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#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash
00:00Okay, runner number one. Are you ready? Yes? I'm ready runner number two. I'm ready number three
00:05Yeah, and number four you're the winner of this race will receive
00:09$1,000 good luck to everybody ready psycho already. Oh jeez okay. I'm gonna win this race time is starting now
00:15Let's see who's gonna win that thousand dollars will it be one two three or four?
00:19I want it. I want it so far number four is in the lead. I'm catching up on my last
00:23This is crazy runner number one isn't doing too hot
00:26Oh, yo, how are you guys getting ahead of me? I wasn't known for riding neither was I I've always been known for walking
00:33Cuz it's more comfortable. I feel like I got the hardest course. They made it over the hurdles
00:37Let's see if they can get past the cactus. Oh, I'm gonna do this
00:41What is that turtle in the road, what is that no he's getting my way?
00:45I can't run him over yeah looks like runner number two fell behind dude. There's a turtle here
00:49I can't just run over him everybody's finishing the race who's gonna get to the end first do they even care about this guy?
00:55Don't worry. I care about you. Mr.. Turtle, and we have our winner runner number four
01:00That is rigged. Let me get you out of here, buddy. I got you. Oh you are heavy guys
01:05I couldn't complete the race there was something walking in my way. Well at least you saved it
01:09Oh, I feel so slow. I think it's cuz I'm carrying this big heavy turtle. Oh
01:13Did we have an interference over here? Yeah, this turtle was walking in the track, so I couldn't keep going well unfortunately
01:19I can't do anything about that doesn't mean you'll win the race or anything what that should totally count as a disqualification
01:24You want to be disqualified no it should count as an interference
01:27I don't know this turtle was in the way, and I just wanted to make sure I didn't step on him look
01:31Well, you can just treat that as your prize shady will get the $1,000 oh man hooray
01:37I mean he is pretty cool look at it. I like him
01:39I know I don't think I've ever seen a golden turtle before he also looks like he has particles although for some reason now
01:45I feel really slow. Maybe I'm tired. I think I should probably take him back
01:48I'm not sure where he came from but we could maybe take him to the zoo or something
01:52He looks too good to belong in a zoo. I know he does host. Do you know anything about this guy?
01:56I don't know. We don't own him or anything. I think he just walked into our track
01:59We could go to the zoo and ask what this turtle is cuz it's definitely not a normal one true
02:03We're gonna need some info. Yeah, he could be a rare species. Okay. Let's do it wait before you guys leave
02:07I need to make sure I can actually put him in my inventory there. We go
02:10I'm holding them like a little item now. It's like a plushie. Yeah, but you're still slow
02:13I know I think it's whenever I picked him up. I got slow. He's probably too heavy
02:17I feel like I'm mimicking the turtle right now
02:19Come on, we gotta go to the zoo. I'm coming. Just wait dude. You're slow. Mr. Turtle. What did you do to me, dude?
02:25There's some reason I'm just not as fast as I used to be but it's okay
02:28He's too cute to be mad at him. Usually the zookeeper here is able to help with anything
02:32Please contact if you find missing swift turtle
02:35I don't think I've ever heard of a swift turtle before me either whatever turtle we got was a slow turtle
02:39This one is actually a little faster than usual. I think I saw him walk. He also makes me slow
02:43All right. Well, let's see if we can find a zookeeper or something. Where's this zookeeper at?
02:47I keep seeing these signs around here saying please contact if you find missing swift turtle, maybe we should call the zoo
02:52No, they're probably here. There's like so many pens. They got to be by one of them
02:56Yeah, I know. I also don't think it's a good idea to leave this turtle here. Yeah. No, I agree
03:01I feel like zoos are a little unethical. They just get trapped in these cages
03:04I know look at that elephant. He's like help me I'm stuck in this cage
03:07I don't know if he's saying that he's probably just saying how he wishes to be free. He legit just said it
03:13I heard it. I don't think you can speak elephant. You're lying
03:16Finally excuse me
03:19We wanted to ask you a question
03:20I found this cool-looking turtle and I wanted to know what it was you found our Swift turtle
03:25What we've been looking for this turtle. Wait, wait, wait, I don't think he's yours. Yes. He is. He belongs to the zoo
03:30I have the paperwork in my hand. Well, we found him finders keepers. There's a $7,000 reward. Are you serious?
