• 2 years ago
Gawing mas responsable ang mga consumer at protektahan din sila, paano ipatutupad ng DTI ngayong Consumer Welfare Month?
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00:08 Good day, I am Rosan De La Cruz and this is Reforma.
00:12 In our program, we will focus on the institutions and agencies in the three branches of the government.
00:18 Are they running properly or do they need to be changed
00:22 so that they can serve the Filipinos better?
00:26 This month of October is Consumer Welfare Month.
00:29 Every year, we celebrate this month to explain the purpose of Consumer Welfare Month
00:34 and what the Department of Trade and Industry is planning to do to support it.
00:40 We will talk to DTI Undersecretary for Communications, Kim Bernardo-Lokin.
00:45 Good day, Usec.
00:47 Good day to you, Rose.
00:50 Usec, let's start.
00:52 First, can you take us through the Consumer Welfare Month?
00:56 What is the purpose of this month?
00:59 Okay, thank you very much.
01:01 Actually, this month of October is Consumer Welfare Month.
01:06 What does this mean?
01:09 We are reminding again how to be a responsible consumer.
01:14 And maybe we all know, each one of us is a consumer, right?
01:19 And in particular, we wanted to highlight the Gen S.
01:24 That is our theme today.
01:26 Gen S means Generation Sustainable.
01:29 And because of this, we are also urging our consumers
01:34 to practice again the 7 R's of Sustainability.
01:38 Actually, we already know this.
01:40 This is the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair, and others.
01:47 The important thing here is that I think consumers need to be reminded again
01:53 of how a responsible consumer is, right?
01:58 Because we are used to our tote bags being reusable.
02:03 So apart from that, there are other ways to do it.
02:07 Usec, you said the theme is the Gen S, Generation Sustainable,
02:12 for this Consumer Welfare Month.
02:15 Could you elaborate on how the DTI plans to leverage this theme
02:19 to cultivate a stronger culture of sustainable consumption
02:23 and production among Filipinos?
02:26 Okay.
02:27 Basically, what we did are several things.
02:31 Number one, information campaign.
02:33 The information campaign aims to look at where the consumers are,
02:39 at what they are doing now, and what they should do.
02:44 In other words, we want to remind the consumers that they have a role to play.
02:49 Second, we have other activities like the upcoming weeks.
02:57 We have monitoring for the unit.
03:01 This is still under the consumer.
03:04 In particular, we have products that are included in the BNPC.
03:12 These are the basic necessities and prime commodities.
03:15 In particular, in the unit, we know that when the unit is near,
03:20 there are three things, candle, bottled water, and flowers.
03:26 So these are the three things that the DTI will monitor,
03:30 and we will invite you soon for this activity.
03:35 We also have a week for the destruction of substandard materials.
03:43 And apart from that, we still have a discount every day.
03:46 Last week, we were in Quezon City in partnership with the local government unit.
03:53 And then, we will be in Makati next.
03:56 And then, San Juan, I think, is the next.
03:59 So those are all part of the consumer activities that we are pushing for right now under the CWM.
04:07 We are grateful for these kind of initiatives.
04:11 But when you say sustainability, sustainable, how do you define it?
04:16 How do you define and how, so that we can say the seven R's of sustainability?
04:23 So now, I think there's an increased awareness now to use reusable bags.
04:29 So that's one for sustainability.
04:32 Because, of course, lesser use of plastics.
04:34 Second, another way to do sustainable choices in your lifestyle is that single use.
04:44 So now, if you notice, we already have alternatives, right?
04:49 We encourage people, for example, to use the bottles that are reusable for your coffee, for water.
04:58 So those are some of the things.
05:00 And apart from that, I think part of being a responsible consumer is to be wise in your choices.
05:09 For example, if you're going to sell, excess is also not being a responsible consumer.
05:16 We just bought the right thing and that's what's right according to our needs.
05:22 Those are the ways that we are asking our consumers to do and reminding them that a responsible consumer must do.
05:34 Are you partnering with other government agencies on this?
05:39 Because it seems like it's in partnership with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
05:47 Do you have like that?
05:49 Actually, we have reached out, Rose.
