RANK 1 FUT BIRTHDAY PACKS! 😱 FC 25 Ultimate Team
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► Music Credit: LAKEY INSPIRED
Track Name: "Better Days"
► Outro song:
Venice Beach - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena
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► For business enquiries please email -
► Music Credit: LAKEY INSPIRED
Track Name: "Better Days"
► Outro song:
Venice Beach - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena
00:00We are starting off foot birthday team 2 with rank 1 rewards
00:05We've also got elite division player picks as well these foot birthday picks
00:09You can get team 1 and team 2 players, so we should see team 2 players
00:15Should 84 plus player pick inform
00:19Inform again actually got two informs on 84 plus right now
00:22We move over to the actual trade all packs 85 or trade all player picks 85 plus one or five
00:28Don't just give me oh, okay. There's a new card
00:31How do you put a retailer? Yeah, probably pinged and first heart. She's of course gonna be five star five star
00:3881 shot power
00:40Yeah, looks like an okay card. We'll see her a lot today
00:43It's gonna be one of those common cards and law rate and mod rich. I would just go for ender here
00:49I already got rates and so there's no point last 85 plus player pick we get
00:54Carver how right now though inform
00:57Yeah, let's go for parade. I was thinking the inform, but let's just stick with the rating here 86 plus player pick
01:03We should see foot birthday cards
01:05Nice, I'm an rate and again
01:08Yay, we're not seeing enough foot birthday cards by the way. We've seen one so far
01:12These are 85 plus is an 86 plus player picks. Come on. Let's turn up a little bit
01:17No, no
01:20Okay, what's happening right now? Oh black last 86 plus player pick who we game
01:26Right now though again good though
01:30Terrible to be honest terrible. All right. Let me go for the inform their
01:34Campaign mix player pick anything good here before we move over to the foot birthday pics
01:39Lee say
01:41Sure, I'll take all these say why not? All right, here we go foot birthday pics. Yay
01:46Come on team two cards, of course team ones are possible, but I want to see more team twos we get
01:5592 overall
01:57Look at those defendants. Oh my god, the defensive stats are crazy
02:0295 interceptions, that's nice Gavi
02:05Sam's okay. That's a team one player
02:07Over here. We get singo. That's also a team one player
02:12Zuma Mendy, he's a new player long ball and intercept some decent play styles to be honest you and in the final one Oh
02:20Nabri with the new play style plus as well
02:23He's got low driven plus trick star. Of course five star five star can play on both sides. Oh my god
02:30Who do we go for?
02:31Nabri or Gavi Gavi from the first one what we're getting from the second one team two players. Keep it going
02:38We get Oh
02:39Trend. All right. That's a team one player by a very good team one player one that I actually wanted as well
02:44Sam's that's another team one. Oh
02:49Demarco, oh my god 90 in every single one or 90 plus
02:54Let's say Wow. Yeah, five star five star can play left back and left mids. Oh
03:00My god the stats no joke. These are stats you see when you're in the footies promo
03:07What a card play styles
03:09Lacking in the play style department. You can clearly see they don't want to make the card to Opie. All right, let's give a go
03:15We got two more here. We get it's go classic. Why not? I guess and then the vodka. All right
03:21I do want to go for Trent
03:23But I feel like we kind of have to go for the Marco a four plus times 25 for birthday
03:29Nice Oh for birthday icon. Oh my god. Hold on send back Portuguese
03:36Wait, is this record of value? No, it'll be Ruben Diaz. Yeah, it's karma down. All right, it's karma down Ruben Diaz
03:42Who is it? Who is it?
