Guest: Cowgirl Gracen Walker & Blayr Barnard Beef Producer

  • 2 months ago
Guest: Cowgirl Gracen Walker & Blayr Barnard Beef Producer

Talked to Gracen Walker about her viral horse wreck video and her cowgirl lifestyle.
Blayr Barnard a Beef Producer has now signed on to supply fresh beef to local schools!
Mixed in a few random stories, PBR news, Free Rein Coffee, Long Tongue Woman, Loose Peacock and more.
Shown a few trailers for: Wyatt Earp Docudrama, Flight Risk, & Matt Riffe.


00:30I'm Zeke Thurston, 2016 World Champion Saddlebrock Rider, and you're watching the Pepperidge
00:55Seward Show.
00:57Why are you doing that?
01:01What went wrong in your day that you decided, you know what I'm going to do?
01:05I'm going to click on this.
01:07I don't know.
01:08You did it, so you're here.
01:10You're stuck with it.
01:11So today, today's stuff's happening.
01:13Today's going to happen.
01:14We've got stuff.
01:15We've got a couple of guests today.
01:17We're going to talk to Grayson Walker about her viral video from the Oklahoma poor show,
01:28and then we've got Bernard Beef.
01:31We're going to talk about some beef and what they've got going on where you can get their
01:35beef and they've been in the news lately about some stuff happening with their beef, so we're
01:39going to talk about that.
01:40We've got your favorite odd news stories as always, some good TV show trailers, and
01:47then we also want to tell you about coffee because everybody that gets up early, that
01:53needs to get up and get after it, wants coffee, wants to drink some coffee.
01:57So we've got a deal for you.
01:59Check this out.
02:01Honest, American, coffee, bold flavor, big as the American dream, Free Reign Coffee.
02:14Get up and get after it.
02:18So check it out.
02:19If you want to try that coffee, do me a favor.
02:21Go to and click on the coffee link to order your coffee.
02:26Texas pecan is what I'm drinking right now and it is, it's pretty tasty.
02:32It's good coffee, but I don't know who else drinks coffee.
02:36Does Randy drink coffee?
02:37Oh, absolutely not.
02:38I don't.
02:39That Texas pecan, it does sound like a nice flavor, but I don't drink coffee.
02:42I'm not a caffeine person.
02:46Trust me.
02:47You've seen me hyped up.
02:48That's without caffeine.
02:51Probably not a good idea to boost that up with caffeine though.
02:54Yeah, because the last time you did backflip off the table, might not be a good idea.
02:57You might hit the ceiling next time.
02:59But coffee for everybody else, Texas pecan sounds great.
03:02It's good stuff.
03:04It's good stuff.
03:05The pecan tastes good.
03:07They've got different flavors.
03:08You can get the little K-cups, you know, with people that's got the fancy coffee makers.
03:13Those are convenient.
03:14Or you can go old school coffee, like normal folks.
03:15I do both.
03:16I've got a little fancy machines.
03:17Sticks a little cup in there.
03:18I used to have one of the machines, but I used it for like hot chocolate and things
03:22like that.
03:23Well, you can do that too.
03:24They have hot chocolate cups.
03:25I've got some of those.
03:26And some tea.
03:27Tea cups.
03:28Green tea.
03:29I got some of those.
03:30You know, I made some of those the other day, the green teas, and I made the tea and I put
03:35milk in it.
03:36I look at them like I was weird.
03:38I'm like, well, I never thought of it either, but when I went to England and they all drink
03:43tea and they make, they drink their tea with the milk, so I tried it and I was like, that's
03:49how I drink my tea now.
03:50But in green tea?
03:51Well, I think it was green tea.
03:52I don't know.
03:53It's some kind of tea.
03:54But yeah.
03:55Hot tea with the milk in it.
03:56It's good.
03:57It's good stuff.
03:58It's really good.
03:59So we've got some guests coming up.
04:02Do we have them on there right now?
04:05Not yet.
04:06Not yet.
04:08Not yet.
04:09So let's do this.
04:10Let's talk about the PBR right quick and let you know something.
04:12I guess you know you can watch PBR on Merritt Street.
04:16And coming up, depending on where you live, if you're a big fan of throwing down some
04:21bets, you can now bet on the PBR.
04:26So if you've got a certain team member or certain team, because they got PBR teams now,
04:32DraftKings, fans are now able to bet on PBR through DraftKings.
04:36They also published the odds for the PBR Camping Ward Series events in the state territories,
04:41which are both DraftKing, Operator, and PBR.
04:45But you've got to look at the list of states it's allowed in, because Texas is not one
04:49of them.
04:50But there is a lot of states here that allows it.
04:52There's 12 regular season events that you can bet on and maybe win some money.
05:00So go to slash play PBR.
05:04Sign up.
05:05You can get some special bonus discounts from DraftKings.
05:08So check that out.
05:09But if you were in Tulsa, Oklahoma, at a horse event, you might have seen this.
05:15Remember, kid, there's heroes and there's legends.
05:21Heroes get remembered, but legends never die.
05:26Yeah, that face that no one can see right now that Cat is making, that was my first
05:35reaction to that as well.
05:37Is she alive?
05:39Is she okay?
05:42That's 100% ranching cowgirl right there.
05:45That's what happens.
05:46You get off, you get back on, you go again.
05:47So let's talk about this.
05:49Grayson Walker, what is going on?
05:52Not much.
05:53So what do you think about that, seeing that again?
05:56I mean, I guess I've seen it tons of times, so I don't know.
06:04It's crazy.
06:05Well, you know, somebody sent that to me and said, hey, check this out.
06:08See what happens.
06:10So I've seen it and I was like, oh man.
06:11So we posted it, put it out there, 4.2 million views right now on that video.
06:18So everybody's seen it.
06:22So let's talk about this.
06:23Let's go back a few years before we get to this viral video.
