The Mini Spotlight Event is loot based and boosts the Super Minion in Clash of Clans. Ice Cubes are collected from multiplayer battles to progress through the Mini Event Pass. This allows you to boost the Super Minion, even as a Town Hall 7, and unlock a Rune of Gold, Elixir and Dark Elixir. The Mini Event Pass can also provide you with enough to get a Legendary Hero Skin in the Trader Shop. Clash On!
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► Judo Sloth Gaming is a mobile gaming channel focused on Clash of Clans. You will see a variety of videos focused on being Educational but Entertaining! You will find Informational Guides on Everything in CoC. Attack Strategies, 3 Star Attacks, Farming or Upgrade Advice, Lets Play and Update News - you'll want to Subscribe to see it all. Clash On!
00:00The new mini Spotlight event is different than regular events
00:04and will massively help with farming.
00:07This is because it is full of Gold Elixir and Dark Elixir,
00:11very helpful for less active players who struggle to keep their Builders working,
00:15but there's also things for more engaged players too.
00:18The event begins on March the 11th and will only run through
00:23until March the 17th being a mini Spotlight event.
00:26However, the Trader Shop will remain open for two extra days
00:30so that you can spend your event medals.
00:32To get you started, you will be given 200 Ice Cubes
00:35from the Ice Cube Bath.
00:37You will be able to claim more from this each day,
00:40but those initial 200 is enough to claim the Super Troop
00:43for this event, the Super Minion.
00:46Normally, you are required to be a Town Hall 12
00:49to boost the Super Minion.
00:51So during this event, you can access it as a lower Town Hall player
00:55and the level of your Super Troops is also directly taken
00:58from the level of your regular Troop in the Laboratory.
01:02So for this event, you also get access to the maxed level Super Minion,
01:07even if your Minions aren't maxed themselves.
01:10On top of that, because you don't actually have to boost up the Super Minion,
01:14it means you can use three Super Troops in an attack during this event.
01:19Although to be honest with you,
01:21normally the Super Minion is best used inside the Battle Blimp,
01:25which you can just request that in your Clan Castle anyways.
01:28That said, if you are watching this video as a sneak peek
01:31the day before the event starts,
01:33I would not recommend boosting the Super Minion
01:36because you wouldn't get a refund on your Dark Elixir.
01:38Just wait until tomorrow and then you'll instantly have access
01:41to the Troop.
01:41To progress through the track and earn the other rewards though,
01:44you will have to collect Ice Cubes within multiplayer battles.
01:48Now, you don't have to take down a specific building
01:52for this one.
01:52It is all about the Stars you collect.
01:55And actually, within attacks, for the first Star
01:58when the event starts, you will gain 480 Ice Cubes.
02:03This goes up to 570 for the second Star,
02:07but then you only get 600 Ice Cubes for the third Star.
02:11This means that even if you're farming
02:13or your attack doesn't quite go right,
02:15it's not like you're losing out massively with the Ice Cubes.
02:18You will also receive a 20% bonus should you use
02:23at least one Super Minion within your attack.
02:26And, you can use a Super Minion within your Clan Castle as well.
02:30It doesn't have to be integrated into your main army.
02:33So, that's what I will be doing to progress
02:35through this event faster.
02:36However, for the lower levels, it is quite nice
02:39to be able to snipe off Collectors and Storages
02:43since you do have that greater range.
02:45And, it's always nice messing around with Troops
02:47that you don't always get access to.
02:49Unlike regular events though,
02:51since you don't need that many Ice Cubes to complete it,
02:54there is no additional bonus for being in Legends League.
02:57Even with the attack limitation,
02:59you will beat this event very easily.
03:01You only require 3,950 Ice Cubes to complete the track itself
03:08and assure that you can claim all of the rewards.
03:11Even before the amount of Ice Cubes starts scaling up
03:14so that you can complete the event faster towards the end,
03:17you will be able to beat this very quickly.
03:19If you 3-starred all of your attacks,
03:21you'd only need to do 7 to get to the end of the track.
03:24There is, however, a bonus track,
03:26but there is only 2,200 Ice Cubes required
03:30to claim the three tiers of this,
03:32meaning you can gain an additional 390 medals.
03:35This means, as a free-to-play player,
03:37you can gain 940 medals in total.
03:41There is a bunch of resources you can get as well though.
03:4413,500,000 Gold and Elixir,
03:47and 150,000 Dark Elixir to be precise.
03:50But you also get your 30% training discount,
03:53which does stack on top of your Gold Pass perk
03:56should you have purchased that.
03:57If you do opt to purchase the Mini Medal Event Pass though,
04:01you will get access to the Runes on the top side of the track.
04:05This is a Gold, Elixir, and Dark Elixir Rune,
04:08which even in itself is pretty good value,
04:10but you gain an additional 1,900 medals,
04:14which when we show you the Trader Shop,
04:16you'll see why that's important.
04:18A couple of extra resource portions,
04:19an extra 9,000,000 Gold and 150,000 Dark Elixir,
04:23means it is very good value at just 299.
04:27If you are purchasing the Mini Medal Event Pass,
04:30then you can support a creator beforehand.
04:33My code is Judo.
04:34It helps to support our channels massively.
04:36We get a small kickback and it's much appreciated.
04:38Within the Trader Shop,
04:40if you've purchased the Mini Medal Event Pass,
04:42you have 2,840 medals total,
04:46which means you can unlock a Legendary Hero Skin.
04:50Even in the Cosmetics tab right now,
04:52each of these skins go for 999.
04:55So for 299 of the Mini Medal Event,
04:57not only do you get one of these skins,
05:00I will personally go for the Warrior Queen.
05:03That was the original Lunar New Year Queen Skin,
05:06and it is still one of my favorites to this day.
05:09But there's a couple of others in there as well,
05:11so that you can choose which one you prefer.
05:13And should you already have one of the skins,
05:15then at least there's a good chance
05:16there is another one that you can get.
05:18Should you have all of the Hero Skins though,
05:21then at least with those extra medals from the Mini Pass,
05:24you could get an extra Rune.
05:26It is one of those things that free-to-play players
05:28are unable to get at least one Rune,
05:31which would be nice.
05:32But it is a short event.
05:34There's lots of free items within the track
05:38for free-to-play players,
05:39and my advice would be to go for either the Wall Rings
05:43if you're lacking resources,
05:45or if you're more of an active player,
05:47then realistically it is the Research Potion
05:50that you'd be looking to get,
05:52so that you could speed up your Laboratory.
05:54When it comes to the Mini Medal Event,
05:56remember that Clash of Clans said
05:58when they initially designed this,
05:59it really is catered to the less engaged players
06:03to try and help them with loot
06:04so they can keep their builders busy.
06:06And it is really nice that we can get some skins
06:09as more active players
06:11should you wish to purchase the Pass.
06:12Would I have liked a regular event this month
06:15so that we could catch up on all?
06:17I certainly would have,
06:18but at least this one still provides good value
06:21with that cheaper Event Pass.
06:22And remember based on the Season Calendar,
06:25which I broke down on my second channel,
06:27Judo Sloth 2,
06:28we do have some way of gaining Treasure Chests this month.
06:32So stay tuned for more information on that.
06:34And an update confirmed for March as well.
06:37Let me know what you think of the Mini Medal Event though,
06:40but if you do want to see when I broke my Trophy Record
06:43in my first Legends League push,
06:45there was a ton of work went into that.
06:47I'm sure you will like it.
06:48Enjoy the rest of your day.