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Every Low Driven Goal = Upgrade

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00:00Today, every load-driven shot that I score, I get to open a promo pack decided by the will.
00:06But of course, we need someone with the load-driven play style.
00:10So let's pick our one player now. For the cheapest and most reliable foot coins,
00:14make sure you check out u7buy. And if you use my discount code DANNY, you can save yourself 8% off.
00:20Yeah, look, Muziala, Adayemi, and in a wild card, lads, I believe Gary Lineker.
00:26So I don't know if they're the only ones on the game, but they're the three that we can choose from.
00:31They all have the load-driven.
00:34I mean, surely it's gotta be Adayemi, innit?
00:37Surely. I'm gonna do a poll and chat are gonna vote who's gonna be my starting player.
00:43Okay, Adayemi's winning by far.
00:46So I think we go with a 4-3-3-3-4. Whack him up front. Boom.
00:51That's gonna be the team. And basically every- it has to be a load-driven. It can't just be any random goal.
00:58It has to be a load-driven with Adayemi, and then that will unlock us a promo pack.
01:03Let's see his team. First game.
01:05We're probably- lads, I'm gonna play four games as well. Three games for the upgrade, and then the last game for like,
01:11like a pack or something. So I've got to get in the- oh my god!
01:14Oh, I've got to get in the box, innit? You can't load-driven it outside the box or anything.
01:20Cheers, Geoff.
01:24That's a goal. Oh, for- really? Really?
01:29Adayemi's 5-0, 5-0! Load-driven! Why did it not show up?
01:33Okay, I'm gonna have to do a masterclass here.
01:36Oh, you've not. That's a free kick, right? I don't mind.
01:43Shush! Imagine getting a penalty saved by a bronze keeper, mate.
01:51I just need one load-driven goal to make this usable. Surely not from here.
01:56How do you do a load-driven? How would you actually do a load-driven?
02:00I literally tapped it, lads. What do you mean too much pa-
02:04I just need one goal.
02:11Lock in! Why is he not- I don't get this new- I don't get it.
02:15I don't get this play style. Now I'm cooked.
02:17Well done. 6-0! Wow! You're sweating it against a full bronze team. Wow!
02:23Just give me one goal.
02:26Yes! Come on! Kareem, the dream! Adayemi!
02:37I don't care. I may give you all the bronzes.
02:39Oh, just before halftime. That's one promo pack.
02:45The question is, lads, do I leave now and take my promo pack or do I try and get more?
02:49I think just in case we land on like the worst promo pack,
02:52I'm gonna have to keep going. I'm gonna have to keep going, lads.
02:55Go on, Richards! Shock the world!
03:03Oh, well done, mate. Wow! 8-1 and you're still trying. Well done.
03:08If this lands on the worst promo pack, by the way, I'm kicking off.
03:12You f**k. Adayemi!
03:15Bye! Have a great time!
03:16Low-driven goal! Low-driven goal! Everybody that told me to leave, now what?
03:21Everybody that told me to leave! Two promo packs!
03:24Two seconds later.
03:26You are actually the worst player ever, mate. The worst player ever.
03:30Two low-driven goals equals two promos. Yeah, keep trying, mate.
03:34Why are you actually still trying?
03:37Ideally, I've even got lightning rounds in here, by the way. You see them two.
03:41They're lightning rounds. So, ideally, we get them.
03:44We don't want anything that starts of like half-time, basically.
03:47First promo...
03:49That's a... What is that? Ultimate pack.
03:53Half-time Jumbo Ultimate Players Pack Plus.
03:56To be fair, it's an ultimate pack.
03:59Look, it's gonna be a lot better than bronze cards. I'll tell you that for free.
04:02But it's not gonna be anything life-changing, is it?
04:05That one.
04:06So, it's 40 rare... Oh, so you actually get 65 gold rare players.
04:12I don't think this is gonna be that good.
04:14I'm not even like doing... Yeah, not even doing reverse psychology.
04:18I mean, it's gonna be an upgrade on bronze cards. Don't get me wrong, but...
04:21No offense, but is that an upgrade on a bronze card?
04:26Oh, it's tradable.
04:27Is this... This is not even a... This... How is this a fucking upgrade?
04:31Right, I'm gonna have to pick out some players here.
04:33Okay, and then what I'm gonna do, right? I'm gonna quick sell that.
04:36I'm allowed to open that, surely. That still counts as one pack, surely.
04:40In form.
04:41This is still one promo pack.
04:43Oh, Declan...
04:44Lads, beggars can't be choosers at this point. That's Declan Rice, you know.
04:47We will be using Declan Rice, baby.