06:27So tell the folks kind of where you're from, what you do.
06:31You grow up ranching.
06:33I'm from Canadian, Texas.
06:34It's in the panhandle of Texas.
06:38I grew up ranching on my family's farm or ranch, sorry.
06:45And I've been riding horses for as long as I can remember.
06:48I do body work.
06:52I ranch rodeoed last summer.
06:54That's a picture from that.
06:57And I've shown since I was a junior in high school.
07:01And after high school, I showed at Texas Tech on their ranch horse team.
07:07So in school, you show horses in school, being a competitive person.
07:10What about school?
07:11Do you do any school sports or anything like that along with your horse sports?
07:17I played basketball until I was a freshman in high school, and I quit to focus more on
07:23I high school rodeoed, and I was a cheerleader for a couple of years in high school, but
07:27mainly just rodeo and showing cowhorses.
07:32And then after high school, you went on to college, Texas Tech, and what'd you do there?
07:39I majored in animal science with a minor in business, and I was on the ranch horse team
07:45at Tech.
07:48And as far as the ranch horse team, because I'm not familiar with how that works.
07:53We had some college kids on a while back that did some competing, and what they were competing
07:58in, where they went to different competitions, they didn't take their own horse.
08:02They showed up and had to ride whatever horse was there.
08:04Is that the same thing with what you were doing, or were you allowed to bring your own
08:09So for the ranch horse team, you ride your own horse.
08:12At Tech, they have tryouts.
08:14So you try out, and there's four events that you compete in in college at the Stock Horse
08:20of Texas shows.
08:21You do reining, and then you do cow work, and then pleasure and trail.
08:25And so you try out all four events, and then there's also an interview process that you
08:31do with some board members and some potential teammates.
08:36And from there, you try on your own horse, and there's an opportunity to show school
08:40horses once you're there, but for the most part, you show your own horse.
08:46And how did your college career go?
08:48How'd that go for you?
08:50It was good.
08:51It was a good growing experience for me.
08:53It's a completely different environment whenever you're showing for a team versus yourself.
08:59You have teammates depending on you to get points, to win shows.
09:05So it's a different kind of environment, but it was a good growing experience, and I feel
09:08like that pressure helped me become a better competitor in the arena.
09:15All right.
09:16And besides your ranch horse show horse stuff, what other ... You're doing some ranch rodeos,
09:21you're doing some breakaway roping, you're doing some other stuff like that.
09:24What do you got going on?
09:27So I did the women's ranch rodeos last summer, Women's Ranch Rodeo Association.
09:34And other than that, I team rope.
09:36Me and my dad team rope a lot.
09:38I don't really rodeo since I graduated high school.
09:43Just a lot of working on the ranch and showing horses.
09:49I want to circle back to this video because I feel like I have to ask you the two questions
09:54that is probably everybody's reaction.
09:58One is, what did you do to that animal that came at you with such a personal vendetta?
10:04And two, just are you okay?
10:06Yes, I'm good.
10:09I mean, I don't feel like I did anything.
10:12Oh man.
10:16You know, the comment section went crazy on that and there's a lot of comments were, those
10:21dang charlays, them crazy charlays, it was half the comments in there.
10:28So speaking of ranching, on your fame, the ranch, what do you run in there as far as cattle
10:34We have some Coriannies and some crossbreds between Coriannies and beef cows and then
10:39some beef cows, kind of a mixture.
10:44And so you do have a little business that you run, the Bar HL Equine Body Works.
10:49You want to kind of tell us a little bit about that?
10:53So body work, for people who've never heard of it, it's a combination of applied kinesiology,
11:00acupressure, myofascial release, and musculoskeletal unwinding.
11:09It's not chiropractics, which is a common misconception.
11:14It's more closer to, I like to compare it to physical therapy.
11:20That's an easy kind of link there.
11:23There's lots of just releasing muscles and moving the body in ways to help fix problem
11:32All right.
11:34And when you're not ranching, when you're not rodeoing, you're just kicking back to
11:40relax, take a load off, what do you find yourself doing?
11:46I like to read.
11:48I like to spend lots of time outside.
11:50I live right on a little creek.
11:53Really north of Canadian.
11:54And so I just like to kind of hang out and read and hang out with my dogs.
12:01Last book you read?
12:03Last book I read, I'm trying to think what it's called, A Thousand Boy Kisses.
12:17And feel free to choose that one if you want, but I was going to ask out of your favorite
12:21books or anything like that, what story world would you want to go vacation into?
12:26What I want to vacation into?
12:30I don't know that I necessarily want to vacation into it, but my favorite book series is A
12:35Court of Thorn and Roses.
12:37It's more of a fantasy type world.
12:39I don't know if I want to vacation in it, but it is my favorite world to read about.
12:45All right.
12:47Well, thanks for coming on and tell us a little about you and what you've been up to and what
12:52you do and get your thoughts on your viral video.
12:55For your equine body works, if somebody's interested in that or having something done,
13:00where do they need to go to find you?
13:03I have a Facebook page, RHL Equine Body Works.
13:07So look you up there.
13:09All right.
13:10Well, Grayson, we appreciate you visiting with us and taking a little bit of time out
13:14of your day to talk to us.
13:15We wish you good luck at the next show.
13:20Anything about that?
13:22She made it.
13:23I forgot to ask her about that, but she had, after that, they gave her another cow or yearling,
13:35whatever you want to call it, and she ended up getting a pretty good score.
13:39Oh, good.
13:40Cowgirl tough.
13:41That's what they say, right?
13:44Tougher than boot leather.
13:46Yeah, because that video does look wild.
13:48You can see why it went viral.
13:50Man, and that down the fence stuff, I like that, and I've always thought about giving
13:58it a shot, but then also I remember, man, you're old, and if that was to happen.
14:01Yeah, if that happened to you, you wouldn't be sitting here in this interview.
