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🌎 Get an exclusive 15% discount on Saily data plans! Use code RYANTRAHAN at checkout. Download Saily app or go to ⛵️
00:00The first successful flight around the world took 175 days.
00:04The team faced severe weather, mechanical failures, and logistical nightmares.
00:09That's scary!
00:10But now you can fly around the world in first class and get served ice cream in bed.
00:15That's yummy!
00:16So here's my plan.
00:18Step one, fly around planet earth in the best seats airlines have to offer.
00:22Step two, find the coolest holiday gifts at the airports in between flights.
00:26Because I've been told that my gifts aren't very unique or exciting.
00:30And step three, find a sponsor that would support me doing this video.
00:33Because frankly, I don't know how Santa Claus affords to do this every year.
00:38Thank you, Saley.
00:39Thank you so much.
00:40Love you.
00:40I boarded my first plane and made my way to my first seat of the video, 1A.
00:44That's crazy.
00:45It's literally the first seat.
00:46First up, American Airlines.
00:54This is so exciting.
00:55It is currently nighttime, which means that this is technically a red-eye flight.
01:00That means you're supposed to sleep.
01:01But guess what I just drank?
01:02Other than a little bit of apple juice.
01:04A caffeinated beverage.
01:10My plan is to not sleep at all so I can soak up every second of this flight.
01:14And before we take off and I show you everything that comes with this first class seat,
01:17it's very important to note that every plane is different.
01:20And throughout this video, my first class seats are only going to get more and more
01:25So let's take off and then have a tour of our first first class seat.
01:29Oh, we're taking off.
01:30Just like that, my journey around the world begins.
01:37And now that I'm in the air, I can do a seat tour.
01:40But first...
01:45I'm in the bathroom almost immediately.
01:47This might just be the nicest bathroom I've ever seen on a plane.
01:51They gave me pajamas.
01:52Let's put them on.
01:52It is simply jammy time.
01:59It is officially jammy time.
02:00Let's go back to our seat.
02:07I haven't even done a seat tour yet and I'm already being served sea bass?
02:11What is this?
02:12Well, it smells like butter.
02:13I've got Frozen playing.
02:14Let's eat.
02:15I don't normally put napkins in my collar like this.
02:17It just feels appropriate.
02:18I brushed off the mushrooms and tried my first first class meal.
02:22It was incredible.
02:22It was actually so good.
02:26But now it's time for dessert.
02:28I can't believe they're allowed to serve me this on an airplane.
02:30Look at this bowl in front of me right now.
02:37Okay, I am 35,000 feet in the air.
02:40I've got my pajamas on and I've eaten an ambiguous filet of fish,
02:45which means there's really only one thing left to do.
02:48I love adding those sparkles.
02:49Sorry if I'm overusing that effect.
02:51First of all, this seat fully rotates so you can use this desk area,
02:55watch the TV, or just lounge.
02:57Look at me just lounging.
02:58This movie is fire.
03:00Or should I say frozen?
03:01I don't know.
03:02Let's continue.
03:02The seat also comes with slippers.
03:05That was fun.
03:06A vanity kit filled with socks, an eye mask, lip balm.
03:09Oop, that was weird.
03:11Face mist.
03:11I love this stuff.
03:12It's so refreshing.
03:13Hand lotion.
03:14Perfect for me because I have very dry hands.
03:17You guys know I love earplugs.
03:18That's like one of my main personality traits.
03:21A blanket.
03:21Very cozy, by the way.
03:23And just in case that wasn't enough, more pillows and blankets.
03:25The seat also comes with headphones.
03:27You can plug them in here and voila!
03:29Now I can hear the movie.
03:30Oh no, they fell down the mountain.
03:32They must be so cold.
03:33The seat has this media console with a built-in mirror.
03:36Tons of storage and legroom.
03:38But most importantly and probably coolest of all,
03:40this seat reclines into a full bed.
03:43Yes, the rumor is true.
03:45I am lying down in relax mode.
03:47But I am having so much fun.
03:49And one thing is for certain.