05:51 We did, in this particular case, for example, we had initial talks with ULAP.
06:00 And this one, to amplify the messaging for the consumers.
06:05 Because you know, the DTI Consumer Protection Group, in partnership with the ROJ, the Regional Operations Group,
06:14 we are a nationwide organization.
06:17 So one way perhaps to amplify the messaging is to be able to tap the local government units
06:24 so that they know what DTI is doing.
06:27 So for example, we have activities planned that they should be able to accompany us.
06:34 Like the upcoming UNDAS, we hope that they will accompany us,
06:39 and monitor the local government units in partnership with our DTI regional offices
06:46 so that the consumers will be aware.
06:49 Okay, let's go back to the Consumer Welfare Month.
06:53 What are the menu of our activities for each week of the Consumer Welfare Month?
06:59 And how does the DTI plan to ensure active participation from various sectors of society,
07:07 including consumers, businesses, and government agencies to promote sustainability?
07:13 Okay, so I think we will see this in the context of trying to see what the Consumer Protection Group is all about.
07:24 This CPG, as we call it, has many bureaus under it.
07:30 One of them is the CIPAB, Consumer Policy and Advocacy Bureau,
07:36 and this is in charge of among other things,
07:42 the placement of SRP, monitoring in supermarkets,
07:46 but at the same time, that is also the online dispute resolution.
07:50 So that is under the CIPAB.
07:52 And then we also have the Fair Trade Enforcement Bureau.
07:56 This is the FTEB, we call it FTEB for brevity.
08:00 And this Enforcement Bureau looks at whether what you are selling is in accordance with the laws of the Philippines
08:14 and in accordance with the Consumer Price Act.
08:18 So these are what they do.
08:20 And then there's another one, this is the BPS, the Bureau of Philippine Standards.
08:25 This bureau looks at making sure that everything that we sell here in the market in the Philippines,
08:35 not just goods, for example, steel bars used in construction,
08:41 are certified.
08:44 So those are the things under the CPG.
08:50 So it's very broad, isn't it?
08:52 So we do different activities in connection with all those bureaus.
08:58 But at the end of the day, we are all working towards the consumer
09:03 and for the protection of the consumer and making sure also that they have rights and their responsibilities.
09:11 So that's what we do.
09:14 With the Philippine Online Dispute Resolution System or PODRS media launch scheduled during the Standards Week,
09:23 what role does the DTI sees the PODRS playing in promoting consumer welfare and protection,
09:30 particularly in the context of sustainable consumption?
09:33 Okay.
09:34 The PODRS or the Philippine Online Dispute Resolution,
09:40 it is actually one of those landmark things that we want to tell people.
09:47 Why?
09:48 Because this Online Dispute Resolution, for the first time, is now easier because it's online.
09:56 In other words, before, there was only physical.
10:00 When you talk about online dispute, that means you can now fix the adjudication and then hearing of cases,
10:08 the complaints in this particular case online.
10:12 So before, you had to go physically.
10:16 And what is the significance of this to the consumer?
10:20 Well, it addresses a lot of things apart from ease of doing business.
10:26 It encompasses everything that is the mandate of DTI and not just for consumers.
10:33 And it's easy to do.
10:35 But secondly, it addresses the issue of lesser consumption of gasoline,
10:44 lesser consumption of papers that are needed for the Online Dispute Resolution.
10:51 And we can see that before, our traditional way, you would go,
10:56 the complainant or those who are involved in this case,
11:03 what they will do is they need to go to the actual location to hear their complaints or cases.
11:11 Now, we can also do that online.
11:14 And then number three, it also embraces digitalization or technology.
11:20 So in this particular case, our consumers will be very much empowered.
11:26 And when you talk about sustainability, also a very good thing because now they can make full use of their time for others as well,
11:35 other activities that they can do, whereas before, they would spend that time in traffic.
11:42 They would spend that time preparing physically for the printed materials.
11:47 Now, they can use their extra time.
11:51 But let's check, because we have consumers who are not literate when it comes to using, who are not tech savvy.
12:03 Do we have mechanisms for them?
12:08 Yes.