14:06I would have broken everything.
14:08So yeah, that would not have worked out.
14:10Would not have worked out well.
14:13What do you have sitting over there?
14:17You're asking me?
14:19Oh, my goodness.
14:21You got some crazy stories.
14:22I've got the one.
14:23Do you want me to ask you about the island?
14:25So I heard about this island for sale.
14:27Epstein Island?
14:28Not that one.
14:30Drake's Island, named after Sir Francis Drake.
14:32Okay, Drake.
14:33I thought it was like that rapper guy.
14:35Yeah, Drake's Island.
14:36Why does this rapper guy got an island?
14:38He's always just hanging around there.
14:39It's unexplained.
14:40He's just there.
14:41You know who else is there?
14:4215 Ghosts.
14:45It was used as a military, I guess, point.
14:52I don't know if it was a defense area.
14:54It's along the coast, so that sounds about right.
14:56And there's still some old barracks there, artillery areas, stuff that's buried.
15:02But they say that it does come with 15 ghosts that are wandering around as well.
15:08And how would you get away from the ghosts?
15:10Because you're in the island, so you're going to run out to sea.
15:14And then if you run out into the water, you're going to get attacked by a mermaid.
15:18Are you afraid of the mermaid?
15:20I don't know.
15:21I don't know either.
15:22I don't know.
15:24Because you've got to think, a mermaid that's out there in the ocean,
15:28it's going to have some shark teeth, like jaws.
15:31Oh, see, we're picturing different mermaids.
15:33So they're probably going to get bit.
15:35So you're a fantasy mermaid, you're a horror movie.
15:38Well, if there's a ghost, maybe it's a ghost mermaid.
15:42Why can't it be a mermaid?
15:43It could be that, too.
15:45Then you're really in trouble.
15:47Speaking of being in trouble, I've been watching Shameless.
15:49I love that show.
15:51I'm a couple seasons in.
15:52Wait, the American one?
15:54Which one?
15:56I'm a couple seasons in.
15:57I love that show.
15:58That's pretty interesting.
15:59He ran into a merman a few times in season two.
16:04But he had the bills to pay.
16:07I tried to watch the old one, or the original one.
16:09I made it about 30 seconds in, and I was like,
16:11this opening sequence looks too clean.
16:13This cannot be the Gallaghers.
16:15And it turned out.
16:16No, I think I'm halfway through season two in that thing.
16:20Halfway through.
16:22What do we have?
16:24Do we have anything over there, or do we have a Guinness World Record?
16:28We do have a Guinness World Record.
16:30We've got a world record.
16:32We've got a creepy Guinness World Record.
16:34You know, I've always wondered about this,
16:36because we have a lot of these world records.
16:38And I'm always wondering,
16:40who is sitting around looking through the old Guinness books?
16:45That was the old thing in the old days in school.
16:47You get the book out, and you go through and read.
16:49You know, who's got this, that, whatever.
16:51Who's thinking, I wonder who's got the widest tongue?
16:55I don't know.
16:57I do notice a pattern in these stories, though,
16:59where it's always the person who broke the record
17:01there's always a statement of
17:03oh, well, I only called it in
17:05because I heard about so-and-so having a record
17:08and mine was more than them.
17:10That's what she said.
17:12But someone had to set the record in the first place.
17:14So this woman is in Texas
17:16because they say everything's bigger in Texas.
17:19So apparently, her tongue is.
17:24Okay, yeah, I haven't seen the photos.
17:26So this woman in Texas was awarded the Guinness World Record
17:28with surprising,
17:30this story's nuts,
17:32the surprising contents of her mouth
17:36with a 3-inch, 11,
17:38no, 3,
17:40it says 3.11-inch wide tongue.
17:48She learned about the former record holder, Emily,
17:50who was 2.89 inches wide.
17:54She's like, well, mine's 3.11.
17:56Mine's gonna be bigger.
17:58So her tongue's actually 1-inch wider than,
18:00what, an inch wider than it is long?
18:02Is that what it says?
18:04The flap.
18:06Tongue's got a flap.
18:08This is just,
18:10I guess I share your confusion now.
18:14Like, okay, I guess.
18:18The male version was almost 3.5 inches wide.
18:22That's Brian.
18:25So you got Brian,
18:27you got Brittany,
18:29and poor Emily, she lost.
18:31But I don't know.
18:33I'm just wondering who's,
18:35you're like, man, I think you got a
18:37big tongue.
18:39Why don't you measure that?
18:41Who told her that?
18:43That's what I want to know.
18:45How did it even come about?
18:47Like, hey, why don't you look that up
18:49and see what the record is?
18:51No clue.
18:53There could be something out there that you are the record holder on
18:55and you don't even know it.
18:57I need to start looking.
19:01I probably am.
19:03Probably the record holder on something
19:05called the worst show
19:07on TV.
19:09We'll call it in. Where's our hotline?
19:11We'll do it on the air right now.
19:13Hey, what's this all about?
19:15We do have some,
19:17I guess while we're waiting on our next
19:19guest to come in, we do have some
19:21show trailers
19:23to show you guys.
19:27What am I watching next?
19:29What are we watching next?
19:31What have I been watching next?
19:33What did I watch yesterday?
19:35I was watching Mindhunter.
19:37I think I was in season two of Mindhunter.
19:39There's a couple of these.
19:41The one that seems interesting,
19:43when I first saw this come up,
19:45I was like, oh, this is going to be dumb.
19:47But it is a
19:51and it's Wyatt Earp.
19:53They're making another Wyatt Earp, but it's a docudrama
19:55so that means they're going to have some history
19:57stuff in there and then they're going to have some
19:59people in crappy costumes
20:01also. Because anytime they do these
20:03with a Western, that was
20:05stupid enough costume you've ever seen on.
20:07It has nothing to do with the period
20:09or even makes sense, but they do it anyway.