03:51I refuse to fall asleep on this flight.
03:55Okay, hopefully the next clip isn't me waking up in a fetal position.
04:07Good morning, United Kingdom.
04:15I landed at the London Heathrow Airport.
04:17I didn't have time to change out of my pajamas.
04:19This airport is very nice and I cannot wait to explore.
04:22But first, I just need a little bit of breakfast.
04:24I ordered eggs benedict and a cappuccino.
04:26It was delicious.
04:27I loved it.
04:29And now I'm ready to go do some gift shopping.
04:31The three people I really want to get gifts for this year
04:33are my dad, my wife Hayley, and Spock.
04:35He's a dog.
04:36He's a chihuahua at best.
04:37They all mean so much to me.
04:39And I feel like a gift really can't capture how much I love them.
04:41But I'm gonna try.
04:42Well, it looks like I have stumbled into my first gift shop.
04:45This one is pretty sweet.
04:46They have cool bags.
04:48Geographically themed chocolates.
04:50Teacup sets.
04:51But the shelf behind me is what caught my eye.
04:53A wide variety of stuffed animals.
04:55I know you guys are thinking,
04:56oh, are these for Spock?
04:57You're getting toys for Spock?
04:59Although this one does kind of look like him.
05:00That's kind of weird.
05:01No, no, no.
05:02I am actually getting this duck holding a baby duck for Hayley.
05:06Hayley likes plushies.
05:06She's got them all over her bookshelves.
05:08I think she's actually gonna freak out when she sees this in a good way.
05:11I think she's gonna love it.
05:13Now that we have our first gift, all the way from London,
05:16I changed into my normal clothes,
05:17scanned my next boarding pass,
05:19and made my way to my second first class seat.
05:21British Airways.
05:23Kind of a fun way to say it.
05:25This flight is only like 40 minutes,
05:26but this is first class.
05:28No, it's not far, but it is necessary.
05:31That makes this flight the shortest by far of my journey.
05:34So the question is,
05:35what makes a 40 minute first class seat worth it?
05:38I'm gonna go with the first class seat.
05:39What makes a 40 minute first class seat worth it?
05:42Let's find out.
05:45First of all, this seat does have plenty of leg room.
05:48Great for people like me that are about six feet tall.
05:50I'm rounding up.
05:51A personal tabletop,
05:52but also an additional tabletop over the middle seat.
05:55I guess this is how they make it first class.
05:56They just don't allow anyone to sit in the middle seat.
05:59And lastly, a safety card in case of emergency.
06:02And that's pretty much it.
06:03But I was quickly served a lovely meal consisting of all of this food.
06:07I don't know how they did this,
06:08because it's only been five minutes since we took off.
06:10This seat may not lay down flat,
06:11but that's a first class role right there.
06:13Oh my goodness.
06:14Even though this food is amazing,
06:15I realized there's not much time left in this flight
06:17and I haven't even seen the bathroom yet.
06:24All right.
06:25Look at that.
06:27Pretty awesome.
06:2810 minutes until landing.
06:29This flight just took off and we're about to land already.
06:32Honestly, I feel like I've gotten a first class experience.
06:35These flight attendants are booking it.
06:36I don't even have time to set up my mini tripod in here.
06:38I have to go back to my seat.
06:39I'm having fun.
06:41We're almost in Paris.
06:47I got back to my seat and we prepared for...
06:49Oh, we landed.
06:50Okay, we're in Paris.
06:52All right.
06:54I got off the plane and I don't really know what to do.
06:57I've only gotten two hours of sleep and my next flight isn't until tomorrow.
07:00But that's when I stumbled across a hotel in the airport.
07:03I walked inside and booked myself a room at the Paris Airport Hotel.
07:15I can literally see planes take off from my hotel room.
07:18That is so cool.
07:18Two flights down, two to go,
07:20but we are nowhere near flying around the world yet.
07:23Our next flight is going to be super cool.
07:25I still need to purchase and wrap a gift and my flight doesn't leave until tomorrow.