03:36Yes, we've been looking for him everywhere. He got out. He's really fast guys
03:40$7,000 so we can negotiate that upwards. I don't think we should keeping a turtle in a zoo is not good
03:46I'm sorry, but you're not getting him back. I don't want him to be stuck in a cage
03:49He needs to be free and we'll see you in court with our lawyers. What you can't steal zoo property
03:54You don't have the paperwork to prove you own him. Oh, I do and you'll see it in court
03:57What why do you care so much? Anyways, what's so cool about this turtle? He's slow. You made her mad
04:03Excuse me. Don't walk away from me. I need to ask you something. What do you want?
04:06I want to know why this turtle matters so much. That's a golden turtle
04:10He's one of the fastest around but whenever he walks he looks slow and whenever I pick him up
04:15He makes me really slow too. That's cuz they start off slow. You don't know about his magical abilities magical abilities
04:21Yeah with each second you have him you gain one speed. Wait, really? I mean, that's what it said about him
04:26So you're saying I'm only slow for the beginning, but if I keep him, I'll just get faster and faster over time. Exactly
04:32That's why we need him back. And if you're not gonna give him to us, we're taking you to court
04:35Well now that you told me all that I am definitely not giving him back
04:38Yeah, we are keeping him for as long as we possibly can but I'm taking you both the court you blue guy
04:44Yeah, you're the one I'm going for. I'm not scared. My dad knows how to handle people in court
04:48I guess we'll see you don't even know my name. I'll know in court on the documents. They have to provide it
04:53She's threatening us Nico. Don't listen to her. Okay, fine
04:55She's just mad that we got the turtle for ourselves and we're not gonna keep him prisoned in here. Yeah, exactly
05:00See ya. Yes, I don't think we should do this if it's for the good of the turtle
05:03Then I'll go to court for whatever and look he's already getting a little faster. Oh, he's zooming
05:07I know I think I should keep him for a little bit until I get back to normal speed and maybe we can release him
05:11Out into the wild where he belongs. Okay, I think I'm gonna go change my name really fast
05:15So she doesn't know it was me good idea me too. You know what on the walk back home
05:19I feel like I've actually gotten back up to normal speed now. I know and I finally changed my name Leah
05:24They'll have no idea. Don't you think that's a little too close to Mia? No, I changed the first letter it do now
05:29Oh, okay. Well Nico still needs to change his I'm thinking Nick. Yeah, what's good?
05:33What's you? Okay, of course Lico, I guess that still makes sense. Hey, yo shady. When you gonna be lady? Nah
05:40Probably never bro. Sorry. I'll go with the different route. Nah, look at him lash. That's not funny
05:45I'm definitely not choosing that if I were to guess Shady's probably gonna go with like shade or Sadie. Oh
05:52Nico you're cooked. I'm sorry about that. I'm locked in now. You guys know what turtles eat by the way
05:57I feel like we should probably take care of him before we take him to the wild little buddy. Can you speak?
06:01I wish you could tell me what you ate. Oh, they like black Donald's. How do you know that?
06:05There's one time I had a pet turtle and I gave him black Donald's. I was thinking seagrass. We could try both
06:10Here you go. All right, just take it
06:12Nah, he is not eating that. Oh, I don't think that was a good idea. Let's try block Donald's though
06:17Maybe they'll have something special for him. Whoo. I'm already feeling quicker. This is nice. Hey, really? Oh, yeah, excuse me, sir
06:22Do you make food for pets? Yeah, what kind cuz I got a turtle and I am not sure what he eats
06:27Oh, yeah, we have a turtle menu a turtle man. Really? You want a number one a number two or number three?
06:31Let me ask him. Hey, buddy. What do you want? I don't think he knows
06:34Does anybody here speak turtle by any chance? No, but I just looked it up and black
06:37Donald's is actually the worst option to give a turtle. Wait, really? Listen, can you just pick a number?
06:42Um, I guess the number one Mia it'll have to do for now
06:45I know it's unhealthy, but we got to give him something. Here you go, buddy. Take some mince beef
06:49Oh not even cooked. Oh, I don't even really know what turtles eat. There's this side Oh a side of kelp
06:54I think he'll love that. Wait, he's actually eating it. Look. Did you like it? What about the seaweed? Take some kelp?
06:58No, I don't think you like that one. Oh, yeah. No. Okay block. Donald's is not the move
07:03I thought turtles usually ate that stuff. That's what I thought too. Can we have more of the beef?
07:06You're gonna have to reorder a number one though. Okay, can we get three number ones? You know how much it costs, right?