12:09 Actually, Rose, the best is that the DTI is now offering still the physical.
12:16 We are not removing that.
12:18 Second, there is still online for those who can and want that.
12:23 Third, those who are not, the consumers for example, who are not very tech savvy,
12:29 they can go to DTI offices.
12:34 We have DTI main office here in Makati.
12:38 We also have DTI regional offices and provincial offices.
12:43 So, we are nationwide, the Department of Trade.
12:46 So, all they need to do is get in touch with the local DTI field office.
12:53 And usually, they can see that it is a joint of local government units.
12:59 So, they can also go there.
13:00 If they are not literate, they can help our DTI employees in the regionals,
13:07 how to file a complaint, they will give them a form.
13:11 And more importantly, they will help them to resolve the case.
13:16 How does the DTI plan to utilize the nationwide SWEEP initiative
13:22 to monitor prices of basic commodities, basic necessities and prime commodities, flowers,
13:28 so, the candles, the one you said a while ago.
13:33 Oh, the candles.
13:34 Yes.
13:35 Actually, Rose, that one in particular is for the impending UNDAS.
13:41 But other than that, the nationwide SWEEP, we normally do that starting with the DCPUB.
13:51 This is our Consumer Policy and Advocacy Bureau.
13:56 This bureau, DCPUB, what it does is that they assess what are the present conditions.
14:05 They are the ones who monitor.
14:07 They receive the monitoring of the prices.
14:10 And then, they also get data from the manufacturers.
14:15 So, based on that and other factors, they assess.
14:20 They assess if this can be issued as part of the SRP or the price guide.
14:30 The SRP is the Suggested Retail Price.
14:33 So, that is what they do.
14:36 And when you talk about nationwide SWEEP, we have all over the country,
14:41 we monitor the prices.
14:43 The DTI's job is to monitor the prices.
14:47 And our end goal is simple.
14:52 We want to make sure that we have affordable choices.
14:58 And the keyword there is choices.
15:01 The consumer must always be empowered that they have a choice.
15:06 So, that is ours.
15:08 We cannot put a price that is only up to here.
15:12 That is not the case because we are a free market here in the Philippines.
15:16 And also, let us add, since it is Consumer Welfare Month,
15:22 how do we take care of the welfare of our consumers greatly affected by the prices of our commodities,
15:33 our basic necessities now?
15:36 Yes, thank you for that.
15:38 Actually, you know, this is a global phenomenon, Rose.
15:42 And we are not the only ones who feel that in the Philippines.
15:46 Coming from a pandemic, we saw how each nation had struggled, right?
15:51 So, on the part of the Philippines, we are trying to do everything we can.
15:56 On the part of the DTI, you can rest assured through our practice of responsible consumerism
16:05 and protecting the consumer's rights.
16:09 We are hopefully able to do certain things to mitigate the impact of the high prices.
16:18 Like that, we have an example by advising our consumers to use only what they need.
16:26 That's one.
16:27 So, of course, we know that some of you want to buy more.
16:38 But sometimes, in the process of doing so, we don't see that we are not using the others.
16:47 So, that's one, the responsible buying.
16:51 Second, you use only what you need.
16:54 And I hope we have a conscious effort to use only and eat only or consume only what is necessary.
17:02 So, those are some of the ways that we can help.
17:06 On the part of the DTI, we promise our consumers that we will always monitor
17:13 and we will always make sure that you have a choice and that we have affordable products anytime.
17:23 Yusek, since it's Christmas season, how do you monitor prices, especially now?
17:31 What are the products that you are monitoring this Christmas season?
17:38 I think you're talking about the Noche Buena price guide.
17:42 You know, Rose, we are not yet releasing it.
17:46 Usually, we release it around November.
17:49 But what we are monitoring is everything that is included in the basic necessities and prime commodities,
17:56 including the ones that we use for the Christmas season.
18:02 And rest assured that we will release a price guide about that.
18:08 And we will let you know when we release that.
18:12 So that, our aim is to make the consumer informed and aware that we have other products that are not all this expensive,
18:23 not all the prices are like this in the market.
18:28 And at the end of the day, we need to say, Rose, let's remind our consumers that DTI is not just looking at basic necessities and prime commodities.
