• yesterday
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Merch: https://cashandnico.com

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash
00:00I like that there's a new juice station over here. This is a good spot to put it.
00:03Yeah, thank you, man. What can I get for you?
00:04Well, what do you sell?
00:06Oh, well, we've got some really cool things here. They're very unique.
00:08Cow milk? That's all I'm seeing.
00:10Oh, no. I have a couple, you know, elixirs, as you could call them.
00:13Ooh, that sounds cool. What kind of potions you got?
00:15So I have this one that will turn you into a dog, or you could turn into a cat if you'd like.
00:19I want the dog one. Being a dog sounds awesome right now.
00:21I haven't been anything other than human for a while.
00:23All right, it'll be a low price of $5.
00:25Can I pay you back later?
00:26I mean, I guess. There's interest, though.
00:28So it'll be $7 tomorrow.
00:30I'll make sure I pay you on time, then.
00:31I just gotta go grab my house.
00:33Okay, I'll be watching.
00:34Okay, okay. Might as well just go get the money now.
00:36I need to pay that guy before I have to pay him, like, $100 by the end of the month.
00:39I should have a little bit of money in here, I think.
00:41Okay, perfect. Five monies.
00:43That's exactly what I was looking for.
00:44I should definitely go pay him now, but before I do that, I might as well use this dog potion.
00:48It sounded awesome.
00:49We're gonna see if it really works before I even have to pay him.
00:51Whoa, something cool just showed up on my screen.
00:53What was that? Oh, and it did turn me into a dog.
00:55And I actually look like myself still.
00:56I'm all red and stuff.
00:57Okay, I'm definitely going to pay this guy his $5.
01:00He deserves it.
01:00I can't believe it's even that cheap to turn myself into a dog like this.
01:03This is awesome.
01:04I might go buy some more dog potions for all my friends.
01:06They might want to be pets with me.
01:08Then we can run around town and do whatever we want.
01:10Oh, wait. What?
01:10Cat Army Unite!
01:12Why are there cats over here?
01:13Oh, yeah.
01:14Did you guys drink a cat potion?
01:15Wait a second. Did you drink a dog potion?
01:17Yeah, I did.
01:18That's the one I chose at the new drink station over there.
01:20Nah, bruh.
01:22Why did all you guys choose cats? I thought dogs were better.
01:24Um, it's cat time.
01:25Yeah, we've always liked cats.
01:26Since when?
01:27I could have sworn Shady had multiple dogs.
01:29I'm not gonna lie.
01:30They made me pick the cat, but don't say anything.
01:32Shady, get over here.
01:33Yeah, cats are super cool.
01:34Hey, but dogs are cool too.
01:35We could be friends.
01:36Yeah, okay.
01:37What do you mean they're okay?
01:38Well, you're not allowed in the cat house, you see.
01:40You guys built a cat house?
01:41Yeah, we have a whole cat house for ourselves.
01:43Oh my goodness.
01:44When did you guys build that?
01:45And how did I not see it before?
01:47Because you're a dog and you can't see far.
01:49Dogs are better anyways.
01:50And if I wanted to become a cat, I could.
01:52Go away. Don't follow us.
01:53No, don't run away from me.
01:54I want dog friends.
01:56I'll go buy them some dog potions so they can switch later on.
01:59I should go back to Gerald over there and pay him his money.
02:01Okay, the dog potion actually worked.
02:02Thank you for giving me that.
02:03Here you go.
02:04Yeah, yeah, of course.
02:05All right.
02:05Have a good one.
02:06Wait, can I buy some more potions before I go?
02:08We actually just ran out of socks.
02:10So what?
02:10That was it.
02:11You don't have any dog potions left?
02:12That was the last batch for the next 10 years.
02:14Are you serious?
02:15Well, do you have any cat potions?
02:17Ah, so I'm stuck as a dog and all my friends are cats.
02:20Sorry, buddy.
02:21It's okay.
02:21It's not really your fault.
02:22I should have bought the cat potion anyways.
02:24All right.
02:24Well, I'm gonna close up my shop.
02:25So have a good one.
02:26I guess so.
02:27I gotta go to their cat house and convince them to let me stay with them.
02:30I don't want to be alone.