03:46Is that in a car oh
03:47That's nice. That's nice. Lineker has got low German plus and he's got quickstep as well
03:5290 dribbling night to shooting 90 pace. It's nice to see an icon by the way
03:57It's nice to see a team to icon this early. Please. Tell me he goes for a lot even though it's untradeable
04:03He's under four
04:08Really what's your play styles? He's got tricksters. Well, I'm gonna use him. We'll give him a go
04:1389 plus times 2. Come on. Nice foot birthday. Here we go. We get a center back
04:23What oh wait, is this
04:25Ricardo Cavalli unreal. What rating is he? 91 overall anticipate and aerial the other player is
04:34Antonia silver. Wow, that's good for an 89 plus times 2. That's actually unreal
04:39She looks at like a joke by the way 90 defending 91 physicals
04:44Ricardo Cavalli, what's your pace looking like because I can see it's 85 shadow chem style and you're chilling. Oh, yeah, he's good
04:50This card is definitely gonna be good 85 plus times 10 and it's tradable
04:56As soon as we go over to the tradable packs EA like right we need to put a stop to this
05:00Okay, we cannot continue like this. We've given him record a cabal you Antonia silver. We've given him
05:07Not even an inform
05:09Not even one in four a six plus times ten. Surely
05:13Nice. All right. I don't know who that is walking towards us. It's a cam Portuguese cam
05:21Who got what
05:24Okay, I don't know who this is oh, it's hotter okay, and then this is
05:29Wubbin boy
05:30Anticipate and long ball. Why do I have this feeling that she's gonna be she's gonna be like Raskin in team one
05:37Hold on a second 60% of people watching this video right now have not subscribed
05:42So if you are enjoying a video make sure to leave a like and hit that sub button
05:46This guarantees you a foot birthday card. It's also an
05:5085 plus times 10 with 2 guaranteed to be 88 or higher. Let's go ahead and send this on the content account. Yay
05:57Show me someone usable striker Spanish League F. Sorry, who?
06:05Who is this? I
06:07Have no idea is in inform Alba. Okay, who's the foot birthday? I
06:13Don't know who that is
06:14Zubin Mendy 89. It's a new card. We've not seen him a long ball and intercept
06:21Have a feeling once again that it's gonna be an L. Why do I have a feeling he goes like 30 K
06:25Yeah, he's under 100,000 coins already under 50,000 coins already. That's definitely an L
06:3286% chance of getting a foot birthday card 86 the sweet 16 player pack. Nice
06:39Who is it?
06:41striker Brazil Oh
06:44Mateus cornea, right. Oh
06:47My god, wait, what rating is he?
06:5091 he looks like a nuts card. And then who's the other player?
06:54Alaba Mateus cornea and Alaba. Oh my god
06:59All right, those two have to go for law those two night. This ain't like one of those old 100k cards
07:04No chance Alaba. He has to go. Whoa. Hold on a second. We got five five foot birthday card
07:10All right, Alaba. Yeah, Alaba's one point five one point
07:14Just under one mil around 700,000 coins Mateus cornea nice
07:20600,000 I said nice when I saw 1.5. He's around 400,000 coins
07:24He's 400 K the sweet 16 players pack once again
07:29Who is that cam?
07:32Argentina Oh
07:34Acosta yeah, well, that's not good. That's definitely not good. What is he 89?
07:4088 oh my god, and then that is has a gala 91 overall press proven with technical
07:47She doesn't look bad 90 defending
07:51How much I know again, it's untradeable, but I'm just wondering
07:56Okay. Wow
07:57She is pretty much nothing so far. We've seen a foot birthday every single time from the sweet 16 player pack
08:05Again, though. There's an 86% chance. So
08:07You should be seeing one every time pretty much
08:10Who is this? Is this parade us? Nice 90 overall parade us and then that is
08:18Technical and rapid something that I'm loving right now
08:21By the way is the fact that we're actually seeing new cards pretty much every single time like we're not seeing the same card
08:27Every time it's a new one again
08:29Taking a while to load what we got there in the end the sweet 16 player pack CDM
08:34Has a gala again 91 overall as the as the first walk out
08:40This could be unreal by the way
08:429104 is the first one and then we get out of her again
08:47Second time now out of us two hundred thousand coins now
08:50What is happening with these foot birthday cards like these foot birthday cards in my opinion?
