Cell Phones And Cancer. Should You be Concered (Radiation Meters)

  • 12 years ago

When the occasional coverage regarding the potential connection between cell phones and cancer crosses my radar, one thing I have noticed that these stories are almost universally short on is actionable information. One says there is a connection. One says there isn't a connection. Another says the jury is out. So what? Given my options, what am I supposed to do with this information? Although it's my opinion, I'm about to tell you what I'm going to do with it. What you do is, of course, up to you.

One thing I learned in the course of researching this blog is that you have to be careful about who you present that question to. Some will automatically read between the lines and assume that you might be basing your purchase decisions on this information and they'll more or less tell you that doing so is a dumb idea. So, before I continue, let me make three things absolutely clear about the connection between cell phone radiation and cancer - three facts that, for the foreseeable future, will guide my decision-making about handset purchases and, hopefully, yours as well.

The first important fact about the connection between cell phone radiation and cancer is that there's a group of people who, based on the research they've seen, will emphatically say that the results prove that there's no connection between cell phones and brain cancer. You don't have to think too hard about who some of these people must be (the ones with a business to protect). As best as I can tell, the basis of their claims is a deduction. Since there is no body of research to have conclusively proven a connection between cell phone radiation and cancer, we can make the deduction that the connection doesn't exist. That's how a lot of cause-and-effect science works and it's fair to say that on a case-by-case basis (for example, whether the research is about the connection between cell phones and cancer or the effectiveness of the color red in signaling motorists to stop at a stop sign), we can be hypocrites when it comes to putting our faith in some deductions, but not others.

The second important fact about the connection between cell phone radiation and cancer is that there's another group of people, who, based on the research they've seen, will emphatically say that more research needs to be done. Some in this group are more prepared to lean in the direction of a connection than others, but virtually all agree that, at the very least, the results so far are too inconclusive to rule the connection out. Many researchers and scientists are in this group.