07:30So I'm gonna go to sleep.
07:33Good morning.
07:44Let's go find a gift.
07:45I walked out of the hotel room and immediately found Remy the Rat from Ratatouille.
07:49Are two out of my three gifts actually going to be plushies?
07:58Man, Spock is gonna love this.
08:00When I finished wrapping the gift, I was approached by a woman from Air France.
08:04Next thing I know, I'm taken outside to a fancy car and now I'm being driven to the airplane.
08:09I boarded the plane from a special gate and made my way to my next first class seat.
08:13This doesn't even look like a plane.
08:15This is crazy.
08:16Air France.
08:18Before I freak out about this first class seat,
08:20I actually had a crazy experience before getting on this plane.
08:23With Air France first class, you actually get access to a lounge called La Premiere.
08:28I know, sounds fancy.
08:29That's because it is.
08:30I didn't even know what to do once I got inside.
08:33I panicked and went to the bathroom and kind of just hung out in there for an abnormal amount of time.
08:38Also, I didn't even know what to do when I got on the plane.
08:42I panicked and went to the bathroom and kind of just hung out in there for an abnormal amount of time.
08:47Also, I already ordered lunch, so I think that's being prepared right now.
08:50So while we wait, how about a seat tour?
08:53First of all, this seat is massive and absolutely gorgeous.
08:57You get four airplane windows all to yourself.
09:00The seat also lies flat into an actual bed, which I will do later.
09:03You get a pillow, headphones, a lamp, which took a second to figure out,
09:07a storage drawer, a package containing, you guessed it, pajamas.
09:11I sense a jammy time in the near future.
09:13Slippers, a cozy red blanket, a vanity kit containing lotion and skincare,
09:18an eye mask, a wooden comb, earplugs, and a pen.
09:21Lastly, we are flying through the Swiss Alps.
09:23Are you seeing how beautiful this is?
09:25It's just breathtaking.
09:26And I feel like there's only one way I can respond to this.
09:31I just put my pajamas on.
09:33While this is a very nice bathroom, I think there's very few things I enjoy in life than pajamas.
09:38And if we're making comparisons, American Airlines, I think France has us beat.
09:42I cannot believe I'm having this experience,
09:44but I think lunch is about to be ready in my seat.
09:46So let's go eat.
09:50Okay, um, I come back to my seat.
09:53The first course of my meal quickly arrives.
09:55And what am I even looking at?
09:57This is crazy.
09:58Look at it.
09:58It's smoking and doing all kinds of things.
10:01Let's eat.
10:01I'm putting on my napkin because there's caviar and cheese in front of me.
10:04I don't really know how to eat it, but I'm trying my best.
10:06It does taste very unique.
10:08This is a big upgrade from Biscoff cookies.
10:10I was also served a tiny baguette.
10:12Very appropriate as we're flying from Paris.
10:15It's super yummy.
10:16I really like baguettes.
10:17And the main course is steak and potatoes.
10:19This actually tastes so good.
10:21I don't know how they prepare food this yummy on a plane.
10:23Before dessert, I got some refreshing fruit.
10:26That is some yummy fruit.
10:28And finally, chocolate cake.
10:29This is truly luxury.
10:30And I just can't believe I'm flying around planet Earth right now in the comfort of first class.
10:35Oh gosh, turbulence.
10:46Turbulence is still a thing.
10:48I am both metaphorically and potentially physically becoming Santa Claus.
10:53Milk and cookies to top off a delicious meal.
10:56Don't mind if I do.
10:57On that note, my goal of acquiring cool gifts from around the world so far has been pretty successful.
11:02I'm happy with Hayley's gift.
11:03I'm happy with Spock's gift.
11:05Our next airport stop is in Dubai.
11:07And I have to get something cool for my dad.
11:09I would say his interests are amazingly generic in the sense that he likes cars and grilling.
11:15And I doubt any shops in Dubai are going to be selling either of those things.
11:20So soon enough, I'm going to be going on an absolute shopping spree.