08:54They're way too cheap like these cars look really good and they're 200k. See what you get for birthday
09:01for birthday icon
09:04Dog leash go on David Beckham go on. Wait, who's this?
09:09German bonus eager
09:11Sorry, I missed out on a position Oh
09:13Nabri, okay. Nabri. Who is it? It's Linacre again
09:18Why is he got like a completely different animation to what I ended up getting that looks like a silver animation
09:24Lilica and Nabri though. We've not seen one not have a foot buff
09:28Wait, that's a base icon
09:31Centerback Spanish La Liga
09:34Wait, oh, is this Martinez?
09:37Yes, it is. What rating is he?
09:4092 who's the base?
09:42Varun is it actually bad to say that I forgot this guy was in the game
09:48Kidding. I forgot for honors in this game. I have not seen Harry
09:52McGuire honestly the change of mood right there unreal
09:58McGuire let's ignore for on we can push her onto her side. Harry actually looks unreal those two together
10:04Martinez and McGuire those two together should be a brick wall sweet 16 player pack again taking a long time
10:10The servers right now are a little bit slow. I must admit who is it right wing?
10:18I don't actually know
10:22Who is that Oh
10:24Cascarino 90 overall 97 pays 91 dribbling and the other player is tune. She looks pretty good
10:31I'm pretty sure she's got finisher plus EA. Come on. Yeah, she has got yeah
10:36She's got finisher plus and she's got incisive for foot birthdays in that pack. Good luck
10:41What's he got? Is it gonna load? Oh my god. I thought the game crashed. Who is it cam?
10:46Is it tune?
10:49Yes, unless there's another English sentence nah, there's no way yeah, it is it's to as the first walk out 92 overall
10:57Alibaba seems so common. That's the what the third time now. We've seen him. No wonder. He's like 200,000 coins
11:03I thought he would go for way more by the way
11:05I thought as soon as Alibaba got a promo card that card would be like 500 came in
11:10200,000 coins for this card and you know any other foot birthday now just those two sweet 16 player pack again
11:16Nice. All right. Who is it?
11:18left wing
11:24I don't know. I have no idea who this is Oh
11:28Kamwa and then this is
11:30Gabby first time we pack him. Of course not the first time we've seen him pop up
11:35We saw him from the player pick but first time we actually pack him
11:37Let me go for a price check on Gabby because the chat was saying what was it?
11:40200,000 earlier he actually is he's 250 K. How many informs do you want?
11:45By the way, a seven plus times ten. Nice. I don't know who that is either sent amid
11:52It's parade us 90 overall. So we got two
11:57Two for birthdays. I mean you can't expect that from an 87 plus times 10, don't you?
12:03Antonia silver Tony silver and parade us
12:07We also do get man dander as well. So the first time we see man dander actually might be there you go
12:13He opened it. All right. Good luck, man. Let's see it pull it or no
12:18we get
12:19kelly smith
12:21Great card to be fair. She is actually my uh, my go-to strike right now on a content account
12:25But we want to see more and we see more
12:30Mia ham
12:31You can get both versions and he actually gets the better version in this. Oh my god
12:37And then the last one here don't let this be one of those, you know
12:41like tough situations
12:42He gets viera, but he's already got viera mia ham. Definitely. Let's see what garnacher gets
12:47Let's see if he actually walks away with a usable card. His team is good. So we need a very solid card and yes schweinsteiger
12:56No, no schweinsteiger, unfortunately
13:00He's all right, but like come on we want to see better than that. You can't do my guy garnacher like that
13:08Oh my god, listen, it's not terrible. It's definitely not the worst we've seen
13:14It's definitely not up there. Where are we starting?
13:17I feel like on the left first and then we can go down the middle matthias good start down the middle
13:23Rooney, all right matthias looks like he is the way to go unless we get hiero matthias
13:29Rooney is great, but he's not that much on the market. Are you gonna give another person a hullet? Is it gonna happen?