04:50That is a big upgrade to the team, though, surely.
04:53Oh, we're gonna have to do that for...
04:55Mal! I thought Mal would play for Dortmund. He doesn't.
04:58We've still got one more promo pack after this, but...
05:01Oh my god, look at that. The Bayern Munich as well.
05:03This is gonna upgrade the team massively.
05:05All right, lads, that's just after one pack, technically, by the way.
05:08Right, lads, we've still got one more promo pack to open, because remember,
05:12we only... We only opened two because it came with another one, if that makes sense.
05:15So hopefully we get... We want to get like an 89 tandem pack.
05:19Oh my god, this will probably upgrade the team the most.
05:23It's a hundred player pack.
05:25We get a hundred players in one pack.
05:27This literally will just transform the team, mate.
05:30This will transform the team.
05:31This has to be a foot birthday, surely.
05:34Come on!
05:35First foot birthday in the team.
05:37Oh, Antonio Silva!
05:39We've got a 91 plus foot birthday.
05:41If this is a double walkout, we have a 91...
05:43We have a 91 plus foot birthday.
05:49Hold on, hold on.
05:55And he's got low driven!
05:56He's got low driven as well.
05:58So now we're doubled...
06:00We've got double the chance of scoring a low driven.
06:03Okay, he... Right, okay.
06:04What? Okay.
06:05Oh my god, that's just...
06:07Right, that has literally changed the team so much.
06:22All right, let's go into the second game,
06:23but this time we've got two chances of scoring low drivens.
06:27Oh, okay.
06:30The... His team's improving as well.
06:32Well, it's not like I'm playing the same person,
06:33but you know what I mean.
06:34Oh my god, straight away.
06:36No! Wait!
06:38It didn't...
06:38Chat, does that count?
06:40You can decide.
06:41That kind of got air time and the thing didn't shut.
06:44They're not allowing it.
06:45I like it!
06:46Just tap it.
06:49Just a little tap!
06:50Just a little tap!
06:52Right, that's one for sure.
06:53The thing showed up.
06:54They were nerfing me with a bronze team.
06:56They were... No!
06:58I don't know if this low driven shot's the right play style, man.
07:06Yes, it is!
07:12Two more promos, lads.
07:13Two more.
07:14That's the quickest game yet, mate.
07:16Two more promo packs.
07:19Oh, yes.
07:20That helps a lot with upgrades.
07:2287 plus player pick for the first promo.
07:24So it's a one of two.
07:26It's tradable, to be fair.
07:27All right, let's see.
07:28Will it make an upgrade to the team?
07:30That's a goat.
07:37Does a 91 Hallon make the team?
07:39No offense.
07:40Nah, he don't make the team.
07:42So that was a wasted promo pack.
07:44Oh, that might be...
07:45This might be a very good one.
07:48Oh, I think that's the one for XP.
07:51I mean, you know what?
07:51I'll take some XP.
07:52Yeah, it's that one.
07:53It just gives you a thousand XP.
07:55Games again.
07:57For birthday from XP pack.
08:01Who is...
08:02Oh, that's an inform.
08:03That's the 87 rated inform.
08:05I ain't got a clue what she's called.
08:07Alba Redondo.
08:12That has to be an upgrade, surely.
08:15All right, lads.
08:16I think Hasagawa makes the team.
08:18I'm getting rid of Declan Rice, mate.
08:20I am getting rid of Declan Rice for Hasagawa.
08:23She actually gets more chem than Declan Rice.
08:25Right, lads.
08:26This is going to be the last game.
08:28The last game for upgrades.
08:29And then you'll see the last...
08:32I don't know.
08:33Third game.
08:37Wait, what's the...
08:42Like, it's just not...
08:46Fucking Bunny scored against me.
08:49I've actually conceded to Bunny Shaw.
08:53Wait, that's a load...
08:54That's a load-driven.
08:55That's a load-driven.
08:56The ball didn't leave the floor.
08:58You're a gutless cheat as well.
09:00That's one load-driven, one promo pack.
09:02Fuck off, Bunny.
09:07In the bitch.
09:08Don't let Bunny take it, for Christ's sake.
09:11Why is...
09:11Bro's taking it with sausages like he's gonna score.
09:13You made it so obvious what you're doing as well.
09:19That counts!
09:20That counts!
09:21It's another promo pack!
09:24Don't say that doesn't count.
09:25That ball did not leave the floor.
09:27Oh, see, I would have chipped it there.
09:29I would have chipped it.
09:30But I'll just load-driven it!
09:33Come on!
09:34This game is easy!
09:36This game is easy!
09:38Go on, Bunny.
09:39Fucking hell, her shirt can't even keep up with her.