02:31The whole reason I became a dog was so that I could hang out with my friends more.
02:33It's fine.
02:34I'll be able to convince them.
02:36Why not?
02:37I just want to stay in the cat house.
02:39It looks so awesome.
02:40We said no!
02:41It's a cat house, not a dog house.
02:43Okay, but I'm a clean dog.
02:45It's not like I'm gonna mess anything up anyways.
02:47Go away, meow.
02:48Hey, stop meowing at me.
02:49I don't like that.
02:50Zoe, you do it, you're better.
02:51Okay, meow!
02:52Okay, that was just terrifying.
02:54Can I persuade you guys in any way to let me in, please?
02:57No, you're gonna get dog fur all over the furniture and I do not want that.
03:01Well, listen, as cats, you guys need protection, right?
03:03Because you're weak and dumb.
03:04So I could be a strong smart dog.
03:06Did you just call us dumb?
03:08I'm gonna scratch you now.
03:09Do I look weak to you?
03:10I mean, you're smaller than Zoe and Mia, so...
03:12Yeah, you are the tiny one.
03:14Look, he's so tiny.
03:15I'm carrying him!
03:17Honestly, Mia probably looks the scariest.
03:19She looks like a fire cat.
03:20Yeah, watch out.
03:21Don't test me, brother.
03:22Okay, since when did you become so scary?
03:24I don't get it.
03:25Because I'm a cat now.
03:26I have cat abilities like jumping and speedness.
03:29Okay, so you guys don't want protection from me?
03:31I mean, for a price, we'll take your protection.
03:34I have to pay you?
03:35He has to pay us to protect us.
03:37That's funny.
03:37That's dumb.
03:38You guys should be paying me for protection because I'm doing work for you.
03:41Heck, yeah, don't spit at me.
03:43You guys probably got hairballs in your mouth or something.
03:45Uh, no, because my owner combs me.
03:48Oh, really?
03:48Then what is Nico doing right now?
03:50AOC told you cats spit hairballs.
03:53That's what you get.
03:54That looks really disgusting, brother.
03:55Whatever, I'll be back and I'll force you guys to let me in that house.
03:58You'll see.
03:59Come back as a cat or don't come back at all.
04:01Okay, I got some raw cod slices in my inventory.
04:04The cats are gonna have no choice but to let me in if I offer this.
04:07Everybody knows cats love fish.
04:09And if I'm gonna get into that cat house, this is definitely the way to persuade them.
04:12Oh, you guys are still out here.
04:13What, are you bored or something?
04:15No, we're just sunbathing.
04:16I'm taking first watch of the day.
04:18So you guys are outdoor cats?
04:19No, we're indoor cats.
04:21We're just chilling.
04:21I'm an outdoor cat because I kind of like to be a little doggish.
04:24Is that cool, right?
04:25Okay, I'm sorry.
04:26I'm sorry.
04:27Guys, I'm gonna be real.
04:28I don't think Shady wants to be a cat.
04:29I think he knows that dogs are better.
04:30No, he wants to be a cat.
04:32Well, listen, if you guys are out here keeping watch all day, you're probably getting super hungry.
04:36And you know, there's like no food around here.
04:37So I brought some fish.
04:38Wait, really?
04:39I actually have six of them.
04:40Raw cod slices.
04:41Can I have one?
04:42Oh, yeah, you can take it.
04:43Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, man.
04:45What is that?
04:46You guys want more?
04:47Oh, well, I actually have more in my inventory.
04:48But unfortunately, I can't give it to you guys if I'm not allowed in the house.
04:52It's just my part of the deal.
04:53Fine, you can come in the house.
04:54Just give us the slices.
04:55You can't kick me out after I give you the fish.
04:57Okay, we won't, we won't, we won't.
04:58Give me some.
04:58Okay, okay.
04:59Jeez, here.
05:00There's all the cod.
05:03It's so good.
05:03That's so good.
05:03Yes, it worked.
05:05Now I'm in the cat house.
05:06I'm gonna explore this place.
05:07Ew, are these the toilets?
05:10That is nasty.
05:12I told you guys, as a dog, I can still enjoy this house.
05:15Look, I'm doing the fun parkour.
05:16I don't like that he's in the house.
05:18Why don't you like it, Zoe?
