Who saw that coming? 😂
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✉️ Email poppyandjay@connectmgt.com for collaborations ✉️
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💈 Check out our barbershop: https://www.studio142barbers.co.uk/ 💈
#Jay&Poppy #HollinsPorterFamily #PoppyHollins #JayPorter #ThreesaCrowd
✅ Three's a Crowd Pre-Order: https://www.threesacrowdseries.co.uk/ ✅
❤️ Links for our other socials https://direct.me/hollinsporter ❤️
✉️ Email poppyandjay@connectmgt.com for collaborations ✉️
📱 Links for our other socials https://direct.me/hollinsporter 📱
💈 Check out our barbershop: https://www.studio142barbers.co.uk/ 💈
#Jay&Poppy #HollinsPorterFamily #PoppyHollins #JayPorter #ThreesaCrowd
00:00Good morning people. I know exactly what you're all thinking. Where the hell is the series?
00:15Yeah the series is coming. I do apologize. It's coming okay. It's very close. We've just done our
00:20first, our last round of amendments. We're now going to sit down and watch the whole thing
00:25through its entirety and then once that's done our editor is already cutting it into small form
00:30so it's getting very exciting. It's getting very exciting. It's very close okay. So firstly I just
00:33want to apologize but it's coming. This is not the series. But me and Poppy are going to take
00:38you with us on our day. I'm going to the shop. Well I'm going to go drop Rosa off and I'm going
00:43to go to the shop and do some work so it's ready for other trade people. Then I'm going to get my
00:48haircut at 11.40 but I've got some bits and bobs at home as well. I've been re-pointing my patio.
00:56But we've got two cameras so Poppy is going to be on hers and I'm going to be on mine.
01:00Very loud this morning in the household. Reggie boy. Hi. Oh all right that's so sweet.
01:10What's Frankie having for breakfast mummy? She's already had fruit.
01:13Okay I'm chasing my battery today. Wow. Love you baby. Bye. Bye. Right love you Fran, Reggie boys.
01:21One of you whatever your name is. Right love you mummy. I'll see you soon anyway won't I?
01:25Probably popping. I should put that all on there. Bye. Love you loads. Right where's the keys for the car then?
01:30You're gonna have to find the keys today at some point darling. They're in my coat pocket. Of course they are.
01:34Yeah looking for it. We're looking everywhere for them yesterday and they're in Poppy's coat pocket.
01:38Of course they bloody are. Nanny mummy. No we're not seeing nanny today. We can see nanny tomorrow though.
01:46No we can't see nanny today darling because she's busy.
01:49But we can see her tomorrow. She said that you and Rosa can go for a sleepover.
01:57Nanny's not at home darling. She's busy today. Do you want to FaceTime her and say good morning?
02:02Good morning everyone. I hope you're doing well.
02:10I've got the little ones today. Jay's at the shop doing some bits and bobs and he's got a
02:14haircut later on this morning. Rosa's back at school today after having pretty much an entire
02:20week off. She started feeling really unwell Saturday morning. Really bad tummy pain.
02:25Then she had a weird feeling in her mouth. She was nauseous then she threw up. We thought it was a
02:31bug but then she only threw up twice on the Saturday. Once Sunday night, again Monday night, again
02:37Tuesday morning and then yesterday she was back to her normal self. So I don't really know what's
02:42going on. We did take her to the doctors on Monday because she woke up with a really puffy eye.
02:47We weren't quite sure what was going on. We thought maybe it's an allergy and they said it looks like
02:52preskeptical cellulitis but we didn't think it was that to be quite honest with you. And they wanted
02:58to prescribe her really strong antibiotics but we were like she's throwing up, she's got a sore
03:02tummy, that's just going to make her feel worse. So we were like you can prescribe them and
03:07then we'll just wait 24 to 48 hours just to see if her eye goes back to normal because if it does
03:12we don't feel like the antibiotics is needed. And it did. The next day it looked miles better and
03:16then yesterday she woke up and her face was completely normal. So I put a story out the
03:23other day and just asked if any of your children have had like similar symptoms to Rosa and quite a
03:29lot of you came back and said yes, like my child has stomach migraines or cyclic vomiting syndrome
03:36and her symptoms are very similar to cyclic vomiting syndrome. I think that's how you say it.
