• 5 minutes ago
During a House Natural Resources Committee hearing prior to the congressional recess, Rep. Mike Kennedy (R-UT) spoke about the border policies of the Trump Administration.

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00:00And I'll recognize Mr. Kennedy for five minutes.
00:03Thank you, Mr. Chair.
00:04I appreciate the opportunity to have this hearing.
00:06I was just in Nogales, Arizona to witness the border
00:09for myself.
00:10And I will say, there's been, as I'm a freshman
00:13and as an outsider, there's a lot
00:15of talk about we need to pass legislation
00:17to control the border.
00:18And in fact, there's order at the border
00:20now because we have the right president.
00:22We need legislation as well.
00:23And I do think, and I'll compliment Congressman
00:26Siskimani for this legislation, I
00:28think it's a step in the right direction for us.
00:31And I'm a big fan of passing legislation.
00:33But it takes a president with the will to control our border.
00:36And we actually do have a president with that will.
00:38When I went to the border this weekend
00:40and witnessed what was there, there
00:42was essentially nothing there.
00:43Nothing was happening.
00:44Now, there's always something happening.
00:47And I was there for 48 hours.
00:49But it's impressive to see the order that has been brought.
00:52And I appreciate all of you for being here and being
00:55our witnesses to help us.
00:58I'll start with Sheriff Cleveland.
00:59Thanks for your testimony.
01:00And actually, I'll also point out to Mr. Lopez
01:03that I do want to, if you have any follow-up
01:06from your presentation, I understand you were cut short.
01:08So with my residual time that I hope to have,
01:12I'd like to turn that over to you.
01:13So if you'd prepare any comments you might have.
01:15But I'm a family practice doctor professionally.
01:18And I'm sensitive to the challenges
01:20that people can face when seeking medical care.
01:22And Mr. Cleveland, Sheriff Cleveland, in your testimony,
01:25you said Terrell County saw strains
01:27on the medical emergency resources
01:29as a result of the surge in border crossings.
01:32Has there been a rise in emergency room visits?
01:34And has it been to the detriment of your population?
01:37Can you tell me more about that?
01:40Since the new administration came in,
01:42we've had very little activity.
01:43And we've had only one deceased legal aid.
01:46And we assisted with the neighboring county with.
01:49But we've had no emergency medical calls
01:51that I can recall since this new administration.
01:54Previous to this new administration,
01:56what was that like for you?
01:58So again, we're a very large county.
02:00We're a very poor county.
02:01And there's not a lot of revenue coming in.
02:03So our Sheriff's Office, it's myself and two deputies.
02:06Fortunately, through Operation Lone Star,
02:08we've been able to hire additional two.
02:10And Operation Lone Star is Governor Abbott's
02:12response to the border.
02:14Like the Sheriff's Office, our emergency medical services
02:16only has one crew on at a time,
02:19which is made up of two people.
02:20So at times, if they're responding to border situations,
02:24it takes them out of service to respond
02:27to possibly situations that may be needed
02:29there in our county.
02:31You told us there were how many deaths in the past?
02:34The last four years, we had a total of 43 deaths.
02:3643 deaths.
02:37People trying to cross our portion of the border illegally.
02:40Everyone is tragic.
02:41But 43 of those is extremely tragic.
02:44But Mr. Lopez, if we can,
02:47did you have any further comments you'd like to make
02:49that you didn't get to make earlier?
02:53I do thank you for your time, Timmy.
02:55I'd like to point out that part of my testimony
02:59would include the, it's called carbofuran,
03:04which is a highly toxic chemical.
03:08Used in the marijuana cultivation?
03:11And I'd just like to point out how that affects
03:12my county going forward.
03:14So according to research from the LA Times,
03:16illegally smuggled carbofuran from Mexico
03:19to the U.S. is used on 90% of marijuana grows
03:22on public land in California.
03:24Illicit cannabis contaminated with carbofuran
03:28from California is a significant source of marijuana
03:30in states where it remains illegal.
03:32As this problem proliferated throughout our region,
03:36San Bernardino County, some of our northern counties
03:39in California, like Siskiyou and Humboldt County,
03:43also saw the same thing because there were virtually
03:46no consequences in California under Proposition 64.
03:50Recently, Los Angeles Times tested 25 cannabis products
03:53that were purchased from California legal retail stores
03:57and had them tested at private labs,
03:59which showed concentrations of pesticides
04:02above levels that the state allows
04:04or at levels that exceed federal standards for tobacco.
04:08The contaminants include chemicals tied to cancer,
04:11liver failure, thyroid disease,
04:13and genetic and neurological harm
04:15to users and unborn children.
04:17These harmful pesticides, many of which originated
04:21from China, are being smuggled into the United States
04:25and used in illegal cannabis cultivation on public lands.
04:29Seized cannabis from illegal grows in San Bernardino County
04:31and Siskiyou counties has been traced
04:33to licensed facilities in Oregon and California,
04:37revealing a dangerous contamination risk.
04:39Many of these samples are coming back
04:41with these harmful pesticides
04:44that are originating on our public lands
04:47and inundating the legal market,
04:50created a public health situation
04:53where users of cannabis believe
04:54that their cannabis is legal and safe, but it is not safe.
04:58These pesticides have avoided detection by labs
05:01because the states like California do not require labs
05:04to test foreign-labeled pesticides.
05:07After all, we shouldn't be using them.
05:09This poses a severe public health threat
05:12and contributes to the environment degradation.
05:15Thank you, I yield back the time.
05:17Thank you very much, and I'll just conclude.
05:18Thank you, Mr. Chair, for this opportunity,
05:20but we're allowing this carbofuran to toxify our citizens
05:24while we claim that floating barriers
05:27are creating a muscle concern at the border,
05:30and I'll just point out that we wanna keep poisons
05:32out of our citizens' lives,
05:34and thank you for bringing up that testimony.
05:36I yield the remainder of my time, Mr. Chair.