05:19I can smell the dog hair.
05:21You got a one hour pass in the cat house.
05:24Not one hour, ten minutes.
05:26You guys already agreed that you can't kick me out after you let me in.
05:28So it's written and I'm gonna sue you if you try and kick me out.
05:31It's not written.
05:32It's written.
05:33We verbally agreed on it.
05:34Said who?
05:35Said me.
05:36Well, Zoe's actually the master of this house.
05:38So every rule is hers.
05:39Exactly, I'm the master of the house.
05:41And what are you gonna do if we force you out after ten minutes?
05:44I'm gonna call my dad to come deal with it.
05:46You have to do stuff for us if you're gonna stay here because it smells like dog now.
05:49Sorry, I just have that aura to me.
05:52So that's why it smells like dog, you know?
05:53Okay, well, here.
05:54I'll provide you with the vacuum and you can clean up all of the cat hair.
05:57Aw, what?
05:58Do I have to?
05:59We'll let you stay even longer.
06:00Okay, as long as everybody else agrees.
06:02Do we agree, team?
06:03Okay, fine.
06:06Yo, who is that?
06:06Why is there a white cat up there?
06:08Hey, don't bother him.
06:08That's Gerald.
06:09Oh, my fault.
06:09I think that's Milo, bro.
06:11That's not Milo!
06:12Oh, I gotta clean all the floors.
06:14Ew, there's a bunch of gross poop around here.
06:16Yeah, yeah, vacuum that house.
06:18Vacuum it.
06:19I'm trying, okay?
06:20Hey, one second.
06:21Let me just...
06:21This poop is stuck to the ground or something.
06:23Oh, are you serious?
06:24Nico, stop it.
06:25I'm trying to clean here and you're pooping while I'm cleaning.
06:27My fault.
06:28Here, you can clean that.
06:29I cleaned it.
06:30Hey, make sure to get every corner.
06:31Yeah, I'm doing that.
06:33Oh, is this an art room?
06:34The hair gets stuck everywhere.
06:36You guys draw pictures of cats as cats?
06:38That's kind of cool.
06:40And what's this guy's name?
06:41He looks like he would be Joe.
06:43Gosh, that's a statue that Zoe made.
06:45Well, he doesn't have a name?
06:46It's not real.
06:47My bad.
06:47He looked real for a second.
06:49Wait, that kind of looks like Milo.
06:50Dude, it's not Milo.
06:51Stop saying it's Milo.
06:53Why do I keep hearing about this cat named Milo?
06:55That one's similar to Milo for real.
06:57Well, I finished vacuuming around here, Mia.
06:59So can I finally relax and chill in the cat house now?
07:02Is this a sauna?
07:03Well, actually, we're gonna need someone to make us some dinner.
07:06We need milk.
07:07We need fish.
07:07We need all that stuff.
07:08Ah, can I at least not get a little bit of a rest?
07:12After dinner, then you can.
07:13After dinner, then you can.
07:14Well, at least show me to my room so I can put this vacuum down.
07:17Oh, well, you're actually close to it.
07:18It's right over here.
07:19Oh, my room's here?
07:20Yeah, you get the basement to yourself.
07:22The basement?
07:22Aw, what?
07:23Are you serious?
07:24I have a little warm welcome for you.
07:27This is so gross.
07:28What is that?
07:29Where did that thing just come from?
07:31What is that?
07:32I think it crawled out of the vacuum.
07:33What in the world?
07:35Don't worry.
07:35As your protector, I'll get rid of it.
07:37Let me get up.
07:38I think Shady got him.
07:38Hey, Mia, if you don't mind, can I talk to Shady privately?
07:41Do you want some stuff for your room?
07:43Yes, please.
07:43Can I get an actual bed and maybe some shears to get rid of this?
07:47Okay, here.
07:47I got this, this, and then shears.
07:50Do you have red carpet as well?
07:51Well, I have the wool.
07:52Did you get the wool blocks?
07:53I did.
07:54What about a pickaxe?
07:55Oh, my gosh.
07:56You are so needy.
07:57But then you have to cook for us in the kitchen.
07:58I'm going back up.
07:59Okay, okay, fine.
08:00Let me close the trap door.