20:11You've got to sit through
20:13the crappy costumes
20:15to learn about this. Wyatt Earp
20:17and the Cowboy Wars coming
20:19to the TV.
20:47Virgil Morgan and
20:49Wyatt Earp.
20:51The Cowboys were a notorious criminal
20:53gang like the Mafia.
20:55They had a mob boss, Ike
20:57Clanton. Ike wanted to send
20:59out a warning that the Cowboys
21:01were as powerful as ever.
21:03The whole Earp family got targeted
21:05following the OK crowd.
21:09I'm going to kill
21:11every one of them.
21:13He was seeking revenge
21:16in any way he could get it.
21:18It became known as
21:20the Vendetta Ride.
21:22He is now
21:24going rogue, becoming a vigilante.
21:26Ike had found a way
21:28to stoke up the flames of the past.
21:34There's big money involved here.
21:36Even the President of the United States feels that he has
21:38to intervene.
21:40He's got violence,
21:42he's got family.
21:44Everybody on the edge of their seats wondering what's going to happen.
21:50The stage was set
21:52between Wyatt Earp and Ike Clanton.
21:57The future of America was at stake.
22:11Seems interesting.
22:13Seems interesting.
22:15I'll watch it for the history.
22:17And the actual photos
22:19of history.
22:21Because I was there.
22:23Your history education from Netflix.
22:25Because I was there.
22:27When I was in
22:29Arizona with Tombstone.
22:31Check it out.
22:33While we were in Tombstone,
22:35we went to the birdcage.
22:37We had a private
22:39night time
22:41ghost hunt.
22:43Ghost watch.
22:45At the birdcage.
22:47That's cool.
22:49That was pretty good.
22:51Would you do it again?
22:53It's a long drive.
22:55Way to sell it.
22:57It's a long drive.
22:59The history is there.
23:01You get to see a lot of the old stuff.
23:03The old buildings, the old things, the old graveyards.
23:05We've seen where the Johnny Ringo's grave
23:07supposedly is at still.
23:09Got to see that.
23:11Some other stuff.
23:13Wandered around the town.
23:15Saw some shows.
23:17Went to Big Nose Kate's.
23:21I got some interesting photos on the wall
23:23of the folks that used to work in the old days.
23:25They dressed different.
23:27Unless you go to Harry Hines,
23:29then they dress the same.
23:31I saw a video about that.
23:33There's a guy on YouTube that does that.
23:36Just to document?
23:40I saw it the other day because I was pulling up some stuff
23:42on YouTube and it popped up.
23:44I was like, what the heck is this?
23:46Yeah, looks about right.
23:48All the ladies know him.
23:50They're like, oh, that's just so-and-so.
23:52He drives around and films us.
23:54I guess it's documentation in case something happens.
23:56Like a video footage of this.
23:58In case someone gets murdered.
24:02You want to talk about beef?
24:04You want to talk about some beef?
24:06Who's got the beef? You got beef?
24:08Everybody's got beef?
24:10We're going to talk about beef but also
24:12we're going to show the little clip first
24:14or are we just going to jump right into it?
24:16Let's see what's happening here
24:18at these schools and then we'll discuss.
24:24Demand from the parent side
24:26saying please feed my kids
24:28real food instead of
24:30feed my kids whatever comes out of that
24:32plastic bag.
24:34The Barnard family farm has been serving our community
24:36for nearly 100 years.
24:38But recently they started to provide meat
24:40to some of our local schools.
24:42School lunches went viral because there were
24:4426 ingredients in a ground beef patty.
24:46And those range from
24:48fillers like soybean protein
24:50and things like that
24:52down to just straight chemicals.
24:54I don't want my kid to eat
24:5626 ingredients out of something that should be one.
24:58Blair Barnard tells me those 26 ingredients
25:00were the reason she wanted to start serving students.
25:02Barnard says there should only be
25:04one ingredient in beef
25:06and the meat from her farm provides just that
25:08100% real beef.
25:10Local kids will be able to eat beef
25:12that was grown right here
25:14and the more you can shorten that food cycle
25:16where things are not being trucked all the way across
25:18the country or put on ships
25:20and brought across the ocean
25:22that's better for the person, it's better for the economy
25:24it's better for everybody really.
25:26Now the meat from this local farm is delivered to
25:28our area school districts
25:30McGregor, Crawford and Limpassus
25:32giving our students healthy
25:34and nutritious meals.
25:36But Barnard says this would not have been possible
25:38without teachers or employees at our local
25:40schools who care.
25:42These employees took it on themselves and said
25:44we need to provide better for our students
25:46and we need to work harder for our students
25:48and provide them the best food that we can
25:50that to me is just incredible.
25:54That is a good thing
25:57That's a good thing
25:59and we're going to talk to Blair right here
26:01about this. Blair, what's happening?
26:03I'm doing good, how are you?
