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► For business enquiries please email -
► Music Credit: LAKEY INSPIRED
Track Name: "Better Days"
► Outro song:
Venice Beach - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena
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► For business enquiries please email -
► Music Credit: LAKEY INSPIRED
Track Name: "Better Days"
► Outro song:
Venice Beach - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena
00:00You are guaranteed a foot birthday hero or icon in this pack
00:05It's also an 85 plus times 10 as you guys can see it's not cheap
00:11525,000 coins or 4,000 FC points. Let's go ahead and full send it EA
00:17Give me someone that I'm actually gonna use police
00:22Oh, what's her name again?
00:24Has a gala. Yeah
00:26Yeah, it is it's the 91 overall yeah, it has a gala and it is
00:31Sean Sean
00:34Technical and rapids listen. She does like she look good. I'm not even kidding, right?
00:39She looks like a good card, but like out of all the icons the heroes
00:44That's not really the one I want to see give us someone better than push on police
00:50Who is it CDM?
00:54La Liga
00:56copy-pastry Oh
00:58super Mendy, okay, super Mendy 89 overall and
01:02the player is
01:04Who is that? Oh
01:07I'm bastard. Okay, that's definitely better than for Sean power shot and first touch last time
01:13I searched him up. He went for a fair bit. He went for like 400,000 coins. I don't know if he's dropped
01:19He's a hundred thousand coins now
01:23Yeah, I searched him up a while ago clearly
01:26135 K
01:28525,000 good luck so far. We've seen two else back-to-back else not a big fan of that
01:35super Mendy again
01:37I'm not a big fan of seeing super Mendy. I'll be honest to you. I'm not a big fan. But who is it?
01:42Who have we got this time? Oh
01:45My god, no, no, let's not start this with this push on. No, no, no push on twice. Are you kidding me?
01:52It's another L three L's in a row five. How many coins?
01:59It's not looking worth it right now. It is not is there like another foot birthday just like chilling behind
02:05No, just two foot birthdays, but Sean and super Mendy. Good luck from yours. Wait, hold on
02:11Hey, this is just a normal foot birthday
02:15And that's a costa
02:16We hold on. Hold on. Did we open the wrong pack? Oh
02:21Hero, oh my god. Yeah heroes. Don't walk out. How did I forget a costa and
02:26Tune so the hero. Yeah hero will be at the back of the pack. Sorry
02:30We've just seen icon so far so I'm like kind of getting used to that. Who is it?
02:34Ricardo Cavalier
02:36He's not that great and he's not worth that much. That's an L as well
02:42It's a little bit annoying how foot birthday heroes don't walk out and we got a hero once again
02:49Wait, what French League and this isn't in form. Oh, no, it's Mandanda. Yeah, it is. I keep forgetting he's in the team
02:55Mandanda and the other foot birthday
02:59Who is that Oh Semenya, okay hero, who is it? Oh
03:06JJ a culture price check. Yeah, he's around four to five hundred thousand coins. Is that our first W?
03:12I'm gonna count that as a small dub. Good luck from yours historical birthday guarantee pack
03:22Hold on so he's got a hero. He's got zero other foot birthday cards
03:29This item is awkward pack. We've seen who is it?
03:33Ledley King, you know this card ain't bad. They honestly that lady King card. He is actually really solid in game
03:40I don't think he goes for 500,000 coins. I don't think he even goes for 400,000 coins. Does he yeah, he's like 200,000 coins
03:47It's an L
03:4894 Vieira and a
03:5094 Alvarez with him as well with a good old Harry Maguire on the far side. That's a good pack
03:57That's definitely a W. Both of those cards are insanely usable. I want to see an icon
04:02I feel like we're starting to see too many heroes. Good luck. We see a hero. I thought was an icon for a second
04:08Sentiment French
04:14Is it is it Vieira?
04:17No, it's petite. Why is he why is he the first walk out?
04:21That's why Mateus Konya that still doesn't really make much sense to be honest you'd like the icon should be the second walk out
04:27Still that is still a bit weird anyone else in here Zuma Mendy Patrick site. Yeah, we're doing this
04:34525,000 coins. Oh my god. Okay. Listen that doesn't
04:38That it's a straight L. It just means that he's got no other foot birthday card apart from the hero
04:44You still get a JJ. He could still get a tombia a barber
04:48You know, he could still get one of those
04:50Let's hope and pray does because I don't really want to see Leonel Messi and don't be I have a little kick about and then
04:55Call it there when he's just spent
04:57525,000 coins it's Ledley King again. Show us an icon. Nice. All right, we're back
05:04to goalkeeper
05:06German oh
05:08It's just gonna be to stay gun. Oh, we think of like a foot birthday first, you know
05:12I never really think of a gold card first to stay gun. Oh
05:16my god, oh
05:18my god
05:19Push on can you just calm down?
05:23There's no need honestly, no need for her to be this common. No need
05:28Hold on a second 60% of people watching this video right now have not subscribed
05:33So if you are enjoying a video make sure to leave a like and hit that sub button
05:37I'm not controlling this my controllers on the desk. Good luck, man. Oh my god
05:42At least give him like an 88 rated
05:46Mandanda, I think Mandanda is 88 88 or 89. It's one of the other right like at least chucked at him. Who's the hero?
