:28I'm just telling you right now.
08:30Allegedly, dude, like we got this whole breakdown happening.
08:34And right now it's a fuego Friday.
08:37I wanted people only and right like we need to get this kid
08:40be able to throw again because apparently rehab he's bored
08:43as hell.
08:45Listen, ladies and gentlemen deal with the fact of what what
08:49this city is.
08:51If you're an athlete and you come to the city, if you're a
08:55top athlete, professionally or collegiately, you come to the
08:58city. There are distractions.
09:02Females are distractions.
09:06It's going to happen.
09:07Learn to deal with it.
09:10But it's long as long as you still can drop 30.
09:15Go five.
09:18He better go home runs.
09:20He better go or make 35 saves.
09:24It's okay.
09:25We'll let it slide.
09:2635 saves.
09:28Well goalie.
09:29If you're goalie.
09:29Oh, for some reason I went I went baseball closer there.
09:33No, I had to go each sport.
09:34I had to find how to find each word drop 30.
09:37So if I touch them three home runs 35 saves, there we go.
09:41Every sportsman cover.
09:42Yeah, you can get away.
09:44Don't you win?
09:45I just have for some reason.
09:46I had I had Kevin Gregg chasing Ashton.
09:51We don't need that.
09:53I don't need that visual.