09:42Her shirt was halfway off her fucking tummy.
09:45Look at him not even controlling his centre-backs.
09:48That's a load...
09:48Honestly, at this point, fucking cry about it.
09:51Four promo packs.
09:54All right, VAR, fine.
09:57We're back on three, whatever.
09:59We're back on three.
10:00Because I don't know why I'm listening to my chat.
10:04What now, chat?
10:05Say something now, chat!
10:07Say something!
10:08Even had the logo and everything.
10:10That's four.
10:11Actually, a really good play style.
10:13I'm warming up to it.
10:14I am warming up to the PlayStyle Plus.
10:21Should we get Keith to spin the wheel?
10:23We've got four wheel spins.
10:25First one from Keith.
10:27First wheel spin from Keith.
10:31Guaranteed foot birthday pack!
10:34Yes, please!
10:36It's not even guaranteed a foot birthday, actually.
10:38But we can maybe get a loan.
10:42Come on!
10:47Oh, yeah, it is.
10:48Go on, big foot birthday.
10:50Harry Maguire!
10:53That's an upgrade, people!
10:55Harry Maguire!
10:56My dupe storage as well.
10:58Go on.
10:58Oi, a good loan.
10:59I'm using it respectfully.
11:15We got three more promos.
11:16Three more promos.
11:18Wait, is that...
11:20Can I still do that one?
11:23Bust down Tatiana.
11:24Bust down Tatiana.
11:25Give me another one.
11:26Give me a...
11:26Oh my...
11:27Oh, that's Q Corella.
11:28I thought it was Rude Hullet for a second.
11:30I'm not going to lie.
11:35Maybe not.
11:36Maybe not.
11:37I don't think that's an upgrade on anyone.
11:41Yeah, why not?
11:42Two more promos, lads.
11:44Two more promos.
11:48Actually, what's that?
11:49Oh my god, I think that's the best one, actually.
11:51I'm not even joking.
11:52We're guaranteed a 90 plus here, I guess.
11:55It could be good.
11:56A fantasy?
11:58Hold on.
11:58Who's the fantasy?
11:59This could be good.
12:22Just a 1.3 mil there, lads.
12:25Just a 1.3 mil.
12:28That's all right.
12:29That's all right.
12:31Oh wait, shit.
12:32Okay, hold on.
12:33We're gonna have to do something here.
12:34Oh my god!
12:36Oi, this team from...
12:38Lads, remember an hour ago.
12:39This was a full bronze team an hour ago.
12:42Right, we've got one more promo pack.
12:45I think that's a player pick, maybe?
12:46Yeah, 86 halftime player pick.
12:49One of six.
12:51This could be all right.
12:52We're looking for a center back, you know?
12:54We're looking for a center back.
12:58No upgrade there.
12:59All right, lads.
13:00So this is gonna be the last game, yeah?
13:02What I'm gonna do...
13:03If we win this game, right?
13:05No, there's no longer low drivens or whatever.
13:07If we win this last game, I can open an 85 times 10 pack.
13:12That's the last game.
13:13Let's do this.
13:14I agree, mate, but I'm not in Div 6.
13:17As you can tell by the teams.
13:18Does that look like a Division 6 team?
13:20I feel like you might be getting a bit confused of numbers, mate.
13:25How do I compete against Pele?
13:27Come on, I want some action with Dumbia.
13:29I want Dumbia to wow me.
13:31Here's the boy.
13:32Speak of the devil.
13:33Speak of the...
13:35I have no idea who this is.
13:37Go on, Roota.
13:38Oh my god, she's through.
13:40Oh my god.
13:41Oh my god.
13:42I don't know who that is, by the way.
13:43Geraldine Rootala.
13:45That'll do.
13:47Come on!
13:50Come on, Dumbia!
13:52He is so bold.
13:53We're getting that 85 times 10.
13:55Hold on, another chance to cook.
14:01Looks like we've got an 85 times 10 to open, fellas.
14:04Not going to lie to you lot.
14:05I ain't going to lie to you lot.
14:06I said right foot creep.
14:24I want 6-1, lads.
14:25We can end with the 85 times 10 pack.
14:30It's tradable as well, by the way.
14:3285 times 10 tradable pack.
14:3785 times 10 tradable pack.
14:5185 times 10 tradable pack.
15:0085 times 10 tradable...
15:0785 times 10 tradable pack.
15:12Here we go!
15:14Here we go!
15:17Hold on, it's De Bruyne.
15:18It's De Bruyne.
15:20Wait a minute.
15:21Wait a minute.
15:23De Bruyne and then Dumbia.
15:36Keep this feeling.
