The Dangers of Electromagnetic Radiation (Radiation Meters)

  • 12 years ago

Life today is vastly different from life only a generation ago. The changes that have taken place bring overwhelming challenges that none of us have ever had to face. Technology has taken over many aspects of modern life, which we have come to accept as normal.

We can call home on our cell phone from just about anywhere we go. We can send an email with the click of a button, and stay in touch with our family and friends far away. We can pop dinner in the microwave and in 3-6 minutes, sit down and eat a full course meal. We can use a remote control and change channels on the TV, open our garage door, and change songs on our stereo or MP3 player. We can sit in front of our computer and pay our bills--no need for stamps, envelopes, or a trip to the post office. Technology helps us in countless ways, yet most people are totally unaware of the high cost to our health and well-being.

What happens to our bodies when we sit in front of our computer or talk on our cell phone all day? What is happening to us as we are exposed to the ever-increasing number of TV, radio, cell phone, satellite, and microwave frequencies in today’s world? Most people have no clue.

Every human being lives within a physical body, which itself is surrounded by its own natural energy field. This energy field is actually the blueprint for determining the ultimate health and well-being of our physical body. Thus, keeping the human energy field intact is imperative to good physical health. A good clairvoyant can actually spot a problem developing in the subtle energy field before it manifests into the physical realm. All health problems happen first in the subtle energy field, and then, in turn, manifest physically.

So, how do the energies and frequencies of our high-tech world impact our subtle energy field, the blueprint for the physical body? First, all electric, electronic, and battery-powered devices (the very devices we depend upon on a daily basis) produce electromagnetic fields, called EMFs. The problem is that EMFs are disruptive to our body’s own natural energy field. When the electromagnetic energies, coupled with all the frequencies from TVs, microwaves, satellites, etc., hit the human energy field, they disrupt it, damage it, and interfere with its normal functioning. These disruptive energies eventually take a toll on the physical body: we get headaches; feel tired; and often develop immune system disorders.