03:42So it could be that. We don't know. We're just going to keep an eye on her and see how she gets on and if
03:46she has another one of these episodes I think we'll go back to the doctors and ask if she can
03:50have some tests for like allergies and stuff maybe I don't know. So yeah I'm just going to take you
03:55along with me today. I'm going to get ready shortly, get the little ones ready, do some
04:00housework. I would love to go and have a workout but it all depends on the kids because of course
04:05they get very bored. So we'll see if I can't in the day I will work out tonight when the kids are
04:10in bed. So yeah come along with me. We're at the shop but someone's with me. What's the matter?
04:18You've got a stomach ache? Yeah. Rose has been quite unwell lately, haven't you baby? And I believe I said to her
04:23don't don't lie. You don't lie do you baby? No.
04:31You told the truth didn't you? Yeah.
04:38Yeah pretty much. So little tour. This is our toilet area which I've done myself and I'm very
04:44proud of if I do say so myself. We've got a little utility cupboard which we're just using for storage
04:50which is quite cool. This is all stock for the barber shop and then this is the podcast room
04:56which is an absolute mess but it's all painted. Just had to chase some cables into the wall so
05:03this is what I'm doing today. Rose is on the couch. This is our seating area. We've got a table coming
05:08for here. We've also got a console table coming for there. Oh who's that? Who's that coming in the barber shop?
05:21What the hell? Why have you brought like flipping... Because I've got a big day.
05:24Right let's go get coffee and then daddy can start sanding. We need to get some sandpaper actually.
05:28Sandpaper, sandpaper, sandpaper.
05:30Can I go on your shoulder? No because you're sick darling. Thank you.
05:36Okay you can go on my shoulder, you can go on my shoulder.
05:42Yeah. You're not supposed to open the umbrella in the house darling it's bad luck.
05:46Excuse me where are you going? Excuse me where are you going? Are you trying to eat your toes?
05:54Washing hair.
05:56Can you see his teeth? Show mummy your tooth.
06:01There's not barber on there baby.
06:05That's our salad leaves.
06:09What about all the flowers?
06:13You like the daffodils don't you?
06:18Can you say stuff?
06:22Rain rain go away come again another day.
06:33Oh that's lovely singing.
06:36Jay just called me and said that um
06:38Rose is not going into school because she's saying she's got tummy ache.
06:41I mean she was okay this morning so I don't know whether she just doesn't want to go into school
06:45or whether she actually has got tummy ache.
06:47Jay did say to Rosa it's you know you can't lie to mummy and daddy you've got to be truthful.
06:55Do you have tummy ache? She said yeah.
06:56So she's not going to go to school so we'll just see how she is today.
07:01If she's still complaining tummy ache and if she's sick later then we'll have to
07:04reassess the situation and go back to the doctors tomorrow.
07:07So yes she's just gonna go to the shop with Jay whilst he does some work
07:13and then I'll head over and go and get her.
07:15So I'm just gonna get ready brush my teeth.
07:21Reggie's not in a good mood today he's very needy so I need to get ready quick time.
07:27I'm loving this moisturiser at the moment guys it's Augustinus Bader.
07:33Jay got it for me for Christmas it's been incredible it's very expensive though
07:38like you're gonna have to get a mortgage out to afford it it's really expensive.
07:43I don't know how much longer I'm gonna be able to afford to pay for it because of you
07:48which makes me really fat because I'm someone that's suffered with my skin for a really long time.
07:52I had acne when I was 19 till I was about up until very recently really the last couple of years
07:59and this has been like a miracle product.