08:01Okay, Shady, now that we're alone, I need to ask you something.
08:04What's up?
08:04Do you want to figure out a plan to get out of this cat house and
08:06destroy it and turn into a dog house?
08:08What do you think?
08:08I mean, like cats are like cool.
08:10I don't know if we have to destroy it, but like, you know, we could
08:12make like our own dog house or something.
08:14Listen, dude.
08:14I know you want to be a dog too, but I'm not gonna be able to do
08:17this alone.
08:17Okay, bro.
08:18I kind of want to be a dog, but...
08:19Oh, shh.
08:19Nico's coming.
08:20Yo, yo, yo.
08:21What's up, Nico?
08:22Yo, Shady.
08:23Why are you talking to this doggy?
08:25I was just making sure that everything is situated down here
08:27and he's locked up like a good dog.
08:29That's exactly what he was doing.
08:32Well, I'm leaving something else here.
08:34What are you leaving?
08:34Ew, again, bro.
08:37Dude, nasty.
08:38Well, you should probably get out of here before they get sus of
08:40you for talking to me for too long.
08:42Yeah, I'll do that.
08:42I'll get out of here.
08:43I'll come back with a plan once I'm ready.
08:45All right.
08:45In the meantime, I got to get rid of all this stuff.
08:47Can't believe they gave me the basement out of all the rooms in
08:49the house.
08:50This is like the most nastiest one and gross, but at least I got
08:52little friends.
08:53Maybe I can put them in a cage or something or maybe I could eat
08:56Listen guys, if I get too hungry, I'm sorry.
08:58You're the first target for me, but I wouldn't do that.
09:00I'm going to get rid of these iron bars.
09:01So it doesn't feel like a prison cell down here.
09:03Then once I transform my room, I'm going to go back up to the
09:05cats because apparently I have to make them dinner.
09:08I feel like a servant right now.
09:09This sucks.
09:10Let's get rid of all these chains as well because it feels super
09:12cramped with all these here and also very dangerous and maybe I
09:15can place them in a spot that'll look much better.
09:17But for now, they're being moved and I'm also changing the floor
09:19I want to have enough space for myself.
09:21So I'm putting red wool at the bottom here.
09:23I actually like this color a lot.
09:24Thank goodness.
09:24Mia gave that to me.
09:25I think the only cats who really don't like me are Nico and
09:28I got to win them over somehow, but I don't know how Shady already
09:31wants to be a dog and I know that and Mia liked the fish that I
09:33brought but Nico and Zoe are super stubborn.
09:35So I got to find a way to make them like me or maybe I can turn
09:38them into a dog.
09:39I'll figure it out.
09:39I'm running out of red wool blocks.
09:41I should have asked Mia for more.
09:44Yeah, what is it?
09:45We are hungry.
09:46I'm coming down.
09:47I'm working on my room still.
09:48You have a gerbil.
09:50Oh, yeah, I do.
09:51I've actually became friends with them.
09:52Well, I want you to cook him and feed him to me while I go on
09:55the parkour.
09:55What you want me to cook my friend?
09:57I'm hungry.
09:58Well, can I get you something else to eat?
10:00Please not my little gerbils.
10:01I was going to eat them.
10:02Okay, then go up to the top of the parkour and get all my food
10:05and feed it to me on the couch.
10:06Why do you guys keep your food at the top of the parkour?
10:09Because we like to make sure we work out before we get dessert.
10:12Do I have to feed everyone?
10:14That's why you're here.
10:15This stinks.
10:16You know what?
10:16I did agree to become their servant.
10:18So I guess I will do it.
10:19It's okay.
10:19I snuck some dog kibble and I ate it.
10:21Why'd you tell me that?
10:22Well, I was just saying you didn't have to give me any food.
10:25Well, did you get me any dog kibble?
10:26I mean, I could regurgitate it for you.
10:27Okay, that kind of sounds busting.
10:29Maybe later though.
10:29First, I got to get the food for everybody else because cats are
10:34Oh my goodness.
10:35He regurgitated it.
10:36Shady, what was that?
10:37Just a hairball.
10:39Yo, Shady.
10:40I got some good wet cat food.
10:41You trying to munch on it with me?
10:43I'm not really hungry right now.