26:05We are doing good talking about the beef
26:07seeing what's going on in the world of beef
26:09so tell us
26:11how did this come about
26:13before we get off into
26:15the schools
26:17let's go back
26:19to you
26:21you grew up farming, ranching
26:23in a ranching household
26:25well I did and I didn't
26:27my dad was a rancher
26:29but my parents were divorced
26:31so I was definitely
26:33my dad's little
26:35gate opener and cow checker
26:37until I was about 11 years old
26:39and then the divorce of Cold World War 3
26:41in our household started
26:43and I went away from ranching and farming completely
26:45until 2015 I came back
26:47to take over the family ranch
26:51and when you did that
26:53was it set up as you are now as far as the beef
26:55or how did it come about
26:57from when you took it over
26:59until you got to where you are now
27:01no I was actually a business consultant
27:03in entrepreneurship
27:05and did some
27:07professor work on the side as well
27:09and owned a construction company
27:11so when I came back
27:13we were just a straight stocker operation
27:15we had about 250 mom and cows
27:17and ran about 6,000 head of stockers
27:19since then
27:21we've expanded several times
27:23we now do replacement heifers
27:25we still have our stocker operation
27:27we've pared down our mom and cows quite a bit
27:29we've added on quite a bit of land
27:31almost doubled our size
27:33and more than doubled our size of stockers
27:35so the beef operation really came on
27:37because I was making it for our family
27:39and it was
27:41it's the ones that every rancher eats
27:43for their own beef
27:45the one that has the busted foot
27:47or the crooked head
27:49and so we would finish those out
27:51for our family
27:53and we had friends come over for dinner here and there
27:55and after eating our food
27:57they would say hey I want to buy some beef from you
27:59and so it just kind of grew out of that
28:01in the 2019 time frame
28:03shortly after my dad passed
28:05ok and when
28:07you started selling to them
28:09and then
28:11decided that
28:13you would go public with it
28:15what was the transition
28:18was it friends and family
28:20that was like hey I think I can make a go with this
28:22no not really
28:24it's never going to be our main operation
28:26we take about 500
28:28of the best
28:30of the 17,000
28:32and make those into beef
28:34so we were not in any way trying to replace
28:36our regular income
28:38this was just something to
28:40you know help out friends and family
28:42that wanted a little bit higher quality product
28:44and then when COVID hit
28:46before that it was
28:48you know a friend would say
28:50hey I've got two
28:52butcher dates I've got one for me and one
28:54for my guys I can add on up to three more
28:56does anybody want any on Facebook
28:58it wasn't anything organized
29:00it was just to my personal Facebook friends
29:02and we'd sell a few here and there
29:04but it wasn't anything we really worried about
29:06but in 2020 when the shelves
29:08were empty we had
29:10cattle that three weeks earlier
29:12would have sold for around $1.50
29:14that I was putting on a truck
29:16selling for $1.80
29:18and I said you know we have 33 head left over
29:20I can't do anything with that
29:22so I might as well offer
29:24it to people that can't get beef on the shelves
29:26and this was in April of 2020
29:28right about the time all the craziness started
29:30and so we called
29:32got some butcher dates with a new processor in the area
29:34and I said
29:36you know if I just sell these out by the end of the year
29:38I'll be happy and I sold out in two weeks
29:40so we went from
29:42doing maybe five head
29:44to anyone that wasn't our family
29:46in a year to
29:4833 in two weeks
29:50it was pretty crazy
29:52that's a lot of beef
29:54it is now we're up to 500 head a year
29:56now did you have to
29:58did you have to put in a cooler
30:02the first thing that I bought
30:04was actually we would pick up at the butcher
30:06and take directly to our customers
30:08in just trucks
30:10it was more of a necessity
30:12thing and most of them would pick up
30:14at the processor because they didn't
30:16want us touching their product because
30:18no one really knew what COVID was at the time
30:20and so they would pick up
30:22directly from the butcher and we really would not
30:24take possession of anything
30:26from there we added a couple of
30:28in garage freezers
30:30now we're up to a 40 foot shipping
30:32container and a
30:34probably 5 to 600
30:36square foot room to do packing
30:39we have two freezer trailers
30:41and an insert that is
30:43an old communications van
30:45from Fort Hood that we
30:47use in our duallys to deliver
30:51you're doing delivery now
30:53but you're also doing shipping
30:55we don't do
30:57shipping we're partnering with a
30:59new business out of Austin that's wanting to start
31:01shipping we do partner
31:03with Farmbox delivery out
31:05of the Dallas and Austin area
31:07to do home delivery
31:09and they go directly to your home
31:11we don't do home delivery because it might be
31:13a 70 year old lady it might be me
31:15with 3 kids or it might be
31:174 enormous scary dudes
31:19showing up at your house at 8 o'clock at night
31:21you know either one of those are
31:23not necessarily the best option
31:25so we decided that local meetups
31:27would be our best option
31:29save everybody a little money
31:31so we've partnered for other things
31:33we don't ship just we're so far
31:35we don't necessarily have the staff for it at this time
31:37ok alright
31:39so how did this
31:41this deal you've got worked out
31:43now with the local
31:45school district how'd that come about
31:47crazily enough
31:49it had nothing to do with me
31:51we've gotten a lot
31:53it's gone viral several times
31:55we've gotten a lot of interview requests
31:57and it's been wonderful but
31:59it was actually the school employees
32:01that this was important to
32:03they reached out to me
32:05Lisa Mays at the McGregor
32:07the McGregor food director reached out
32:09to me
32:11she was having a hard time getting pricing
32:13that would work with the grant
32:15even with a grant
32:17they had branches that were wanting them to go
32:21$2.50 a pound from the commissary
32:23all the way up to $10 or $12
32:25per pound for beef
32:27grass finished operations
32:29it's an understandable reasoning on their pricing
32:31so she reached out to me
32:33because we actually raise cattle
32:35right across the street
32:37from the school
32:39and she thought that would be neat
