• 6 hours ago
दिल्ली: कांग्रेस के वरिष्ठ नेता राशिद अल्वी ने होली के दौरान राहुल गांधी के विदेश दौरे पर जाने के मुद्दे पर कहा कि ये जरूरी नहीं है कि हर त्योहार पर हर नेता मौजूद रहना चाहिए। क्या पीएम मोदी ने होली खेली है ? मैंने बीजेपी के नेताओं को नहीं देखा होली खेलते हुए, मैंने मोहन भागवत जी को नहीं देखा होली खेलते हुए। ये हर नागरिक का अपना मामला है होली खेले, न खेले विदेश जाए, न जाए, क्या प्रधानमंत्री विदेश नहीं जाते। बीजेपी इस तरह के मुद्दे उठाकर सिर्फ देश के लोगों को गुमराह करती है। उनकी आदत है कि जबतक वो गांधी परिवार के खिलाफ न बोलें उनकी बात ही पूरी नहीं होती है। राहुल गांधी जहां गए होंगे वहां होली मना रहे होंगे।

#rashidalvi #congress #rahulgandhi #holi #rahulgandhiforeignvisit #bjp


00:00This is absolutely wrong. It is not necessary that every leader should be present at every festival.
00:07Did PM Narendra Modi play Holi? I did not see him playing Holi.
00:13I did not see other leaders of BJP. I did not see Mohan Bhagwatji playing Holi.
00:20Blaming Rahul Gandhi like this is a personal matter of every citizen.
00:28Whether he plays Holi or not, whether he goes abroad or not.
00:33Do BJP leaders not go abroad? Does the Prime Minister not go abroad?
00:37The BJP raises such issues and misleads the people of the country.
00:43And it is their habit that until they speak against the Gandhi family, their words are not fulfilled.
00:51Only Rahul Gandhi can answer this question.
00:54If Rahul Gandhi has gone abroad again, then why?
00:59But there is no restriction on anyone going abroad.
01:02Holi is a celebration. Diwali is a celebration. Eid is a celebration.
01:09That celebration can be celebrated anywhere.
01:12Don't Indians living abroad celebrate Holi? They also celebrate it.
01:17Is it necessary that a person living in Delhi will celebrate Holi in Delhi?
01:21We don't celebrate it. We celebrate it in our constituency.
01:25So if Rahul Gandhi has gone abroad, and I don't know if he has gone or not,
01:30then wherever he has gone, he must be celebrating Holi.
01:34See, Rahul Gandhi always goes when he is invited from abroad.
01:40He is invited from universities, he is invited from many countries.
01:46So it is obvious that he should go and he goes.
01:51Every person in the country goes for personal reasons.
01:54Even if he goes for personal reasons, how can anyone object to it?
02:00Can you look at someone's personal freedom?
02:06If Rahul Gandhi goes, and I don't know why he has gone,
02:11but even if it is a personal reason, no one can object to it.
02:16People go to get treatment. People go to participate in the celebrations of many relatives.
02:23Many people go to participate in the marriages of relatives.
02:28This is not an unnecessary thing.
02:30See, this is a stupid question. I don't know what good news is being talked about.
02:36That it can be good news.
02:39The person who is asking this question should tell us what he means by this.