18:41 It means that the luxury items are not included, ma'am.
18:47 But at the end of the day, this is what we are looking at.
18:51 And when we release that, by November, we will let you know.
18:56 You know, you mentioned Christmas, including Christmas lights, we are also looking at that.
19:02 So when November comes, after this month of October, we will keep you posted on our monitoring.
19:11 How about utilities?
19:13 Utilities?
19:16 Like what?
19:18 Like the utilities, gas, water, electricity.
19:25 Like when you talk about LPG, we are also looking at that.
19:32 But when you talk about it, we need to put it into proper context.
19:37 We always have a regular monitoring for like, let's say, LPG tanks, right?
19:43 To make sure if the weight is correct, if the materials they use are correct.
19:49 Is this not substandard? Is this certified?
19:52 So that's one of them.
19:54 We have DTI testing laboratories to do this.
19:59 And we will invite you one of these days to see our testing laboratories on how we do this.
20:07 And apart from that, regarding water, because it's utility, right?
20:12 They might think that we regulate water, but no.
20:15 We only regulate bottled water.
20:18 We only regulate the price.
20:20 So having said that though, we can assure the Department of Trade and Industry,
20:25 under the leadership of Secretary Alfredo Pascual,
20:29 is assuring everyone that we will do everything in our power
20:34 so that consumers will feel that we are protecting their rights.
20:43 And at the end of the day, this is our job.
20:46 Thank you for that clarification, Usec.
20:49 We have the Consumer Care Webinar.
20:55 In what ways does the DTI plan to leverage this webinar series
21:01 to facilitate an ongoing dialogue between the consumers and businesses,
21:08 fostering a deeper understanding of the importance of sustainable consumption?
21:13 Okay. So when you talk about consumers, everyone is a consumer, right?
21:17 So I'm glad that you brought up that webinar series
21:21 because we are also teaching them how to do business properly.
21:25 So I think that is also part of the mandate of being, when you look at consumers, right?
21:32 Because when you talk about consumer welfare,
21:35 we also need to tell our business owners that we will teach them how to do business.
21:42 Number two, we will also tell them about their rights
21:47 and what they should give to consumers to empower the consumers.
21:52 So our webinars, of course, we have that.
21:56 I hope they can see that on our Facebook pages.
22:00 Please follow us on our DTI Facebook page.
22:06 We also have a hotline, 1384. So that's 1DTI.
22:12 And of course, when you talk about the webinar, we give different topics.
22:18 And this is not only for the consumers, but also for those who want to do business as well.
22:24 So it will be an ongoing thing. It's a regular thing.
22:27 We will post on our Facebook pages the consumer care webinar series that we are doing.
22:36 And this time, we will also see that so that consumers can participate and really have their voice.
22:45 Yes.
22:46 You can hear their voice when it comes to these things.
22:51 Yusek, we are here because you just had the launching of Halal Week.
22:58 How does DTI want to promote halal and top the MSMEs?
23:07 Okay. So thank you, Rose.
23:09 Actually, this is one of the highlights that the Secretary is proud of.
23:16 Secretary Pascual said that we have to champion the halal industry as well, the promotion of the halal industry.
23:26 Why? Because you know, this has a lot of potential.
23:30 According to World Bank statistics, the potential is about US$230 billion.
23:38 This is the potential that the halal industry can earn on a global scale.
23:45 Not just in the Philippines.
23:46 But what is important here is that we launched our partnership recently.
23:55 We signed a partnership with the private sector.
24:00 In particular, this is in promoting non-interest bearing financing for MSMEs.
24:08 And what is the meaning of this? And why is this important?
24:12 What this means is that we are giving more help to MSMEs to join their product and be certified as halal.
24:25 And what does this mean? Halal is not just for the religion-based or Muslims.
24:31 I think halal is also a lifestyle.
24:35 So what I want Secretary Pascual to show here is the fact that it is for everyone,
24:43 it is a lifestyle choice, and it is potentially going to earn for our MSMEs billions in dollars abroad.
24:53 Because this market is so big.
24:56 We cannot participate because we are not halal certified, imagine.