11:26I'm going to see if Stefan can make my bed.
11:28Stefan is the flight attendant.
11:29I went out to find him and then he went absolutely crazy.
11:33I didn't even speed up this clip.
11:34This is real time.
11:35That's how fast he's moving.
11:37This bed is crazy.
11:39So let me just get this straight.
11:40I am wearing a full set of pajamas.
11:42I have a bedside table lamp.
11:44And this bed that I'm laying on is more comfortable than my bed at home.
11:47I'm on an airplane.
11:48How is this a real experience?
11:51Yes, I am tucked in.
11:52But there is still one last thing that I did not show you during the seat tour.
11:55It's right in here.
11:56And oh, what's that?
11:58The best candy on Earth?
11:59I packed some Joyride just as a little snack on the plane.
12:01If you don't know, Joyride is my candy.
12:03It has no fake colors, no junk ingredients, and it's still the best.
12:07It's the best candy.
12:08Right now, my big dream is to become the number one celebrity on the planet.
12:10And I'm going to be a number one star.
12:12I'm going to be number one in the world.
12:13I'm going to be number one in the world.
12:15I'm going to be number one in the world.
12:16I'm going to be number one in the world.
12:18I'm going to be number one in the world.
12:20I'm the number one selling candy in Target,
12:21and after just six months in Target,
12:23we're already in the top five.
12:24Feeding these huge candy brands is not gonna be easy,
12:26so if you don't live in America,
12:28please just follow us on Instagram,
12:29at Joyride Sweets.
12:30That helps so much,
12:31and maybe one day we can go international,
12:33but if you do live in America,
12:34please join the climb, go to Target,
12:36and get yourself some Joyride.
12:37You never know when you're gonna need it.
12:40I'm gonna watch Frozen again now.
12:42And just like that, I've seen Frozen for an eighth time.
12:54I feel like I've done so much on this flight,
12:56and had such a crazy experience,
12:58and I still have three hours left until Dubai,
13:02and even though I failed last time,
13:04I am going to stay up for this entire flight.
13:06I'm not even sleepy.
13:08I don't have any doubt in the world
13:09that I'm gonna be able to stay up the whole flight.
13:14Okay, I failed again, but we are now landing in Dubai.
13:17Okay, all right.
13:19I'm excited.
13:20I cannot wait to see this airport.
13:21Once again, I am still in my pajamas,
13:22but it's actually pretty convenient
13:24because I got another hotel.
13:27Good night.
13:30Looking for me?
13:33I can't fall asleep.
13:33I'm just gonna go shopping.
13:34Okay, so I was wrong about cars
13:36not being for sale in the airport,
13:37but I don't think that's fitting in my suitcase.
13:40I added these sound effects
13:42to make me feel better about the joke.
13:43They do also have watches.
13:44I don't take my dad for a watch guy, though,
13:46but Legos, now we're talking.
13:48They have an entire wall of really cool cars,
13:50many of which I know my dad would love.
13:52That man is always watching car videos on YouTube,
13:54but I think I found the perfect one.
13:56This was my dad's absolute favorite car
13:58when I was growing up, a Ford GT.
14:00I got the car and went to the Emirates First Class Lounge
14:03to wrap our last present.
14:05I've done it.
14:06I have arrived to the Emirates First Class Lounge.
14:09I know this first class seat is gonna be crazy
14:11because the lounge that comes with it
14:12is basically another airport.
14:14I don't even know where I am.
14:15Like, I'm just gonna board the plane
14:16directly from the lounge.
14:18And you know what else is crazy?
14:19I'm not sure if you've noticed this,
14:20but I'm quite literally circling planet Earth,
14:23yet somehow I'm still using my phone with data.
14:26That's not a feature of most phones.
14:28I don't know.
14:29I don't know.
14:30I don't know.
14:31I don't know.
14:32I don't know.
14:33I don't know.
14:33I don't know.
14:35Basically, I got this app called Saily.
14:36Saily is a new eSIM service app
14:39and my partner on this video.
14:40Here's how it works.
