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The Iconic Roma Trio With 100,000 FC Points!

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00:00Today, I'm gonna use the iconic Roma trio and to get their teammates. I have got
00:06100,000 FIFA points
00:09I'll put the best players I pack into the team and then play a game
00:13So the cheapest and most reliable foot coins make sure you check out you seven by and if you use my discount code Danny
00:19You can save yourself 8% off. We've got 100 K. All right
00:22Do we just go with a sweet 16 packs again or no?
00:25Should we start flirting with some promo packs? What promo packs? Do I need to open? I guess that's a guaranteed foot birthday
00:33I don't know. We'll see. I don't know if it's gonna be that good
00:38That's money, oh my god, that's like oh my god first part. I think he's like a million coins. I'm not joking
00:45I genuinely think that's a million coins straight away
00:481.8 million. He's 1.8 million coins straight away. Oh
00:53My god, yep, okay, that's the first player in the team if that makes sense
00:59It's technically the fourth player in it, but you know what?
01:01I mean apart from my front three
01:03That's the first player in a team if that that makes sense, right and 89 times 11, but it's
01:104,000 FIFA points, which is a bit ridiculous. Hello
01:14Who is that? Oh, that's not bad. Okay, that's bad. I need a van dyke lads
01:19He is realistically the only player I'd like shout. I'd scream for you know, I mean, I might as well do the lightning
01:27Oh, I'll have a 90 plus player pick. We'll have a look. Of course. We'll have a look go on go on
01:391.8 million coin duplicate
01:41We are not happy unless we get van dyke unless we get van dyke. We consider this an LPAC opening
01:50Do I use him? I'm thinking are we gonna get much center back? I'm gonna put him in a team, you know
01:55I don't know how many other center apart from van dyke. I don't know how many other center backs. We're gonna get
02:00I want this team to be ridiculous like the best team ever Garvey would have been usable to be fair. Who's that?
02:08Now I won't use Paredes I want to use only like bangers my dupe storage is nearly full
02:13I have no idea what to do with the fodder
02:15Sounds like a new problem. Oh that looks like ZM re again done it. Swear that looks like zero Emory again
02:26Left-back so
02:28Surely not surely. Okay still though. Okay, that's left back
02:32So that's probably am I wrong in saying that's probably best left back in the game. I better than
02:38Evo Hernandez better than team of the year Grimaldo that's surely best left back in the game English sentiment prep
02:45Hold on
02:48Okay, all right, never mind never mind someone just said Bellingham I
02:53Still need a lot more players, but oh my god, these are running out as well. We need to hurry up
02:58These are like actual lightning rounds mate. We need to hurry up low-key or actually extremely high-key. We need to hurry up. Oh
03:04Duke DeMarco, we still need a good cam. I need a really really good cam. Yay. I
03:12Said I needed a cam off. Oh, you know what? I'm using him. I'm using big Steve Mandanda. We obviously need a goalkeeper
03:18I'm having Mandanda mate. I want this midfield to be unreal. We've already got ZM re in it
03:24So that's a very good start now. We need like Musiala. Oh, is that a right back?