08:01I literally just cleanse my face in the morning with this and then just put the moisturiser on.
08:07That's literally all I do and then in the evening the only thing I add is the Elemis resurfacing pads
08:14and I was using an eye cream but it started giving me like little white spots I guess under my eyes
08:21so I've stopped using it but I do want to use an eye cream I need one.
08:26So if anyone's got any good recommendations let me know because I really do need a good eye cream.
08:31Frankie and Reggie didn't sleep very well last night.
08:34Reggie woke up at midnight and I couldn't get him back down
08:37and then Frankie came into my room at half one and she was like wide awake ready for the day
08:42and I was like girl this is not happening.
08:46So I had Frankie jibber-jabbering in my ear, Reggie wasn't settling either and I was like oh.
08:52He finally fell asleep around three and then Frankie didn't fall asleep until like quarter to four
08:58and then Reggie was back up at about quarter to seven and we got up for the day.
09:02So I'm tired okay.
09:05I need some makeup to make me look more alive.
09:08I've been using this concealer for the longest time it's a perfect match.
09:14Organ Clefledge concealer.
09:16Oh I was reading it in a different language.
09:21Oh Poppy go back to bed girl.
09:23True Match eye cream and a concealer at 0.5% pure hyaluronic acid.
09:27There's no like coverage in it to be quite honest with you.
09:29Um I do actually use it to spot conceal not that it does much.
09:33Mother nature has decided to bless me for the first time since having Reggie
09:38and I'm like nearly seven months postpartum now and I have not missed them I tell you that now.
09:44It's coming to an end thank goodness.
09:47But that does mean my 30th is on the 5th of April and I'm going to be on my period for it.
09:55So that's really annoying.
09:56I hope Jay hasn't organized like a spa or something because that will just be really annoying.
10:01I've left my birthday celebrations up to Jay so I don't know what he's got planned.
10:07Mommy's coming mommy's coming Reggie bye Reggie bye.
10:16Right makeup done.
10:18Just gonna put the straightener through my hair.
10:21I just do like a really loose wave.
10:24That's what I do with my hair and then I'm gonna get dressed.
10:30You're looking very um well for someone that's meant to be ill.
10:33You promised me you were feeling ill.
10:35I mean you're not allowed in anyway because of the 48 hour rule so I'm letting you off this time but
10:39you can't lie darling.
10:40It's well booked day tomorrow as well.
10:44Good morning Albert.
10:45Can I just have a macchiato please?
10:48Decaf macchiato.
10:49Thank you very much.
10:50Oh look Roger look what's here.
10:52It's your toys.
10:54Oh look they've been playing with your barbies as well.
10:56I can't believe you left it all here.
11:00No you left it.
11:00You brought the toys out.
11:02I meant you left it.
11:03What happened to your aura?
11:07She's been getting some really weird episodes.
11:10Oh no.
11:10Yeah like stomach pains but I do think she's playing on it a little bit.
11:17Don't you darling?
11:20Straight up yeah.
11:24I think we can go.
11:31Oh shall we ring mummy and see if she wants to come for breakfast or something?
11:35Not a bad idea is it?
11:36What a beautiful day eh Roro?
11:38Don't you think this weather just changes your whole attitude?
11:41Just makes you so much more happy doesn't it?
11:43Richie's fallen asleep so I'm gonna do my hair quick.
11:51That's literally all I do for my hair.
11:53Just so it gives like just a little bit of movement.
11:55That's it.
11:56I'm going for comfort today guys because you know how it is.
12:04That's me ready.
12:07You helping mommy do the washing?
12:13Mommy's just gonna make her protein shake.
12:15Coconut milk and frozen berries.
12:19This is the protein powder I use.
12:21The flavour's really nice but...
12:23Oh they're finished?
12:24Okay can you put them in the bin for mummy please?
12:27The flavour's really nice but it's just quite chalky.
12:30So I might try a different brand.
