Cell Phone Tower Radiation And Mobile Phone Masts (Radiation Meters)

  • 12 years ago

Is it a cactus? A palm tree? A water tower? No! It's a cell phone tower! That's right! Cell phone towers today are being disguised in subtle ways unheard of just a few years ago. See a grain silo? Or a church steeple? You guessed it. It could very well be a cell phone tower. There's even a cell phone tower that looks just like a lighthouse...never mind that it's over two miles from the ocean.

But don't let the pretty and ingenious disguises fool you. There is a real and present danger lurking behind the mask of these innocent designs.

Why the disguises? Obviously, for esthetic reasons. The cell phone companies don't want to make their neighborhood friends upset. They want to blend in. So they blend in while they blast your home and neighborhood with toxic electromagnetic radiation.

Cell phone towers, sometimes called masts, or mobile phone towers, weren't an issue years ago when they were few and far between. One could often drive miles and miles through the countryside and never see one. They were few in number and were only found in obscure locations and seen only on an occasional hilltop. Today cell phone towers have increased dramatically in number. There are now more than 1.9 million cell phone towers and antenna towers spread throughout the U.S. They are now found on churches, schools and firehouses as well as being seen on the rooftop of buildings everywhere. Did you know there is even a cell phone tower near Old Faithful in Yellowstone Park? Can't sleep well at night? It may be that there's a cell phone tower close by.