07:11Yeah, it's probably like a few bucks, right? That's what everything at block Donald costs
07:14No, the turtle meals specifically are 150 each what and you didn't tell me that before
07:19Well, I mean I figured you knew you have the pet turtle so oh jeez you are expensive, you know what I'll do it for
07:25You there you go. Take that since he's such a special turtle. He needs to eat anyways
07:28Okay, so who's paying the $600 Nico is yeah, Nico will be paying that
07:33Yeah, so this is actually the real Nico and he has a lot of money so he could pay for it
07:37No, no, I'm Lico. Oh, no, one of them's got to figure it out
07:40Genuinely don't care who pays pay up the money or you're not leaving whatever. I'm gonna let Nico deal with that. Let's go
07:46I'm not gonna lie. I'm starting to feel faster, too
07:48Whenever I don't hold the turtle I could run like super quick. I could probably make a five block jump with this
07:53Okay, I need the blocks but that's like a lot never doubt me. Yeah. Ah, I was so close
07:59Hey, that was for though or is easy, but five is definitely gonna be a struggle
08:02I think I gotta wait to get more speed with this turtle. We'll keep hanging out with it. Maybe it'll give you more
08:07That's true. I'll make him a room in my house. So he actually has somewhere to stay. You should make it out of gold
08:11That's a good idea. You may name him Goldie. I was thinking about a name
08:15I don't know if Goldie would fit though feels a little basic. Oh, you know, I don't really use the second floor up here
08:20So I guess I could turn it into your room for now or at least until I find an escape for you
08:24I just need something to build with maybe Mia can bring something for me. Stay here and do not leave the room
08:29Yes, I have brought my baby. Yes here. I heard that you have a swift turtle upstairs. Oh, yeah, I do
08:34I'm keeping him here and well fed until we can find an escape for him. Okay
08:38You didn't bring him back to the zoo. They're very endangered. They're endangered
08:42Yeah, there's only a few of them in the world and there's only one in our area
08:45Well, that means I found the jackpot. Just make sure you don't feed him too much black Donald, okay?
08:50Uh, I may have already done that. Yeah, my bad. Well, you should stop either way. You need to make sure he's comfortable
08:56So, where is he? He's upstairs sitting in a cold room right now. Oh, no, we need to change that room
09:01Okay, people knows a lot about this guy. Yeah, he did research for me earlier. Okay, we need to make sure he doesn't touch the fire
09:06Maybe he's just trying to stay warm in there though. It is quite cold. Turtles are not supposed to be near the heat
09:11We need to build him an underwater chamber. Well, I could do all that. I just need creative mode
09:15Okay, I'll give it to you in the meantime while I'm building this
09:17Maybe you guys can go get him some more food since we only fed him block Donald's today. Yeah, okay
09:21I can get some vegetables. I looked up they like that. Oh, that'll work
09:24You could just ask me but what to get and buy it from the grocery store. Oh my gosh
09:28That guy costed so much money. How much did you pay him? I have $100. Oh my goodness
09:32Well, I need you to go with Mia and get some more money. Okay, fine
09:34Here you go. Good luck on your room. We'll be out getting him some food. It will be back soon. Okay, cool beans
09:39I'll see you later Meebo. Well now it's time to build you a room and Meebo said we needed a water chamber
09:43So I'm gonna first get rid of this fire
09:45I'm not trying to have you step in this at all. And you know what Mia had a good idea
09:48She said to make everything golden and since you are a golden turtle, I guess I'll do that
09:52We can also stick with the name Goldie for now since I can't think of anything better yet
09:56But just so you know, I'm changing that at some point
09:57Okay, the water chamber is gonna be on this side. And yes, of course, it's gonna be golden
10:02I'll use tinted glass to encase it here and I got to have an entrance and exit point for him
10:07I can do that pretty easily though. We just got to make sure there's no holes in this space, especially this back wall
10:11I need to make sure to fix that first. There we go. Oh wait, I almost forgot Goldie
10:15You must be getting bored here. I'll give you a phone. You can scroll tick-tock while I'm building this it'll be done very soon
10:19Okay now for the entrance point it should definitely be over here
10:22This is gonna be how he gets in and we also need to make sure the floor is super secure
10:26I don't think having wood under it is a good idea. So we'll change that all here now
10:29Let me just fix up the back wall and then I'm gonna put tinted glass all around here, too
10:34Okay, now I just need to finish up this last corner and then fill it all with water
10:37That looks pretty good how it is. I would fill it up with water manually, but instead of using a bucket
10:41I'm pretty sure I could just do something like this set water. Oh perfect, but it spills out from the side
10:46I need to give myself a structure void to stop that perfect
10:49Now he has an entrance point for it since we already built the water tank for him