05:53Wait, you already got the hero it's it. Yeah, it's in the dupe section. Oh my god. It's even worse. Who is it?
06:00Have you gone tradable? No, it says yeah. Oh, no. Yes. Oh, we actually had some tradable. Okay
06:06That's not too bad then because now he's gone untradable or key show in his starting 11 and it can actually sell his tradable version
06:13Give us an icon. Oh my god that build up
06:16It's a hero hero again. If it's my key show again, we don't mind let me King. Of course
06:22We don't want to see him. He's a really good hero that we do want to see apart from those two
06:26Of course don't be a barber Jeff in yo
06:28I'm trying to think like who else?
06:30There's definitely one big name that I'm not thinking of
06:33I'm way again. Who is it?
06:38First time we see her. I'm praying. It's the last time we see her. Yeah, Wesley Schneider Ramirez
06:44That's those are the cards we want to see I want to see a new icon
06:48to hero again
06:50Who is that cam?
06:53The costa yeah, so we got to two for birthday cards
06:56So some some pack just have two for birthday cards other packs have zero for birthday cards apart from of course the hero or icon
07:04Nabri, yeah, I've used him. He doesn't move that well. He's got actually a unique body type and that unique body type. Oh
07:11dribbling wise
07:13Questions have to be asked. Who is it? Look how long is taking the load? It's Leslie King egg
07:18Gain, no, let me King Emperor Sean. These two are popping up non-stop
07:23This is probably the most expensive pack that you can open in the store right now
07:27And when you're looking at a gold card walk out, oh my god, you you know, you've just chucked
07:34525,000 coins to see
07:36Which is Bruno?
07:38Bruno Fernandez and who?
07:40Anchor Toto, but it's of course a chance of it being still a dub
07:44How many times how many times are we gonna see him force? Good luck, man
07:49He's got a hero as a tall plow sent him it French
07:56Please say it's not petite
07:58That's pretty it is. Okay icon once again, there must be something wrong with a tea
08:04Unless it's because of the fact that the second player is the same rating. That might be the case. It's just weird, right?
08:10It's just weird not to see these two
08:12It's just weird right it's just weird not to see the icon as the second walk out
08:1694 David Beckham is 5 star 5 star. Of course, all these cars are 5 star 5 star. Oh, yeah. Look at those stats
08:2390 agility they bumped up the agility a lot also finesse shot plus as well and those passing play styles are incredible
08:30That is definitely a W. He should go for like 2 mil maybe more 3 million coins
08:35Geordie good luck, man. Let's see what he gets. We open honestly, we open Geordie's packs and player picks every single day
08:41I want this guy to get lucky. I want him to walk away with a car that he's actually gonna use English left mid prem. Oh
08:49Is this Hudson a toys in form card?
08:51He can be chucked into an Evo by the way, and he looks on real and in that's nabri
08:55Yeah, nabri is popping up nabri seems like one of the most common 91 overall cards. So nothing else in here
09:01Oh, no, we actually do get uh, how do you pronounce that guy's name Yuri? Good luck the sweet 16 player pack
09:08The big player sent him it it's Katie B again
09:14Hmm, I don't know like getting only one foot birthday card in this pack
09:19Never really gonna be a big fan, but we'll see who it is. Yeah nabri. I want to see a barbo Javino
09:27Odumbia, I want to see one of them. Are you kidding me? He didn't get a foot birthday card
09:33So it's just gonna be all gold cards. No, they'll be oh
09:36Okay, I keep forgetting that heroes don't walk out for some of the reason I have no idea how EA have not fixed this
09:43By the way tricks the plus power shot rapid and quick step go through. I haven't done this in a while
09:48But I'm gonna go for a price check
09:51750,000 coins he goes for a lot. All right, we got a foot birthday card. It's not an icon sent him it
09:58older guards
10:01I'm a big fan man. Not a big fan of seeing him as the first workout from this pack, especially over the gods and
10:08The player is nabri again
10:12How is he popping up this March? Honestly, he will be under 100,000 coins soon
10:18Wesley Schneider 93 overall incisive and tick attacker. He looks good. By the way as a playmaker
10:24He yeah, he should be going for a lot as well. Wow. That's a nice pool. Good luck, man
10:29They released this by the way with a hundred thousand and it's down to 25 K now
10:37See if Oh send her back. It's gonna be wobble boy
10:41Arsenal, yeah, well boy
10:43Rating is 18 on overall
10:46That is Cascarino. I reckon honestly
10:49I do believe she'll be very good just because of our base pace being so high you go for finisher chems
10:53Oh, she should be solid
10:56316,000 go ahead, man. It's all him. I'm not controlling
10:59the birthday card no foot birthday icon
11:05MD what position is that? Oh
11:10Is this yes it is, okay and
11:13the other foot birthday
11:15Harry McGuire look at him by the way, look at him. He looks a little bit weird in that PSG key
11:20I'm not gonna lie. I do like that PSG kit though. That PSG kit is very nice
11:24Brownies very cheap and apparently he ain't got interceptor anticipate which I didn't know I didn't realize he should still be a very good
11:30Send back though Maxwell. Good luck, man foot birthday
11:33Nice. Have we got to?