32:41the cattle raised across the street
32:43would be a very short food cycle for the kids
32:45so she reached out to me
32:47she found out that other schools
32:49were having the same problem
32:51of not being able to find a producer
32:53that could make it at a reasonable rate
32:55that the grant could pick up the extra price on
32:57and she reached out to other schools
33:00and then I reached out to my kids school
33:02Crawford ISD and Anna Chris
33:04to see if they were interested
33:06so it was very organic
33:08the neatest part about it
33:10this was not a sales process for me
33:12this was not me going out to
33:143 or 5 or 6 schools
33:16and saying hey pick me
33:18buy from me
33:20it was the school employees
33:22who we all know are underpaid and overworked
33:24doing extra work to make their kids
33:26get the best possible nutrition
33:28I was wondering
33:30when it comes to more likely customers
33:32that have been eating it
33:34this is good stuff
33:36let's get it to the kids
33:38right here is local
33:40you know where it's coming from
33:42I know there's so much stuff on the internet
33:44about the beef
33:46what's in it, where it comes from
33:48what they have to do
33:50what has to be done
33:52for shelf life in a grocery store
33:54versus freezer packs
33:56and to get something
33:58like that to the local schools
34:00that's grown locally
34:02locally sourced, I know where it's coming from
34:04I know where it's been
34:06it's going to be a lot better for the kids
34:08and for the community
34:10who doesn't want to eat
34:12good beef
34:16I didn't even know
34:18excuse me, my alarm is going off
34:20I didn't even know that school lunches
34:22had gone viral in 2012
34:24I was a middle aged kid
34:26I didn't know that a single beef patty
34:28had 26 ingredients in it
34:30I recently read an article
34:32where I think a McDonald's burger
34:34had 200 strains of DNA in it
34:36I had no context
34:38of that because my kids
34:40take their lunch every single day
34:42so when they reached out to me
34:44and asked me for things like nutrition labels
34:46and ingredients
34:48I said I am not trying to be a smart aleck
34:50but it's beef
34:52ingredients, beef
34:54in an email, that's all I've got
34:56and they said send that to us with some nutritional
34:58facts and so I just looked up
35:00the USDA 8020
35:02nutritional facts and sent that to them
35:04and they said this really helps us
35:06to lower the number of ingredients
35:08in our school lunches and so that was one of the reasons
35:10they wanted to do it
35:12and like I said I had no context of that
35:14I had no idea
35:16and I think that's the coolest part about this
35:18that's why we wanted to
35:21make it feasible for them
35:23I'm willing to sell it at cost
35:25I think I make about 5 cents a pound
35:27off of this beef because
35:29I thought it was really neat that employees
35:31were the ones who were
35:33working so hard to make this happen
35:35it wasn't the kids complaining about the food
35:37it wasn't some
35:39fear mongering parent
35:41coming in and saying
35:43oh this beef is part of some
35:45industrial complex and we can't eat it
35:47it was an employee saying
35:49I want better for the kids that I serve
35:51and I think that's incredible
35:53and it's something that needs to be honored
35:55I just think it's wonderful
35:57and with your beef and those
35:59that want to do the boxed beef
36:01or if they want to shop local or whatever
36:03what's the best website
36:05to send them to?
36:09so my name
36:11is Blair Bernard and the company
36:13is named Bernard Beef Cattle Company
36:15we're on Facebook and Instagram
36:17but no one can spell Bernard
36:19they always spell it with an E
36:21so I went out and said
36:23oh I've got to get a better email
36:25I've got to get a better website for this
36:27so it's
36:29and actually the steaks
36:31one of the ways that I could make this work
36:33for the communities
36:35so if you want to support your schools
36:37there's a great way to do it
36:39our customers always wanted ground beef
36:41and they wanted steaks
36:43well in order to make that happen
36:45they wanted roasts and short ribs
36:47and shanks and skirt steaks
36:49and all these other things
36:51and so I'd say oh you can have steaks
36:53in this box with a roast in it
36:55and so oh you want five ribeyes
36:57no problem here's five ribeyes
36:59and a short rib
37:01and so I was always trying to get those other meats
37:03in there to make a good retail mix
37:05well now because of this
37:07I have about 30 calves worth of steaks
37:09in the freezer right now
37:11that have just been processed and are ready to go
37:14just like the ground beef
37:16so the kids are getting a fantastic product
37:18that they are getting properly finished beef
37:20that has been dry aged
37:22for 14 days
37:24then ground and processed locally
37:26in a very clean USDA certified process
37:28to the point that
37:30whenever we got back the first set of steaks
37:32two of the eight calves
37:34that we took in
37:36graded prime
37:38so these kids are getting literally prime beef
37:40in some options
37:43and with some of the steaks we are able to get back out
37:45their most graded choice
37:47plus or prime
37:49so it's been great
37:51our customers are loving it
37:53they're getting ribeyes for sirloin prices
37:55and they've been kind of buying us out
37:57we got 40 orders over the weekend
38:01that's going to keep you busy
38:03it is it is
38:05and I'm the one who helps do a lot of the packing
38:07so I get to spend about 9 hours
38:09at the end of August in a freezer
38:11well right now it's 100 degrees outside
38:13so I think I'd take going in the freezer for a little while
38:15it does feel good for the first bit
38:17it's when you go back outside
38:19it is no fun whatsoever
38:21well Blair I tell you what
38:23we appreciate you visiting with us
38:25and tell us a little about what you got going on
38:27about your boxes and your beef
38:29and we will tell folks about it
38:31and wish you luck down the road
38:33thank you so much
38:35I appreciate y'all's time
38:37and I hope everybody has a great day
38:39if there's any other school districts in your area
38:41look for a ranch in your area
38:43we only have room for one more school
38:45and we have two that have already asked us
38:47so we're happy to talk to people
38:49we're happy to help other ranches
38:51other schools any way we can
38:53totally open book
38:55but there are other ranches locally that are doing this
38:57so I hope that y'all will look