03:28I lads I'm get this team is being built man. That's a right back sorted mate right back sorted Serge Nabri mid
03:35Very mid we've still got
03:3875,000 points left. So it's just these are gonna run out soon, you know a cost. Oh, no. Wait, what was that? I died bar
03:46Been off that we've got someone better than Van Dyke. I'm going Harry Maguire
03:50He's better than Van Dyke lads. Now. All we need is a center mid and a cam and the team is done
03:56I'm not oh my god
03:58I mean that is a cam but like I don't know. I'm not gonna now
04:03I know it's a cam, but I'm not using Ella to basically go on. Give me Van Dyke one-time man Earl in Halland
04:10I ain't bad. I guess send a mid and a cam
04:13Who's like realistic players we can get here Gavi and like I thought I'm Musiala is pretty realistic since I've already packed him
04:21Yeah, couldn't you would be quite good. Actually. I haven't packed him in this video
04:24Have I ah lads these are about to run out which means we have to go to promos
04:28So that means we've got a 92 plus foot birthday here. Go on
04:36Reckon it's gonna be run out now 700 left if I if it ain't an icon we skip it. Oh Ella tune, please
04:43Yeah, we got one or two, but we got probably like three more. I reckon. Oh my god 91 left
04:48This might be the last one skip skip skip skip skip skip skip
04:52This might be the last one shot. Come on one more one more one more one more one more one more one more
04:58Shit one more. They've added another one as well. Oh Q Corella in my last one
05:04Ella tune man
05:06And 89 times 2 we'll have a look. We'll have a look. It can't hurt. Go on Van Dyke in the first one
05:13Oh de guard, right? Thanks very much. Oh, he's gonna be filthy for fodder. Oh, that's real. Oh boy
05:20Is it can that be Dumbia? Is that like Dumbia or someone? Oh my fucking god
05:24It's just like Dumbia or a barber or someone. It's just Dumbia or a barber or Javino
05:42There we go. There was the realistic one. We wanted Garvey will do. Thank you very much right now
05:49All we need is a cam. This cams gonna have to be sick though. Like I'm it has to be minimum Muzi Allah
06:03Please don't be Gary Lineker, please not Gary Lineker for birthday icon
06:16Looks like she's from ratatouille or some shit. I'm not now not for me
06:21What one should I do this one Garen, but then ones were basically guarantee as well, and it I'll give it a try
06:26It can't hurt Harry fucking Maguire. I mean this one's supposed to be one of the best packs in it
06:31That's a winter wildcard icon. I could be all nine. This genuinely could be all nine. I think hold on
06:37Surely I'm allowed to upgrade lads. I'm upgrading to foot birthday Dalglish. I'm allowed. It's mine. It's my video
06:45I'm upgrading to foot birthday Dalglish. Thank you very much. The team is done the next day
06:50You missed when Danny was a virgin. So does your mum mate? That's the team as the team is done. The team is done
06:57I've got the front free trio. I've got Dalglish. I've got foot birthdays to
07:02Stop stuttering. You've done good so far. They just stop it, right? I don't know what to say
07:06I got a load of foot birthdays. I can actually play a game with them
07:10I know I can play a 4-2-4, but I feel like you just have to have the front free in it
07:14You just have to have the front free. It doesn't make sense
07:18What an awful team Wow, I remember my first Evo mate bloody hell was it worth the time and effort probably not
07:26Go on to Marco
07:28That was a fake shot Javinia good start from him. See you later. See you later
07:36See you
07:37You fucked up giving the free kick king a free kick by the way
07:40Make ten gifted subs when it goes in lads ten gifted subs. I repeat and gifted subs. Let me know who wants it
07:48And I'll pay it out right now. I'll pay it out right now who wants it
07:52You don't don't fucking deserve it. You lot do not deserve it. But you know what? That's just a bet
07:57That's just who I am. I've potentially come against the worst FIFA player
08:01I could have came against you are shocking mate. Go on a bar, but fuck you know, he's massive
08:07I did not remember a barbo being that girthy. Oh
08:12Who do we give it to didn't be a barber or Jovino I'm giving it a barber
08:24He's a bit shit no bad
08:34Right last time I gave it a barber this time I'm giving it them here
08:54My god, oh my god. Oh my god
09:03Why a barbos awful I'd recommend Dumbia so far lads, but that's about it. I'm recommending Dumbia. It's only Kobe may you know you met
09:12Why have I just been called a fish monger stop the ads you fish monger
09:16I beg your pardon. This guy must be the most confused man of all time
09:21He has no idea what to do with himself. He has no idea what to do with himself two seconds later
09:32More proof that yeah just before halftime as well more proof. This game is fucking rigged me
09:37Well lock in straight away kickoff go bank. We're winning
09:41Just straight away. No brothers. Do you know lads if you want me to try I'll be a bit boring
09:46But he's confused once again, this man is very confused. Check this out
09:57Come on Steve man, come on
10:03This guy, all right, are you actually all right?
10:07Guys so lucky. Yeah, he's so lucky
10:15Let's fucking go I ain't losing this man. He's leaving. He's leaving. He's leaving. I'm not fucking leaving
10:21Oh my god, he subbed on geese have a day off man. Oh, he's got trickster. That's something I should have known 75 minute
10:32No way bros playing for a draw, there's no way you are playing for a draw in division rivals
10:49Center back by the way center back as a CB
10:53His job is to defend and he's just won me the fucking game give the fucking free kicking a free kick now
11:00Good boy. Good boy. Oh you fucking dare leave
11:07And we want shot we won in division one we won in division one