11:40I'm trying to think and
11:42Honestly, I've got nothing. Is this an inform?
11:45Is it? Oh, no, it's a retailer. Yeah, I need to know her nation and club from now on. Is that NASA Gower?
11:51Yeah, it is 91 overall again. She looks good
11:54It's just she goes for nothing. And when you're spending that many coins on this pack, you're looking for more than that
12:00He's cracked it open, but the servers are taking a while. Who is that?
12:05Spanish. Oh, it's gonna be the real Madrid player. Yeah, the inform 87. I've already forgot a name to be honest you
12:11What's her name again? It is Alba
12:15That's a Gower as well
12:17she seems
12:19Insanely common with nabri like by far the most common 91 overalls in this in this team
12:25I see what wavy gets here. No foot birthday icon as a person walking towards us and it is Hager bug
12:34Hey, you go bug what we doing, what are we doing 89 overall just a gold card, of course
12:40Is that Antonia Silva she honestly right stats wise
12:45It's actually nuts like 91 physicals 90 defending 88 dribbling and 91 pace when you look at that car
12:51You're thinking right that cards going straight into your team, right?
12:54Play-styles are just so disappointing on her
12:57316,000 coins has just been sent in Muhammad. Who are you walking away with left wing?
13:05It's gonna be the inform again, right
13:09Yeah, it is it's gonna be the inform again what is up with him popping up camera and
13:16I can't tell who that is Zuma Mendy Oh
13:21316,000 coins just got sent into this. It's anything else in here 90 KDB to informs
13:26You could have at least chucked a few more in forms in there elite season 3 and 4 review pack
13:30I can't wait for next week
13:31By the way
13:32When we get a season 4 and 5 review pack
13:35Should be so much better than this especially with the mean rating going up to 88 now as well
13:39Like this one is still 87 and this is I don't know
13:43Plan me the winter wild cards. I
13:47Don't know who that is Oh Tillman Tillman's not got a face a face can right doesn't look like him
13:52But I'm telling you it is. Oh, hold on. We got for birthday card. How does he one of these in a wall?
13:59Is it just katoto?
14:01Shane got for birthday card. So that's yeah, it is katoto gold card 88 overall his birthday card. Oh
14:08my god
14:11From an 83 10 now this guy pops up no matter what pack you open
14:15It's actually insane how common alibar is
14:19guest-list guaranteed player pick pack includes one foot birthday player pick pick off one of two and it does not include hero or hero or
14:27Icons really no heroes or icons in his foot birthday
14:31Player pick but yes Swanson
14:35All right. There's no mean rating for this as well. Swanson is very solid 80 plus times 75
14:40Why not? Wait, he's got an icon an icon from an 80 plus times 75
14:46Who is it?
14:48Who is this? Oh
14:50Is this parade us?
14:52Yeah, it is. Who's the icon?
14:55Linica Linica is definitely like the most common icon we've seen in team two
15:00That's really good from an 80 plus times 75 that is solid 80 plus times 50
15:05Nice also another foot birthday
15:08right mids
15:11But wait who
15:14This is oh, I keep forgetting his name. So many. Oh, there you go
15:19Who's the other foot birthday here? We get some more cold
15:24Wow, honestly 80 plus times 50 80 plus times 75 actually giving out for him
15:30He just cracked open a sweet 16 player pack. You open it quick as well goalkeeper
15:38It could be Allison to be honest, I hope it's Allison
15:41Yeah, it is. Allison 89 overall foot birthday cards
15:46Look who it is. Look who it is. Good old Harry Maguire. Oh, why not man?
15:52Welcome into the team. Is it a W? Unfortunately, no, he's like a hundred thousand coins. It's still an L
15:57It's good that they made it way easier to complete like the weekly objective so you can actually get this pack much quicker cam
16:04Spanish cam
16:06But I disco
16:09Yes, it is
16:10Honestly, we can never get away from this guy team one out of packs
16:15Hold on, you can get it from the guarantee pack. Look at him. Once again sweet 16 players pack. You just sent it
16:22left mid Oh
16:25Great. No, I was I say Wrayton
16:30Who Oh
16:33Musa okay, my bad. I forgot he was a left mid and then that is Cascarino
16:38I remember Cascarino had like a really good card last year
16:42I'm pretty sure she had like a fancy card that was unreal 90 plus play your pick Maxwell. Good luck, man
16:48Are we gonna get a foot birthday this time? Yes, we do. We get parade us and we got two. Oh
16:55Two cards I don't go for anything to be honest
16:58I think parade us goes for more than her but she's a better super sub
17:01So if you want to take her go for a 90 plus player pick two foot birthdays
17:06He's gonna go for the one on the right. Okay. Oh
17:1093 alibi best card we've seen so far from the 90 plus player pick and we get has a gala as well. Definitely Alibi