38:59or these schools will look local when they go to purchase
39:01alright well thank you
39:03thank you bye bye
39:05that was at the very end
39:07my next thoughts were going to be
39:09I hope this does spread
39:11that other ranches maybe in other areas
39:13out of her reach and other schools
39:15get this set up in more areas
39:17that's fantastic
39:19and to check it out
39:21let's look at a
39:23trailer I seen the other day
39:25when I was at the theater
39:27looks pretty good
39:29high stakes thriller
39:31with an airplane
39:33it's called a flight risk
39:37I never flew U.S. Marshal before
39:39hope you like flying
39:41beautiful day for it
39:47Deputy Harris
39:49hope you like flying
39:51beautiful day for it
39:55I never flew U.S. Marshal before
39:57why is he all chained up
39:59I have to get him to New York
40:01so we can testify against the Moretti crime family
40:03okay hey
40:17is it always this bumpy
40:19a number of passengers left their lunch up here
40:21I can open a snack bar
40:27your neck okay
40:29you got a scratch there
40:31maintenance occupational hazard
40:35don't touch me
40:37I'm a real life
40:45psycho killer
40:47qu'est-ce que c'est
40:57Moretti is very disappointed in you Winston
40:59and he wants you dead
41:05don't shoot him we need him
41:07mayday mayday
41:09we've been compromised
41:11the pilot's a hitman
41:15I'm gonna tear you apart
41:19the tiny little pieces
41:21they're gonna need the entire forensics team
41:23to identify you
41:25tell me how to fly this thing
41:27or we will die out here
41:31clearly you're mistaking me for somebody who actually gives a
41:33you hear that
41:35looks military
41:37you think he's there to help
41:39he's there to shoot you down
41:43come on damn it
41:51pull up
41:57y'all need a pilot
41:59psycho killer
42:01qu'est-ce que c'est
42:07check that out
42:09check it out
42:11watch it or not
42:13watch it or not
42:15just like the PBR you can watch it or not
42:17PBR is on Merritt street right now
42:21it's on Merritt street
42:23the PBR is
42:25what's Merritt street
42:27the PBR on Merritt street
42:29he put the PBR on there
42:31you can watch it if you'd like
42:33on Merritt street
42:35on your phone, your tablet
42:37your TV
42:39and uh
42:41yeah it's there
42:43what else we got happening
42:45every now and then you might have a story of
42:47cattle that's loose, watch for this brand
42:49kind of a
42:51similar thing
42:53only this time it's an escaped peacock
42:55in Cape Cod
42:57whoa double entendre
42:59it was captured and returned to his home
43:01they captured the peacock
43:03they did
43:07sometimes there's different pronunciations
43:09I'm going with Harwich because this is my first read through the story
43:11Harwich Animal Control
43:13it did say that Pete
43:15that's his name by the way
43:17Pete the peacock was chased off his property
43:19on Sunday and
43:21repeatedly spotted in the lake area
43:23before he was captured
43:25so you got a peacock named Peter
43:27that is weird
43:29but not to be confused with the free roaming
43:31peacock, Brewster
43:33what? there's more than one?
43:35are they friends? are they rivals? is that why Pete got out?
43:39track down Brewster and end it once and for all
43:41Brewster is nervous around strangers
43:43stranger danger
43:45but people give him food so
43:47he hangs around
43:49that's always good to get a snack if you're a peacock
43:51looking for a snack
43:53running around out there
43:55we know we're talking about beef earlier
43:57there is a thing that pops up
43:59the North Texas Beef to Table
44:01connection, those looking for beef
44:03if you go on Facebook there's a group right there
44:05and you can
44:07find beef, you can even find the Bernard
44:09Beef from the Bernard
44:11Beef Ranch that was on
44:13earlier talking about
44:15getting stuff, if you go on Facebook you can jump
44:17in there on that group and there is a lot
44:19of folks that are selling beef if you'd like
44:21to get some Farm to Table
44:25it's what's for dinner
44:27and don't forget to look at
44:29you can check out those
44:31beef boxes
44:33beatboxing, are they beatboxing the beef boxes?
44:35I don't know it's catchy
44:37it's fun to say, beef box
44:39go buy yourself a beef box and then you get to talk about it
44:41you got beef with that box?
44:43what else is happening?
44:45what other crazy stories do you have?
44:47that you know what
44:49we may have gone through
44:51it all there, let's see
44:53forgive me to grab my
44:55notes, I had phone issues this week
44:57I didn't get to print it out
44:59I went to Disneyland
45:01one time, or Disney World, I get them mixed up
45:03I wasn't sure if you wanted to get into that
45:05yeah, Disney
45:07I've been there
45:09I go to the Disney that's in Florida
45:11or Flo Rida
45:13that's the one I go to
45:15I don't go to the one in California, it's too far
45:18I go to Florida
45:20well Disney
45:22there is a lawsuit
45:24but whether or not the family can even sue
45:26is being disputed right now
45:28and I'm trying to find our
45:30details, but
45:32when you sign up for Disney Plus
45:34that's a TV, right?
45:36like any other service or anything
45:38there's frequently those terms of service
45:40you agree to the terms of service
45:42that nobody reads, yeah
45:44and it seems to apply to that agreement
45:46I'm not gonna pay you the $10 or $14
45:48or whatever a month or
45:50$80 a year, and I agree
45:52I pay you this, you give me this
45:54I signed that
45:56Jeffrey Piccolo
45:58and Dr.
46:00I hope I can say
46:04and his wife
46:08I apologize, I have not
46:10heard her name pronounced
46:12the doctor
46:14she consumed
46:16food that contained allergens to her
46:18and she passed away
46:20her family
46:24looking at
46:26Disney, I guess, addressing this issue
46:28and they're looking
46:30for a wrongful death lawsuit
46:32and Disney is trying to get that dismissed
46:34going back to, as I said a minute ago
46:36those terms of service that were related
46:38to the Disney Plus agreement
46:40nobody reads the terms of service
46:42I feel like even if you did
46:44and I don't have those in front of me
46:46it's long, it's a lot
46:48and I feel like even if you know that you're agreeing
46:50you're not gonna sue in that
46:52it's clearly related to the Disney Plus, right?
46:54There's gotta be, it's not like you ate the TV
46:56Right, yeah
46:58I don't think that agreement
47:00Watching TV and eating food at Disneyland
47:02is kinda different
47:04What did she eat?
47:06Oh, you know, I don't know if it's said
47:08What was this allergen that she had?
