Old School Chocolate (Organic Super Foods)

  • 12 years ago

For men it is a non-toxic energetic supplement with no downside effects. It enhance overall energy and induces testosterone production to increase libido and boost sexual drive.

For women it also enhances overall energy and a non-toxic energetic supplement with no side effects. But it also gives women the chance for a natural hormonal rejuvenation, encourages human glands to produce estrogen, progesterone and testosterone hormones. It reduces hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms, reduce morning sickness symptoms in pregnant women and restore testosterone levels for a natural increase in strength and sexual drive.

Different benefits but only one name. It is the raw organic superfood Raw Maca Powder and it is great for both men and women.

Raw Maca Powder is certified organic and very powerful in its therapeutic value. It is loaded with all of the plant spirit, minerals and fiber. It is the ancient superfood of South America. It was already superfood even before there was such a term as superfood. This superfood is really, way, way old school.

But even if its way, way old school. Even if with all its benefits people today can still enjoy it like present times. It is good to mix it with smoothies, hemp protein shakes and other fruit juices. If you want to get more creative with it you can also mix it with apple sauce, yogurt or sprinkle it over food.

Who would have thought that an ancient organic raw superfood from ancient time can still be beneficial to us today?