10:52I also want to put some storage here for food whenever they bring it and I think I could just do that with some
10:56Barrels we can organize it in a way to where we know what he needs to eat
11:00I'm just gonna put a couple barrels here and then split it up in the middle and put some more above it
11:04The reason I'm splitting it up is because I want to put signs above these that way. I know what I'm getting first
11:09Are you back? I got some bananas and tomatoes bananas tomatoes. Okay, let me get some signs for those
11:15Okay, bananas could be breakfast bananas breakfast
11:18Tomatoes for lunch. Yeah, I think for lunch. Okay. Let me also make these signs glow a little bit
11:23Did you get any other foods? No, they didn't have any other vegetables. Oh, no
11:26I know I think the turtle likes beef. He was eating a lot at block Donald's
11:30I don't know if beef's good for him though. Yeah, but if it comes from a good source, then it'll probably be healthy
11:35We just can't get it from cheap places. He wants fish definitely some fish. All right, I'm going fishing
11:40Okay, you go get that and while she's doing that I'm gonna go build a little more inside the tank
11:44I don't want it to be too boring for him in there and I'm just gonna extend this out a little bit so that I
11:48Can actually get in and out. I think it'll be better as long as I can go
11:51I'm gonna add some seagrass and some kelp in here and then I'm also gonna get some coral blocks
11:56Of course, I'm gonna use the yellow ones. Here we go. He's gonna like this a lot more now
12:00We have some kelp in the way some dry blocks over here
12:02And then I'm gonna build some coral that's just hangs from the top like this
12:06Okay, I think that looks great and he's already going in there by himself. I don't even have to do anything
12:09Oh that is goaded. Well now that the tank and the eating chamber is already done. He needs to use the bathroom somewhere
12:15I'm not really sure if turtles know how to use toilets, but this one seems special to me
12:18I feel like he's super intelligent the toilet will be back here, but we got to make sure it's private, too
12:22I got a block off this window so nobody can see in let me get some blinds as well to actually cover these walls
12:27Not really sure if the turtles gonna need to see through but for now, we'll just keep them shut
12:30Then I'll just let them enter through here perfect and then finish off the wall above it like that on the inside
12:36I'm just gonna break all these blocks at the bottom and I'm gonna get some quartz to use for this and then all I have
12:40To do is just place it around in a circle this way that way. It's basically just a toilet but for turtles and there we go
12:46Now we have a toilet that actually leads downwards underneath my house. Is it gross that it's just gonna drop off the side
12:51I feel like that is I should probably funnel it down. So it doesn't bother anyone
12:54Nobody wants to be walking by just to step into some turtle poop. That's gross
12:59Yo, yo, what is this? Yo, it's toilet water. Okay, don't freak out. Yeah
13:04What that's a hazard aren't you supposed to be buying the food with Mia? Yes
13:08I'm supposed to be doing that but I'm not doing that. Okay. Well the Turtles got to eat soon
13:12We didn't get him that much yet. Have you gotten faster? I actually have look at this. Oh my gosh
13:16Yeah, I kind of forgot about that. Whoa, that turtle has had some weird effect on me
13:20We should do a race later test out how fast you are. Oh, yeah, true
13:23Let me just finish up this room for him and then I'll come back out. Okay back. Okay, mr. Turtle. Are you alive still?
13:28Yes, he is. Thank goodness
13:29I'm just gonna finish off this space for you
13:30And I'm also gonna block off the top cuz I don't want you going up to my room
13:33I'll figure out another way to get up here in the meantime
13:35The last thing I wanted to do was just change up this floor just so it's not so ugly looking
13:39I think I was just gonna use yellow carpet for most of this
13:41I could also give him some cushions and some sheets around here just so that he has places to sit if he ever needs to
13:46And we'll place those in random spots like right there. Okay, perfect
13:49Now he's got a bunch of little sitting areas and it's way more cozy in here. It actually feels like a home
13:53I'm pretty sure the turtles in the bathroom over there
13:55I definitely should make some trap doors so that he can close it didn't even really think about that to be honest boom now
14:01He has privacy wherever he wants to go and his room is complete
14:04I'm just gonna close off the entrance so he can't leave on accident and then I'll come back to get him in a second
14:08Wait, Mia, what are you doing out here? I have brought the fish. I literally caught all of this. That is perfect
14:13I can go put it in the barrels for now
14:15But I was supposed to go meet Nico cuz he wanted to race. Oh, dude, don't hurt his feelings like that
14:20Why he said he wanted to it wasn't my idea. Okay, I gotta watch this bro. He's gonna be so sad
14:25Okay, I'm keeping all the fish in here and I think I did pretty well on the room
14:28I'll meet you at the racetrack. Okay. Okay. I'm excited for this. Oh my goodness. Okay, Nico. You sure you want to do this, right?