10:44Bro, it's so good here.
10:46Try it.
10:46Come on.
10:46You gotta eat it.
10:48You gotta eat it here.
10:49I'll eat my bowl with you.
10:51So yummy.
10:52Hey, Nico, by the way, Zoe wanted to ask you something.
10:55Here, I got you, Shady.
10:56I'm getting rid of it for you.
10:57Oh, that cat food was so good.
10:59Oh my gosh.
11:00Anyways, I'm getting the rest of y'all's food upstairs.
11:02Just give me a second to go up the parkour.
11:04Oh, awesome.
11:04Thank you, Cash.
11:05Okay, I'm not as agile as a cat is because obviously I'm a dog,
11:08but I think I could still do this.
11:09Okay, where do I go from here?
11:10Up on that trap door?
11:11Oh, I can climb the rope.
11:12Well, that's actually helpful.
11:13Now, I need to maneuver my way through here.
11:15Excuse me.
11:16And now, where do they keep their food?
11:17They said it was upstairs somewhere.
11:19Probably at the top.
11:19Let me keep going higher up.
11:20Gosh, these trap doors are so confusing.
11:22If I was a cat, this would be easier.
11:24Now, where is the cat food?
11:26This is the bird cage.
11:27I'm guessing they probably keep these so they can eat them later on.
11:30No fridge anywhere around here.
11:31Hey, Mia.
11:32I looked everywhere.
11:32I can't find your fridge.
11:34It's at the top of the tree.
11:35You would have seen it if you were a cat.
11:37The top of the tree?
11:38It was there the whole time?
11:40Oh my goodness.
11:41Okay, maybe I'm just a little blind.
11:43It's okay.
11:43I'm on my way.
11:44All right, cat food.
11:45Ew, this is kind of gross.
11:47I know cats like a bunch of fish and milk, but I don't.
11:49I'd rather eat like raw beef, but this should be enough.
11:52I hope they don't want me to cook it because I don't know how to do that.
11:54I might start a fire.
11:55The fish is moving.
11:56It's moving again.
11:57Let me have it.
11:57Get it, get it, get it, get it, get it.
11:59Are you guys watching TV?
12:00Oh, it's moving again.
12:01You guys know that's a video screen?
12:03Who broke the TV?
12:04It was you, wasn't it?
12:06I didn't do anything, Zoe.
12:07I'm just gonna walk away.
12:08I was over here getting y'all's food and Shady's over here sleeping, so he's not hungry.
12:13I was just gonna give it to you and Zoe.
12:14Okay, I'll take the food, but I'm mad at you.
12:16I didn't do anything, Zoe.
12:17You have to believe me.
12:18There you go.
12:18No days are numbered.
12:20Ooh, food!
12:20Nico, Zoe, are you guys okay with me living downstairs, or do you still have a problem with me?
12:25I still have a little problem with you.
12:27You're gonna have to clean up this.
12:28Are you serious?
12:29Stop pooping on the table.
12:30That's disgusting.
12:31It's cat nap time.
12:33Cat nap!
12:33Well, good night, I guess.
12:35Okay, Shady, they all went to bed.
12:36Oh, thank goodness.
12:37I had an idea.
12:38The guy that I bought the dog potion from, maybe we can go to him and ask him to make you one.
12:42Well, I'm pretty sure he said he was out.
12:44Yeah, but with enough persuasion, we can always get another potion.
12:47Dude, he said it's gonna take 10 years.
12:49Are you serious?
12:51Well, listen, maybe we just ask him.
12:52If we pay him $100, maybe he can make us something for free.
12:54All right, I guess it's worth a shot.
12:56I guess technically it's not free if we have to give him $100, but since everyone's napping, we might as well go.
13:00All right.
13:00Gerald, we want to talk to you.
13:02What's up?
13:02I know you said you were out of stock on the dog potions, but we wanted to see if you could make us one if we pay you enough money.
13:08Okay, uh, how much are we talking?
13:09Um, I don't know.
13:10How much do you want?
13:12About $101.
13:15Why the extra one?
13:16I don't know.
13:17I need it.
13:18Well, Shady, do you have $101 on you?
13:19No, but I could get it from the bank.
13:22Well, we'll be back, Gerald.
13:23We're gonna go grab some money.