12:36See if I can find the perfect protein powder.
12:40And I use one scoop of protein and then just a couple of pinches of oats.
12:47Oh hello.
12:51Come for breakfast?
12:57I'm just making my protein shake and then I'll come over.
13:01Hello Frank.
13:06Are you gonna have a packed lunch and daddy's gonna get a sandwich and we're gonna have
13:11packed lunch together?
13:13Oh that's cute.
13:14Right I'm just going to make my protein shake and then get the kids in the car
13:20and head to our barber shop in Godalming to see Jay and to get Rosa.
13:26Um and it's a really nice day so depending on how Rosa feels we might go feed the duckies
13:32but I'll take you along with me anyway.
13:34This is what the protein shake looks like.
13:36It tastes how it looks if I'm gonna be honest with you.
13:38Just protein shakes aren't the one.
13:40But they're needed to gain your muscles and I'm doing weights in the gym so
13:46no pain no gain.
13:47Do you know what I mean?
13:49Jay made a protein banana loaf yesterday and it's really nice.
13:53Wrap that up.
13:54Look who's awake.
13:56Look who's awake.
13:57Did you have a nice sleep Reg?
13:59I'm gonna give him a quick feed and then we're gonna get in the car.
14:03You don't want to get in the car?
14:04I thought you wanted to see Rosa.
14:08Where are you?
14:10Here I am.
14:11Here I am.
14:12How do you do?
14:15It's a lovely day.
14:16It's a lovely day.
14:17It's very sunny.
14:19Right I'm gonna do a bit of sanding up here.
14:20This is all I'm going to show you because it gets a bit boring doesn't it?
14:32Can we take just a little bit off the top?
14:35Just again just a tiny tiny bit and then the exact same
14:42low fade coming into the...
14:44Yeah please as tight as you can keep it.
14:46What I would say is leave this.
14:49But around the tram.
14:50A hundred percent.
14:51Because I'm cutting this just connecting just to the top.
14:56Because this is a little bit.
14:58I don't want it to come too heavy bro.
14:59I know but you may have got a chance to tell us.
15:01Sometimes when I um when I look side off I've got a big head anyway.
15:06It's because it makes it.
15:09It's so like bulky.
15:11I think yeah you're right you can take sort of like yeah.
15:13It's because this is what we need.
15:24Right we're finally in the car.
15:26I fed Reggie then Reggie had a poop and then Frankie had a poop.
15:30And then I dropped my water all over the floor so I had to mop that up.
15:34There's always something isn't there?
15:38Are we ready to go?
15:40I had a little turtle.
15:42His name was tiny Tim.
15:44Bubble bubble bubble.
15:45Do you want to get some rice?
15:51You want all of it?
15:53You want all of it?
15:56You can't have all of it.
15:57They do noodles right?
15:58Little Boston food.
15:59I love noodles.
16:01Chicken noodles.
16:03I don't like noodles.
16:04But I still want.
16:08Does look lovely doesn't it darling?
16:09We're now in the Korean across the road from.
16:12A barbershop.
16:13A barbershop.
16:14I thought why not it's Thursday.
16:16Yeah but I've been really good with my diet and I am going to get in the gym tonight.
16:20I'm really plumped for it.
16:21Well done you.
16:22I'm really proud of myself.
16:23I've not gone to the gym at all this week.
16:24I've been really consistent.
16:27Don't get down about it.
16:28Next week's a new week.
16:30Start fresh.
16:31I'm just going to.
16:38Have you filled them in now?
16:39Do they know who Tom is?
16:40I know so I was getting my hair cut and then Tom was actually up there.
16:43Who is our third and final barber.
16:46But he's 16 years old and he's studying.
16:49So we're just looking into options for apprenticeships.
16:53Because obviously he can't step out of college and just work by law.
16:56So we're going to look into that.
16:58I don't know what I'm going to get.
17:00I'm going to go for this food here by the looks of it.
17:04We're going to get.