13:36Honestly, this is this week a leak is about to be insane this week a leak i'm about to see hullet
13:43Oh my god
13:45What is this?
13:4796 of dan 93 hullet and a hiero as well
13:52Hullet. Yeah, like there's no way you go for zadan. There's a dan's on real but like hullet is clear. It's all him hullet
14:00Oh, i'll try to see if the mike theory worked barnes
14:04See that smile, you see that smile on my face. Yeah
14:07There's no smile on my face anymore. Wow
14:10Oh my god, you know what just because gattuso is in here the worst level 40, uh icon peak we have ever seen
14:16You've actually gone for gattuso as well. I'm so disappointed
14:20Down the middle we go
14:22kelly smith
14:24Giving us a little shush as well. Not a big fan
14:26Hmm giving us a little shush as well. No big fan
14:30Oh, actually cole mayday no chance. We see two l's back to back
14:37Hold on hold on what's happening here two l's back to back. We've seen two l's in a row
14:44Oh my god, if it's three l's in a row, we've never seen this by the way
14:47We're back. We're back. We're back. We're back. Stay calm. We got to ram thunderstruck
14:52Well, I say that like we can get the base card we can't that card 1.4 million coins on the market
14:56Can we see someone better?
14:58No, we cannot definitely to ram. It is quite insane. How many thunderstruck cards you see in this?
15:04It's a level 40 icon pick. All right, no messing around here
15:0793 doug leash
15:09Wow, that's a very good card to get why are we seeing ian rush from like every single one now?
15:16Rooney as well. Rooney is so common in this night free dog leash. Super. Good card. Very interesting. Good luck, man
15:24Like first one
15:2696 pele nah this level 40. I can pick in russia again
15:32Jars in your there's a build up on this one. Oh, here we go
15:36Hmm, not the better version of dog leash
15:39sour long ball version
15:41Fiera there you go
15:43Dog leash is nice because you can throw into the evo. Sour is nice, but not the better version of sour viera
15:49Yeah, viera is a uh a tank. Let's say sour. He's actually already got her
15:53He's got the he's got the other version
15:55We've done a lot of predictions for these uh level 40 icon picks, but we're kind of you know
15:59Calming down the predictions a little bit ribbery rooney
16:04Viera, you know what?
16:05I always I feel like viera is the player that saves us the most
16:09Like if we don't get a hooli if we don't get a zico if we don't get a pele
16:13There's always a viera somewhere in the pick in the past like what three days
16:18I feel like we've opened so many level 40 icon picks. It's actually insane. Actually cole
16:24It's not even worth, you know, really speaking about actually. Oh my god. Raquel me as well
16:29It might be one of the worst ones we've seen
16:32Save us, please
16:35And it's the first time it's the first time we see an r9
16:40Oh my god, that is an unreal save. I'm pretty sure he still goes for like 5 million coins
16:47Level 40 icon pick he's all over the place
16:51No words needed no words
16:55Oh my god, I saw the team of the year design and I thought it was gonna be someone so much better canton
16:59I was good though. You're not good. You're definitely not good katusa. No chance. You're good canton
17:04I'll definitely take antenna. There's no name at the top so I can only assume that he's actually already opened this kelly smith
17:11He knows exactly what's in this
17:14Who's this?
17:17We've not seen timidia roberto. That is the first time we see carlos. I know what about this. Oh
17:24Okay. Now i'm gonna assume that he reset the game so we can uh
17:29Kind of suggest who to go for listen roberto carlos this year, especially
17:34It's probably one of the best years for roberto carlos just because of the fact that the heading meta is not as important
17:40As it was last year
17:41roberto carlos is good
17:43But I would go for a little over him the 60th level 40 icon pick we've opened something around there
17:49We've lost count at this point hiero thunderstruck card
17:53Nothing else to say is there than this story mayday once again another mayday we are in trouble situation save us
18:02It's always you hooli it's always gonna be you