13:24Hurry up, because I really want to close up soon.
13:26Okay, we gotta hurry.
13:27We just gotta make a quick withdrawal.
13:28$101 withdrawn from our account, please.
13:31What are with all these animals?
13:33Can we just have our money?
13:34Why are you barking at me?
13:35Please stop barking at me.
13:36I don't know what you're saying.
13:38Maybe my bird can say something to her.
13:40Ah, I'm allergic to birds.
13:41We just want to take our money and leave.
13:44Someone get security or pet control!
13:47Shady, I don't think we're speaking English to her.
13:49I think to her, we just sound like barks and meows.
13:51It's fine, because now we can get to the vault.
13:53I'm not going down there.
13:54I don't want to get arrested.
13:55All right.
13:56Well, I already got the money myself, so we're good.
13:58I'm not sure if this is legal.
14:00Mrs. Banker, we're sorry!
14:01Stay down!
14:02Be a good boy and don't bite me, please!
14:04I'm not gonna bite you.
14:05Just let me go.
14:06I didn't want to have to do this.
14:07You want a treat or something?
14:09Oh, yeah.
14:09I want a treat.
14:10I think I have a treat.
14:11We'll just wait until, you know, the pet security gets here.
14:15Wait, pet security?
14:16No, no, I'm getting out of here.
14:17No, no, no, no!
14:18You can't be roaming!
14:19She was trying to keep me in the bank so she could call people over.
14:21I can't believe I almost fell for that.
14:22Get me away from her.
14:23I need to go back to Gerald and see if we can get Shady a dog potion.
14:26Okay, how'd it go?
14:27Oh, whoa.
14:28Yeah, it went pretty well.
14:29That's awesome.
14:29Gerald, you already made the potion?
14:30Yeah, it doesn't really take that long.
14:32I just don't like making them.
14:34So that's why they come in stock every 10 years.
14:36Oh, well, do you think you could make like three more?
14:38For $303.
14:40Ah, are you serious?
14:41Okay, Shady, you might have to go steal some, I mean, withdraw some more money.
14:44Ah, fine.
14:45Hey, Gerald, I have a question, by the way.
14:47How come you can understand us but other humans can't?
14:49No, I got this earpiece in so I can talk to my customers after they try the product.
14:53Oh, that makes sense.
14:55It's pretty sick, yeah.
14:56Okay, well, Shady will get you the 300 bucks.
14:58Or 303, I guess.
14:59I should go back to the house and see what the other cats are up to.
15:02Are they still sleeping up in here?
15:03Where is my dog?
15:04I'm right here.
15:05I want water.
15:07Water? Okay, yeah, I'll get you water.
15:09I need water.
15:10I'll give you fish and water.
15:12Ah, I can't believe I'm doing all this.
15:14I pooped in my litter box a little bit, so can you clean that as well?
15:17Yes, I'll clean it.
15:18Kind of sick of being their servant.
15:20But it's okay.
15:20Once I turn everyone into dogs, they're not gonna make me do anything anymore.
15:23I'll make them my servants.
15:25Or maybe not.
15:25Okay, I'm back.
15:26Here you guys go.
15:27I got you three waters.
15:29Finally, oh my gosh.
15:30Now I gotta go clean that litter box, of course.
15:33Because Nico keeps leaving stuff in here.
15:35Now, anything else before I go back to my room?
15:37Dance for us.
15:38Are you serious?
15:39Entertain me.
15:40Guys, listen, I'm tired.
15:41I just want to go to bed.
15:43Our TV's broken.
15:44You guys know that dogs need sleep too.
15:46I sleep like 16 hours a day.
15:48Okay, I'll do a dance and then I'm going to bed.
15:50You see? You see my little dog dance?
15:51Keep going!
15:52I'm getting tired though.
15:53Go, go, go!
15:54Can Shady come back at some point, please?
15:56I can't keep doing this alone.
15:57Go, go, go!
15:58I can't.
15:59There's a new dog in town.
16:02Hello, Shady.
16:03How do you like your new dog morph?
16:04Oh, it feels great.
16:05I feel better than these little raggedy cats.
16:08You get out!
16:09Oh, hey, wait.
16:10Sorry about him, guys.