14:41You can avoid unexpected roaming charges
14:43by using Saily's affordable eSIM data plans.
14:46Step one, download the Saily app.
14:48It's this big yellow one with an S.
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14:51Yes, it costs money, but hear me out.
14:52You can choose from tons of eSIM plans
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14:57Plus, with the Saily eSIM, you'll avoid roaming charges
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15:01Step three, install the eSIM.
15:03It's quick and easy,
15:04and Saily eSIM will be activated instantly after landing,
15:07letting you message loved ones,
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15:11If you have travel plans or even if you don't,
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15:16Because I have a 15% off discount on Saily eSIM data plans,
15:20just use code RYANTRAHAN at checkout.
15:22Thank you so much, Saily, for making this video possible.
15:24And on that note,
15:25my final flight around the world is boarding.
15:29This flight is over 15 hours.
15:31Luckily, if the rumors are true about this seat,
15:33this is going to be the most memorable 15 hours
15:35I've ever experienced.
15:37This is one of the highest rated airlines in the world.
15:39Emirates, I'm flying from Dubai to America.
15:46And we're off.
15:48Oh, look, it's the world's tallest building.
15:49That's crazy.
15:50I am sitting in our final first class seat around the world.
15:53This is crazy.
15:54My plane seat has a door.
15:56This is crazy.
15:57My plane seat has a door and a curtain.
15:59Also, I was given a fizzy orange drink upon departure.
16:03They know how to win me over.
16:04This flight that I'm on right now
16:06is up there with some of the longest flights in the world.
16:08It's going to be over 15 hours.
16:11And somehow I am blessed enough
16:13to enjoy this seat the entire time.
16:15So how about a suite tour?
16:17I said suite instead of seat.
16:19They literally call these suites.
16:21That's what they call these rooms.
16:22This is the biggest and most comfortable airplane seat
16:24I've ever seen.
16:25There's also a compartment that perfectly fits your luggage.
16:28A tiny vent.
16:28That means I have air conditioning.
16:30Not one, but two TV screens.
16:32I'm already watching Frozen.
16:33Several buttons that do things like this.
16:37That was awesome.
16:38More buttons that do stuff like this.
16:40Turn the lights on.
16:41And this little compartment that has a remote.
16:43Perfect for watching Frozen.
16:44Can you guys comment movie recommendations?
16:46I just watch the same ones over and over again.
16:48There's also enough outlets and ports
16:50to charge a small army of devices.
16:52A pullout table, a fancy looking menu.
16:54Yeah, I'm definitely coming back to this later.
16:56There's this cabinet
16:57that has a random assortment of snacks.
16:59A secret pop-up mirror
17:01that comes with a plethora of skincare products
17:03and a small journal.
17:04I love small journals.
17:05This toiletry bag has perfume in it.
17:09It's strong, but it smells nice.
17:10I promise.
17:11A mirror for mirror selfies.
17:13They're unplugged.
17:15That's a first.
17:16And finally, it wouldn't be a first class seat without
17:20I like how they spelled that.
17:21I'm gonna go check out the bathroom and put these on.
17:23It's a long flight.
17:24Might as well get comfortable.
17:33This is officially the nicest bathroom.
17:36I was gonna say on a plane, but maybe in general.
17:39The flooring, the lighting.
17:41Is that marble?
17:42It literally smells like cologne in here.
17:44And that's because there is cologne in here.
17:46As well as some toothpaste and toothbrushes.
17:47This is crazy.
17:50Oh, what was that?
17:51Jammy time?
17:53Got it.
17:57Jammy time.
17:57Since you can't verbally communicate to me right now,
18:00I'll just speak for you.
18:01Dang, Ryan, you look handsome.
18:03I'm gonna go back to my seat.
18:11I made it back to my seat just in time for lunch.
18:16The lunch starts with an assortment of fruits,
18:18which are all very yummy.
18:19And then is followed up with eggs benedict.
18:22I think this video holds the record
18:24for most eggs benedict eaten by a dude.
18:27It's only my second one, but still.
