Cell Phone and Brain Cancer (Radiation Meters)

  • 12 years ago

In answer to public concerns WHO coordinated a large study in over 10 countries by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (a specialized cancer research agency of WHO) to identify if there are links between use of mobile phones, cell phone and brain cancer and head and neck cancers.

The findings of that study have yet to be published. Yet, George Carlo a public health researcher who spearheaded a three-year, $27 million research program for the cellular telephone industry insists that the danger of cellphone use is very real. The cell phone industry has disavowed his findings. According to Carlo radiation from wireless phone antennae "appears to cause genetic damage in human blood,".

Young along with his Trinidad counterpart Brian Richardson, are advocating that the individual must decide if a cellphone is harmful to his/her health.

"Who studies do you go by? That is what it all comes down to, the individual. Who do you believe? What is you body saying?" According to Young, "if you are getting headaches stop using your cellphone. If you have an hard time sleeping stop using your cellphone. If you are having memory loss stop using your cellphone....". In other words if you are unhealthy and a doctor rules out all other possible reasons why, then take a good look at your cellphone.

The reason cell phones have become suspect is because of their ability to emit electromagnetic fields (EMF) and radio frequency radiation (RF), it is this health hazard that is believed to be a cause of cell phone and brain cancer.

Whenever electricity is conducted through transmission lines, distribution lines or is used in appliances both electric and magnetic fields exists close to the lines or appliances. Therefore electromagnetic fields are found wherever there is electricity and around any object that has an electrical charge, like a cellphone.

Everyone is exposed to a complex mix of EMFs. RF fields which are also given off by microwaves in higher frequencies than cell phones can penetrate tissue. The RF energy is absorbed into the body and produces heat. All established health effects of RF exposure are related to heating. In an effort to reduce the causes of cell phone and brain cancer, cell phone radiation shields are one device which can help to reduce the electromagnetic radiation emitted by you cell phone which will also effectively reduce heating.