16:11I just need to talk to Shady real quick.
16:12We'll be back.
16:13We don't want him.
16:14Listen, you cannot scare them right now.
16:15We're trying to turn all of them into dogs too.
16:17Oh, don't worry, bro.
16:18I had Gerald make me a special type of potion.
16:21A splash potion.
16:22Okay, so we got to get them all in groups.
16:23Yeah, we just got to get them together one time and then we're good.
16:26Oh gosh, there's one behind us.
16:27Oh, hey!
16:28Oh, it's the poopy one.
16:29Why does he poop all the time?
16:31What is it?
16:31Can you please clean up this poop?
16:33Ah, yes, I'll clean up the poop.
16:35Stop, no, no, no, no.
16:36I have to clean all this, guys.
16:37Please stop throwing poop.
16:38This is so nasty.
16:40I'm going back to my room and Shady needs to talk to me as well down there.
16:43So don't bother us, please.
16:45Don't even try.
16:45Okay, bye.
16:46I have an idea, Shady.
16:47We use this room as our trap.
16:49I have a bunch of iron bars and cobblestone that I cleaned up from earlier
16:52and I got a bunch of fish that I could use as the bait.
16:54All right, let's do it.
16:55I'll have the potion ready.
16:56That's good.
16:56I'm going to make an iron bar wall right here
16:58and then I'll leave a little opening in the side for them to jump in from.
17:01There we go.
17:01And then I'm going to build a little staircase that goes up here
17:04so that you have room to throw in the potion whenever you need to.
17:07All right, I changed where the hole is.
17:09Yeah, that's better.
17:09I have one more iron bar to trap them in as well.
17:11But now the finishing touch, we got to add the fish
17:14and I'm going to put it in a cobweb so they get stuck.
17:15Look at this.
17:16Oh, this is a master plan.
17:18Those little pesky cats will fall for this so easily.
17:20That's what I'm saying.
17:21Those little dotty biobuckas.
17:23All right, now you just hide down here and I'll bring them down.
17:25All right, bet.
17:25Make sure no gerbils get into the food.
17:27I'll hide right behind these boxes.
17:29Hey, cats, I need to tell you guys something.
17:31What, servant?
17:32Stop calling me servant.
17:33Also, Nico's red.
17:34I don't know why he looked like that.
17:35He is having a bad hair day.
17:38Give me a second.
17:39Well, I was going to tell you guys that I went downstairs in my room
17:41and I think you guys left a bunch of fish and milk down there.
17:44Wait, really?
17:45Yeah, it's over near the iron bars.
17:47Fish and milk?
17:48I like that.
17:48Go all the way into the cage.
17:50And then once you jump in, you should find a bunch of it.
17:52Okay, perfect.
17:53And now...
17:54Shady, do it.
17:55Splash them.
17:55Surprise, Mr. Brother.
17:59What do you buy?
18:00Oh, it actually worked.
18:01D'oh, d'oh, d'oh.
18:03Our master plan, it worked.
18:04You guys are all puppies now.
18:06Now we have no more cats controlling us.
18:08Why is Zoe small?
18:10No more masculine stuff.
18:12But now, since none of us are cats anymore,
18:14we should probably change this entire house to be a dog house.
18:16Who agrees?
18:16No, we should just blow it up.
18:18What do you mean, blow it up?
18:19You can't blow up the house.
18:20Yes, I can.
18:20No, you can't.
18:21And you wouldn't do that either
18:22because we put so much time and effort into this house.
18:24I put time and effort into it and you test me, no?
18:27You wouldn't destroy your own creation, Mia.
18:30Watch me.
18:30Don't run out on me.
18:31Heh, heh, heh, heh.
18:32Where are you going?
18:33I'm activating it!
18:34Blowing up stuff is my thing, Mia.
18:36Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
18:37But we could have used it.
18:39It's free real estate.
18:40Honestly, I'm pretty happy that it's going
18:42because that means Zoe's shop is going as well.
18:47Oh my goodness.
18:50I think I just survived.
18:52I literally ran right to the edge of where the hole was.
18:55Well, hope you guys enjoy your hole now.
18:57I'm going back home.
18:58It's a dog hole.
18:59Oh, yeah.
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19:06Bye, guys.