18:28But even more impressive than how good the food is,
18:30the service in this seat is just unbelievable.
18:32Carrie brought me bottles of water
18:34and turned my suite into a bedroom.
18:39Guys, I can't believe I'm about to say this,
18:42but I think I'm gonna take a nap.
18:46I switched into the Air France pajamas.
18:48I love them.
18:52I love them.
19:10Good morning, again.
19:12I have no idea what time of day it is.
19:14You know those times when you sleep so good,
19:17you just gotta keep laying down for a little bit?
19:20That's me right now.
19:22I mean, that was not a nap.
19:25Let's get that straight.
19:25That was a slumber.
19:26Perhaps hibernation.
19:27Shout out to my bears watching.
19:29One of the craziest things about this seat to me
19:31is that I can just order whatever food I want
19:33whenever I want.
19:34And I think I'm gonna do that right now.
19:43Too tiny burger?
19:45Yes, please.
19:48Hailey's gonna be mad at me if I leave that in the video.
19:50Honestly, everything feels so much crazier
19:53purely because I'm in an airplane.
19:54Like, I am actually blown away
19:56at this red and white striped box of popcorn.
19:58I don't even see these types of boxes
19:59at movie theaters anymore.
20:01They're so cool.
20:01I feel like this is just logistically not efficient to have.
20:05And then the fact that I can order mini burgers?
20:08Who's making them back there?
20:09They got Chef Gordon Ramsay in the cockpit?
20:12Holy moly.
20:13Anyways, yeah, I'm gonna absolutely house this food.
20:20I ate my popcorn while watching the front camera view
20:22of the airplane,
20:23which made me realize it's actually daytime outside
20:25and I just have the window shades down.
20:34This video is going to be my last video of 2024.
20:37I just spent the last hour before we land
20:39looking through old photos and videos from this year.
20:41And I was tearing up.
20:42Like, I just can't even begin to express how grateful I am
20:45that you guys choose to spend your time
20:48watching my videos and hanging out with me.
20:50I really do try to make the best videos I possibly can,
20:52but none of it matters
20:54if someone isn't on the other side enjoying it.
20:57So it's been an amazing year.
21:00I am incredibly grateful for you watching
21:02and it's not lost on me how insane experiences like this are
21:06and how blessed I am to be the person sitting in this seat.
21:08This will never be something that I take for granted.
21:10I just remember when I was growing up,
21:12all I wanted to be was a YouTuber
21:14and I would watch other YouTubers for inspiration.
21:16Just in case there's someone watching this video right now
21:18that just needs someone to tell them
21:20that they believe in you, I believe in you.
21:23Chase your dreams,
21:24even if you feel like you're not qualified,
21:26even if you feel like it can't possibly happen for you.
21:28You never know where you'll be in the future.
21:30This plane is landing and our journey around the world
21:32is about to come to an end.
21:40As we were landing in America,
21:41I realized the flight path came back the exact way I came,
21:44which means I technically didn't fly in a circle
21:47around planet Earth at all.
21:48And I thought to myself, I can't do anything right.
21:51But after I landed, I remembered something.
21:53This video really wasn't about the planes
21:56or flying around the globe.
21:57It was about making the people I love most feel appreciated
22:01with gifts from various airports.
22:03And when they finally opened their gifts
22:04and I saw the look on my dad, Haley's,
22:07and especially Spock's face, I mean, my goodness, Spock,
22:09what's your problem with Ratatouille?
22:10This feels personal.
22:11All I could think about was one thing.
22:13Earth is really big and I am so happy to be home.
22:18Thank you so much for watching
22:19my last YouTube video of the year.
22:21Don't forget to join the climb.
22:23Go to Target and get yourself some Joyride.
22:25Help us become the number one selling candy in Target.
22:27And if you don't have a Target near you,
22:28we are in some other locations.
22:30Ooh, there they are.
22:31YouTube thinks you'll like this video on screen,
22:33so be sure to give it a watch.
22:34Hope you have an amazing holiday season.