14:34Yeah, no, I got my runner stance on well Mia. You got the timer ready? Yep. I'm ready. Okay, you know what?
14:39I'll give you a five second head start. Okay, let's go five four three two one. All right, I'm going see you later
14:44Nico, ah
14:46This is auto fare. I'm even tripping up on stuff and I'm still ahead of you. You should take a nap mid-race. That's true
14:52I could take a nap. Let me get closer to the finish line for a second
14:55I have so much distance on Nico. I don't even need to be going this fast. Wrap it in the hair Nico
15:00This is getting too easy for me, dude. Where are you at? I'm trying my best right now. Oh, nah
15:05I'm just gonna take a nap for now. He isn't even close
15:08Oh, wait, what just happened? Oh, no, is it nighttime already? I won lol
15:12I can't believe I let him beat me and why did nobody wake me up shady? You're still here
15:16Yeah, you're gonna finish the race dude. Oh, you were waiting on that. I guess so. Yeah, there you go
15:20Oh, thank goodness. I could go home now
15:22Why did he wait the entire night for me to finish the race Mia and Nico already left me here and they didn't even try
15:27To wake me up, but look at how fast I am. Okay, this is awesome. I'm really past
15:31I'm pretty sure I'm like 5x the speed. Oh wait, I forgot about the turtle. Oh, geez. Sorry shady
15:35I gotta go back home. You should probably also do that cuz sleeping. There's not a good idea
15:38Yeah, I know I'm trying to go back home, oh he keeps falling asleep mid-walk, you know, I don't have time for this
15:43I gotta make sure that turtles still alive in there. Oh, geez. Oh good thing. I got home really fast
15:47Please still be in here. Mr. Turtle. Where are you at? No, he's not in here. He's not on the toilet right now. Wait
15:52Oh, he's sleeping. I need to make sure he's still alive though. Wake up. Wake up, buddy. Are you still there?
15:57I think he's still awake. He's in rest mode right now, but I think this is too much stress for me
16:00I have way too much speed now and this turtle is just too much to take care of
16:03I could give him to one of my friends or I could release him back into the wild where he belongs
16:07I'm gonna go ask Mia what the best option is. She's gonna be angry that I woke her up. Yo, Mia
16:12Oh, hey, you're still awake. Yeah, I'm crocheting. What's up?
16:15Well, I was gonna ask if you wanted to help me release him into the wild
16:18I feel like staying at my house is not a good idea
16:21Well, we got to find a spot that nobody else will find him at and we got to make sure there's no predators
16:25They like water so we could just leave him on the beach. Oh, that is true
16:28We could go do that, but we got to watch him for a little bit, too
16:31Okay, wait, you're too fast, bro. My bad. The beach is this way. Oh my gosh. I'll see you there. Let's go
16:36Okay, Mia. Are you sure this is a good spot? Yeah. Yeah
16:40Yeah, I forgot how slow you were thanks for being a part of my life and for making me really fast
16:44But I think it's time for you to go. This is so sad. I can't give him a kiss. Goodbye. Goodbye Goldie
16:49Okay, I'm not giving him a kiss. I don't want to get diseases. Yeah
16:54Okay, just get in the water. It's where you belong. Wait, Mia. What is that? Why are there sharks in the water?
16:58Oh, no. Oh, can we rescue him?
17:00Get a sword or something, please
17:03No, no, please wait, he's killing the sharks what oh my gosh, he got rid of them. Oh my goodness
17:08Oh, thank you for taking care of me cash. You're the greatest owner ever. What you talk?
17:14Yes, I will now be on my way home. Goodbye now. Oh, that was awesome
17:18That was the sickest moment of my life and nobody's gonna believe me when I talk about it. It's okay
17:23You saw it, man
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17:30Bye guys