17:05Vegetable dumplings.
17:06Vegetable dumplings.
17:08For sure.
17:09I'm going to get the sweet and sour chicken.
17:10I'm going to try not to get this one.
17:12Yeah I don't know if I'll need that though.
17:15I really want to try the honeydew.
17:17What's beef bologna?
17:20That would be healthy.
17:22What is it though?
17:23It looks like it's just beef in sauces with some spring onions and whatnot and a bit of rice.
17:27Right so I've learned how to use chopsticks at the moment.
17:30I mean I've got the easy ones.
17:38These are the best vegetable dumplings I've ever had.
17:42This is my main which is a sweet chili.
17:51Christ it's doing spinny whinnies.
17:52There you go.
17:54Yeah get in there girl.
17:58Oh yummy.
17:58It's so good.
17:59It's so good all week and now it's absolutely gone.
18:04It's got actual grapes in it.
18:06Do you want to try this one?
18:07You can try it right away.
18:09It's literally just like jelly.
18:11Jelly grapes.
18:13Yummy isn't it?
18:25Spider quick.
18:25Oh but there's loads.
18:27I don't know.
18:29Go on Fred get him.
18:30Go on.
18:31Why is there so many?
18:32I don't know.
18:33They just keep coming.
18:44Let's go.
18:45Let's go go go to your favorite place.
18:47You probably lose this bum doing two times a week.
18:49Yeah I'll do it in a second.
18:50Oh that food was delicious.
18:52Yeah but now I feel.
18:55Yeah but as long as you can have it.
18:57I'm gonna work out.
19:00Look at this.
19:08Row row row your boat.
19:11Gently down the stream.
19:14If you see a crocodile.
19:17Don't forget to scream.
19:20Yeah that food is unbelievable.
19:22We were just talking to the lady and.
19:24Because when I was renovating the shop.
19:25I'll be over there if you're at a time because I don't have dinner.
19:27I've got to know them quite well.
19:29Yeah so it's her and her husband.
19:31Her husband's in the kitchen.
19:32They had a restaurant in Korea.
19:34He's been cooking for like 25 years.
19:35But yeah the food's incredible.
19:37So if you're like local to our area.
19:38I've got to know them.
19:39Then you gotta try it.
19:40It's unreal.
19:41Yes my girl.
19:43Woo woo woo woo woo.
19:47I asked Rosa again.
19:49Why she didn't go to school today.
19:51Oh dear what did she say?
19:53She said because school's boring mum.
19:55That's what she was telling me mate.
19:57She's poorly.
19:59She does not have a cock.
20:01And you said it's 48 hours.
20:03I think she hasn't got a park.
20:05I know it's 48 hours.
20:07But she's been throwing up since Saturday.
20:09Yeah I just seen.
20:11It's not Thursday.
20:13She might not have lodging.
20:15Because stress.
20:19Brings on these episodes.
20:21Maybe it's anxiety of going to school.
20:25Yay mummy.
20:27You wanna have a go?
20:29Ready go.
20:33Is that good?
20:37B5 for thumb.
20:39I can smell
20:41a baby's bum.
21:29Hi, big boy. Big boy. Be careful, Frank. Right, we're just popping to Boots, guys. So, I need
21:49to grab some bits. That's where Mommy gets her nails done, Frank. I tried to leave the
21:53girls with Jay, but they wanted to come with me. This way, yeah. Down here. Did you have
21:59fun at soft play? Yeah. Right, girls, are we going to behave in Boots, please? Yes.
22:05Yes. Franks, we're not going to pull anything off the shelves, okay? Yeah. We'll see when
22:10we get in there, whether or not she pulls everything off the shelves. Get Mommy a basket,
22:15please. You can both have one. Oh, dear. It's already begun. Right. No, Franks. Franks.
