छत्रपति संभाजीनगर ( महाराष्ट्र ) – महाराष्ट्र के खुल्दाबाद में औरंगजेब की कब्र है जिसका विवाद थमने का नाम नहीं ले रहा है। अब हिंदू संगठनों ने औरंगजेब की कब्र को हटाने की मांग की है। इसको लेकर औरंगजेब की कब्र पर भारी संख्या में पुलिस का बंदोबस्त किया गया है। इसके साथ ही कब्र पर जाने वाले सभी लोगों का मोबाइल नंबर भी लिखा जा रहा है और फोटो और वीडियो बनाने की मनाही है। औरंगजेब की कब्र पर छ: पीढ़ियों से खिदमत करने वाले केयरटेकर का कहना है कि कुछ नेता और हिंदू संगठन औरंगजेब की कब्र को हटाने की मांग कर रहे हैं और अपनी राजनीति चमका रहे हैं। औरंगजेब की कब्र की देखभाल करने वालों का कहना है के खुल्दाबाद में सभी धर्म और जाति के लोग मिलजुल कर रहते हैं और एक दूसरे के त्यौहार में भी हिस्सा लेते हैं लेकिन माहौल खराब करने की कोशिश बाहर के लोग कर रहे हैं। वहीं सूफी संत जैनुद्दीन शीराजी की कब्र के खादिम शेख सादिक का कहना है कि औरंगजेब ने अपनी जिंदगी में जो तकरीबन 14 रुपए टोपी सीकर और कुरान लिखकर कमाए थे उस पैसों से ही औरंगजेब का कफन और कब्र बनी थी लेकिन जब लॉर्ड कर्जन ने हैदराबाद के निजाम से अपील करके यहां संगमरमर और तमाम चीजों की व्यवस्था करवाई थी। वहीं औरंगजेब की कब्र के आस-पास दुकान चलाने वाले दुकानदारों का कहना है कि दुनिया भर से लोग औरंगजेब की कब्र को देखने आते हैं। दुकानदारों ने सरकार से अपील की है कि औरंगज़ेब की कब्र का विवाद बंद कर दें और जो भी इस तरह की बयानबाजी कर रहा है उन पर सरकार सख्त से सख्त कार्रवाई करे।
00:30The history of Aurangzeb Alamgir is that he died in Ahmednagar in 1707 and was born in
00:451616 in Gujarat.
00:46So, because of his death, he was making a will to his eldest son that wherever he dies,
00:52he should be buried at the feet of his Guru in Khuldabad.
00:56We have six generations.
00:58Ever since Aurangzeb Alamgir passed away, we have been the sixth generation.
01:04Here, we have cleanliness, colour, light, Fatiha in the evening, Fatiha in the morning,
01:10flowers, etc.
01:11Now, this debate is going on a lot on social media and news, and the government should
01:16put emphasis on this, because he is also a Mughal king who ruled India for 50 years,
01:21and the government should put emphasis on this.
01:24Yes, Hindu-Muslims are being created in this.
01:27Now, this is our Khuldabad.
01:29Here, Hindus and Muslims all live together.
01:31There is no such environment here.
01:33But this environment that is being spoilt outside, like in Maharashtra, the whole environment
01:38is being spoilt by social media.
01:40The job of the government is to take action on this.
01:44The people who are spoiling the environment are doing this.
01:47We are under the service of the ASI.
01:52The Maharashtra government and the central government are also protecting this.
01:57Their job is to protect this.
01:59Now, the police are coming up with statements on YouTube and the media,
02:04that we will break the news, etc.
02:06According to that, the government is also alert.
02:08There must be employment for many people here.
02:12There is a lot of employment, sir.
02:13There is employment for at least 5,000 people.
02:16There is Elora here, 3 km away.
02:18There is the Shri Bhadra Maruti Temple.
02:20There is the Girishneswar Temple.
02:22There is Khuldabad.
02:23There is a tourist place here.
02:25There is Daulatabad Ford.
02:26So, there is a shortage of tourists here due to this environment.
02:33Our request to the Maharashtra CM is that
02:36the people who are making such requests or giving such statements,
02:42they should be fined crores of rupees.
02:46No, no, no.
02:47The ASI guards here pay for the guards.
02:52And the rest of the expenses, maintenance of the temple, light bill, etc.
02:56is done by the Khuddam-e-Kamiti.
02:58When Aurangzeb Badshah was in power,
03:01he used to come here on 22nd for Zarat.
03:04So, he used to get spiritual peace here.
03:06And since this 22nd Khwaja is from the family of the Prophet Muhammad,
03:10Aurangzeb believed that I should be at his feet
03:14so that he would get spiritual peace.
03:17So, he used to come in his time.
03:19He made a will from his son, Azam Shah,
03:21that wherever I die,
03:23I should be buried at the feet of the 22nd Khwaja.
03:26No, when Aurangzeb passed away,
03:29his will was to make my grave at Rs. 14.12.
03:33The Rs. 14.12 that he used to make for the headgear.
03:37To make it at that price.
03:39Not to spend the government's money.
03:41So, when this grave was made at Rs. 14.12 by Azam Shah,
03:45earlier it was made of clay.
03:47The clay grave was made of iron and wood.
03:49But in 1921, when Lord Skarjan came here to Aurangzeb,
03:54he saw that there is such a big Badshah and such a simple grave.
03:58So, he called the Nizam of Hyderabad
04:00and put this marble sheet and floor here.
04:03Earlier, this was not there.
04:04People come here to see that such a big Badshah,
04:08who ruled the whole of India for 50 years,
04:11they come to see him.
04:13Tourists come from all over the world to see him.
04:17The Badshah, among the Mughals,
04:19is the Badshah who ruled for more than 50 years.
04:22They come to see him.
04:24This is the business of James and Gillette.
04:26And the issues that are going on now are political issues.
04:31And this has nothing to do with the matter.
04:36But the fact is that Aurangzeb and Shivaji were made the subject.
04:40This is wrong.
04:41Aurangzeb has been here for 330 years.
04:44And the second thing is that this tourist line,
04:505000 people are associated with the business of tourists.
04:55And there is a family of 25,000 people behind 5000 people.
04:58And these people are suspected of being traitors.
05:01Because their entire business has been shut down
05:03because of these political issues.
05:05These are political issues.
05:07It has been 330 years since this matter happened.
05:09What is the need to spread it today?
05:11There is no concern about this.
05:14This is not a religious matter.
05:16These are political issues.
05:18And then the second thing is that
05:20spreading this news is wrong.
05:26There is nothing to do with it.
05:29And it has been 350 years.
05:31What is the need to spread this news after 350 years?
05:33The issue that is being raised
05:36wants to hide the failure of the government.
05:44The government is neither providing employment
05:48nor is it helping the poor.
05:50Nor is it helping our farmers.
05:53So many farmers are committing suicide every day.
05:57But no one is paying attention to them.
05:59They are only distracting the public.
06:02They are calling Hindus and Muslims.
06:04They are talking about Aurangzeb's grave.
06:06All this is a failure of the government.
06:09How is all this?
06:11This is the responsibility of the government.
06:13The government should stop them.
06:18And the Maharashtra government should
06:22have a good name for itself.
06:25Just like Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians
06:29celebrate their festivals.
06:32The government should stop them.