47:10They took the restaurant to clarify
47:12and they assured them
47:14no, it did not have this ingredient in it
47:16They were incorrect
47:18I don't know if it
47:20I don't know if that's reported
47:22and based on what's reported, I don't know if that's really
47:24the staff at the restaurant's fault
47:26maybe that was an ingredient they weren't aware was included
47:28maybe they didn't do their due diligence
47:30to check, we don't know where that breakdown happened
47:34she did consume that ingredient
47:36and she passed away
47:38so, that's just not a mistake
47:40that should happen
47:42And also, if you're watching TV
47:44it shouldn't
47:46have effect
47:48with your food
47:50Yeah, I feel like you were
47:52I'm pretty sure that, I know that they're probably
47:54you know, they get the legalese
47:56and the high power lawyers, they go through there
47:58and they're like, well you said
48:00that when you wanted to watch TV, you weren't gonna sue us
48:04we wanted to watch TV
48:06I feel like the agreement to watch TV
48:08and then the business exchange of
48:10buying this food that should be safe for me
48:12those are two separate transactions
48:14Disney is
48:16trying to get the lawsuit dismissed
48:18arguing that it is all covered
48:20under those terms of service, though
48:24I know there's nothing
48:26Disney can do to bring
48:28her back, but I'm sure
48:30there's some point
48:32they'll come to a dollar amount
48:34and throw some money at them
48:36and make it go away
48:38That's what they did, right?
48:40Yeah, and I think the concern
48:42Should they do that? Yes, but they need to figure out
48:44where this breakdown happened
48:46But then you need to go back and
48:48find out what restaurant it was
48:50where it was at
48:52where'd they eat, what'd they eat
48:54Right, yeah
48:56who made the food
48:58If they would've gotten some
49:00Bernard Beef, the one ingredient
49:02is beef, so they wouldn't have
49:04any issues
49:06It's all beef? Eat beef
49:08Fresh farm beef
49:10Eat that
49:12I think Disney has their hands full, though
49:14and I wasn't familiar with the star
49:16They had another one of their
49:18Disney kid grown-up stars now
49:20was arrested
49:22I don't have details on that, though
49:24just because I look at this
49:26maybe I'm old now, and I have no idea
49:28who these people are
49:30Kids grow up and they do
49:34They go to prison, things happen
49:36You don't know who
49:38so-and-so is?
49:40No, I don't
49:42I don't watch Disney. I'm old enough
49:44to not watch cartoons
49:46I don't think I had Disney when I was a kid
49:48I knew it was a thing out there, but I lived in the country
49:50We didn't have cable
49:52We had four channels
49:54maybe four channels
49:56Disney was not one of those
49:58Two of them were the same
50:00because we got ABC from DFW and ABC from East Texas
50:02Out of our handful of channels
50:04two of them were the same
50:06Speaking of channels, I've got a problem
50:08with my TV
50:10I have
50:12an antenna outside
50:14hooked to the TV
50:16and I watch the local channels on the TV
50:18The other day
50:20for some reason
50:22the antenna didn't pick up at all
50:24Your TV need to be reset?
50:26So I scan channels again
50:28I check the other rooms
50:32You've reached the end of my IT knowledge with that
50:34So I go, OK, maybe the antenna is bad
50:36I did buy it at a junk auction
50:38for like $20
50:40It's worked for a couple of years
50:42Did you turn it off and turn it back on again?
50:44I even unplugged and plugged it back in
50:46See, you should be good
50:48So I go out there and I take it down
50:50I order a brand new one
50:52I put the brand new antenna up
50:54Hook everything up
50:58Still not working
51:00So I took the new antenna
51:02put it back in the box, set it back
51:04hook the old antenna back up
51:06Still not working
51:08So how do I have a TV?
51:10Huh, yeah, that's strange
51:12It's weird because I have multiple TVs
51:14that run off that antenna
51:16and it's weird that none of them will pick up
51:18Yeah, so it's an antenna issue
51:20So it's got to be an antenna because none of them picks up
51:22Mine's been working
51:24but I live in the Metroplex
51:26So I'm like, why is it not working?
51:28So I just have to watch
51:32You know what I've been watching on Netflix?
51:34I started watching The Resident
51:36and I know I'm like 7 or 8 years behind
51:38probably on that show, but I started watching it
51:40purely because the main character
51:42was one of the actors from Gilmore Girls
51:44Turns out it's a great show
51:46Huh, The Resident? What's it about?
51:48It's a hospital show
51:50I would call it
51:52mostly house
51:54with a little bit of old ER
51:56I like it
51:58I've been watching a lot of junk on Netflix lately
52:00and there's more junk on Netflix too
52:02that's happening
52:04A lot of people got mad at this guy
52:06for some reason a while back
52:08and then I guess they got over it
52:10but the kid's funny
52:12and he really blew up
52:14because of the TikTok
52:16and all the crap on TikTok
52:18and his main thing is
52:20crowd work, working the crowd
52:22that's what he does, and he's hilarious
52:24and his marketing team was really getting those
52:26little video clips out there
52:28and I'm like, man this is...
52:30So he's going to do a crowd work special
52:32on the Netflix
52:34that they're going to film in North Carolina
52:36it's coming up
52:38so check out this
52:42this trailer here for
52:44the comedy special
52:48called crowd work special
52:54so I don't know, check it out
52:56This show is going to be completely different
52:58from anything you've seen live or on Netflix before
53:02This is an entire crowd work special
53:04this is just me and you guys, I don't know what you're going to say
53:06I don't know what I'm going to say
53:08I want you guys to be aware you are equally as at fault
53:10for how this goes
53:14I've never been this hard this early in a show
53:16you look like if you click your heels together
53:18three times you go back to Atlanta
53:22we all thought you were f***ing your dad
53:24next time you guys see some haters
53:26in my comments going
53:28all he does is crowd work, it's so easy
53:30is it?
53:32is it the easiest s***
53:34I could ever do?
53:36is it just handed to me?