22:22No, baby. I'll tell you what to put in, and you can put it in, okay? Oh, this is what
22:26I wanted to look at. This? Yeah, it's for head lice. That's a comb. To be fair, let's
22:32have that just in case. Franks, don't need that. No, no, no. We don't need them, baby.
22:37Right, I want to get you some probiotics. Where are the kids' ones? Don't need them
22:42ones, Frank. Put them ones back. Mommy, I want brushes. We don't need brushes. You've
22:46got plenty of brushes at home. I've got loads of them. You've got loads of brushes at home,
22:51darling. You do not need any more. Mommy needs moisturizer. Vaseline, that's the one
22:56I use. No, Frankie, I don't need that one, bubba. Frankie, you put that in and it's too
23:00heavy for me. Franks, don't touch that, please. Right, we've been home about an hour. The
23:07girls are in their jammies. I'm about to get Reggie in his jammies. We haven't been up
23:12too much, really. I've done some tidying up. I've cut all the kids' nails because they
23:16needed doing, didn't I? Yeah. Counting down the minutes to bedtime, to be quite honest
23:22with you. Okay, what? No, not really. I feel like I need to put more of that tea tree oil
23:27in there. Why? Well, just prevent the nits getting in your hair. You've got nits at your
23:33school. And that is so stinky. And I really don't want you getting nits. Why? Because
23:38it would be hell. If Frankie gets them. Yeah, because she doesn't even let me brush her
23:43hair, so that really will be hell for mommy. Girls, let's not fight.
23:51Right, I've just walked in the door. Rosie, you want your noodles? Yes, please. Chicken
23:56noodles. Chicken noodles. Poppy looks absolutely worn out, bless her. Yeah, but Frankie got
24:04to wishing out, and I'm trying to do something for her. Oh dear, was mommy angry? And then
24:11we were fighting. Who was fighting? Why are you fighting, my rose? You look worn out,
24:16aren't you? I am. You still look beautiful, though. I don't know what's a bit wrong with
24:20me this week. I've been feeling a little bit down. I've just been eating comfort food,
24:24like chicken, beans, and smiley faces. I make the best super noodles ever. Get this sorted
24:32with my girl, and I'm going to eat some of my chicken. I just had a workout. Well, not
24:39just. I had a workout, and then I've just had a shower, and it's half past eight, and
24:44I'm hungry. But I need a healthy snack, so I'm wondering what I can eat that is healthy.
24:51I can't be arsed. I literally can't be arsed. What about cheese and tomato on a ravita?
24:57That's kind of healthy. Okay, I'll just go to bed. We're just going to watch something
25:02like me and chill for like an hour before we go to bed. Rose is literally the cutest.
25:06She was like, I just love filming you. You're the best dad ever. Aw. There's been a whole
25:12load of nothing really going on today, have you? No, not really. You should have shown
25:16me your workout. Yeah, I know. I didn't even think, to be fair. I definitely will next
25:20time. Right, guys, we really hope you enjoyed watching this vlog. It's the most important
25:25vlog ever. I didn't do anything. No, I filmed quite a lot. I haven't refilmed all tomorrow
25:28now. I filmed quite a lot, actually. Yes. Well, you're really Debbie Downer at the
25:33moment, aren't you? You're such a Debbie Downer at the moment. You're so horrible,
25:36right? Because I've said I have been feeling very low lately, and you're just, you're cracking
25:40up because you're just like, I've got enough **** here. I don't need your ****ing help.
25:44No, I had the kids literally in my ear hole, pulling things down in boots. Rose was like,
25:49I want these glasses. She's trying them on, and she's having a tantrum because I said
25:52no. And then Frankie's picking glasses up. That's some butt as old man glasses, and I'm
25:57just like, please God, help me. Right, say goodbye. Bye. Bye, everyone. Love you. Thank
26:05you so much for watching. I really appreciate it. We love you too. We'll see you in the
26:09next one. Bye. I hate it when you do that. My breath's been smelly lately. Yeah, it is
26:17a bit stonking. You sicko, mate.