25:01 So the products from other countries that come here are halal certified.
25:07 And we, whether you are Muslim or not, you can buy that, right?
25:12 But we cannot export to them.
25:15 So this is the significance of that one.
25:18 So hopefully, by promoting that non-interest bearing financing solution, we can help them.
25:26 When it comes to e-commerce, DTI is also focused on e-commerce.
25:32 If so, why? What are the advantages of e-commerce for you?
25:37 Yes, ma'am. In particular, we launched also the e-commerce platform of DTI.
25:46 And this is one town, one product.
25:50 This one has been a long time project of the Department of Trade and Industry.
25:57 And recently, it became a law.
25:59 So we have an auto flow.
26:01 Now, what DTI did here is to also launch a platform, an online selling platform for autos.
26:10 So for example, per province, what are their best-selling products based on certain regions, certain provinces,
26:22 they can sell it online.
26:25 That's part of our e-commerce push and digitalization push.
26:30 And this one is geared specifically for the MSMEs.
26:34 So that we can level up our small, micro, small, and medium enterprises.
26:41 Second to the last question, what can you say about those online scams during, especially this season,
26:50 it hasn't died down from the previous months, but there are a lot of online scams.
26:58 Yes, actually, the first step, maybe,
27:01 as a consumer, you should feel it first before you buy.
27:09 For example, if the product they are offering seems too good to be true,
27:15 then most probably, it's not right.
27:18 Right?
27:19 That most probably, that's not the real thing you want to buy.
27:22 For example, a branded product, you know that the real price of it in the market is like this.
27:29 Then you see it online, it's so cheap, they're selling it for so cheap.
27:33 Then, will you buy it?
27:35 Of course, the question is, you know that you have a feeling that it's not real, right?
27:41 That's number one.
27:42 Please be aware.
27:43 That's what we can advise to the consumer.
27:45 However, those who have been fooled by online scams,
27:52 we encourage them also to file a complaint with the DTI.
27:56 I repeat, we have a hotline, and this is the 1384.
28:03 This is the 1DTI.
28:05 It's the easiest way to remember that if you need to complain,
28:11 we can call the DTI, and we promise that we will help you to the best of our ability.
28:18 But at the end of the day, those are two things.
28:21 It's a two-way thing.
28:22 It's like a relationship that's like a rose.
28:26 It can't be just one.
28:27 You also need to be a responsible consumer.
28:29 If you think that one thing that's being sold to you is too good to be true,
28:34 most probably it is.
28:36 That means you already know that there are danger signs that it's fake, wrong,
28:41 the seller is not reputable, let's not get scammed.
28:46 But at the end of the day, despite doing your due diligence,
28:50 and that's what happened to you, we will be here to help you.
28:54 At least we know that DTI is there to protect us, to protect our rights as consumers.
29:02 And thank you for clarifying and telling our audience that DTI is here
29:10 and assuring them that DTI is here.
29:13 Last message, what can you tell our viewers this Consumer Welfare Month?
29:23 How does DTI want to protect them?
29:30 Okay, so thank you very much for that.
29:33 And this opportunity that was given to me, we will use this.
29:39 On the part of the DTI, on behalf of Secretary Alfredo Pascual,
29:45 we encourage our consumers, all of our consumers to practice GEN-S,
29:52 Generation Sustainable, using the seven R's of sustainability.
29:56 This means that we will not waste, we will not be excessive,
30:07 and we will be aware that everything we do has an impact on the environment and our pockets.
30:16 So what we are talking about is let's practice the life of being a sustainable consumer.
30:23 So on our part, at DTI, we will always be here for you.
30:27 And if we can do something for you, just come to us.
30:32 Thank you very much, Usec Kim. Thank you for gracing our invitation here in Reforma.
30:38 Thank you very much.
30:40 As consumers, we have a responsibility to be aware of the price and quality of what we buy.
30:47 But DTI assures that their job is open to monitor and protect consumers from the impurities.
30:57 This is where our discussion on the hot issues affecting the public service of government institutions and agencies ends.
31:07 In the change for the future, let's push Reforma to the government.
31:12 Thank you very much.
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